
Encrypting Word, Excel & PDF Files with built-in Application Encryption

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Follow these easy to use instructions for encrypting Word, Excel, and Acrobat files using built-in features.

Encrypting Word & Excel Documents
  1. For Word and/or Excel files, first click on File on the upper left-hand corner
  1. Under the Info tab, click on Protect Document for Word and Protect Workbook for Excel followed by Encrypt with Password
  1. Enter a password in the pop-up window. Re-enter the password in the next window to confirm
  1. The below message will confirm your document has been password-protected
  1. To open a password-protected file, double-click on the file and enter the created password
Encrypting PDF Files


Adobe Acrobat Pro DC or Adobe Acrobat for macOS is needed to encrypt PDF files with a password. This feature is not available in the free version of Adobe Acrobat Reader DC.

  1. Select Tools on the Navigation Tab and then select Protect
  1. On the Protect Tab select Encrypt
  1. Select Encrypt with Password. Then select Yes on the security pop-up window
  1. Check Require a Password to Open the Document and then choose a strong password. Under compatibility, choose Acrobat X and later to change the encryption method to 256-bit.
  1. Confirm the password when requested. Please note that the document WILL NOT be fully encrypted until it is saved
  1. To open the file, double-click the file and enter the created password.
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