Here are 5 ways to lead productive & inclusive Zoom Classes with your students.
- As facilitator, plan ahead. Identify partners to help fill Zoom Class roles. If you can, identify a:
- Co-host in case you have technical problems
- Moderator: to monitor and respond to chats
- Coordinator: to keep track of time and take notes
- Share rules of engagement at the start of your class
- Keep your video on
- Mute yourself unless speaking
- Introduce yourself before you speak
- Ensure all students have equal access to shared content
- Share content ahead of class or by using Zoom chat
- Think agenda, slides, notes, reference materials
- Be sure students have an equal chance to engage
- Invite student s to speak up, and do this at multiple points during the class
- Be intentional about class activities
- Conduct activities that work for all students, ensuring a similar experience