
Classroom Technology

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FDU has a number of technology enhanced classrooms that are capable of video/computer projection. To find out if your classroom is on this list please review the charts below for your campus:

Metropolitan Campus Technology Chart


Scroll left to right on the chart if viewing on a Mobile device or in Desktop preview mode. To view the full chart, rotate your Mobile device into landscape mode. On Desktop, press the full screen button (icon with expanding arrows inside of a circle) on the top right of the article header.

Building NameProjector Enabled RoomsDVD/VCR Combo RoomsSpeaker EnabledHDMI JackSmartboard
Becton Hall202YesYesLaser
Becton Hall205Yes YesLaser
Becton Hall208YesYesLaser
Becton Hall302Only DVD YesYesYes
Becton Hall304Only DVD YesYesYes
Becton Hall305 YesYes
Becton Hall306 YesYes
Becton Hall402 YesLaser
Becton Hall403/404 (LED Screen)Yes YesYesYes
Becton Hall405 YesLaser
Becton Hall406 YesLaser
Becton Hall407 YesLaser
Becton Hall408 YesLaser
Becton Hall Conference Room307
Dickinson Hall1104YesYesLaser
Dickinson Hall1128YesYesYes
Dickinson Hall1129YesYesYes
Dickinson Hall1142YesYesLaser
Dickinson Hall1143Yes YesYes
Dickinson Hall1144Yes YesLaser
Dickinson Hall1148 Yes
Dickinson Hall1149YesYesYes
Dickinson Hall1150YesYesYes
Dickinson Hall1151YesYesLaser
Dickinson Hall1152 (LED Television)YesYesYes
Dickinson Hall1153 (LED Televison)YesYesYes
Dickinson Hall1165 (LED Televison)YesYesYes
Dickinson Hall1170 (LED Television)YesYesYes
Dickinson Hall2135YesYesLaser
Dickinson Hall2137Yes YesYes
Dickinson Hall2177YesYesLaser
Dickinson Hall2178YesYesLaserYes
Dickinson Hall2230Yes YesLaser
Dickinson Hall2249 YesYesYes
Dickinson Hall2262Individual DVD & VCR Yes
Dickinson Hall2263 YesLaser
Dickinson Hall4468YesLaser
Dickinson Hall4469YesYesLaser
Dickinson Hall4473YesYesLaser
Dickinson Hall4475Yes YesLaser
Dickinson Hall5504YesYesLaser
Dickinson Hall5506YesYesLaser
Dickinson Hall5509 Laser
Dickinson Hall5520 YesLaser
Dickinson Hall5523 YesYes
Dickinson Hall5529YesYesLaser
Dickinson Hall5534YesYesLaser
Dickinson Hall – Conference Room1191 Laser
Dickinson Hall – Conference Room2245 YesLaser
Dickinson Hall – Continuing Education1127YesYesLaser
Dickinson Hall (Lab A)2163 YesLaser
Dickinson Hall (Lab B)2164 YesLaser
Edward Williams Building201 YesYes
Edward Williams Building202 YesYes
Edward Williams Building203 Yes
Edward Williams Building204 YesYesYes
Edward Williams Building205 YesLaser
Edward Williams Building206 YesLaser
Edward Williams Building207 YesYes
Edward Williams Building209 YesLaser
Edward Williams Building301 YesLaser
Edward Williams Building302 YesLaser
Edward Williams Building303 YesLaser
Edward Williams Building304 YesLaser
Edward Williams Building305 YesLaser
Edward Williams Building306YesLaser
Edward Williams Building308 YesLaser
Edward Williams Building309 YesLaser
Edward Williams BuildingCommons 1YesYesLaser
Edward Williams BuildingCommons 2YesYesLaser
Edward Williams BuildingAuditoriumYesYesLaser
Giovatto LibraryWriting Lab YesLaser
Giovatto LibraryWLB 3YesYesLaser
Giovatto LibraryWLB 4YesYesLaser
Giovatto LibraryAuditoriumYesYes
Giovatto LibraryWLB 1 (LED Screen)YesYes (TV Speakers)
Giovatto LibraryWLB2 (LED Screen)YesYes (TV Speakers)
Multipurpose RoomYesYesYesLaser
Muscarelle105Yes YesLaser
Muscarelle203Yes YesLaser
Muscarelle204 YesLaser
Muscarelle206Yes Yes Yes
Muscarelle207L YesLaser
Muscarelle207RYesYes Yes
Robison Annex100Yes YesLaser
Robison Annex101YesYesLaser
Robison Annex203Yes YesYes
Robison Annex204YesYesYes
Robison Annex205Yes YesLaser
Robison Annex300 YesLaser
Robison Annex301 YesYes
Robison Annex303 YesLaser
Robison Annex304YesYesLaser
Robison Annex305 YesLaser
Robison Hall23BYesYesLaser
Robison Hall501
Robison Hall503 Laser
Rutherford RoomYesYesYesLaser
University Hall TheatreLED ScreenYes
University HallFront Lab YesLaser
University HallBack Lab YesLaser
University HallMultimedia Lab YesYes Laser
Williams Hall Yes
Williams Hall102YesYesLaser
Williams Hall107YesYesLaser
Williams Hall201 YesLaser
Williams Hall202 YesLaser
Williams Hall203 YesLaser
Williams Hall206 YesLaser
Williams Hall207 YesYes
Wilson AuditoriumYesYesYesLaser
Florham Campus Technology Chart


Scroll left to right on the chart if viewing on a Mobile device or in Desktop preview mode. To view the full chart, rotate your Mobile device into landscape mode. On Desktop, press the full screen button (icon with expanding arrows inside of a circle) on the top right of the article header.

Building NameProjector Enabled RoomsDVD/VCR Combo RoomsSpeaker EnabledHDMI JackSmartboard
Dreyfuss Building102YesYesLaser
Dreyfuss Building103YesYesLaser
Dreyfuss Building104YesYesLaser
Dreyfuss Building105YesYesLaser
Dreyfuss Building106YesYesLaser
Dreyfuss Building107YesYesLaser
Dreyfuss Building121Yes Laser
Dreyfuss Building125YesYes Laser
Dreyfuss Building206 YesYes
Dreyfuss Building207 YesYes
Dreyfuss Building208 YesYes
Dreyfuss Building209YesLaser
Dreyfuss Building210 YesYes
Dreyfuss Building211
Dreyfuss Building212
Dreyfuss Building213
Dreyfuss BuildingTheater
Hennessey Room 1Yes Yes Yes
Hennessey Room 2Yes Yes Yes
LibraryLibrary ClassroomYes Yes Laser
Mansion12Yes YesLaser
Mansion17Yes YesLaser
Mansion30Yes YesLaser
Mansion33Yes YesYes
Mansion35Yes YesLaser
Moninger 105 Just DVDYesYesYes
Moninger 106 Just DVDYesYesYes
Moninger 107YesJust DVDYesLaser
Moninger 113Yes YesYes
Moninger 118 Just DVDYesLCD ScreenYes
Moninger 119 Just DVDYesLCD ScreenYes
Moninger 205 Yes
Moninger 206 Yes
Moninger 210 Yes
Moninger 228YesYesLaser
OrangerieYes YesYes
Science Building1 YesYes
Science Building3 Yes
Science Building6 Yes
Science Building7Yes YesYes
Science Building9 YesYes
Science Building11Yes YesLaser
Science Building15A YesYes
Science Building17YesYesYes
Science Building18 YesYes
Science Building19 YesLaser
Student CenterSammartino RoomYes YesYes
Student CenterFlorham RoomYes YesYes
Student CenterWroxton RoomYesYes
Student CenterBottle Hill Room
Twombly LoungeYesYesYesLaser
Zen Building102YesYesLaser
Zen Building103YesYesLaser
Zen Building104YesYesLCD Panel
Zen Building105YesYes
Zen Building106YesYes
Zen Building107YesYesYes
Zen Building108YesYesYes
Zen Building109YesYesLaser
Zen Building110DVD onlyYesLCD PanelYes
Zen Building202YesYesYes
Zen Building203YesYesYes
Zen Building204Yes YesYes
Zen Building205YesYesYes
Zen Building206YesYesLCD Panel
Zen Building207Yes YesYes
Zen Building208DVD onlyYesLCD PanelYes
Zen Building209YesYesYes
Zen Building210 Laser
Zen Building211 YesYesYes
Zen Building212 YesYesYes
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Computer Tips, Tricks, and Recommendations

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As technology evolves and new features are offered, there may be times when unwanted or unexpected things happen. This page is dedicated to providing some tips, tricks, and recommendations to circumvent these undesired circumstances.

Normalize Sound Levels – Windows

Microsoft Windows 10 automatically adjusts audio levels between different applications. This can affect the level of sounds from various applications depending on what program is currently being used. This feature can be turned off using the instructions below.

  1. From the Sound Icon in your task bar, single right-click
  1. Click “Sounds
  1. Click “Communications” tab.
  1. Select the “Do nothing” radial button
  1. Click “Apply
  2. Click “OK

Adjust Microphone Settings – Windows

To ensure clear and audible audio in virtual meeting applications, such as Zoom, please follow the instructions below.

  1. Right-click the Audio icon in the system tray portion of the task bar
  1. Click “Sounds
  1. Click “Recording


Not all options may be visible.

  1. Right Click on “Microphone Array” and select “Properties
  1. Click the “Advanced” and un-check “Enable Audio Enhancements
  1. Click “Apply
  1. Click “OK

Adjust Power Options – Lenovo Laptops

Default power profiles in Windows 10 are configured to balance performance and battery life. To change these settings, please follow the steps below.

  1. Click on Start, and then click “Settings
  1. Click on “System
  1. Select “Power & Sleep
  1. To modify power settings while the laptop is plugged in or on battery power, modify the below options


Selecting higher times may result in shorter battery life

  1. For additional power settings, such as the laptop lid and power button settings, click Additional power settings


Depending on window size, this option may be located towards the bottom or on the right side of the screen.

  1. Select either “Choose what the power buttons door “Choose what closing the lid does
  1. The options below will allow modifying the effects of pressing the power button and closing the lid


Setting DO NOTHING when closing the lid can lead to drastically less battery life as well as overheating when the laptop is placed inside a bag or briefcase.


Restarting A Computer

Rebooting a device is highly encouraged as it will help keep the system running at peak performance. The benefits of a weekly reboot include:

  • Mitigate vulnerabilities to cyber-attacks by applying critical updates
  • Prevent performance degradation
  • Prevent application memory faults
  • Effectively apply system policies

To restart a device, follow the instruction below.


Make sure any open application is saved and closed before a restart is performed. This includes applications like Outlook, Word, Excel and any other applications that may be opend.

Instructions for Windows
  1. Click the Start bottom on the bottom left hand side of the task bar
  1. Click the “Powerbutton
  1. Click “Restart


Clicking “Shutdown” will not always properly apply updates or produce the desired effect. Clicking “restart” is the recomended option.

Instructions for macOS
  1. Click the “Apple” at the top left-hand side of your screen
  1. Click “Restart
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Copyright Enforcement Policy

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Fairleigh Dickinson University vigorously enforces United States copyright law. When utilizing the FDU Local Area Network or FDU provided Internet Access, you are required to adhere to all existing US copyright laws.

To view the full statement of law, please visit:

Failure to comply with this document can result in FDU disciplinary action as well as civil and criminal penalties.

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