Whether you’re working at home or the office, OneDrive makes it easy to create new documents and share your files. You can even collaborate with others on a document.
In the following external article, you’ll learn how to create documents and folders. It will go over how to share your files with different groups of people, as well as the various collaboration tools available in Office 365.
Click “App launcher” (icon located at top left corner ) which should show list of applications available to you and then click the “OneDrive” icon. This should open your OneDrive page either in new tab in your browser or in a new browser window.
Please look for the pop-up blocker in case you don’t see OneDrive window after clicking this icon.
Accessing OneDrive in Mobile Devices
You can access OneDrive in your iOS or Android devices.
Sign-in with your FDU NetID and password. Please select “OneDrive for Business” or “OneDrive for School” if given a choice to select type of account. DO NOT select personal OneDrive option if it is available. You’ll be presented with FDU’s Single Sign-On screen where you’ll be required to enter your NetID and password
Accessing OneDrive in Windows
If you are using Windows 10 computer, then OneDrive should already have been installed. If not, please follow steps below to download and install it in your computer
Click “App launcher” (icon located at top left corner ) which should show list of applications available to you and then click the “OneDrive” icon. This should open your OneDrive page either in new tab in your browser or in a new browser window
Please look for the pop-up blocker in case you don’t see OneDrive window after clicking this icon.
Click “Get the OneDrive apps” located at lower left corner which should download installation file for OneDrive
Execute this newly downloaded installation file which should install OneDrive in your computer
Start “OneDrive” and enter your NetID and click “Sign In”
Select “Work or School” option which should take you to FDU’s Single Sign-On screen
Enter your NetID and password
Accessing OneDrive on a macOS
Click below to install OneDrive from the Mac App Store
Microsoft Teams is a unified communication and collaboration platform that combines persistent workplace chat, video meetings, file storage, and application integration. Continue reading to find more information about the new Teams app, common features and settings most commonly used.
A New Teams client is rolling out! Though it looks nearly identical to classic Teams, it has been redesigned from the ground up to take advantage of future developments. Microsoft has discontinued the use of classic teams in July of 2024.
For a comprehensive list of all the new features of Microsoft Teams, click the link below:
Looking for the new Teams experience? The upgrade process itself is quick and silent, where Microsoft 365 will install the new Teams client in the background.
For all university owned computers, the new Teams app has been silently rolling out in the background and may be presented with as the following options to switch over
New Teams experience has been delivered to the device
You may be presented with an option to Upgrade your device with the New Teams experience
A notification prompt to switch your device to the new Teams experience
A “Try the new Teams” toggle switch will present itself if the new Teams app upgrade has completed but continue to use the classic Teams experience.
During the transition phase, which will end in June of 2024, you might see two icons. The old Teams is labelled Microsoft Teams classic (work or school), and the new Teams will be labeled Microsoft Teams (work or school). The new Teams will also have a cyan “New” label on the icon as well.
Windows 10 Search for Microsoft Teams
Windows 11 Search for Microsoft Teams
macOS spotlight search for Microsoft Teams
The new Teams app should be used unless there is a specific reason not to (like troubleshooting a Teams Application issue).
For a complete list of all changes in the New Microsoft Teams, visit:
When you’re upgraded to the new Teams, your display settings will reset. Here’s how to change the most commonly accessed display settings.
Click on the “Ellipses” in upper right-hand corner, and then “Settings”
The default theme for new Teams is Light, which appears grey. Dark will color the window black. Classic will bring back the purple/gray theme from classic Teams
Another commonly changed display setting is Layout. You can choose your Teams to display in a Grid view, which is the new Teams default, or a List view, which will show all your Teams in a list on the left, similar to how Outlook displays folders.
There are many other settings in Teams, and we encourage you to review your device settings and video effects (blurred and custom backgrounds) prior to joining your next meeting. Custom backgrounds may need to be re-added.
What happened to my Contacts list on the Chat tab?
Microsoft has moved the Contacts list to the People app. You can find People by clicking the “…” tab in the left navigation bar and typing “People” in the search.
To pin it to your sidebar, right click “People” then select “Pin”
If People is not able to be found when searching, this means that the People App is already Pinned.
Where are my Saved Items?
Saved Items are not currently available in new Teams. Microsoft plans to release a new functionality that will replace it and offer you a method for exporting Saved Items from Teams Classic in the near future. For now, Microsoft recommends using Classic Teams to access Saved Items.
Why are my Office documents opening in my browser or Teams app unexpectedly?
We have observed some cases where upgrading to new Teams will reset your file open preference. You can change it by going to “Settings > Files and Links” from the (•••) menu at the upper right.
Why can’t I tag some private channels?
We have observed that you cannot @ mention or tag some private channels in the new Teams experience. This issue appears most likely to affect older private channels and has been reported to Microsoft.
What happened to Groups?
Groups are now called Categories and how to create and manage categories will be discussed in the Section for Teams Chat.
What happened to Contacts?
Contacts have been moved to the People App. How to manage and use People will be discussed in the Teams Chat Section.
The page will automatically detect your operating system and redirect you to the appropriate desktop client (e.g. Windows, macOS) or mobile client (e.g. Android, Apple iOS).
The Microsoft Teams application is automatically pushed to all university owned computers. To determine if you already have it installed, search for “Teams” using the Windows Search Bar or Spotlight Search on Apple devices. If you are working on a university computer and you cannot locate the Microsoft Teams application, you can install by following the instructions below.
Windows – FDU Self Service Portal for Software
Press the “Windows key” on your keyboard and type “FDU Self”
Launch “FDU Self Service Portal for Software” from the search results list
Select the “Microsoft Teams” experience from the list and click “Install”
The classic Teams experience will be available until the end of June of 2024.
Web – Access the Office Web Application
The web client is a full, functional client that can be used from a variety of browsers including Google Chrome, Edge Browser, and Mozilla Firefox. Microsoft Teams will also be available on Safari soon.
Teams allow’s for text-based conversations using the Chat feature. Although it does not replace email in all use cases, it is a great tool for asking quick questions or just saying hello. When using chat, be mindful and adhere to FDU’s Written Information Security Program.
Select “Chat” from the left menu and then click on the top search bar
Classic Teams
New Teams
Type the name of the person you are attempting to locate and click on their name. Only FDU faculty, staff, and students are accessible in Microsoft Teams
Classic Teams
New Teams
You will be brought to the chat window and can start your conversation
The Chat window has many convenient tabs and shortcuts aimed at improving collaboration. Near the top of the screen, next to the name of the contact that you are chatting with, you will notice the default tabs, followed by a plus sign.
Classic Teams – Tabs
Chat: tab contains the conversation
Files: tab contains all files shared in during the conversation
Organization: Two person conversations, the Organizationtab shows your contact’s organization chart. This information is pulled from Office 365
Datatel remains the authoritative source for this information and the data contained here is not intended to be 100% accurate.
In two person conversations, the “Activity” tab will list the latest activity of your contact
You can use the “+ sign” to create a new tab from a file or an app. This can be a quick and convenient way to access a collaborative file that was previously shared in the conversation
To the right of these tabs are a series of shortcut icons which perform the following functions:
Classic Teams – Shortcuts
Video call: icon starts a new video call
Audio call: icon starts a new voice call
Screen sharing: icon allows you to share your desktop or an application
Add people: icon is used to invite additional people to the chat
Pop out chat: icon creates a separate window with your chat
New Teams – Tabs
Chat: contains the conversation
Files: Contains all files shared in during the conversation
Add a Tab: Add an App to the tab list for all users
To the right of these tabs are a series of shortcut icons which perform the following functions.
Shortcuts – New Team
Audio Call icon starts a new voice call
Add people icon is used to invite additional people to the chat
Ellipses is used for additional features:
Open Chat in New Window: Pops chat in separate window
Schedule Meeting: schedules a meeting with individual
Screen Sharing: initiates a screen sharing session and calls individual
Pin: Pins person to pinned section in teams
Depending on your screen resolution and application window size, your view may differ from the picture above, but all options outlined will be available.
The Chat function allows you to have conversations with one person or groups of people. In classic Teams, this is known as Contacts and in the New teams, this is called People.
The pane on the left-hand side of the screen is split into Recent and Contacts. Contacts acts like a rolodex that allows you to store and sort a list of the people you contact most frequently. The Recent list will display your most recent conversations with single people or group messages.
Types of Contacts
There are two types of contacts, directory contacts which come from your organization, and local contacts which you can add from scratch to your copy of Teams.
Directory contacts have some fields set by your organization, and additional fields which can be edited by you.
Local contacts are stored within your local copy of Teams, and do not synch with an organization’s directory.
For contacts you create based on the company directory, the admin may control some of the fields, like the name and email. They will appear grayed out and you will not be able to modify them.
Classic Teams – Contacts
By default, the Contacts tab will already have a “Favorites” group. However, creating new groups can be a helpful way to organize your contacts. For example, you may wish to create a group for people that you are working with on a project or for people that you interact with from a department.
To create a new contact group, click “Create a new contact group” on the bottom of the pane
Enter a name for your group, and click “Create”
To add contacts to a group, click the “More options” icon (•••) next to the group name and select “Add a contact to this group” from the drop-down menu
Begin typing the name of your contact. Once you see their name appear, select it and select “Add”
You can add the same contact to as many groups as you would like. The chat with your contact will remain the same regardless of which group you are accessing the conversation from.
New Teams – People
Microsoft has moved the Contacts into the People App. By default, the People tab will already have a “Favorites” group and a “My Group” category. However, creating new categoriess can be a helpful way to organize your contacts.
For example, you may wish to create a category for people that you are working with on a project or for people that you interact with from a department.
Add People to Favorites
Find the contact you wish to be added to favorite and click the star in front of their name
Add People to Category
Next to the contact, click the ellipses button and then click “Add Category”
Type in the name of the new Category, search for an existing category, or select from the provided list
Screen sharing is one of Microsoft Teams’ most powerful collaborative features. You can show your screen to your colleagues and even grant them control to edit Microsoft Office files with you in real time.
Before you get started, make sure that you are using the installed version of Microsoft Teams, as the browser-based Teams version does not support this functionality.
From the chat window or from an ongoing call, click on the “Screen Sharing / Share” icon
Classic Teams
New Teams
You be given a choice to either share your desktop or an application from the Microsoft Office suite, click on the window you want to share
Classic Teams
New Teams
Once you select the screen you wish to share, the members of your chat or call will be able to view your screen and request access to remotely control your desktop or program.
You can only share your screen with a mobile device user if you are engaged in an active voice or video call with them.
Creating a team provides remote team members with the ability to work together and share information via a common online space. You can also organize your information by creating channels to help optimize your team’s workflow.
To create a Microsoft Team, you must request one using an online form on SAMI Support. To request a team, follow these instructions:
Navigate to the SAMI Support using the link below, logging in with your FDU NetID account
Scroll down to “Microsoft Team Request” and click on it to expand the information
Fill out all the fields and click on the “Submit” button
You can specify additional team owners. Owners will have rights to invite and make other changes to the team after its creation.
You should now see a screen informing you that your form was successfully submitted
Please allow 3 to 5 business days for the Team to be created.
You will receive an email once the team is created. The next time you log in to Teams you will see your team listed in the Teams section
Click on your team to open the general channel. From here you can create channels, add users, and customize your team. Any team members that you add will receive an email notifying them that they were added to your team. The next time that they log in or open Teams, they will find the team listed in their Teams section
Channels are dedicated sections within a team. You can keep conversations organized by specific topics, projects, disciplines, or whatever works for your team! Channels are where conversations happen and where the work gets done. There can be public channels which are open to all team members or, if you require a more select audience, private channels can be open to a subset of your team.
Select Teams from the menu on the left-hand side of the screen. If you have multiple teams, select your team of choice
Click on the “More options” icon (•••) next to the team name and select “Add channel”
Give the channel a name, and a brief description as if would would like
Select your channel’s preferred level of privacy and press “Add”
Standard channels are open for anyone to join Private channels are invitation only
If you selected “Private” you will see a window that lets you add the team members that should have access to the channel. Once all members are added, press “Close”
Once a channel is created it will show up under the General channel in the channels list. If the channel was set to Private, only the members can see it. Anyone who belongs to the channel can click on it to view its contents
Since channels are sections within a team, it is not possible to add members to a channel that are not part of the team.
Now that your teams and channels are created, you can begin to take advantage of Microsoft Teams’ management features. Team management includes essential functions such as adding and removing members, assigning permissions for individual members, and managing your channels. You can also implement granular customizations such as setting parameters on the use of tags and emojis.
Select Teams from the left menu. If you have more than one team, click on your team
Click “More Options” icon (•••) next to the team name and select “Manage Team”. From here, you can select one of the following tabs
Manage Members Tab
Add a member by clicking “Add Member” button on the top right of the window
Remove a member by pressing “X” button on the right of their name
Use the drop-down menu to change a member’s role to Owner. This allows them full access to change settings
Manage Request Tab
Use this tab to accept or deny a person’s request to join your team
Manage Channels Tab
Create a channel by pressing the “Add channel” button on the top right of the window
You can restore deleted channels by expanding the “Deleted” list and pressing on “Restore”
The experience for managing a team setting varies between both the classic and new Teams.
Classic Teams – Manage Settings Tab
Team picture: is an optional setting which allows you to set a profile picture for your team. You can upload your own image or use one of the colorful templates provided by Microsoft
Member permissions: to set editing permissions for your team members
Guest permissions: settings you can allow guests to create, update, and delete channels
@mentions: lets you choose if you allow the @mention function to send notifications to individuals or entire channels
Team code: will provide you with a join code that you can give out to new members. This will allow them to join without being placed in the Pending Requests section
Fun stuff: lets you allow gifs and memes to be displayed on the channel
Tags: setting todecide who can use the tags feature. With tags, your team members can add labels help them better identify other members of the team
New Teams – Manage Settings Tab
Team Details: is an optional setting which allows you to set a profile picture, description and set privacy options for your team. You can upload your own image or use one of the colorful templates provided by Microsoft
Member permissions: to set editing permissions for your team members
Guest permissions: settings you can allow guests to create, update, and delete channels
@mentions: lets you choose if you allow the @mention function to send notifications to individuals or entire channels
Team code: will provide you with a join code that you can give out to new members. This will allow them to join without being placed in the Pending Requests section
Fun stuff: lets you allow gifs and memes to be displayed on the channel
Tags: setting todecide who can use the tags feature. With tags, your team members can add labels help them better identify other members of the team
Team Expiration: Specifies when the Team will expire. By policy no user can change the expiration policy and can visit SAMI Support to extend the expiration when nearing the expiration date.
New Teams – Team Settings Page
New Teams – Team Details Page
New Teams – Team Image Page
Manage Analytics Tab
The Analytics tab displays usage information for your team
Manage Apps Tab
The Apps tab allows you to add or remove application plug ins for your channels
Instead of scheduling a meeting for a future date, you can start one right away and invite people in on the fly.
Select “Calendar” from the left-hand side of the screen and press “Meet Now”
Give your meeting a name, select audio and video options, and press on “Join Now”
Classic Teams – Meet Now Options
New Teams – Meet Now Options
New Teams – Meet Now Audio Options
New Teams – Meet Now Invite Prompt
Your meeting should start with the “Participants” tab displayed so you can start inviting people right away. As you search for people and add them to your meeting, they will receive a call to be connected
As people accept the meeting invitation they will automatically be connected
Meetings in Teams include audio, video, and screen sharing. They’re one of the key ways to collaborate in Teams.
The Teams Calendar can be found by clicking Calendar in the left pane
Classing Teams – Scheduled Meeting
New Teams – Scheduled Meeting
You can join a scheduled meeting by selecting the “Calendar” tab from the left menu, then finding and left clicking on your meeting and clicking join for the Classic Teams Experience, or simply press “Join” on the New Teams experience
Select your video and microphone options, then left click “Join Now”
Classing Teams – Join Meeting Options
New Teams – Join Metting Options
Depending on the Metting owner’s settings, you may receive a message that you are waiting for the host to let you into the meeting. You will remain on the Join Meeting Options Screen until you are admitted into the meeting.
If you are the first participant that joined the meeting, you will see a black screen informing you that you are waiting for other members to join. As people join the meeting they will show up on the screen. If you are the host and your meeting has the lobby opened, you will have to admit everyone who joins the meeting
Classic Teams – Waiting in Meeting
New Teams – Person in Lobby Prompt
When you are done with the meeting, close it by pressing the red telephone icon to “Hang up” the call
Due to Office 365 calendar integration, scheduling video and voice meetings on Microsoft Teams is simple and convenient.
Select the “Calendar” tab from the left-hand side of the screen. This screen displays your entire FDU Office 365 calendar. Next, press “New Meeting” button on the top right of the window
You will notice that the New Meeting window offers 2 tabs: “Details & Scheduling Assistant”
From the “Details” tab, enter the following information about your meeting:
Required Attendees
You can also add optional attendees by pressing + optional button
Specify whether the meeting reoccurs
Add Channel is optional and lets you specify an entire Teams channel to receive a meeting notification
Add location is optional and enables you to select a physical location for members to meet at
Add details like the topic of discussion, meeting outline, etc
Classic Teams – Meeting Invitation Request
New Teams – Meeting Invitation Request
The “Scheduling Assistant” tab allows you to view the calendar of all attendees to check for availability. It is possible to adjust the meeting time on this tab
When finished, press the “Send” button on the top of the page. The meeting will be posted on the channel you selected, and invites will be emailed to all requested attendees. The meeting will also show up on the calendar of the people who have accepted the meeting invitation
Microsoft has acquired Flipgrid for video submissions for Classroom Assignments. This feature is only available from within a Classroom Team for assignment posting and submission.
Faculty can request a classroom team by using the following SAMI Support form:
The description must state that a classroom team is required.
After the new classroom team is created, the requesting faculty member can assign students to the classroom team. Students can only access the Flipgrid video submission button within the classroom team.
After you have created assignments or posted to an assignment, A new app tab will be displayed within your Teams app list labeled Assignments.
Microsoft Office 365 offers a comprehensive set of software tools that facilitate documentation, collaboration, and communication. These tools are available on the Web or as downloadable desktop Office 365 apps.
Below is a list of articles for each of the available tools in the Microsoft Office 365 environment. Each article contains information on what each application is and training on how to use them.
Outlook allows you to connect and stay organized with your email, calendar, and contacts all in one place.
PowerPoint is a slideshow presentation program that’s part of the Microsoft office suite of tools. PowerPoint makes it easy to create, collaborate, and present your ideas in dynamic, visually compelling ways.
Teams is a unified communication and collaboration platform that combines persistent workplace chat, video meetings, file storage, and application integration. Here you will find documentation on how to install and use Teams and all its features.
OneNote is a cross-functional digital notebook. You can organize different notebooks into sections and pages with easy annotation and navigation tools.
Lists you can Build and share lists to help you track issues, assets, routines, contacts, inventory, and more. You can get started with Microsoft Lists from Microsoft 365, from MS Teams or from within SharePoint.
Power Apps is a suite of apps, services, connectors, and data platform that provides a rapid application development environment to build custom apps. Using Power Apps, you can quickly build custom apps that connect to data stored throughout Microsoft 365.
Power Automate is a service that helps you create automated workflows between apps and services to synchronize files, get notifications, collect data and more.
Power BI is a business analytics solution that lets you visualize your data and share insights across your organization or embed them in your app or website. It allows connections to hundreds of data sources and generate live dashboards and reports.
Planner makes it easy for your team to create new plans, organize and assign tasks, share files, chat about what you are working on, and get updates on progress.
Bookings offers a simpler way to organize schedules and manage appointments. Microsoft Bookings includes a web-based booking calendar and integrates with Outlook to optimize your calendar and give your contacts the flexibility to book a time that works best for everyone involved.
Forms is an app that lets you create surveys, quizzes, and polls to collect real-time responses from students, collaborates and colleagues. It has built-in analytics to evaluate responses, and export results to Excel for additional analysis or grading.
To access Forms, you will be directed to our SAMI Support Portal where you will be asked to log in using your NETID and authenticate using Duo. Once you click “Next,” you will be forwarded to samisupport.fdu.edu in a new window or tab.