
FDU Alert Policy

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Revised: April 2, 2019
Last Revised: June 1, 2017
Prior Revision: August 1, 2016


FDU has implemented the FDU Alert system to expand and enhance its emergency notification methods. In the event of an emergency, FDU Alert may be used to provide pertinent information and instructions to FDU students, faculty and staff through voice, text messaging and/or E-mail. FDU Alert uses the a mass notification system that sends emergency messages instantly and simultaneously to registered mobile phones, wireless devices and E-mail addresses.

Reason For Policy

This policy establishes the proper use and testing of the FDU Alert Emergency Notification System (FDU Alert).

Who Should Read This Policy

Members of the University Community including Students, Faculty, Staff, as well as all other individuals who have been registered to receive FDU Alert emergency notifications.

Website Address For This Policy

The website for this policy as well as other related FDU Alert information can be found at the following URL or by clicking on Web Shortcuts on the top right of the FDU Homepage.


These definitions apply to these terms as they are used in this policy.

EmergencyA sudden unforeseen crisis, usually involving danger, which requires immediate action.
FDU Alert SystemThe University’s emergency notification system is designed to alert, warn and inform registered members of the University Community of what to do in case of an emergency, a disaster, a crisis or any other situation that affects the FDU community. For example, receiving these alerts and messages could keep you from driving to campus only to find that a power failure has closed the campus.
FDU Alert AuthorizerIndividual who has the authority to assess an emergency and activate the FDU Alert Emergency Notification System; this individual is authorized to contact an authorized Sender.
FDU Alert SenderIndividual who has been trained and is authorized to facilitate the actual sending of an Emergency Notification message.
CrisisAn unstable event or situation of extreme danger or difficulty, which is often sudden or unexpected, that disrupts the normal operations of the institution or its educational mission and threatens the well-being of personnel, property, financial resources and/or the reputation of the institution.
Timely WarningRefers to the need to provide timely notification to the University Community after it is determined there is a credible threat to campus persons or property or when information is considered vital to the University community.
SMSRefers to the Text Messaging method of FDU Alert delivery.
FDU Alert SpokespersonAn individual may be identified to respond to, and act as University spokesperson, to inquiries by students, faculty, staff, parents and others about an FDU Alert. Inquiries may be forwarded to the FDU Alert Spokesperson via the special call forwarding alert hotline.


Any time that an emergency situation arises, either on campus or in the immediate area of the campus, that in the judgment of an FDU Alert Authorizer poses an ongoing or continuing threat to the campus community, a campus “Timely Warning” will be issued. This warning may be issued through the FDU Alert system by one, all, or a combination of the following delivery methods.

  • Voice mail or telephone notification
  • E-mail
  • Posted on the University website
  • Posted notices
  • Public address announcements
  • Direct contact with individuals

Whenever possible, the FDU Alert Authorizer will consult with the Campus Director of Public Safety, the Campus Executive, or another Authorizer prior to using FDU Alert messaging capabilities.

In an emergency, and upon activation by Authorizers and Senders, FDU Alert will send notifications to registered individuals at one, some, or all of the following registered points of delivery.

  • Work Phone
  • FDU E-mail
  • Cell Phone
  • SMS (Text Message)
  • Alternate E-mail
  • Home Phone
  • Parent/Significant Other E-mail
  • Parent/Significant Other Phone
  • Parent/Significant Other SMS (Text Message)
  • Parent/Significant Other Cell Phone

To provide the safest possible environment for students, faculty, staff, and visitors to FDU campuses, the University will strive to provide timely, reliable notifications by all possible means in the event of emergency. Generally, an emergency is any incident that involves the possibility of death, serious injury, or the threat of death or serious injury to people, or to University facilities, materials or property.

Fairleigh Dickinson University uses a variety of methods to provide emergency and safety information, including mass notification systems, web pages, door-to-door assistance from on-site staff and Residence Hall assistants, over-the-air broadcasts, and a consolidated communications system. Collectively, these capabilities are called “FDU-Alert”. (1)

The communication system permits broadcast messages to be sent quickly as voice calls to office, local home, or cell phones, and as text messages to cell phones or University and external E-mail accounts. This system will be used to announce and provide guidance in an emergency or crisis and to communicate relevant critical updates.

If an emergency occurs near but not on an FDU campus, and in other situations in which emergency responders determine and report that no apparent or imminent threat to that campus exists, an advisory may be posted on informational web sites, E-mails, or text messages only. In these cases, you may not receive an emergency notification directly to your phone.

University administration or individual campuses may, as an authorizer deems appropriate, use the communications system for other urgent messages related to administration or operation, such as campus closings due to adverse weather, unusual situations, or utility outages.

(1) More information about these services, as well as current emergency status or preparedness information for FDU, is planned for availability on the University’s emergency preparedness website once established.


Proper Use of FDU Alert

FDU Alert is offered not to replace but to augment existing emergency notification methods, which include: University-wide broadcast E-mails, online updates via web and coordinated use of public media outlets, fire alarms, public address systems, and signs.

Any time that a serious situation arises either on campus or in the immediate area of the campus that in the judgment of the campus Director of Public Safety, and whenever possible, in consultation with the Campus Executive poses an ongoing or continuing threat to the campus community, a campus “Timely Warning” will be issued. This warning may be issued through the FDU Alert system, voice mail or telephone notification, E-mail, posted on the University website, posted notices, public address announcements, and direct contact with individuals.

If, in the opinion of the local law enforcement authority, a message would hinder the police response or investigation and the local law enforcement authority has requested that we not send out a message, no message may be sent without the specific authorization of the President, University Provost, Sr. V.P. for Finance & Administration, or FDU legal counsel.

Limited Use of FDU Alert

Although the use of other emergency notification method(s) will be determined on a case-by-case basis, FDU Alert should only be used in the following situations:

(1) an imminent threat of physical danger to the campus community;

(2) a campus closure; and

(3) certain Campus Crime Alerts as determined by Public Safety;

(4) off-campus events that could impact health, safety, life or access to a campus.

The above situations can include but are not limited to ongoing criminal incidents, fires, chemical leaks, pandemics, campus-wide utility failures (such as gas, electrical, or water), and extreme weather conditions that result in a campus closure (e.g. snow/ice storms) or pose an imminent threat of physical danger to the campus community (e.g. tornado within close proximity to campus).

FDU Alert Authorizers

Only the people in the following positions have the authority to activate the FDU Alert emergency message system and author an appropriate message:

  • President of the University
  • University Provost & Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Senior Vice President for Finance & Administration
  • Campus Executives
  • Deputy Campus Executive, Metropolitan Campus
  • Associate Vice President for Communications
  • Executive Director of Communications and News
  • Director of Public Safety, Florham Campus
  • Assistant Director, Public Safety, Florham Campus
  • Director of Public Safety, Metropolitan Campus
  • Campus Investigator, Public Safety, Metropolitan Campus
  • Campus Executive, Vancouver Campus
  • Business Manager, Vancouver Campus

FDU Alert Authorizers (“Authorizers”) have the authority to activate the system without consulting other Authorizers; however, when circumstances permit, an Authorizer should consult with at least one other Authorizer before sending a message.

FDU Alert Authorizer Responsibilities

Responsibility of Creating FDU Alert Messages

Authorizers have the responsibility to write and disseminate the appropriate message to be sent by Sender. For consistency, simplicity, and to minimize confusion, whenever possible, the Authorizer should base the message on one of the sample alert messages included in the Standard Operating Procedures manual.

This responsibility carries forward to writing and disseminating subsequent messages that must be sent to keep the recipients apprised of the status of the emergency event through to the conclusion of the emergency event with the transmission of an “All Clear-Resume Normal Schedule” message.

In the event more than thirty (30) minutes has passed while an emergency event is in progress, and there is no new information to communicate, the Authorizer should write a message(s) stating that the status of the emergency event remains the same, e.g., “Investigation continues, will communicate updates as new information becomes available.”

Messages should be written to support text to speech. Minimum or preferably no use of abbreviations and acronyms should be used. All messages must include an appropriate lead-in, for example, “!!FDU Florham Emergency Alert!!,” which includes where appropriate, the campus affected. Examples of these lead-in statements are included with the sample messages in the FDU Alert Confidential Operations Manual.

Responsibility of Authorizer to Prepare Additional Information

Alert Notifications and Updates Published via the FDU Website

Text Messaging (SMS) capability has a message character limit that precludes long and detailed messages. Detailed messages and updates regarding the FDU Alert can be made available on the University Website. Should it be necessary or appropriate to post additional information on the FDU website, it is the responsibility of the Authorizer to work with the Associate Vice President for Communications & Marketing or designee, to prepare and post the information on the University website in a timely manner. As this information will have wide and general exposure, it is critical to ensure that the information is current, correct, adequate, and consistent with the University messaging strategy.

It is the responsibility of the Authorizer, or designee as assigned by the Authorizer and the Associate Vice President for Communications & Marketing or designee, to keep vigil over the messaging to ensure accuracy and timeliness and message removal upon event termination.

FDU Alert Voicemail Box (Answer Only Voicemail Box)

Two FDU Alert Voicemail Boxes (one for each primary New Jersey campus) are available in order to provide the community with detailed information via a pre-recorded announcement regarding the FDU Alert. Should it be necessary or appropriate to post an additional information announcement on the FDU Alert Voicemail Box, it is the responsibility of the Authorizer to work with the Associate Vice President for Communications & Marketing or designee, to prepare, record, and post the announcement in the FDU Alert Voicemail Box in a timely manner. Because this information will have wide and general exposure, it is critical to ensure that the information is current, correct, adequate, and consistent with the University messaging strategy.

Requests for information or updates regarding the FDU Alert should be directed to the affected campus FDU Alert Voicemail Box.

  • Metropolitan Campus: 201-692-7000
  • Florham Campus: 973-443-8000

No voice mails can be left on the FDU Alert Voicemail Box. It is answer only.

The default message in the FDU Alert Voicemail Boxes will be “All University Operations Are Normal”

General telephone inquiries to the switchboard regarding the FDU Alert should be transferred to the appropriate FDU Alert Voicemail Box. Caller expectations can be managed by using phraseology such as “The latest and most current information regarding the FDU Alert is available on the FDU Alert Voicemail Box. Please hold while I connect you to this important informational announcement” in advance of the transfer.

It is the responsibility of the Authorizer, or designee as assigned by the Authorizer and the Associate Vice President for Communications & Marketing, to keep vigil over the messaging to ensure accuracy and timeliness and message removal upon event termination.

FDU Alert Spokesperson to Other Inquiries

FDU Alerts will stimulate telephone inquiries to the switchboard, Residence Life, Public Safety, Enrollment Services & other key offices. Callers should be directed to the University mailbox for announcements and updates. In the unusual event where it is determined to be necessary to have a Spokesperson available for call handling, callers will be directed to a special hotline with ultra-call forwarding setup to transfer to the FDU Alert Spokesperson.

The FDU Alert Spokesperson is an individual identified by the FDU emergency response teams to respond to inquiries by students, faculty, staff, parents, and others about an FDU Alert. Inquiries will be forwarded via the special call forwarding alert hotline.

The following are attributes for The FDU Alert Spokesperson:

  • Must provide contact information (and back up) to the switchboard and emergency management teams
  • Must be available to take calls continuously throughout the emergency (2)
  • Must be aware of the event and current activities and commentable actions
  • Must be media aware
  • Must have the power to speak to the event with autonomy and authority

Emergency Event Status Reports on the FDU Website

The FDU Website Homepage provides an FDU Alert Icon under Web Shortcuts that links to a dedicated webpage containing information on the current status of the University’s operations. As referenced above in Section, in the event there is an emergency, the Authorizer will work with the Associate Vice President for Communications and Marketing or designee to prepare and post a message providing current information concerning the emergency event and the status of the University’s operations, which will be posted on the operations status page.

FDU Alert Senders

FDU Alert Senders (“Senders”), upon the request of Authorizer(s), have the authority to activate the system, enter messages under the direction of the FDU Alert Authorizer(s), and initiate the send message process. All FDU Alert Senders are provided with appropriate access to the secured FDU Alert emergency notification system and necessary training.

Sender names and contact information are included in the FDU Alert Operations Manual.

FDU Alert Sender Responsibilities

Senders are required to respond to Authorizer requests to facilitate the timely activation of the FDU Alert System. Senders acknowledge that time may be of the essence and will fulfill the request or immediately notify another Sender to fulfill the request. The transfer of such transfer of control requires Authorizer and/or emergency response team acknowledgment.

FDU Alert Senders will advise the FDU Alert Authorizer(s) when the message send process has been initiated and the sender can confirm delivery of such messaging.

(2) A special phone number with Remote Call Forwarding will be utilized for this purpose.

Message Content

Any message sent using FDU Alert should be as brief as possible and should, if appropriate, typically contain the following information:

  • The reason for the message;
  • Any response required;
  • Location (campus) of event;
  • The duration of the emergency and any relevant dates and times;
  • Methods to obtain further information; and

When circumstances permit, before sending a message, Authorized Senders should consult with the relevant University administrator(s) regarding message content.

Because text messages may have a single message size limitation depending on the recipient’s device, they should be limited to 160 characters. While brevity and abbreviations will reduce a message size, care must be taken to ensure that all messages are brief, concise, accurate, and understandable. Sample messages are included in the FDU Alert Confidential Operations Manual.

After Message Review

After a message is sent using FDU ALERT, the Authorized Senders and the Campus Emergency Management Team will meet as appropriate to discuss the emergency, the results of the alert, and compliance with the FDU Alert Policy.

FDU Alert System Testing

System Wide Delivery Testing

Once every Fall and Spring semester, a live test of the FDU Alert system will be conducted. During the test, one or more messages will be transmitted to every individual registered in the system using every delivery method for each point of contact (phone, e-mail, SMS, etc.) The FDU Alert message(s) sent during the test will clearly state “THIS IS A TEST,” so that it is clear that there is no actual emergency.

FDU Alert Senders

At least once per calendar month, FDU Alert senders will test the FDU Alert system by sending themselves a test message. The message sent during this test will clearly state “THIS IS A TEST BY AUTHORIZED SENDER,” so that it is clear that there is no actual emergency.

Service Provisioning

Regular Reminders to University Community to Register/Update FDU Alert Individual Database Record

The effectiveness of any alert system depends upon the accuracy of the contact information in its database. All students, faculty, and staff will therefore receive notices/reminders prior to the semester’s scheduled test to review/update their emergency contact information. Emergency contact information can be modified at any time by logging onto Webadvisor.


The following are three levels of emergencies and suggested methods of communications and notifications for each. No other use of this FDU Alert System is permitted.

Level 1 Emergency – Informational


  • incident has occurred
  • incident is contained and/or well defined
  • continuing activity/investigation
  • caution conditions exists
  • timely follow up communications required

Examples include:

  • natural disaster
  • aircraft crash, or similar event, near campus
  • major structural collapse
  • snow closings
  • elevator accident
  • must know information – (e.g. “Because of bad weather the University will close at…” and “An electrical cable to the SUB has been damaged and electrical power will not be restored until…”)

The “Authorizer” should use the following formats: E-mail/WWW/Text Messaging/Posted Notices/Public Address Announcements. Based on the event and any unusual circumstances, voice messaging may be used at the “Authorizer’s” discretion…

Level 2 Emergency – Life and Safety Alert


  • incident has occurred and/or is continuing
  • incident is contained but may be extensive
  • cautions exist
  • continuing/on-going activity/investigation
  • timely follow up communications required

Examples include:

  • bomb threat
  • contained/small scale explosion/fire
  • act of violence on campus
  • fire confined to an area
  • contained/small hazardous material spill or release
  • buildings without electricity, heat or water
  • major building flooding

The “Authorizer” should use the following formats: E-mail/WWW/Text Messaging/Posted Notices/Public Address Announcements/Direct Contact with Individuals as necessary. During extended business hours (7 a.m. to 7 p.m.) voice messaging will also be used. The Authorizer will have the discretion to utilize voice messaging after extended business hours if it is deemed appropriate.

Level 3 Emergency – Imminent life or safety alert – Immediate Action Required


  • incident has occurred and/or is continuing
  • scope of incident may be undefined
  • alert action required
  • cautions exist
  • continuing/On-going activity/investigation
  • time is of the essence follow up communications

Examples include:

  • evacuations
  • on-going violent campus demonstrations
  • intruder alerts
  • radiological incident
  • contained or uncontained hazmat/hazardous material spill or release
  • large explosion/fire
  • aircraft crash, or similar event, on campus
  • acts of terrorism
  • confirmed explosives devices

The “Authorizer” should use all available formats: Voice Message/Voice Mail/E-mail/WWW/Text Messaging/Posted Notices/Public Address Announcements/Direct Contact with Individuals as necessary.

No other use of this FDU Alert System is permitted.

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Home/Department Shared Drive Quota Limit Email

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Home drives and departmental shared drives come with a limited capacity of data storage, known as a quota. When a drive reaches 85% of that quota, both the departmental shared drive manager as well as the user uploading the content that puts a drive over that threshold will receive a message from as seen below.

By informing the share manager and providing the name of the share affected, the share manager has an opportunity to respond to the notification prior to any disruptions to day-to-day workflows.

Upon receiving this email, the share owner should:

  1. Review and confirm that all uploaded content is required for current business purposes
  2. Review and consolidate any duplicated items
  3. Remove any documents, files, or pictures no longer needed


Shared drives are not intended for archival purposes. We ask that the share manager please remove documents, files or pictures that are no longer actively required.

These measures will resolve most shared drive quota issues. If the shared drive is still nearing its storage quota, please fill out the Home/Department Share Management Form using the link below:

Home/Department Share Management Form

Last Modified:

Self-Service Tutorial

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Self-Service is an interactive web application that enables students, faculty, and staff to view their individual information contained in FDU’s student information system. Students can use Self-Service to do things like view their financial aid, pay their bills, and register for classes. Likewise, faculty will use Self-Service to verify enrollment and enter grades.

To navigate the Tutorial, scroll down to the Index. From there you can navigate to any portion of the Tutorial by clicking on any “Part”.



What is Degree Audit? Degree Audit is an online version of your check sheet, which allows you to track your academic requirements. On Degree Audit you can see what degree requirements you’ve completed, which are in progress, and which courses you have left to complete your degree.

  1. On the left-hand side of the page, you will find your menus. Click on the menu called “Academics” and then click on “Student Planning.” Navigate to “My Progress/Degree Audit
  1. Click on “Expand All” if you’d like to see all the requirements for your degree 
  1. Any action you have taken towards completing each requirement will be noted in the “Status” column
  1. If you would like to see what it would look like if you switched to a different program, then click on “View a New Program” at the top of your Degree Audit
  1. Use the search bar to find the program you are interested in. Select the program and click “View Program
  1. If you no longer want to view this program, click the “X” to remove it

If you have any questions or need assistance,
please open a SAMI Support ticket, email, or call (973)-443-8822.

  1. On the left-hand side of the page, you will find your menus. Click on the menu called “Academics” and navigate to the “Course Catalog
  1. Fill in as many fields as you’d like for your course search. It is suggested that you at least select a term and a subject. Click the blue “Search” button to get your results
  1. You can narrow down your results further using the filters on the left-hand side
    • Click on the “Hide” button to hide the filter menu and allow the results to fill your screen
  1. You can click on the arrows in the header row to change how the results are sorted


Section notes and restrictions can be found in the “Section Information” column.

If you have any questions or need assistance,
please open a SAMI Support ticket, email, or call (973)-443-8822.

  1. You can search for courses by using the Course Catalog or your Degree Audit page. In this article, we will use the Degree Audit page method
  1. Go to the menu on the left, select “Academics” from the options, and expand the “Student Planning” from the dropdown. Press “My Progress/Degree Audit” 
  1. Find the requirements you are looking to fulfill. Press on the “Search” button to find sections for every course that will meet this degree requirement


If you know exactly which course you are interested in, then you can click directly on that course code to view its sections.

  1. Narrow down your results using the filters on the left-hand side.


Make sure to choose the correct semester.

  1. Within the results, click on the grey bar that says “View Available Sections” for the course you’d like to add to your schedule. Find a section that fits on your schedule and click “Add Section to Schedule
  1. Review the Section Details that pop up. If you still wish to add this section to your schedule, then click “Add Section
  1. To confirm the section appears on your schedule, navigate to the “Plan & Schedule” page
  1. To confirm the section appears on your schedule, navigate to the “Plan & Schedule” page


Sections can be removed by clicking on the “x” in the top right corner of the section.

  1. Repeat this process to add more courses to your schedule in preparation for priority registration

Important Important

Planning a section does not guarantee you have a spot in that section.

If you have any questions or need assistance,
please open a SAMI Support ticket, email, or call (973)-443-8822.

  1. On the left-hand side of the page, you will find your menus. Click on the menu called “Academics” and then click on “Student Planning.” Navigate to “Plan & Schedule
  1. The first time you come to this page for a given semester, you will be presented with the FDU Terms and Conditions Student Registration Contract. Scroll down to agree. You only need to do this once per term
Scroll all the way down to the “I Agree” Button
  1. Your planned courses will appear on the Plan & Schedule page and will be color-coded in yellow. If you have not planned your courses, please review how to in Section 1 – Part 3 “How to Plan Your Schedule Using Self-Service”
  1. If you have any holds, then they will appear in the top right corner of the page. You will need to resolve your holds before you can register for classes
  1. You will need to be mindful of your priority registration date. You will find a banner above your planned schedule informing you of the date and time you can register for classes
  1. Once all holds have been resolved and your priority registration date/time has arrived, you can register for all your courses by clicking on “Register For All Planned Courses.” If you would like to register for each course one at a time, then click on “Register” within each course tile
  1. Successful registrations will turn green and say “Registered
  1. If you are ineligible for any of your planned sections, then the course will remain yellow and planned. You will get an alert in the top right corner explaining why you were unable to register for that section
    • Click “x” on the section to remove it from your schedule
  1. If you need to drop a course during Priority Registration or Add/Drop, then click on “Drop” within the course tile

If you have any questions or need assistance,
please open a SAMI Support ticket, email, or call (973)-443-8822.

  1. On the left-hand side of the page, you will find your menus. Click on the menu called “Academics” and click on the “Unofficial Transcript” button
  1. Select the transcript you wish to download by clicking on its text

Important Important

These documents are unofficial and do not replace official signed and sealed transcripts. To order official transcripts you must go to

  1. After clicking on the transcript text, a pdf document will download. Open this document to view your unofficial transcript.

If you have any questions or need assistance,
please open a SAMI Support ticket, email, or call (973)-443-8822.

  1. On the left-hand side of the page, you will find your menus. Select “Academics” from the side menu and then select “Graduation Overview
  1. Press “Apply” next to the program from which you wish to graduate
  1. Select your “Graduation Term” and type in your “Preferred Name on Diploma.” Select the address you would like your diploma sent to. Once these fields are filled in, you must confirm everything is correct and press “Submit

Important Important

Upon submitting the graduation application, students will be charged the appropriate fee in accordance with the degree they are seeking. Please do not apply more than once.

If you have any questions or need assistance,
please open a SAMI Support ticket, email, or call (973)-443-8822.

What is a course plan? A course plan is an example of the sequence of coursework you need to complete for your selected program. This will load courses onto your plan for current and future semesters. This will allow you to map out the courses you must take for your degree. 


Not every program has a course plan available.

  1. On the left-hand side of the page, navigate to “Academics.” Within the “Student Planning” dropdown menu, press “My Progress/Degree Audit
  1. On the top right side of the page, press “Load Sample Course Plan
  1. Select your first term from the drop-down menu and select your program using the first radio button
  1. Press on “Preview Plan” at the bottom of the window
  1. Review the sample course plan and press “Load
  1. Use the Timeline tab to view the courses that were loaded onto your plan. Make any adjustments, if needed

If you have any questions or need assistance,
please open a SAMI Support ticket, email, or call (973)-443-8822.

  1. On the left-hand side of the page, you will find your menus. Click on the menu called “Academics.” Within the “Student Planning” menu, click on “Plan & Schedule
  1. Go to the “Advising” tab. Here you will see the names of your advisors
  1. You can leave a message for your advisor by typing in the “Compose a Note” box and clicking “Save Note
  1. Click “Request Review” to have your advisor notified that your schedule is ready to be reviewed and approved

If you have any questions or need assistance,
please open a SAMI Support ticket, email, or call (973)-443-8822.

If a class you have planned is full and has a waitlist enabled, then follow these steps to join the waitlist. Please note that there is no guarantee that you will get a spot in the course section.


Students have the option to place themselves on the waitlist to see if a seat becomes available in the course section. For a course that offers waitlisting as an option, plus-ins are no longer a standard practice; neither an advisor nor a professor can approve a plus-in for a class. All registration rules and restrictions apply to waitlisting, so you may not be able to place yourself on a waitlist if you are not eligible. If you encounter difficulties adding yourself to a waitlist due to restrictions, you should reach out to your Academic Advisor for assistance.

  1. Go to the “Academics” menu, click on “Student Planning,” and navigate to “Plan & Schedule
  1. Find the section that is full. If the waitlist is active, you will see a “Waitlist” button
  1. Once you’ve joined the waitlist, the number of waitlisted students will increase by one and you will have the option to drop off the waitlist
  1. When a spot opens in the section, you will get a notification sent to your FDU email address


You will only have until 11:59 PM EST on the day specified in the email to register for the section. If you do not register on time, the spot will be offered to the next person on the waitlist.

  1. There will now be a “Register” button on the section within the Plan & Schedule page. Click on it to register for the waitlisted course

If you have any questions or need assistance,
please open a SAMI Support ticket, email, or call (973)-443-8822.

  1. On the left-hand side of the page, you will find your menus. Click on the toolbox icon, called “Daily Work”, and navigate to the “Faculty” submenu. Within this submenu, click on “Faculty Overview
  1. Click on the row of the course you wish to verify the enrollment
  1. Within the “Roster” tab, you will see the list of students currently enrolled in the course. Use the radio buttons to select whether the student has “Attended” or “Never Attended
  1. Once you have completed verifying enrollment, you must click on “Submit Attendance
  1. Click on “Submit” in the pop-up window to complete the process


Once you’ve submitted attendance, you cannot make any changes in Self-Service. If you need to make a change, you must contact Enrollment Services: Metro Campus – AND/OR Florham Campus

  1. After you’ve submitted the enrollment verification, you will see a green notification at the top of the page letting you know you were successful

If you have any questions or need assistance,
please open a SAMI Support ticket, email, or call (973)-443-8822.

  1. On the left-hand side of the page, you will find your menus. Click on the toolbox icon, called “Daily Work”, and navigate to the “Advising” submenu. Within this submenu, click on “Advising Overview
  1. Find the student you wish to advise using the prepopulated table of assigned advisees or by searching for their name or ID number in the search bar.


You can search for any student, whether you are their advisor or not, by using the search bar.

  1. Click on the “View Details” button for the record of interest
  1. Click on the “Notifications” bar to expand it and view any holds on the student’s account
  1. Underneath the “Notifications” bar, you will find all the tabs you can use to gain a well-rounded view of the student’s academic progress
  • Click on “Course Plan” to view the courses the student has registered for or is planning to register for
  • Click on “Progress/Degree Audit” to view the student’s Degree Audit. Within this tab, you can click on “View a New Program” to see what it would look like if this student switched programs
  • Click on “Test Scores” to see any official test scores that have been submitted to FDU and recorded in Colleague
  • Click on “Grades” to view the student’s midterm and final grades broken down by semester
  • Click on “Remove Hold” to remove the web registration hold from the student’s account. You will need to select the hold you wish to remove and click on “Remove Selected”

If you have any questions or need assistance,
please open a SAMI Support ticket, email, or call (973)-443-8822.

  1. On the left-hand side of the page, you will find your menus. Click on the toolbox icon, called “Daily Work”, and navigate to the “Financial Management” sub-menu. Within this sub-menu, click on “Budget
  1. On the “Budget to Actuals” page, there will be options to filter your reports. By clicking on any of the arrows, you can expand or collapse the filter options. Once expanded, a field will appear where you can type the criteria you would like to search for. Additionally, you can change the Fiscal Year using the drop-down menu at the top of the page
  1. Using “Identifier” as an example, you can type in your value(s) in the following ways. Hit “Enter” after each value to include in the search
    • Type in the individual identifier, ex: 067110
    • Type in the range of identifiers, ex: 067110-067115
    • Type in the identifiers separated by commas, ex: 067110, 067111, 067115
  1. Click “Apply Filter” when done entering values. Your results will appear to the right of your filter menu
  1. If you need to change your filters:
    • Open up the filter options by clicking on the blue “Filter” button
    • You can add more values by typing them into the field, hitting “Enter”, and applying the filter again
    • You can remove individual values by clicking on the “X” next to the value
    • You can start over completely by clicking “Reset Filter
  1. If you are satisfied with your filter options and would like to detail in on a specific budget, then click anywhere on the budget you would like to view
  1. Click anywhere within a row to view more details. The “Financial Health” column will display a yellow alert symbol if the budget is over 85% spent
  1. Continue to click on rows or documents to view more details. Download any page with an “Export” icon if you need to view it in Excel. You can click Back in your browser to go back a page
  1. On the left-hand side of the page, you will find your menus. Click on the toolbox icon, called “Daily Work”, and navigate to the “Financial Management” sub-menu. Within this sub-menu, click on “Budget
  1. On the “Budget to Actuals” page, there will be options to filter your reports. By clicking on any of the arrows, you can expand or collapse the filter options. Once expanded, a field will appear where you can type the criteria you would like to search for. Additionally, you can change the Fiscal Year using the drop-down menu at the top of the page
  1. Using “Identifier” as an example, you can type in your value(s) in the following ways. Hit “Enter” after each value to include in the search
    • Type in the individual identifier, ex: 067110
    • Type in the range of identifiers, ex: 067110-067115
    • Type in the identifiers separated by commas, ex: 067110, 067111, 067115
  1. Click “Apply Filter” when done entering values. Your results will appear to the right of your filter menu
  1. If you need to change your filters:
    • Open up the filter options by clicking on the blue “Filter” button
    • You can add more values by typing them into the field, hitting “Enter”, and applying the filter again
    • You can remove individual values by clicking on the “X” next to the value
    • You can start over completely by clicking “Reset Filter
  1. If you are satisfied with your filter options and would like to detail in on a specific budget, then click anywhere on the budget you would like to view
  1. Click anywhere within a row to view more details. The “Financial Health” column will display a yellow alert symbol if the budget is over 85% spent
  1. Continue to click on rows or documents to view more details. Download any page with an “Export” icon if you need to view it in Excel. You can click Back in your browser to go back a page


Anytime you see the FY drop-down menu at the top of the page, you can change the FY you are viewing. Likewise, whenever you see the Export drop-down menu, you can download the information in your current view into a CSV file and open in Excel.

If you have any questions or need assistance,
please open a SAMI Support ticket, email, or call (973)-443-8822.

  1. Go to the “Daily Work” menu, click on “Faculty,” and then click on “Faculty Overview
  1. Select the course for which you need to enter midterm grades
  1. Within the “Grading” tab, select the “Midterm Progress Report” tab
  1. Use the drop-down menu to select the grade for each student


The “Grade Required” column will indicate which students MUST be given a midterm grade.


There is no Submit button for Midterm grading. Grades are automatically saved when selected from the drop-down. Midterm grades may be changed at anytime, if needed.

If you have any questions or need assistance,
please open a SAMI Support ticket, email, or call (973)-443-8822.

  1. Go to the “Daily Work” menu, click on “Faculty,” and then click on “Faculty Overview
  1. Select the course for which you need to enter final grades
  1. Within the “Grading” tab, select the “Final Grade” tab
  1. Use the drop-down menu to select the grade for each student


A grade must be entered for every student in order to submit grades.

  1. Once all grades have been entered, you must click the “Submit Grades” button to save and submit your work


You have a short window where you can change grades and resubmit in Self-Service. However, once grades have been verified in Colleague, you will no longer be able to make a change in Self-Service. You will then need to go through the Change of Grade process.

If you have any questions or need assistance,
please open a SAMI Support ticket, email, or call (973)-443-8822.

  1. Go to the Daily Work menu and click on “Departmental Oversight“. Within this menu, click on “Departmental Overview
  1. To search for a section by course code, click on the “Section radio button. Type in the section information using the following valid formats only:
    • Subject Code Only – Ex: PSYC
    • Catalog Number – Ex: PSYC_1201
    • Specific Section – Ex: PSYCH_1201_31
  1. To search for all the sections being taught by a specific faculty member, click on the “Faculty” radio button. Type in the faculty member’s name using the following valid formats only:
    • First Name Last Name – Ex: Bob Smith
    • Last Name, First Name – Ex: Smith, Bob
  1. Once you’ve found the section or faculty member you searched for, click on “View Details
  1. To view the Enrollment Verification or Midterm/Final grades associated with a specific section, click on the section name
  1. Enrollment Verification can be found in the Roster tab and Midterm/Final grades can be found in the Grading tab


You will not be able to submit grades on behalf of a faculty member. You can only view the grades that have been submitted.

If you have any questions or need assistance,
please open a SAMI Support ticket, email, or call (973)-443-8822.

  1. On the left-hand side of the page, you will find your menus. Click on the menu called “User Options” and then click on “FDU Alert
  1. Fill in the alert information presented on the page. If information already exists in these fields, make sure the information is up to date. Click “Submit” when finished

If you have any questions or need assistance,
please open a SAMI Support ticket, email, or call (973)-443-8822.

What is a Proxy? A Proxy is a person to whom you grant permission to sign into your Self-Service account to access selected student records.

  1. On the left-hand side of the page, you will find your menus. Press on the menu called “User Options” and then press on “View/Add Proxy Access” 
  1. Use the drop-down to add a proxy. If you see the person’s name, select them from the list and confirm their information. If you do not see their name, click on “Add Another User
  1. You must fill in the personal information for the proxy
  1. You can pick and choose what access you want to give to this proxy
  1. You must agree to the Disclosure Agreement and press “Submit” 
  1. You will be prompted to enter your Single-Sign-On password again and press “Submit” 
  1. If you add a new user, you might get the following pop-up message. If you do, press “Continue
  1. Now your proxy will be listed on the “View/Add Proxy Access” page


Proxies will receive an email any time access is granted or revoked.

  1. If you want to change a proxy’s access at any time, simply click on the pencil next to their row
  1. Add or remove access by selecting the appropriate checkboxes. You can also remove all access entirely by selecting the “Remove All Access” radio button. Click “Save” to submit your changes

Important Important

If you are giving a proxy access to “Make a Payment” you must also make them an authorized user in TouchNet.

  1. To give access to Make a Payment via an authorized user, click on “Payments/Payment Plans/1098-T” within the “Student Finance” menu
  1. Click on “Continue to the Payment Center” to navigate to TouchNet
  1. Click on “Authorized Users” to add your proxy as an authorized user to pay your bill. Follow the instructions to add the authorized user

If you have any questions or need assistance,
please open a SAMI Support ticket, email, or call (973)-443-8822.

  1. On the left-hand side of the page, you will find your menus. Click on the menu called “User Options” and then click on “FDU FERPA Release
  1. Click on “Add a Contact” to add a new contact, a person to whom you want to grant access to your information


By completing the information on this page, you are authorizing administrators, staff, and faculty members of Fairleigh Dickinson University to release information pertaining to academic records, financial aid, student bill/account and disciplinary records to the contacts you have noted. This waiver remains in effect throughout your tenure as a student at the University. If you wish to cancel the permissions this waiver authorizes, you may do so by updating the details on this page. Please be advised that this waiver DOES NOT apply to services provided by Health and Counseling services. All records pertaining to medical care and psychological services remain confidential.

  1. Adding a contact: Fill in the contact’s name, relationship, and the start date (the date that this will become effective). The expiration date is optional and can be changed at any point. Click “Save
  1. You will now see this contact listed on the FDU FERPA Release page
  1. If you want to end the permissions of a contact, press on the row containing their name
  1. Fill in an expiration date to end their permissions on that date. Press “Save
  1. Repeat the steps above to add or change your contacts

If you have any questions or need assistance,
please open a SAMI Support ticket, email, or call (973)-443-8822.

  1. Go to the “User Options” menu and click on “FDU SIN Update
  1. Enter your SIN into the empty fields and click “Update
  1. You will know your submission is successful if you get a “SIN Updated” alert in the top right corner of the page

If you have any questions or need assistance,
please open a SAMI Support ticket, email, or call (973)-443-8822.

The phone numbers the University has on file to communicate with you are displayed in your User Profile in Self-Service. If the information is incorrect in any way, you can update your contact data using the steps below.


Please note that the phone number you enter under the ‘Work’ phone type will be publicly available in the FDU Faculty/Staff directory. Ensure that the number you provide for ‘Work’ is the one you want colleagues, students, and others to use to contact you.

  1. Go to the “User Options” menu and press on “User Profile”
  1. Scroll down to the “Phone Numbers” section
  1. If any of the phone numbers listed are no longer yours, you can press the “X” icon in the Remove or Edit column to delete them. Press “Accept” to confirm the deletion
  1. If any of the numbers listed need to be corrected or updated, press the “Pencil” icon. Change the information that appears in the pop-up window and press “Update Phone”
  1. If you need to add a new phone number to your record, press “+ Add New Phone”. In the pop-up window, fill in the number, and extension (if applicable), type, and select if you allow this number to be texted. Then press “Add Phone”

If you have any questions or need assistance,
please open a SAMI Support ticket, email, or call (973)-443-8822.

Last Modified:

Vendor Access Policy for Networking & Computing

Resources for:
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As the demand for access by on-site vendors increases, Fairleigh Dickinson University has created a Vendor Access Policy for Networking and Computing. The intent of the policy is to define the categories of non-employees that are on our campuses and provide rules and guidelines around their networking & computing needs. All business units should utilize the Contract Review Process which has been instituted by the Office of the General Counsel prior to initiating any of the below processes. Fully executed contracts that have been reviewed and approved may be requested by members of OIRT prior to providing any access for the non-employees below.

Effective Date: 3/1/2023
Last Revision: 1/14/2024


The University employs individuals from companies that perform work on behalf of the University and expressly for the University. Examples could be an employee from a staffing agency working within IT to augment the staff in assisting with a series of projects, or an individual hired from an agency to work within Human Resources to assist in processing forms. These individuals are hired under contracts and are held tothe terms and conditions of those contracts. In most cases, working as part of the University, these individuals need computing functionality identical to those of university hired staff, as they are acting on behalf of the University & fulfilling a role specific to the University. All work done by these individuals is part of the university’s data property, and therefore, these individuals should be provided with University issued devices such as desktop/laptop computers, landline phone extensions, etc.

Individuals hired from companies outside of the University to conduct business on behalf of the University must meet the following guidelines and are provided with the following access:

  1. The hiring manager or department head must complete an HR Personal Information Notice (PIN) to begin the process.
  2. Contractors/Consultants will always be issued a University NetID in the format of
  3. Once the NetID has been created & communicated to the hiring manager, a Vendor Employee Technology Form must be completed if the contractor/consultant needs access to certain FDU systems. The form to be found in the Staff and Faculty Forms tile of SAMISupport.

SAMI Support

  1. All Contractors/Consultants are required to complete the Written Information Security Program (WISP) training immediately after an account is provisioned. Validation of completion is needed within the first 30 days.
    1. WISP training reminder on day 15
    2. WISP training daily reminder every day after day 15
    3. Disable account day 30 with an email sent to the manager
  2. All contractors/consultants must read and accept the following additional policies:
    1. Policy for the acceptable use of email
    2. Acceptable use policy for computer usage
    3. FDU alert policy
    4. Password policy
  3. Contractors/Consultants will be able to sign up for FDU Alert through Colleague Self-Service. Instructions can be found here:
  1. Contractors/consultants issued a university managed laptop/desktop are entitled to an email address without the vendor designation at the request of the hiring manager. This would be requested by the manager through the Vendor Employee Technology Form by clicking the “Convert Vendor NetID” box.


It is strongly recommended that contractors/consultants be issued University managed equipment. Access to certain systems may be denied if personal equipment is used.

  1. Contractors/consultants must be terminated at the end of their contract using the same methodology utilized for current faculty and staff. It is the unshared responsibility of the managing department to submit termination paperwork per the HR process for any contractor/consultant who had been issued a NetID.


The University utilizes volunteers in non-paying positions during the school year. Examples of these roles include but are not limited to preceptors & chaplains. These individuals do not need access to any University systems with the exception of email. As such, they need access to Internet services & email but they do not require an FDU managed laptop/desktop.

Volunteers must meet the following guidelines and are provided the following access:

  1. Volunteers will be issued a NetID in the format of to be able to authenticate to FDU’s wireless network (and wired network in the future).
  2. Volunteers are required to complete the Written Information Security Program (WISP) training immediately after an account is provisioned. Validation of completion is needed within the first 30 days.
    1. WISP training reminder on day 15
    2. WISP training daily reminder every day after day 15
    3. Disable account day 30 with an email sent to the manager
  3. All volunteers must read and accept the following additional policies:
    1. Policy for the acceptable use of email
    2. Acceptable use policy for computer usage
    3. FDU alert policy
    4. Password policy
  4. Volunteers will be able to sign up for FDU Alert through Colleague Self-service. Instructions can be found here:
  1. All volunteer accounts will expire at the end of the fiscal year and must be renewed by their FDU manager by completing a PIN form.
  2. Volunteers must be terminated at the end of their contract using the same methodology utilized for current faculty and staff. It is the unshared responsibility of the managing department to submit termination paperwork per the HR process for any contractor/consultant who had been issued a NetID.

On-Campus Vendors

The University outsources various functions to entities (Vendors) that operate independently but work exclusively on our campuses and provide services for our faculty, staff & students. These employees are individually managed by their corporate entities and are largely held accountable by their corporate management.

While on campus, employees of these vendors might need access to the Internet to interact with their corporate websites or communicate with their corporate managers. In many cases today and in most all cases in the future, these employees will need to authenticate through the University’s network in order to conduct their business. The University has established a process whereby the Fairleigh Dickinson University department responsible for that vendor completes the Human Resource forms necessary in order to create a non-employee record within our Colleague system.

Employees of on-campus vendors must meet the following guidelines and are provided the following access:

  1. Vendor employees will be issued a NetID in the format of to be able to authenticate to FDU’s wireless network (and wired network in the future).
  1. Vendor employees will be able to add their contact information to FDU Alert by sending an email to
  2. All vendor employee accounts will expire at the end of the fiscal year and must be renewed by their FDU manager by completing a PIN form.
  3. Vendor employees must be terminated through FDU’s systems when they either are removed from their assignment at Fairleigh Dickinson University or are terminated by their employer using the same methodology utilized for current faculty and staff. It is the unshared responsibility of the managing department to submit termination paperwork per the HR process for any contractor/consultant who had been issued a NetID.

Elevated Vendor Privileges

From time to time, the employee of an on-campus vendor might have justification for having access to FDU email or a need to access systems and/or applications that reside behind FDU’s firewalls. If such a case is identified, the FDU department responsible for that vendor would need to contact the Director of Systems with a formal request for additional vendor access. The FDU department must present solid business justification for the elevated access. The Director of Systems will review each request and either approve or reject the request based on business needs and security posture. The Director of Systems might consult with the Data Security & Incident Response Team before providing an answer.

Employees of on-campus vendors approved for elevated access must meet the following guidelines and are provided the following access:

  1. Vendor employees will be issued a NetID in the format of to be able to access FDU’s wireless network (and wired network in the future).
  2. All vendor employees are required to complete the Written Information Security Program (WISP) training immediately after an account is provisioned. Validation of completion is needed within the first 30 days.
    1. WISP training reminder on day 15
    2. WISP training daily reminder every day after day 15
    3. Disable account day 30 with an email sent to the manager.
  3. Vendor employees will be able to sign up for FDU Alert through self-service. Instructions can be found here:
  1. All vendor employees with elevated access must read the following additional policies:
    1. Policy for the acceptable use of email
    2. Acceptable use policy for computer usage
    3. FDU alert policy
    4. Password policy
  2. If the vendor employee needs to access FDU systems and/or applications, issuance of a University managed laptop/desktop may be required. This would be at the expense of the requesting department.
  3. Upon departmental request, vendor employees will only be provided access to the specific University Systems and applications approved by the Director of Systems.
  4. All vendor employee accounts will expire at the end of the fiscal year and must be renewed by their FDU manager by completing a PIN form.
  5. Vendor employees must be terminated through FDU’s systems when they either are removed from their assignment at Fairleigh Dickinson University or are terminated by their employer using the same methodology utilized for current faculty and staff. It is the unshared responsibility of the managing department to submit termination paperwork per the HR process for any contractor/consultant who had been issued a NetID.

Last Modified: