
Video Project Concept Assistance

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Creative Collaboration and Conceptualization

If you have a basic concept and a target audience in mind but are unsure about the visual direction of your video, our team is here to help. We excel in assisting clients through the creative process, ensuring that your initial idea is developed into a clear, effective video that aligns with your goals.

Utilizing Inspirational Examples

Sharing examples of videos that resonate with your vision can be incredibly beneficial for your project. These references help us understand the style, tone, and messaging you aspire to communicate to your audience. By analyzing these examples, we can collaboratively create a unique and tailored video that meets your specific needs and expectations.

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Ways to Lead Productive and Inclusive Zoom Classes

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Here are 5 ways to lead productive & inclusive Zoom Classes with your students.

  1. As facilitator, plan ahead. Identify partners to help fill Zoom Class roles. If you can, identify a:
    • Co-host in case you have technical problems
    • Moderator: to monitor and respond to chats
    • Coordinator: to keep track of time and take notes
  2. Share rules of engagement at the start of your class
    • Keep your video on
    • Mute yourself unless speaking
    • Introduce yourself before you speak
  3. Ensure all students have equal access to shared content
    • Share content ahead of class or by using Zoom chat
    • Think agenda, slides, notes, reference materials
  4. Be sure students have an equal chance to engage
    • Invite student s to speak up, and do this at multiple points during the class
  5. Be intentional about class activities
    • Conduct activities that work for all students, ensuring a similar experience
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Web What?

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This is a handy little “cheat-sheet” for students, faculty and staff who are trying to understand some of the computer lingo used on campus. The terms that seem to cause the most confusion for most people all start with the string “Web”. That is not surprising because there are two systems that start with “Web”: Webcampus and Webmail.


Webcampus is a course content management system. FDU’s Webcampus is also known as the Blackboard System. On-line courses are taught through this system which also allows for interaction between the student and faculty member as well as on-line class discussions. Webcampus is handled by the Center for Teaching and Learning with Technology department. The Organization feature in Webcampus is used by many faculty and staff members of the University. To access the Webcampus system, an individual must have a Webmail account. Any questions or problems with Webcampus should be funneled through the Fairleigh Dickinson University Technical Assistance Center (UTAC).


Webmail is FDU’s email system and is a means of electronic communication among all faculty, staff and students, as well as off-campus individuals. It is important that every student have an FDU email account since an FDU email account is a pre-requisite of attaining a Webadvisor or Webcampus account. The FDU email system is handled by the University Systems and Security Department. Any questions or problems with Webmail should be funneled through the Fairleigh Dickinson University Technical Assistance Center (UTAC).

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Zoom Live Training

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Zoom experts host free and interactive live training webinars daily. Get up to speed in less than an hour. Please select the time zone that fits best for you when registering for one of our live training webinars.

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Zoom Rooms

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Fairleigh Dickinson University has rooms dedicated as Zoom Rooms where you could have hybrid in-person and remote learning.

On this page, you will find a link for the location of the Zoom Rooms on both New Jersey campuses, links for instructions on how to use the Zoom Rooms, and the equipment for installed rooms, cart rooms, and connecting with ITV rooms.

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