
CrashPlan Tutorial

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CrashPlan is a backup agent that will back up all data on a university device under the primary owner’s profile. The backup sets can be used for restoring data to a machine, whether it has been reformatted, replaced, or compromised. This document will outline the steps needed to install, activate, and restore data to a new or existing device.



About CrashPlan

CrashPlan Policy

CrashPlan is required on all University provided desktops and laptops to backup all University Business data to prevent data loss.

Who Can use CrashPlan?

CrashPlan is presently licensed for full-time faculty and full-time staff only. The University mandates CrashPlan for proper data security practices. If a user has personal data that they wish to exclude from being backed up, a folder labeled “Personal Documents” can be found and utilized in your “Documents” folder. This folder and its contents will be ignored by CrashPlan when your system is being backed up.

Personal Documents folder locations:

Windows PCC:\users\username\Documents\Personal Documents\
macOS/users/username/documents/Personal Documents/


If the Personal Documents folder does not exist in your Documents folder, you can manually create it and the folder will be automatically ignored by CrashPlan.

Is My Data Secure?

CrashPlan uses AES-256 encryption is used when storing your backups and can only be accessed by the CrashPlan account owner and administrators.

What is Backed Up?

All data found in a user profile will be backed up by CrashPlan.

Location of User Profile:

Windows PCC:\users\UserName\

Warning Warning

Any data not stored in the user profile will NOT be backed up by CrashPlan. It is highly encouraged to store university business data within your user profile.

How to Install on a Windows PC

To install CrashPlan on your Windows PC, please follow the instructions below.


CrashPlan is being automatically deployed to all systems owned by Faileigh Dickinson University.

Before Installing CrashPlan, you must be logged in as the owner of the machine using your NetID Credentials.

  1. Open FDU Self Service Portal for Software on your University PC
  2. Click on CrashPlan Backup and then click “Install” on the right-hand side


It could take several minutes for the client to make the first connection and start the first backup.

The entire process will take approximately 5-7 minutes, depending on your internet speed. Once CrashPlan is installed, your account is automatically provisioned in the CrashPlan system, and your backup will begin shortly.

How to Install on macOS

To install CrashPlan on your macOS device, please follow the instructions below.


CrashPlan is being automatically deployed to all systems owned by Faileigh Dickinson University.

  1. Locate the FDU Self Service Portal in your applications folder or locating the icon on your dock
  2. Locate CrashPlan Backup and click “Enroll”
  1. After the package installs, you will be prompted to enter your FDU email address and then click “OK


It could take several minutes for the client to make the first connection and start the first backup.

The entire process will take approximately 5-7 minutes, depending on your internet speed. Once CrashPlan is installed, your account is automatically provisioned in the CrashPlan system, and your backup will begin shortly.

How to Replace or Add a Second Device

This process is used when someone will be assigned a second device and wishes to have it backed up or if the CrashPlan needs to be re-installed on the same device. Because an account already exists, it cannot be provisioned automatically. It must be manually setup either to replace an existing device or create a new backup set on the second computer.


In order to proceed, CrashPlan must be installed prior to continuing, please refer back to the Install instructions for your operating system from the CrashPlan User Guide. A link is found at the bottom of this page.


A backup set is CrashPlan’s way of describing the backup configuration and what files are being backed up.

  1. Click on the CrashPlan app in the system tray (PC) or Menu bar (macOS) and then click “Setup Device
  1. If prompted, log in to the FDU NetID Portal and proceed through the FDU single sign-on process
  2. Click “Replace Existing
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Code42-How-to-Add-a-Second-Device-or-Replace-an-Exisiting-Device-Figure-2.png
  1. Click “Start” to continue with the replace existing device process
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Code42-How-to-Add-a-Second-Device-or-Replace-an-Exisiting-Device-Figure-3.png
  1. Select the device from the list you are replacing and click “Continue
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Code42-How-to-Add-a-Second-Device-or-Replace-an-Exisiting-Device-Figure-4.png
  1. Click “Select Files” on the following window
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Code42-How-to-Add-a-Second-Device-or-Replace-an-Exisiting-Device-Figure-5.png
  1. Select and Choose which files you wish to replace by placing a checkmark next to each. When finished, click “Restore Files
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Code42-How-to-Add-a-Second-Device-or-Replace-an-Exisiting-Device-Figure-6.png
  1. The next window will allow you to select how you wish to restore your files. Make your selections and click “Go
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Code42-How-to-Add-a-Second-Device-or-Replace-an-Exisiting-Device-Figure-7.png
  1. The next window will display download progress for the restore process. You can continue forward by clicking “Continue” at the bottom
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Code42-How-to-Add-a-Second-Device-or-Replace-an-Exisiting-Device-Figure-8.png
  1. The next window Downloads the Files to your device. When the transfer is completed, click “Next
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Code42-How-to-Add-a-Second-Device-or-Replace-an-Exisiting-Device-Figure-9.png


You can close this window and continue working or you can click transfer more files and repeat the steps for additional files. This will extend the time it needs to restore.

  1. Your Transfer is now complete, click “Finish
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Code42-How-to-Add-a-Second-Device-or-Replace-an-Exisiting-Device-Figure-10.png

Verifying a Backup Instructions

If you are unsure if you have CrashPlan installed and backing up your system, this quick guide will help give you some comfort.

  1. Click on the CrashPlan icon from the system tray on Windows and the menu bar on macOS

CrashPlan Icon

  1. The Progress will be displayed like in the Figure below
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Code42-Verifying-Backup-Progress-Figure-2.png


Depending on your backup size, this could take anywhere from a few minutes to a few days. CrashPlan will continue to run and backup in the background. After the first successful backup, incremental backups will occur.

How to Manage Backups

CrashPlan allows you to manage your backup sets. If you want to review your backup set or request assistance, please contact the Fairleigh Dickinson University Technical Assistance Center (UTAC) to initiate a service request.

How to Restore Files

Accidentally deleted or unable to find a file? CrashPlan can help. Please follow the following guidelines in restoring lost or previous versions of files.

  1. Click the CrashPlan System Tray or macOS menu bar Icon

CrashPlan Icon

  1. Left-click on the gear symbol and left-click on “Open CrashPlan….
  1. If prompted, log in to the FDU Single sign-on Portal and proceed through the FDU DUO Multifactor authentication procedures
  2. Click “Restore Files
  3. Select the device you wish to restore from
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Code42-How-to-Restore-Files-Figure-2.png


If you have more than one backup device, please select the device from where you want to restore the file from.

  1. You can select a date range from when you wish to restore from on the right-hand side
  2. Navigate to the folder(s) and/or file(s) you wish to restore and place a check next to each one
  3. Click “Restore Files
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Code42-How-to-Restore-Files-Figure-3.png
  1. Select how CrashPlan will restore your files. Click “Go” when finished
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Code42-How-to-Restore-Files-Figure-4.png


Above are the recommended options for restoring files, this will help you find them more easily.

The time it takes to restore your files will depend on how much data is being restored, available system resources, and available bandwidth.

How to Add Backup Sets

Using CrashPlan you can create backup sets that will back up your data to additional devices utilizing a schedule. This is useful to have immediate access to critical files in the event of data loss.

This guide is only needed if you wish to have a local backup of your data.


If you schedule multiple backup sets to run at specific times and the backup sets go to the same destination, ensure that these times do not overlap. This ensures good backup performance.

  1. Click the CrashPlan System Tray or macOS menu bar Icon

CrashPlan Icon

  1. Left-click on the gear symbol and left-click on “Open CrashPlan….
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Code-42-How-to-Add-Backup-Sets-Figure-1.png
  1. If prompted, log in to the FDU Single Sign-on Portal and proceed through the FDU DUO Multi-factor authentication procedures
  2. From the CrashPlan console window, click the “Dropdown Arrow” symbol next to your device name to drop down a menu, then click “Add Backup Set…
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Code42-How-to-Add-Backup-Sets-Figure-2.png
  • The next window will be the Add Backup Set configuration window.
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Code42-How-to-Add-Backup-Sets-Figure-3.png


The “Add Set” button will be un-clickable until it is completely configured.

  1. Click “Rename” to label your backup set
  2. Changing Selected Files, click “Change”, and select the files and folders you wish to backup to a local destination
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Code42-How-to-Add-Backup-Sets-Figure-4.png
  1. When finished click “Save
  2. Click “Change” to set your destination for your backup
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Code42-How-to-Add-Backup-Sets-Figure-5.png
  1. Select your destination by clicking “Add Local Destination (usually an external hard drive) and click “Save
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Code42-How-to-Add-Backup-Sets-Figure-6.png
  1. Click “Add Set” to finalize the setup and start backing up to a local location
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Code42-How-to-Add-Backup-Sets-Figure-7.png

Your new back upset is finished and will begin backing up as configured.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Code42-How-to-Add-Backup-Sets-Figure-8.png

Backup Alert Email Notifications

CrashPlan will send users an email alert notifying of any incomplete backups of their devices.

  • The CrashPlan email alert will be sent from CrashPlan for Enterprise <>
  • The Subject line of the email will be labeled with: Critical: [Name of Device] not backed up

Backup Alert

You will receive an alert when your computer hasn’t backed up to CrashPlan for 5 calendar days. The email will look like the example below:

CrashPlan Backup Alert Email Notification

What to do if you get a backup alert

After receiving a CrashPlan backup alert email, you should locate the device the email specifies in need of backup. The CrashPlan device name will be listed in the Subject: line and Computer Name: line of the CrashPlan backup alert email. To locate the name of a CrashPlan device, left-click the CrashPlan “C” symbol icon in the Windows System Tray, also referred to as the notification area.


The Windows System Tray or notification area is usually located on the bottom right of the Windows taskbar, next to the displayed digital clock.

For macOS users left-click CrashPlan symbol icon on the macOS icon menu bar. The CrashPlan device name will be displayed in the console. Ensure the CrashPlan application displays the same name as the CrashPlan backup alert email you received.

CrashPlan Symbol Icon

CrashPlan Device Name

After locating the correct specified device stated in the CrashPlan backup alert email, force a backup of the device by performing the following:

  1. Left-click the “CrashPlan” System Tray or macOS menu bar Icon

CrashPlan Icon

  1. Left-click “Run backup now


The backup may take some time to complete. This depends on the length of time since CrashPlan’s last complete backup and the amount of new data needed to be backed up.

Getting Support

For additional support, contact the Fairleigh Dickinson University Technical Assistance Center (UTAC) to initiate a service request.

Last Modified:

FDU Anywhere Tutorial

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FDU provides remote access to many of the software applications typically found in university computer labs.


What is FDU Anywhere?

FDU provides remote access to many software applications typically found in university computer labs. This new Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) gives users access to a Windows desktop environment along with many General Lab Software, without requiring downloading and installing programs on a user’s personal equipment. The service, called FDU Anywhere, is powered by University Systems and Networking (USAN) and can be found at

FDU Anywhere

Using FDU Anywhere is like walking into one of FDU’s computer labs. Upon logging in with your FDU NetID and password, you will have access to the virtual platform. To find a list of currently available software on FDU Anywhere, use the FDU Software Catalog. A listing of available Free and Open Source software can also be found by visiting the FDU Software Catalog.

The FDU Software Catalog provides an up-to-date catalog of software available to Faculty, Staff, and Students at the university:

System & Network Requirements

System Requirements

FDU Anywhere is a powerful resource with a lightweight footprint. In order to utilize FDU Anywhere, you must have the following:

  • Any device with a browser that supports HTML 5 will work. HTML 5 is supported by almost all desktop and mobile browsers including Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox
  • An internet connection
  • FDU NetID credentials


The Cisco Scure Client VPN is required to access FDU Anywhere. FDU IT is working on removing this requirement and will send out a Tech Alert once this has been completed.


Your system hardware specifications may impact the performance of FDU Anywhere, such as systems with less than 8GB of memory.

Network Requirements

For the best experience, while using FDU Anywhere, your network should:

  • Have a download speed of at least 5Mb/s or more
  • If your download speed falls below 5Mb/s, the connection could become unstable and cause issues with your stream
  • Have an upload speed of 5Mb/s or higher
  • An upload speed of 5Mb/s is enough to use a basic mouse, keyboard, and controller. More bandwidth-heavy devices such as webcams, microphones, and external storage devices can use up to 100Mb/s
  • Wired network connections are preferred over Wi-Fi network connections whenever possible
  • Wired network connections are more stable and offer more bandwidth over Wi-Fi

For graphics-intensive applications, like Adobe Creative Cloud and Autodesk, we recommend using a wired network connection instead of Wi-Fi, ideally with a bandwidth of 5 Mbp/s.

Wi-Fi networks with 5Ghz rated wireless connections are preferred over 2.4Ghz wireless routers and provide better performance.

VPN Applications and Connections

Warning Warning

The use of any VPN Software within FDU Anywhere is not allowed. Using a VPN client in FDU Anywhere may interrupt your session and disable your access for approximately 15 minutes.

Testing your Connection

Your experience with FDU Anywhere greatly depends on your internet connection. Testing your connection can help you identify and correct most issues.

To test your Internet connection speed, click the link below:

Internet Speed Test


Fairleigh Dickinson University is not affiliated with Netflix. The link was provided as an aid to help determine your bandwidth.

Using FDU Anywhere

FDU Anywhere is available to all students and accessible by following the instructions below:

Accessing FDU Anywhere

  1. From any web browser, visit “

FDU Anywhere


For the best overall experience using FDU Anywhere, Google Chrome is the browser of choice.


The Cisco Scure Client VPN is required to access FDU Anywhere. FDU IT is working on removing this requirement and will send out a Tech Alert once this has been completed.

  1. Use your FDU Credentials (NetID and associated password) to complete the login to the FDU Anywhere

General Lab


When you login to the General Lab experience, it may take about 60 seconds to get to the desktop. This is because your profile is being created or loaded.

  1. The selected app or desktop opens in a new browser tab


Depending on your screen resolution, your desktop experience view may differ from the picture above.

Log Out of FDU Anywhere

Logging out is a critical step in making sure others continue to be able to easily access FDU Anywhere services. To log out of FDU Anywhere, follow these steps:

  1. Single click the Windows “Start “Button
  2. Single click On your “Name
  3. Single click on “Sign Out
  1. On the upper left-hand side, click the “Hamburger” menu icon
  1. Single click on “Log Out
  1. Single click on “OK” to confirm Logout

You have now been logged out of FDU Anywhere.

Automatic Session Logout Policy

In order to help make FDU Anywhere as available as possible to all students, accounts that have been inactive (or idle) for 15 minutes will automatically be logged out.

Accessing and Using OneDrive

There are many ways in which you can access and save files within FDU Anywhere. Fairleigh Dickinson University highly recommends saving all files on your FDU Microsoft 365 OneDrive which is accessible within FDU Anywhere. There will be a first-time setup and initialization process required in order to use OneDrive within FDU Anywhere.

Setup and Initialization Process

Accessing your Microsoft 365 OneDrive account is done easily by following these instructions:

  1. From the FDU Anywhere General Lab, single click on the “OneDrive” icon found on the windows desktop
  1. Enter your FDU NetID and single click “Next“. Follow the FDU standard single sign-on prompts to complete the login process


Your FDU NetID may already be filled in, just click Sign in.

  1. You have now successfully logged into OneDrive, single click “Next
  1. Microsoft OneDrive may prompt you to backup your folders, click “Next” to skip this step.
  1. A brief overview will be given on OneDrive, to begin, single click “Next
  1. When the tutorial is finished, single click “Later
  1. OneDrive setup is complete and ready to use. Click the “X” to close the window or “Open My OneDrive Folder” to access files

Using OneDrive

Using Microsoft OneDrive within FDU Anywhere is very similar to accessing, saving and opening files on a computer. Just open up File Explorer and look for OneDrive – Fairleigh Dickinson University.

Zipping Files

if you need to zip files in order to submit them to Webcampus, please follow these instructions:

  1. Single click the file or folder


For macOS users, you can use the “Two Finger” click method on the trackpad in order to initiate the right click. For additional information, please see the link below for “FDU Anywhere – Keyboard Shortcuts”.

  1. Right click on 7-zip then click “Add to Archive
  1. Change Archive Format to “zip” like in the picture below then click “OK” to zip your files

The zip archiving process could take some time depending on the size of the file. Once completed, the file will be in the same location as the folder is. You can then email or upload your file to your professor.

Alternate Way to Zip Files

  1. Click “Start” on the taskbar on the left-hand side
  2. Type “7zip” and 7-zip File Manager will appear. Click on “7-zip File Manager
  1. Click on “7-Zip File Manager
  2. Navigate to the location of your saved file/folder and click to highlight, then click the “Add” button at the top
  1. Change Archive Format to zip and then click “OK” to zip your files

The file will now be zipped and you will find your file in the same folder as the project folder or file you wanted to zip.


The zip archive could take some time depending on the size of the file. Once completed, the file will be in the same location as the folder is. You can then email or upload your file to your professor.

Submitting Files to WebCampus

In order to successfully submit your coursework to WebCampus, it is best to use the Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Edge web browser located on the desktop of FDU Anywhere.

In order to submit your coursework to Webcampus, you can log on from within FDU Anywhere. For more information on Webcampus visit:

Keyboard Shortcuts

Sometimes you may want to copy and paste content from your own computer to an FDU Anywhere desktop or application. You can do this using the copy-and-paste menus or keyboard shortcuts, for example, “Ctrl+C” and “Ctrl+V“.


FDU Anywhere only allows copying from your personal computer into the FDU Anywhere desktop.

If you are unable to copy and paste for any reason, we recommend using our FDU OneDrive service to access any files not found in FDU Anywhere.

Copy files from Windows OS Devices

Windows OS to FDU Anywhere

  1. Highlight the text you want to copy from your computer
  2. Press “CTRL+C” to copy the selected text
  3. Move the cursor to the paste location in FDU Anywhere
  4. Press “CTRL+V” to paste the text
Copy Files from Apple OS Devices

Your macOS to FDU Anywhere

  1. Highlight the text you want to copy from your computer
  2. Press “COMMAND+C “to copy the selected text
  3. macOS also supports “CTRL+C


You may find it easier to use CTRL + C when copying content to FDU Anywhere, so you don’t have to switch back and forth between COMMAND + CTRL.

  1. Move the cursor to the paste location in “FDU Anywhere
  2. Press “CTRL+V” to paste the text


The copy and paste functions DO NOT work across all applications and browsers, including the copying and pasting of images. This is a limitation inherent in browser clipboards. We recommend the Google Chrome web browser for optimal clipboard capabilities.

Getting Support

For additional support, open up a support request by clicking the link below:

SAMI Support

Network Optimization

If you are experiencing issues while using FDU Anywhere, please use the following tips as guidelines to help improve your experience.

Power-cycle your Modem / Router

Power cycling your modem and router allows them to reset and re-establish a connection to your Internet Service Provider (ISP). Shut down your computer and unplug your modem/router. Plug them back in after 60 seconds and watch the lights on your modem/router. Once the lights are on and steady, start your computer.

Keep all your Local Components Up-to-date

Check that your modem/router and your local computer are totally up to date. This includes the operating system, driver, and browser updates.

Disconnect / Turn off any Devices that are not in use

Some devices could be using bandwidth while on standby. Gaming consoles, for example, might download and install updates. Turn off these devices to keep your bandwidth free.

Use an Ethernet Cable

Using a wired Ethernet connection will make your connection more stable and eliminate additional latency compared to a wireless connection.

Change your Wi-Fi Configuration

If a wired Ethernet connection is not possible or your device requires a wireless connection:

  • Connect to a 5GHz wireless network. Some routers offer both 2.4GHz connections and 5GHz
  • Place your devices (such as a computer or smartphone) and your router closer to each other


You may need to contact your internet service provider for help with rebooting your router and/or to configure your wireless settings correctly.

Last Modified:

FDU Self Service Portal for Software

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The FDU (Fairleigh Dickinson University) Self-Service Portal for Software is a a tool designed to enhance our community’s access to software and desktop related information. With the Self-Service Portal for Software, our Faculty and Staff can easily locate and install pre-loaded software onto FDU owned computers. Simply launch the portal and you will be presented with a variety of applications, each sanctioned and supplied by FDU. This portal will provide an easily searchable way to view all new applications made available to the user community, including Microsoft Teams, Cisco Jabber, the FDU VPN, and many more.

FDU Self Service Portal Icon

How to Use and Access the FDU Self Service Portal for Software

  1. Locate the FDU Self-Service Portal for Software icon on the desktop and double-click it to launch the application or…
    1. Select the ‘Windows’ logo/start button on the bottom left of the desktop
    2. Type ‘FDU Self Service Portal for Software’ into the search bar
    3. Left click ‘FDU Self Service Portal for Software’ app to launch
FDU Self-Service Portal for Software on Windows Devices
  1. To install a program, click on the name of the application, then click on the “Install” button to the right
  1. A progress window will provide updates as the program is installed on your system. When complete, the Status column should indicate “Complete
  1. After the selected application finished downloading, it will automatically install and when completed, the status will show as “Completed
  1. Open the ‘Applications’ folder and locate and click the ‘FDU Self Service Portal’ icon or…
  • Select the ‘Launchpad’ icon from the dock

Launchpad Icon

  • Type ‘FDU Self Service Portal
  • Click the ‘FDU Self Service Portal’ icon to launch
FDU Self-Service Portal for macOS Devices
iOS & iPadOS
  1. Find the ‘Self Service Portal’ app icon and tap to launch
FDU Self Service Portal App on iPadOS

FDU Self Service Portal App on iOS

  1. Click ‘Install’ to install the requested item onto your device


The Android version of the FDU Self Service Portal will be available in the future.

Once the FDU Self-Service Portal application is open, you may then continue to select and install your desired software application. You may also access and use any self-service troubleshooting solutions that are available to you from within the FDU Self-Service Portal as well.

Last Modified:

Microsoft New Outlook Tutorial

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Microsoft has released a new version of Outlook that will eventually replace the classic version. The new Outlook for Windows brings the latest features, intelligent assisted capabilities, and a new modern and simplified design to your Outlook app. The New Outlook has many features and is vastly different visually from the classic version of outlook presently installed on all university owned computers.



The New Outlook is compatible fully with all Office365 functions but because there are some features missing that presently exist in the classic Outlook, FDU IT highly recommends NOT switching to the new Outlook currently, especially since not all features are present and Microsoft is still developing the new Outlook.

Some of the features not available in the New Outlook are:

  1. Existing Offline Outlook files called PST files stored locally on your computer
  2. Virtru Email Encryption Client: While the Add-on is not supported, you can still send and receive encrypted email using the “#secure# tag in the subject line of the email
  3. Adobe Acrobat and/or Foxit PDF Professional Outlook using the COM-Add-ins platform
  4. Zoom Outlook Plugin or any other Meeting platform using the COM-Add-ins platform
  5. Any other third-party COM-Add-in
  6. Custom Macros or Custom Visual Basic functions manually added
  7. Many Rule templates and options are not available


The New Outlook has already been deployed to university owned macOS devices, due to the number of enhancements it provides, and that COM-Add-in platform was a Windows only feature.

  1. Turn on the toggle “Try the new Outlook” which will begin downloading the New Outlook
  1. From the Success window, select “Switch”. This will close the current version of Outlook and New Outlook will sign you in automatically. Select “Next” to accept the privacy settings
  2. Select an option about sending optional data, and then select “Accept”. Review the privacy information about connected experiences, and then select “Continue”
  3. Select “Import Settings” to bring over your settings from classic Outlook. New Outlook will begin adding your accounts
  1. The new Outlook for Windows will open once the setup is complete, and you can start reading and sending emails immediately.

New Look

This is the new Outlook mail icon. It might also include the word NEW.

When you open new Outlook, you’ll see the following tabs on the ribbon: Home, View, and Help. This version includes Settings which is available in the navigation header. Settings is where you can customize your Outlook experience.


If you are using the new outlook and never created an account using the Classic Outlook, you will have to create a ticket using FDU SAMI Support by clicking the Support button at the bottom of this page.

If you switched from the classic Outlook for Windows, you’ll have the option to migrate some of your settings, which you can learn more about on following the link below:

Microsoft Learn

However, it’s still good to familiarize yourself with the latest options.

You’ll find Settings in the gear icon in the upper right corner. You can also make quick updates to certain settings by clicking on the View tab.

Changes you make to settings in the New Outlook for Windows will also be reflected in Outlook on the web.

Become Familiar with The New Ribbon

The top bar of the app should be familiar if you’ve used any apps like Word or Excel before, including the classic Outlook for Windows.

Known as the ribbon, it is the place to find the commands you need to manage your inbox or format emails. You can make the ribbon larger (the classic experience) or smaller (the simplified experience) using the dropdown arrow on the right side of the bar. If you want to personalize the commands you see in the simplified ribbon, select Customize.

On the left side you’ll see the navigation bar, which makes it simple to switch to Calendar, Contacts, or any other app you frequently use. For quick access to your calendar or tasks without leaving the inbox, you can use My Day by selecting the icon in the upper right.

Pin Emails

Do you ever have trouble tracking down that key email thread you’re actively responding to? Or is there an email with key information you frequently refer to? Now, simply right-click any message and choose. Pin and that email will appear at the top of your inbox, saving you time from having to go back and search for it.

Snooze an Email

Sometimes email is very important, but not yet. With the Snooze feature, you can schedule a time for the email to be re-delivered to your inbox, appearing at the time you want it to, so you can handle it when it’s the right time for you. Just right-click any message and choose Snooze, or select Snooze from the ribbon. Then choose the time you want it to be delivered.

Scheduling Poll (Formerly Find Time)

Schedule an Email

In today’s hybrid work world, your day might be someone else’s night, so you don’t want to send an email to someone in the middle of the night. With the new Outlook, it’s simple to send an email when you want to. Just select the dropdown arrow next to Send and choose Schedule send.

You might be familiar with categories, but they’ve been significantly upgraded. See the category names and colors directly on your messages in your inbox. Want to see everything you’ve tagged with that category? Just click it right on your message. You can even add a category to your Favorites.

Install an Add-in from The Office Store

  1. In Outlook, go to the navigation bar and select “More Apps > Add apps”


You can also access the Store from the Apps button to install an add-in directly from a message or appointment.


Only Approved Addons will be allowed to be installed. To request an Addon, Open a Sami Support Ticket.

For guidance on how to locate the Apps button to access add-ins while reading or composing a mail item, see Use an add-in in Outlook following the link below:

Using an Add-in in Outlook

  1. In the “Apps” page, search for the add-in you want from the available list. Alternatively, if you’re after a specific add-in, enter its name in the search box. When you find the add-in you want to install, select it to learn more about the add-in and review its privacy policy
  2. When you’re ready to install the add-in, select “Add”

Add-ins Installed by your IT Admin

If you’re part of an organization and a new add-in is installed for you by your IT admin, the add-in will be available on the read or compose surface where it’s designed to work. For guidance on how to access an add-in, follow the link below:

Use an add-in in Outlook

Using an Add-in

The location of where an Add-in is installed depends on whether you’re reading or composing a mail item.


If you moved from classic Outlook for Windows to the new Outlook for Windows, note that the location of add-ins is different. While add-ins are accessed from the ribbon or app bar in classic Outlook, access to add-ins in new Outlook for Windows depends on whether you’re reading or composing a mail item.

For guidance on how to use Add-ins in classic Outlook, visit the link below:

Use an add-in in Outlook

Using an Add-in While Reading a Message

  1. Select a message in the Reading Pane or open a message in a separate window
  2. From the action bar of the message, select “Apps”
  3. Select the “Add-in” you want to use


Customize your action bar to quickly access your add-ins. In the message action bar, select the ellipsis button (•••), then choose Customize actions. In the Addins section, check the boxes for the add-ins you want to see in the action bar.

Use an Add-in While Composing a Message

  1. Create a new message or reply to an existing one
  2. From the ribbon, select the “Message” tab, then choose the Add-in you want to use. If the Add-in doesn’t appear in the ribbon, select “Apps” to view your installed add-ins

Use an Add-in While Viewing or Scheduling a Meeting or Appointment

  1. Open an existing appointment or create a new one


If you want to use an add-in on an existing meeting or appointment, you must open the meeting or appointment in a pop-up window to view the ribbon.

  1. From the ribbon, select the “Add-in” you want to use

Delete an Add-in

  1. Go to the navigation bar and select “More Apps” then “Add Apps”
  2. On the “Apps” page select “Manage your Apps”
  3. Under “Manage your Apps” find the app you want to delete and select “More options” then “Remove”

As of November 2023, the Microsoft 365 Groups experience in Outlook is generally available for Outlook on the web and new Outlook for Windows. Access new Groups by selecting Groups on the navigation bar.


New Groups in classic Outlook is available in Build Version 16.0.16714.10000 or later. To access new Groups in classic Outlook, from the navigation bar select More Apps > Groups.

New Outlook Groups

Groups in Microsoft 365 let you choose a set of people that you wish to collaborate with and easily set up a collection of resources for those people to share. Resources such as a shared Outlook inbox, shared calendar or a document library for collaborating on files.

Outlook now has a new home for Microsoft 365 Groups - one place to connect, communicate, and collaborate with your team. Groups Home provides a central destination to get critical information from all the different groups you may be part of.

Benefits of the new Groups experience include:

  • Group Home landing page – Stay updated on your groups, including recent files across all your groups. From Home, you can access frequently used groups and find new ones based on your interests.
  • Recent groups and Recent files – Find recent active groups and quick links to get to files, emails, events, and member management from the Groups Home landing page.
  • Revamped individual Groups experience – Create, consume, and share information related to a particular group, as well as manage events and members efficiently in fewer clicks.

Accessing New Groups

In the New Outlook, from the navigation bar select “Groups”. This takes you to Groups Home.

In the Classic Outlook, from the navigation bar select “More apps” then “Groups”.


To pin, right-click Groups and select Pin.

From Groups Home you can see all your groups at once. Or, when you select an individual group, you can:

  • Send an email to the group, access and edit your group settings and preferences, and manage group membership as needed.
  • Access the group email, files, events, and members by selecting the respective tab.
  • Access connected apps like Teams, SharePoint, OneNote, and Planner.


Conversations in Microsoft 365 Groups in Outlook happen in the shared inbox for the group. Users can read and reply to messages, and members can easily search or scroll back through the message history to get caught up on what’s been discussed before. The shared inbox looks a lot like the personal inbox that Outlook users are familiar with. Each conversation appears separately in the message list at the left and clicking on one will open it in the reading pane. If a user marks a message, or conversation, as read it doesn’t affect how the messages appear for other members of the group so you don’t have to worry that other members may miss an important message.

The shared inbox for your Office 365 group is where conversations occur.


A recent change in the way messages are displayed, and counted, in Outlook may have reset the number you see next to your group name in the Outlook navigation pane. If you want to reset that number to zero you can right-click the group and select Mark all as read.

Now that you’ve got your group created, let’s start a new conversation. You can post a new message by opening the shared inbox for the group and clicking New Conversation on the Ribbon. Or you can simply send an email to the group’s alias. All members of the group will be able to read the new message you’ve posted and any members who follow the group will get a copy of your message in their personal inbox.

Share Files

Each Microsoft 365 Group gets a shared files library where you can store, share, and collaborate on documents, workbooks, presentations, or just about any kind of file.

Access the files library by going to your group in Outlook (on the left navigation pane) and click Files on the Ribbon. The files library will open in a browser and from here you can create new files, upload files from your computer and do just about anything else a SharePoint document library can do. Think about what kind of files would be useful to share with your group, and don’t feel limited to Microsoft Office files. You can also share PDFs, photos or just about any other kind of file that your group would find useful.

To download or delete a file just select it and those options will appear on the toolbar at the top.


Each Microsoft 365 Group gets its own shared OneNote notebook where they can gather ideas, collaborate and store research.

Go to your group in Outlook by finding it on the left navigation pane, or in Outlook on the web by going to the People tile. Once you’re there click Notebook on the Ribbon to open the group’s shared notebook.

The first time you open the group’s shared notebook it will open in the browser in OneNote for the web. You can make edits there, or if you have OneNote 2016 and you’d prefer to use that just click Edit in OneNote from the Ribbon. Once you’ve opened it in OneNote the notebook will sync to your list of open notebooks and you can access it directly from within OneNote without having to go to the group first.

Try going to your group’s OneNote notebook and think about what might be useful for the group to collect ideas and collaborate on. For example you might have a section that you use to gather and comment on web content that is relevant to your team.

Plan Events

Chances are good that your group has events, meetings, milestones or other items that would benefit from a shared calendar. Each Microsoft 365 Group has a shared calendar that all members can see and contribute to.

Working with the calendar of your group is no different than working with your personal calendar. If you select the calendar button on the navigation pane, you’ll see your personal calendar, plus the shared calendars of any groups you’re a member of. You can check the boxes next to each calendar you want to see and view them side by side or overlapped.

Adding an item to the shared calendar works just as it does on your personal calendar. Any meeting you add to the shared calendar will invite the other members of the group to that event as well, so they can have it on their own calendars. Appointments added to the shared Group calendar do not appear on the personal calendars of other members.

Now that you’ve got your shared calendar try adding any upcoming meetings or events that your group might be participating in.

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Microsoft Office 2019 University Wide Standard

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Microsoft Office 2019 Pro Plus is Fairleigh Dickinson University’s standard office productivity software suite used on all FDU-owned laptops and desktops.

Office 2019 Pro Plus is the current version installed on all university computer labs and Microsoft Office 2019 is the current version for all Apple macOS devices.

FDU Faculty and Staff in possession of a university-owned laptop or desktop who has Microsoft Office 2016 Pro Plus installed, may upgrade to the latest version of Office 2019 Pro Plus using the FDU Self Service Portal for Software. Follow the instructions below to upgrade.


Launch Microsoft Office 2019 Pro Plus from the FDU Self Service Portal for Software


Compatible macOS devices will upgrade to the latest version of Office 2019 Pro Plus automatically (minimum version macOS 10.13)

For more information visit:

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Microsoft Office 365 Apps

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Microsoft Office 365 offers a comprehensive set of software tools that facilitate documentation, collaboration, and communication. These tools are available on the Web or as downloadable desktop Office 365 apps.

Below is a list of articles for each of the available tools in the Microsoft Office 365 environment. Each article contains information on what each application is and training on how to use them.


Outlook allows you to connect and stay organized with your email, calendar, and contacts all in one place.


Word allows you to collaboratively view, edit, and create high-quality shared documents.


Excel is the industry leading spreadsheet program, a powerful data visualization and analysis tool.


PowerPoint is a slideshow presentation program that’s part of the Microsoft office suite of tools. PowerPoint makes it easy to create, collaborate, and present your ideas in dynamic, visually compelling ways.


Teams is a unified communication and collaboration platform that combines persistent workplace chat, video meetings, file storage, and application integration. Here you will find documentation on how to install and use Teams and all its features.


OneNote is a cross-functional digital notebook. You can organize different notebooks into sections and pages with easy annotation and navigation tools.


OneDrive and Microsoft 365 make it easy to access, share, and collaborate with your classmates or co-workers on files from anywhere within FDU.


Lists you can Build and share lists to help you track issues, assets, routines, contacts, inventory, and more. You can get started with Microsoft Lists from Microsoft 365, from MS Teams or from within SharePoint.

Power Apps

Power Apps is a suite of apps, services, connectors, and data platform that provides a rapid application development environment to build custom apps. Using Power Apps, you can quickly build custom apps that connect to data stored throughout Microsoft 365.

Power Automate

Power Automate is a service that helps you create automated workflows between apps and services to synchronize files, get notifications, collect data and more.

Power BI

Power BI is a business analytics solution that lets you visualize your data and share insights across your organization or embed them in your app or website. It allows connections to hundreds of data sources and generate live dashboards and reports.


Planner makes it easy for your team to create new plans, organize and assign tasks, share files, chat about what you are working on, and get updates on progress.


Bookings offers a simpler way to organize schedules and manage appointments. Microsoft Bookings includes a web-based booking calendar and integrates with Outlook to optimize your calendar and give your contacts the flexibility to book a time that works best for everyone involved.


Forms is an app that lets you create surveys, quizzes, and polls to collect real-time responses from students, collaborates and colleagues. It has built-in analytics to evaluate responses, and export results to Excel for additional analysis or grading.

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Microsoft Office 365 Suite for Students

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The Microsoft productivity suite subscription includes Office for the Web, stand-alone, downloadable Office 365 desktop clients and mobile apps. Included in the Microsoft Office suite of products are

  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Microsoft OneNote
  • Microsoft Outlook
  • Microsoft Publisher
  • Microsoft Access

Available Platforms

  • Windows 10 or higher
  • Mac
  • iOS, Android, Other Devices
  • Browsers – Current versions of Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Internet Explorer


  • Current students that are registered for classes for the current term or a future term.

How to Install Microsoft Office 365 Pro Plus

Current students can download the latest version of Microsoft Office free of charge as part of the Microsoft Campus Agreement. Microsoft Office Suite can be installed on up to five devices.


Students leaving Fairleigh Dickinson University (by graduating or otherwise) will need to purchase Office to continue using it. You will be prompted by Microsoft to purchase Office the next time you launch the software. If you don’t purchase Office, you will still be able to open the documents you created but won’t be able to edit them or create new documents.

  • Office 365 Pro Plus can be installed on Windows 10 or higher
  • Office 365 Pro Plus can be installed on Mac OS 10.13.6 (Sierra) or higher


  1. Visit the Office Portal

Office Portal

  1. Enter your FDU NetID and then click “Next”. This will re-direct you to the FDU SSO login page
  1. Enter your FDU NetID and Password then click “Sign In“. Follow the prompts on the next screen to authenticate with Duo
  1. In the Software window, click “Office“. Then click the “Install” button
  1. The software will be downloaded and installed on your computer. Your copy of Microsoft Office remains active until you leave the University, at which point, you will either need to uninstall it or purchase a license key


Any computer with Office 365 Pro Plus installed on it must connect to the Internet at least once every 30 days so the status of your subscription can be verified. If you do not connect to the Internet every 30 days or less, Office 365 will go into reduced functionality mode. Once the computer reconnects to the Internet and the subscription status is verified, all features will become available again.

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Microsoft Workplace Discount Program

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What is the Microsoft Workplace Discount Program?

The Microsoft Workplace Discount Program is an employee purchase program with Microsoft for eligible faculty and staff of Fairleigh Dickinson University. The Workplace Discount Program allows eligible employees to buy an annual subscription to Microsoft 365 Family or Microsoft 365 Personal at a discount for use on personal devices.

FDU faculty and staff members with a valid work email address can begin signing up for the Microsoft Workplace Discount Program with their FDU email address. Notification of your Microsoft Workplace Discount Program eligibility is sent to your FDU email address inbox.

To confirm eligibility, visit the link below and enter your FDU email address.

Microsoft Workplace Discount Program Eligibility

What is Microsoft 365?

Microsoft 365 is a subscription-based software service. The subscription includes premium Office applications like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook. 1TB of OneDrive cloud storage, advanced security features, and support from Microsoft experts are also included with the subscription. 

The Microsoft Workplace Discount Program offers two types of Microsoft 365 subscriptions at a discounted rate:

  1. Microsoft 365 Personal – Includes subscription benefits mentioned above, for 1 person—discounted rate of 30%, $48.99 yearly or $6.99 monthly, usually $69.99 annually
  2. Microsoft 365 Family – Includes subscription benefits mentioned above, for up to 5 people in your family—discounted rate of 30%, $69.99 yearly or $9.99 monthly, usually $99.99 annually
What is the difference between Office 2021 (one-time purchase) and Microsoft 365 (subscription)?

Microsoft 365 is a subscription-based software service that comes with premium apps like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook, Publisher, and Access (Publisher and Access available on PC only). The apps can be installed on multiple devices, including PCs, Macs, iPads, iPhones, Android tablets, and Android phones. Microsoft 365 also comes with services like 1 TB of OneDrive storage, and Microsoft chat and phone support. With a subscription, you get the latest versions of the apps and automatically receive updates when they happen.

Office 2021 is sold as a one-time purchase, which means you pay a single, up-front cost to get Microsoft 365 apps for one computer. One-time purchases are available for both PCs and Macs. However, there are no upgrade options, which means if you plan to upgrade to the next major release, you’ll have to buy it at full price.

To learn more about the differences between Microsoft 365 and Office 2021 select the links below:

The Differences Between Microsoft 365 and Office 2021

Office Comparison Chart

What are the steps to make a Microsoft Workplace Discount Program purchase?
  1. Sign Up: Visit the Microsoft Workplace Discount Program page. Enter your corporate email address. Click on ‘Get Started’ button

Microsoft Workplace Discount Program

  1. Confirm: If you are eligible, an email will be sent to your corporate email address inbox with a link that will validate your eligibility for the program
  2. Sign In: Once your eligibility is confirmed and you register for the program with your personal Microsoft account that is associated with your personal email address, you can begin the purchase process by viewing the discounts available to you based on your Workplace Discount Program benefit eligibility

Microsoft Account

  1. Shop: Your purchase is processed and completed in the Microsoft Store. You, the eligible employee, can install Microsoft 365 on your personal devices after the purchase is complete. Once you have purchased Microsoft 365 Family, you can share your subscription with up to 5 additional members of your household.
Installing your Microsoft 365 subscription software on a Mac or PC

Use your personal Microsoft Account and password when completing the installation and login credentials for your Office software. This is the same personal Microsoft Account used to complete the registration and purchase process of the Microsoft Workplace Discount Program. Your FDU e-mail address and credentials should not be used.

Download for Windows

Download for macOS


For commonly asked questions about the Microsoft Workplace Discount Program, visit the link below:

Microsoft Workplace Discount Program FAQs

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Operating System Support Lifecycle

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Fairleigh Dickinson University’s Acceptable Use Policy for Computer Usage states, “All computers and mobile devices accessing any FDU resource must run an operating system and configuration that is supported by its vendor with regard to security patches and updates.”

This guide defines the lifecycle of our support for different operating systems.


Apple does not publish official End of Life dates, but typically provides security updates for the current release of macOS, as well as the previous two releases.

Support Status Descriptions

Active (Default) This platform is supported by FDU Computer Services & University Systems and Networking and new machines will be built with this platform unless otherwise requested.
Active This platform is supported by FDU Computer Services & University Systems and Networking and will be installed on request.
Containment This platform is currently supported by FDU Computer Services & University Systems and Networking but no new machines will be built with this platform. Platforms in containment will receive security updates and patches for the FDU supported software components. FDU Computer Services & University Systems and Networking Facilities will not provide new software or major revisions to existing software for these platforms.
Phasing Out FDU Computer Services & University Systems and Networking is actively working to migrate assets away from this platform. Platforms go in to this status automatically 6 months before the FDU End of Support Date. Platforms may be placed in this status before that time.
EOL This platform is no longer supported by FDU Computer Services & University Systems and Networking. Software support will be dropped from any asset running this platform. Other levels of support may be dropped as circumstances warrant. A valid reason is required to maintain an asset running this platform past the End of FDU Support date. All exceptions must be logged and periodically reviewed.

Supported Operating Systems

OS Family Operating System Latest Release FDU Support Status Vendor Release Date Start of FDU Support End of FDU Support Latest Vendor EOL Date
Windows Desktop Windows 11 23H2 Active (Default) Oct-2023 Jul-2024 Oct-2026 Nov-2026
22H2 Phasing Out Sep-2022 Jul-2023 Jul-2024 Oct-2025
Windows 10 22H2 Containment Oct-2022 Dec-2022 May-2025 Oct-2025
21H2 Phasing Out Nov-2021 Jan-2022 May-2024 Jun-2024
macOS Sonoma 14 Active (Default) Sep-2023 Nov-2023 Jun-2026 ~2026
macOS Ventura 13 Containment Oct-2022 Dec-2022 Jun-2025 ~2025
macOS Monterey 12 Phasing Out Oct-2021 Dec-2021 Jun-2024 ~2024

Latest Release

The latest release for desktop operating systems includes all minor and incremental updates.

End of Life

Any operating system not listed above is considered EOL (End of Life) and will not be supported. Examples of EOL Operating Systems include:

Windows: 95,98, XP, ME, VISTA, 7 & 8
macOS: Yosemite, El Capitan, Sierra, High Sierra, Mojave, Catalina, & Big Sur

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Software Compliance & Distribution Policy

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In accordance with FDU’s Acceptable Use Policy for Computer Usage, no employee shall copy or distribute software that violates copyright laws. All employees shall be aware that software and the accompanying documentation is generally owned by the manufacturer and the license only grants the user the right to use the software. Unlicensed software installations, also known as software piracy, are unacceptable at FDU.

The primary user of each computer shall take responsibility of keeping records of licenses for which software is installed. The University’s Computing Services Department shall also track licenses for software installed by the Computing Services Department though the purchase of high volume or site licenses. Users are advised that the software installed on University-owned computers may be audited internally (by the University) or externally (by software manufacturers or other anti-piracy software firms) at any time. Software found not to be in compliance with copyright laws will be removed and replaced with a licensed copy.

Computing Services will provide certain software that is commonly used by the majority of the University’s employees, including but not limited to word processing, spreadsheet, and anti-virus software. Some software manufacturers allow for non-concurrent use of a license on an office computer and an employee’s home computer. Computing Services will not provide non-concurrent licenses at off premise sites due to the inability to track these licenses.

In order to provide the best possible service and support, and to reduce the cost of software site licenses, Computing Services, in conjunction with the Center for Learning and Teaching with Technology, has standardized on Microsoft Office Professional and Symantec Endpoint Protection.

Popular Software Titles and Guidelines for Faculty and Staff to Obtain:

  • Microsoft Office for Windows or Macintosh: Available through standard deployment of leased or owned equipment or by request for any University-owned PC or Mac.
  • Microsoft Visual Studio: Installed in Labs. Available by request for staff and faculty machines.
  • Adobe Acrobat: Available by request for staff and faculty machines.
  • SAS: Installed in Labs. Available by request for staff, faculty and student machines.
  • SPSS (Base): Installed in Labs. Available by request for staff and faculty machines.
  • SPSS Advanced Modules: Available by request for staff and faculty machines.
  • Adobe Products: Faculty and staff may purchase Adobe products at level three pricing with the University’s CLP Membership No. 4400062846.
  • Symantec Endpoint Protection: Available through standard deployment of leased or owned equipment or by request for any University-owned PC or Mac.
  • Other products: Faculty and staff may obtain pricing and submit orders to Purchasing. If assistance is needed, contact Computing Services.

Software Quality Assurance and Compliance Policy for Network Server & Lab Installations

It is no longer possible for individuals to install software on staff or faculty desktops or lab computers. Laptops or Macintosh users have administrative rights and individuals can install additional licensed software to laptops.

Instructors wishing to have a software application installed in a lab for use by 20 or more people simultaneously must provide Computing Services the original installation media, installation guide, and the appropriate proof of license. Note that the licenses for some software may limit our ability to install it on the network. These materials must be provided a minimum of sixty days before the software is needed. Because it is impossible to predict how the software will interact with our network and other software already installed, we cannot guarantee that a program will work on our system.

For programs that will be used by less than 20 people, the instructor may install the application on up to 5 machines in a lab not normally used for classroom instruction, plus an “instructor’s machine” in one of the teaching labs. If fewer licenses are owned, then only that many licenses may be installed. The instructor will be told which machines to install the program on and will be given a password which can be used to disable the security on the machine for the duration of the installation procedure. Software installed in this way will only be available on those designated machines. Computing Services will make a reasonable attempt to keep these designated systems functioning with the additional software, but in the event that the machine needs to have it’s base configuration and software restored from backup, the instructor will be contacted and will need to reinstall the application.

In all cases, software must be owned or licensed by the University, even if the application is only to be used for demonstration purposes. No software owned by an individual will be installed on the systems.

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