
FDU SSO Login Guide

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FDU’s Single Sign-On (SSO) experience has been improved and OKTA is the primary Single Sign-On provider. OKTA will replace our “Legacy” SSO login page for all applications over time.

OKTA SSO Login Page

New and existing FDU NetID users who are logging into OKTA for the first time will need to finish setting up their multifactor authentication with DUO.

  1. Enter your FDU NetID and click “Next
  1. Enter your FDU NetID Password and click “Sign In”
  1. For existing users with DUO configured please skip to step 4. For new users please click “Setup” then “Enroll” to continue the process

For instructions on setting up DUO for the first time, refer to our “Quick Start Guide

  1. If you are an existing DUO user, a prompt will be shown to redirect you to verification with Duo MFA. Click “Verify” to continue
  1. Duo will automatically send a DUO Push to your registered device. Accept the DUO Push on your device to continue the authentication process
  1. If don’t want to use DUO Push to authenticate, select “Other Options” and choose your preferred method from the list

Legacy SSO Login Page

  1. Enter your FDU NetID and Password and click “Sign In
  1. Authenticate using DUO using any of the authentication options shown
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FDU Virtru Email Encryption Tutorial

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Virtru email encryption is a security enhancement to FDU’s Office 365 and Microsoft Outlook email environment, which provides Faculty and Staff the option of sending and receiving encrypted emails using their FDU email account.



What is Virtru Email Encryption

Virtru email encryption is a security enhancement to FDU’s Microsoft Office 365 and Microsoft Outlook email environment, which provides Faculty and Staff the option of sending and receiving encrypted emails using their FDU email account. Virtru for the Microsoft Outlook desktop email client is available for installation for approved FDU Faculty and Staff via the FDU Self Service Portal for Software on Windows 10 desktops and laptops owned by the University.

Virtru Email Client

The Virtru client provides a seamless experience when using the Microsoft Outlook desktop client. The Virtru Outlook plugin is only available on university laptops or desktops running Microsoft Windows.

Virtru for Office365

All Apple macOS users and users who access their FDU email through Office 365 can use Virtru email encryption to send sensitive information electronically.


Microsoft Office 365 is accessed by visiting from any web browser.

What is Virtru Secure Reader?

Virtru’s Secure Reader is a platform that can be accessed within FDU’s Outlook on the Web ( and right on your web browser by clicking the “Unlock Message” button in your Virtru secured email. From there, all you have to do is quickly validate you are an authorized recipient of that email or file. Once complete, you can read and reply to the secure email directly in your browser.

A secure message encrypted by Virtru will have a few key components, including a short unencrypted message from the sender, and a button that says “Unlock Message”.


The Secure Reader is used when viewing encrypted emails from Microsoft Office on the web and any email client on mobile devices (AndroidOS and iOS)

Request Form

To obtain access to Virtru in order to send encrypted emails, you must fill out the request from below:

For additional support, please contact the Fairleigh Dickinson University Technical Assistance Center (UTAC).

Installing Virtru onto a University PC

  1. Open the FDU Self Service Portal for Software application. Locate and left-click Virtru Email Encryption and then click “Install

For additional information on the FDU Self Service Portal for Software, please click the following link:

  1. A message box will appear notifying that Microsoft Outlook needs to be closed. Click “OK” and the installation will continue


This window will only appear if the Microsoft Outlook Client is running.

  1. A message will appear when Virtru is finished installing. Click “OK” to finalize the process

Virtru is now ready to be activated.

Activating Virtru on a University PC

  1. When you open Microsoft Outlook after the Virtru has been installed, you will be prompted to activate your Virtru plugin. Click “Activate to begin. You may choose “Laterif you do not wish to activate at this time


Check “Don’t show me again” before you click “Activate” or “Later” to prevent a pop-up window from re-appearing to prompt activation of un-activated account(s) whenever you start Outlook.

  1. You will be presented with a list of FDU email accounts configured to use in Microsoft Outlook. If your Microsoft Outlook application is associated with multiple email accounts, click on only those you will need to use Virtru email encryption. Then click “Continue
  1. After selecting the proper accounts, you will have the choice of signing in with FDU’s email provider (Microsoft Office 365) or choosing to receive an activation email. Choose “Sign in with Office 365

Activating Virtru through Office 365 Sign in

  1. Enter your FDU NetID credentials when prompted and proceed through the FDU Single Sign-on webpage, including completing Duo Multi-Factor authentication. If you experience issues, choose to “Send me an activation email” and follow the directions given below in item


If you cannot activate your account(s) using “Sign in with Office 365”, choose to “Send me an activation email.”

Activating Virtru through Activation Email

  1. If you are unable to activate your account(s) using “Sign in with Office 365,” choose to “Send me an activation email.” The process will take a few moments to complete in the background
  1. During this process, Virtru will send a unique email from to your mailbox. The Virtru plugin will search for this email in your inbox. When the activation email is found, Virtru will automatically delete the email from your email inbox, and the Virtru plugin will complete the activation


Click “Take a tour” for a brief walkthrough of your new Virtru features.

If your activation does not automatically complete in a few minutes, please contact the Fairleigh Dickinson University Technical Assistance Center (UTAC).

Activating from the Virtru Menu

If you have disabled automatic activations, you can still activate Virtru on your account(s) at any time.

  1. Select the ‘Virtru‘ menu tab from the top bar of the main Microsoft Outlook window
  1. Choose “Authorize Accounts” or “Options
  1. If you select “Options,” go to the ‘Account Activation‘ menu tab, select your FDU email account, and click on “Activate Selected
  1. You will then follow the activation process already illustrated above in “Activating Virtru through Office 365 Sign-on or “Activating Virtru through activation email” described above

Re-enabling a Virtru Account

FDU Virtru users will occasionally be required to reactivate their Virtru add-in due to the following:

  • You’ve cleared your registry
  • Your Virtru activation status has expired. For security purposes, Virtru will invalidate your activation status every
    • 120 days for users accessing their own mailboxes
    • 10 days for users accessing shared or delegated mailboxes
  • You are using Virtru on a new machine

You are automatically prompted when you need to re-activate. You can also proactively reactivate at any time via the ‘Virtru’ menu tab. This process was described above in “Activating from the Virtru Menu.”

Reset Activations

If you wish to fully deactivate all accounts in Microsoft Outlook, you can do so from the ‘Virtru’ menu tab:

  1. Click on the ‘Virtru‘ menu tab at the top of your Microsoft Outlook window and select “Debug Log
  1. Click on the ‘Debug Commandsmenu tab option and select the “Reset Activations (clears registry only)” option
  1. Click “Yes” and then “OK” to confirm the changes
  1. From the ‘Virtrumenu tab, you can reauthorize by clicking on “Authorize Accounts

Virtru Walkthrough Video

Send a Virtru-encrypted Email in Outlook

With Virtru, you can easily protect your emails by encrypting messages and attachments in a few simple clicks.

  1. Left-click “New Email” from the main Outlook window
  1. Open the ‘Message menu tab and left-click the “Virtru button” to turn “Virtru ON.” The button should turn blue and read “Virtru ON
  1. Add recipients, a subject, the body of the email, and any relevant attachments


Additional security options for the message, including Disable Forwarding, setting an Expiration Date, and applying Watermarking and/or Persistent File Protection (PFP) to attachments are available to select for your Virtru-encrypted email. More details on these additional features can be on the “FDU Virtru Email Encryption Tutorial” under “Additional Resources.”

  1. When your message is ready, click “Send.” You should see a brief animation letting you know that the message is “Encrypting” before it is fully sent

FDU Virtru-encrypted Email Introduction for Recipients

FDU includes a standardized introduction to inform the recipient that they are viewing a Virtru-encrypted email. Below is an example of what the recipient will see. If you have updated the introduction, it will be reflected accordingly

Personal Virtru-encrypted Email Introduction for Recipients

You can also set a one-time, unencrypted personal introduction for the message to either clarify the introduction of Virtru to the recipient or provide some context about the email. Left-click the “Personal Introduction” menu button in your email draft window.


The Personal Introduction only supports plain text and line breaks. Special formatting is not supported.

Send a Virtru-encrypted Email on Microsoft Office 365

With Virtru, you can easily protect your emails by encrypting messages and attachments in a few simple clicks. To send Virtru encrypted emails from your Microsoft Office 365 email acount, simply prepend the subject line of your email as follows:


Virtru-encrypted Email Recipient Experience

The recipient will receive an email that looks like this:

Read a Virtru Encrypted Email on Microsoft Office 365

In this article, we’ll show you how to quickly access and read your Virtru-secured message or attachment within Microsoft Office 365 using Virtru’s Secure Reader.

How to Access and Read your Message

  1. Login to FDU’s Microsoft Office 365 web portal using any web browser. Enter your FDU NetID credentials
  1. Open the Virtru-secured email in your inbox and left-click “Unlock Message.” A new tab will open
  1. When prompted, select your FDU email address


If you don’t see yours listed, left-click “Use another email address” and enter your email address.


Please be sure to verify using the exact email address to which the secure message was sent. If the email was sent to an alias, group address, or distribution list address, you will need to select or enter that exact email address rather than your personal address.

  1. Choose how you’d like to verify your identity
    • Microsoft Office 365 users can use their FDU NetID credentials to log into the Secure Reader using “Sign In with Microsoft.” If you choose this route, you can skip step #5 below.
    • Alternatively, users may choose “Or sign-in with a one-time verification link.”

Warning Warning

For emails sent to an alias, group address, or distribution list address, you will need to select the Or sign-in with a one-time verification link option. For group addresses and distribution list addresses, this action will send the verification email to all users on that group or distribution list.

  1. If you selected “Or sign-in with a one-time verification link,” check your inbox for your verification email. It will come from (with each “x” being a digit). Open the verification email and left-click “View Message” to open your message


Both the “Unlock Message” and “View Message” links need to be opened in the same browser on the same device in order to confirm your identity.

Please also note, Virtru offers a “cookie-less” verification pathway if we detect that tracking or cookies and local storage have been disabled in the browser. In these cases, we send a verification code via email. This code, once received, simply needs to be pasted into the proper field in your browser in order to grant access.

  1. Your message will open the Virtru Secure Reader in a new tab in the browser. You will also be able to view and access attachments at this time

For a variety of reasons, some recipients may occasionally receive an error message when trying to open a secure email or attachment. If you are having problems accessing your secure email and/or files, please contact the Fairleigh Dickinson University Technical Assistance Center (UTAC) for assistance.

Reply to a Virtru Encrypted Email on Microsoft Office 365

In this article, we’ll show you how to quickly reply to your Virtru-secured message or attachment within Microsoft Office 365 using Virtru’s Secure Reader.

How to Reply to a Secure Message

  1. Login to FDU’s Microsoft Office 365 web portal using any web browser. Enter your FDU NetID credentials
  1. After successfully opening the Virtru-secured message, to send a “Secure Reply,” scroll down the page below the main message, or click the icon in the top right with the arrow pointing to the left. You may also click on the arrow next to it to reveal additional options such as “Secure Reply All
  1. Attachments can be added by clicking “Add Attachment.” These attachments will be sent securely as well
  1. When you are ready to send your email, hit the “Secure Send” button. Both you and all applicable recipients will receive a copy of your reply. Please note that your secure reply will be sent from

Viewing a Secure File or Attachment on Microsoft Office 365

This article covers the different options you have for viewing and downloading secure attachments and files within Microsoft Office 365 using Virtru’s Secure Reader. Depending on the type of attachment you’ve received, you can view your file directly in the Virtru Secure Reader or download the file to your computer. The Virtru Secure Reader can preview various file types, including PDF, Word documents, most image files, and plain text files.

Viewing Directly in the Secure Reader

  1. Login to FDU’s Microsoft Office 365 web portal using any web browser. Enter your FDU NetID credentials
  1. If you’ve received an attachment in a Virtru secured email or an encrypted file that was shared directly with you, you can hover over the file name and choose “View” or “View Protected file” to view the attachment right in your web browser

Downloading Unsupported File Types

If you’ve received a file that cannot be previewed in the Virtru Secure Reader, you will be prompted to download that file directly. There will be no “View” option.

Printing Attachments in the Secure Reader

You can print a document from the Secure Reader by selecting the menu under the “Downloadbutton and then selecting “Print.” You may also choose to download it first, then open and print via a preferred program on your computer.


Note that printing via your web browser’s File>Print option will not print the document as expected.

Using the Virtru Dashboard for Microsoft Office 365 Users

Users who access their FDU email through the Microsoft Office 365 web portal and all Apple macOS users will need to use the Virtru Dashboard to manage all of Virtru’s security options.

  1. To use the Virtru Dashboard, click the link below:


We will refer to the “Virtru Dashboard” many times, as this dashboard is used to change settings after an encrypted email has been sent. It is suggested that you bookmark this site for easy access.

  1. Choose “Sign in with Office365“, and skip to Step 5. If you choose to request a one-time verification link, enter your FDU email address and click on “Submit
  1. If you request the one-time verification link, you will receive an email from Verify for Virtru, as shown below. If you are using different web browsers, such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, it will be reflected in the email message accordingly
  1. Click “Verify me” and choose “Copy Link Location.” Open a new browser tab and paste the link location into the URL space. Hit the “Enter” or “Return” key on your keyboard
  1. When you log in to the Virtru Dashboard for the first time, you will see the message below. Left-click “OK, GOT IT!
  1. You will now be able to view Virtru encrypted emails or files you have sent, as well as open the ‘Settings‘ menu tab to set behaviors for your Virtru account

Manage Virtru’s Expiration Date Security Option in Outlook

In addition to encrypting messages and files, Virtru users have the ability to apply additional security settings to protected content. Among these settings is the option to apply an “Expiration Date” to an encrypted email or file.

Typically, if a Virtru email recipient receives an encrypted message or file, they can indefinitely access that content. However, as the owner of that content, you can restrict access after a particular point in time. If a recipient tries to access the content after expiration, they will receive a prompt indicating their access is expired.

Manage Virtru’s Expiration Date Security Option in the Virtru Dashboard

In addition to encrypting messages and files, Virtru users have the ability to apply additional security settings to protected content. Among these settings is the option to apply an “Expiration Date” to an encrypted email or file.

Typically, if a Virtru email recipient receives an encrypted message or file, they can indefinitely access that content. However, as the owner of that content, you can restrict access after a particular point in time. If a recipient tries to access the content after expiration, they will receive a prompt indicating their access is expired.

Manage Virtru’s Disable Forwarding Security Option in Outlook

In addition to encrypting messages and attachments, Virtru users have the ability to apply additional security settings to protected content. Among these settings is the option to apply “Disable Forwarding” to a Virtru-encrypted email.

Typically, if a Virtru plugin for Microsoft Outlook user receives an encrypted message, they can use Virtru to forward the email to a new party. This will add the new recipient as an authorized user and allow them to unlock the message. “Disable Forwarding,” however, ensures that your recipients can access the encrypted content but will stop any additional users from gaining access to the message. If the original recipient passes the email to a new party, then the new user will not be added as an authorized user and will not be able to unlock the message.

Manage Virtru’s Disable Forwarding Security Option in the Virtru Dashboard

In addition to encrypting messages and attachments, Virtru users have the ability to apply additional security settings to protected content. Among these settings is the option to apply “Disable Forwarding” to an encrypted email.

Manage Virtru’s Watermarking Security Option in Outlook

In addition to encrypting messages and attachments, Virtru users have the ability to apply additional security settings to protected content. Among these settings is the option to apply “Watermarking” to an encrypted file.

Typically, if a Virtru recipient receives an encrypted file, they can preview the file in the Virtru Secure Reader and download a decrypted copy locally. When “Watermarking” is applied to a secure file, recipients will only have access in the Secure Reader and will see their email address watermarked across the document.

The addition of the watermark is visible but transparent enough not to obscure the contents of the file when viewed. A recipient will not be able to download a local decrypted copy of the file.

This feature can be applied using the Virtru plugin for Microsoft Outlook or the Virtru Dashboard. It supports the following common file types:

  • Microsoft Office documents: .docx, .pptx, .xlsx
  • Common image file formats: .jpeg, .png
  • PDF documents


Although newer Microsoft Office file types are supported, older versions (.doc, .ppt, .xls) are not compatible. Additionally, these other common file types are NOT supported: .msg, .zip, .md.

Mange Virtru’s Watermarking Security Option in the Virtru Dashboard

In addition to encrypting messages and attachments, Virtru users have the ability to apply additional security settings to protected content. Among these settings is the option to apply “Watermarking” to an encrypted file.

Typically, if a Virtru recipient receives an encrypted file, they can preview the file in the Virtru Secure Reader and download a decrypted copy locally. When “Watermarking” is applied to a secure file, recipients will only have access in the Secure Reader and will see their email address watermarked across the document.

The addition of the watermark is visible but transparent enough not to obscure the contents of the file when viewed. A recipient will not be able to download a local decrypted copy of the file.

This feature can be applied using the Virtru plugin for Microsoft Outlook or the Virtru Dashboard. It supports the following common file types:

  • Microsoft Office documents: .docx, .pptx, .xlsx
  • Common image file formats: .jpeg, .png
  • PDF documents


Although newer Microsoft Office file types are supported, older versions (.doc, .ppt, .xls) are not compatible. Additionally, these other common file types are NOT supported: .msg, .zip, .md.

Revoke Virtru Encrypted Content in Outlook

When a Virtru user sends encrypted content, they have full control over access to the message(s) and/or file(s). Even if a recipient receives encrypted content, the sender has the ability to revoke (or reauthorize) access at any time. Virtru even allows the sender to revoke access to specific recipients.


Virtru can only revoke emails that were sent securely with Virtru. Any messages sent prior to having Virtru installed or messages sent unsecured after Virtru has been installed cannot be revoked.

Revoke Virtru Encrypted Content in the Virtru Dashboard

When a Virtru user sends encrypted content, they have full control over access to the message(s) and/or file(s). Even if a recipient receives encrypted content, the sender has the ability to revoke (or reauthorize) access at any time. Virtru even allows the sender to revoke access to specific recipients.


Virtru can only revoke emails that were sent securely with Virtru. Any messages sent prior to having Virtru installed or messages sent unsecured after Virtru has been installed cannot be revoked.

Using Virtru’s Persistent File Protection (PFP) Security Option


Please note that Persistent File Protection (PFP) Security Option is only available from the Virtru add-on to the Microsoft Outlook Desktop Application. It is not available when using Outlook on the Web ( or the Virtru Dashboard.

In addition to encrypting messages and attachments, Virtru users have the ability to apply additional security settings to protected content. Among these settings is the option to apply “Persistent File Protection (PFP)” to an encrypted file.

PFP provides a secure file container that is portable, universally accessible, and built on top of open standards. Regardless of where files are stored, PFP allows you to select, protect, and share a file with anyone while maintaining full visibility into how it is being used and retaining the ability to revoke access at any time. Any file protected with PFP will convert into the .tdf.html file format. This ensures that the contents are only accessible in Virtru’s Secure Reader, and only authorized parties can view it.

This feature can be applied using the Virtru plugin for Microsoft Outlook on Windows Operating Systems only. It supports the following common file types:

  • Microsoft Office documents: .docx, .pptx, .xlsx
  • Common image file formats: .jpeg, .png
  • PDF documents


Although newer Microsoft Office file types are supported, older versions (.doc, .ppt, .xls) are not compatible. Additionally, these other common file types are NOT supported: .msg, .zip, .md.

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Finding your Computer Name

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Open a Command Prompt

  1. Go to the lower left corner of your desktop you will see 4 white squares
  2. Right Click a menu will pop up from the menu select “Command Prompt
  1. A window will open on your desktop at the blinking cursor
  1. Type “Hostname” (without the quotes) then hit enter
  1. The computer name will appear as “L-“ for laptop and “D-“ for a desktop. Example: D-MJ045XYZ L-R9ZZ7ZE
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Foxit PDF Editor Pro Quick Start Guide

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Foxit PDF Editor Pro is Fairleigh Dickinson University’s replacement for Adobe Acrobat Pro. Foxit PDF Editor improves document productivity and efficiency. FoxIt PDF Editor Pro can create, convert, edit, and sign PDFs across devices and is available from the FDU Self-Service Portal under “Software” for all full-time faculty and full-time staff only. Due to limited licensing, a request form found at must first be submitted.

Foxit PDF Editor Pro vs. Adobe Acrobat Pro

  • Faster: Foxit PDF Editor Pro uses fewer overall resources and is able to open PDFs faster. Also, due to less overall resources required, there are fewer automatic updates required.
  • Standards-compliant: Foxit PDF Editor Pro works with existing PDFs and uses the PDF standard which makes it cross-compatible with Adobe Acrobat.
  • More secure: Foxit PDF Editor Pro offers better protection against security vulnerabilities than it’s Adobe counterpart.
  • Familiar user interface: Using the Microsoft Office style ribbon user interface makes transitioning from Adobe Acrobat a breeze.
  • Better editing: FoxIt PDF Editor Pro uses word processor like features to offer better text and image editing.
  • Compatibility: Files created with FoxIt PDF Editor Pro are fully compatible with Adobe Acrobat. Also, files created with Adobe Acrobat are fully compatible with FoxIt PDF Editor Pro.

Comparison Charts

For a full comparison list as well as a list of added features please view the comparison charts below.

Create and Export PDF
FeatureFoxit PDF Editor ProAdobe Acrobat Pro
Create industry standard PDF files from virtually all PC applications and the clipboard
One-click PDF creation from IE, Edge, Chrome, and Firefox
One-step PDF creation from Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook
Convert PDF to Microsoft® Office, HTML and image formats
Append created PDF to an existing file
PDF Printer
Edit PDF
FeatureFoxit PDF Editor ProAdobe Acrobat Pro
Editing from Client
Editable Forms
Add/Remove/Reorder pages
Merge PDF (Local)
Merge PDF (Network)
Collaborate and Share PDF
FeatureFoxit PDF Editor ProAdobe Acrobat Pro
Scan and OCR PDF
FeatureFoxit PDF Editor ProAdobe Acrobat Pro
Scan to create new PDF
Scan to insert into existing PDF
Convert scanned/image-based PDFs to searchable editable documents
Find OCR Suspects and mark them as not text or edit the recognition results in batchNot in Batch
Scan Presets
Scan to save Mutiple Files
Protect and Sign PDF
FeatureFoxit PDF Editor ProAdobe Acrobat Pro
FeatureFoxit PDF Editor ProAdobe Acrobat Pro
PDF Encryption
Fill and Sign / Digital Signatures
Create Multiple Signatures
DocuSign/Adobe Sign Support
Lock for Editing
View and Print PDF
FeatureFoxit PDF Editor ProAdobe Acrobat Pro
Multi Tab Viewing PDF documents
View and navigate page thumbnails, bookmarks
Reflow view
Ruler, Guides, Grids to help position objects in the PDF
Text viewer, Magnifier
Line Weights and Toggle Ruler to help viewing PDFOnly Line Weights
Read out loud
Search including bookmark and comments
Search in all opened PDF Files
Print PDF Documents and Forms
Print with comments for efficient review
FeatureFoxit PDF EditorAdobe Acrobat Pro
Accessibility full check and check report
Fix failed parts after accessibility check
Touch up reading order to add and edit tags
Auto tag Document and tag report.

Video Tutorials

Below are some helpful video tutorials for some of the more popular functions of FoxIt PDF Editor Pro.

Creating, Saving and Editing PDF
Converting PDF Documents to Office Documents
Creating a Signature and Signing Documents
Creating PDF Documents
Creating a Fillable Form
Creating a PDF Using OCR
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How do I use Oracle on Opus

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What’s Oracle?

Oracle is a multi-model relational database management system, mainly designed for enterprise grid-computing and data warehousing. It is one of the first choices for enterprises for cost-effective solutions for their applications and data management. It supports SQL as a query language to interact with the database.

Now let’s discuss how to use Oracle in the FDU environment.

Accessing Oracle

FDU provides Oracle access to students and faculty on the Opus server. The Oracle environment is provided to support coursework and skill development.

Opus users are automatically granted access to Oracle after first successful login (It may take up to six hours before access is available).

If you do not already have Opus access you will need to request access by completing the Form:

Opus (Linux) Form

Access to the Opus server is restricted to FDU networks only. If you are off campus and would like to access Opus for your Oracle work you will need to use FDU’s Virtual Private Network (VPN).

You will need to use SSH to connect to the Opus server:

The Oracle Database is accessed using the SQL Plus utility, which has a command-line interface. To start using SQL Plus simply type “sqlplus /” on the Opus command line.

Interactive use can then start by entering a SQL statement (terminated by a semicolon), a PL/SQL block, or another command. For example:

SQL> select 'Hello world' as example from dual;

Hello world
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How to Access OneDrive

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This article provides information about how to access OneDrive using browsers, mobile devices and in computers.

Accessing OneDrive using a Web Browser

You can access OneDrive using browsers such as Microsoft Edge, Safari, Google Chrome or Firefox.

  1. Sign-in to your account here:
  2. Click “App launcher” (icon located at top left corner ) which should show list of applications available to you and then click the “OneDrive” icon. This should open your OneDrive page either in new tab in your browser or in a new browser window.


Please look for the pop-up blocker in case you don’t see OneDrive window after clicking this icon.

Accessing OneDrive in Mobile Devices

You can access OneDrive in your iOS or Android devices.

  1. Download and install the OneDrive app
  1. Sign-in with your FDU NetID and password. Please select “OneDrive for Business” or “OneDrive for School” if given a choice to select type of account. DO NOT select personal OneDrive option if it is available. You’ll be presented with FDU’s Single Sign-On screen where you’ll be required to enter your NetID and password
Accessing OneDrive in Windows
  1. If you are using Windows 10 computer, then OneDrive should already have been installed. If not, please follow steps below to download and install it in your computer
  2. Sign-in to your account here:
  3. Click “App launcher” (icon located at top left corner ) which should show list of applications available to you and then click the “OneDrive” icon. This should open your OneDrive page either in new tab in your browser or in a new browser window


Please look for the pop-up blocker in case you don’t see OneDrive window after clicking this icon.

  1. Click “Get the OneDrive apps” located at lower left corner which should download installation file for OneDrive
  2. Execute this newly downloaded installation file which should install OneDrive in your computer
  3. Start “OneDrive” and enter your NetID and click “Sign In
  4. Select “Work or School” option which should take you to FDU’s Single Sign-On screen
  5. Enter your NetID and password
Accessing OneDrive on a macOS
  1. Click below to install OneDrive from the Mac App Store
  1. Click “Get
  2. Click “Install
  3. Launch “OneDrive” and enter your NetID and click “Sign In
  4. Select “Work or School” option which should take you to FDU’s Single Sign-On screen
  5. Enter your NetID and password
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How to access your Home Drive or Department Shared Drive Off Campus

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The ability to access a home drive or department shared drive remotely is only supported for FDU-owned equipment.

First, you need to ensure you have launched your Virtual Private Network (VPN) and logged in using your NetID and password.

  1. Once you have connected via the VPN, open your File Explorer.
File Explorer Icon
Windows File Explorer Icon
  1. Halfway down the left panel, click on “This PC“. Your available Network Locations will appear in the center of the screen.
  1. To access any of your drives, simply double click on the icon next to Drive description.


If you see a red X on the drive icon, please ensure you have successfully logged into the VPN.  If so, click on the red X and your drive should appear and the red X will go away.

  1. Go to your Finder app
Finder App Icon
  1. On the menu bar on top, click “Go” and select the last option “Connect to Server…” or alternatively on your keyboard press and hold “command” then press “K
  1. In the Connect to Server window enter SMB:// followed by the path of your network share

In the case of your home drive this will follow the convention of:

  • smb:// NetID for Florham users
  • smb:// NetID for Metro users
  • smb:// NetID for Vancouver users

Pressing the “+” will add this to your list of Favorite Servers.

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How To Change Your FDU NetID Password and Display Name

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There are a few different ways to change your University NetID password. However, Computing Services strongly urges everyone to change their FDU NetID password using a provided Apple or Windows university computer.

The process for changing your FDU NetID password on a macOS device differs from a Windows device, so please follow the instructions provided for macOS computers below.

If you do not have a university-owned Apple or Windows laptop/desktop and cannot use a University lab computer, please follow the procedures described in “Using Web Portal to Change your FDU NetID Password” below.

Please click on one of the links below for instructions on how to change your FDU NetID password:

Changing a FDU NetID Password on a FDU-owned Windows Computer


You must already be logged into the machine when performing the password change process.

  1. On FDU-issued laptops, desktops, and lab machines, the FDU NetID password can be changed by pressing the “Ctrl+Alt+Del” button combination on the keyboard from any screen and selecting “Change a Password
  1. Now enter the following:
    • Your old or current password
    • Type in a new password
    • Retype the new password to confirm
    • Press the “Right Arrow” button to continue


The newly created FDU NetID password must meet the complexity requirements.

Use 8 to 16 characters for your new password. Passwords must include all of the following 4 character types: Upper case letters, lower case letters, numbers, and special characters. Allowed special characters are: ! # $ @ _ + , ? [ ] . – ) ( ` ~ % ^ & * = { } | : ? , / and a dot. Please refrain from using portions of your name or email address within the password. Please refrain from using a password that you have already used.

  1. Once this has been done, you must lock and unlock the machine once to complete updating your password:
    • Press the “Ctrl+Alt+Del” keys combination again
    • Click “Lock
    • Then log back in with your new password

Your FDU NetID password was changed successfully!


Your new password will need to be updated in all web browsers with saved passwords and email clients across all devices. Examples include faculty and staff e-mail accounts synched to their iPad, iPhone, and or Android device. FDU-Secure Wi-Fi network access is also attached to your FDU NetID username and password and will need to be updated on devices that use it.

Changing and Syncronizing your FDU NetID Password on a FDU-owned Apple Computer

To change and/or synchronize your FDU NetID password with your FDU Issued Apple computer, please follow the directions provided in the following article:

Using “” Web Portal to Change your FDU NetID Password

Adjunct professors, students, and anyone with a personal laptop/desktop/tablet device will use the FDU Identity Web Portal to change their NetID password.

If the user has an FDU issued or owned Microsoft Windows-based machine, they should always follow the procedures in Changing a NetID Password while ON CAMPUS (Preferred Method) or “Changing a NetID Password while OFF-CAMPUS.”  Changing your FDU NetID password through the Web Portal while having an FDU-issued or owned Microsoft Windows-based machine could cause temporary account lockouts and should only be used as a last resort. If lockout issues occur, please open up a service request with the Fairleigh Dickinson University Technical Assistance Center (UTAC), and they will be dealt with promptly.

  1. Open a web browser (e.g., Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari) and navigate to the following URL:

FDU Identity Web Portal

  1. Click on “Account Maintenance” on the top right hand of the web page
  1. You will be redirected to the FDU Single-Sign-On login page. Enter your FDU NetID email and password in the corresponding text boxes and click “Sign In.” Complete the FDU 2fa Duo push notification to proceed
  1. Under Sign-In and Security, select “Change My Password
    • Enter your current password
    • Enter a new password
    • Retype your new password to confirm
    • When finished, select “Change My Password


The newly created FDU NetID password must meet the complexity requirements.

Use 8 to 16 characters for your new password. Passwords must include all of the following 4 character types: Upper case letters, lower case letters, numbers, and special characters. Allowed special characters are: ! # $ @ _ + , ? [ ] . – ) ( ` ~ % ^ & * = { } | : ? , / and a dot. Please refrain from using portions of your name or email address within the password. Please refrain from using password that you have already used.

  1. Password successfully changed” will be displayed if your FDU NetID password was successfully changed


Your new password will need to be updated in all web browsers with saved passwords and email clients across all devices. Examples include faculty and staff e-mail accounts synched to their iPad, iPhone, and or Android device. FDU-Secure Wi-Fi network access is also attached to your FDU NetID username and password and will need to be updated on devices that use it.

Using “” Web Portal to Change your FDU NetID Display Name

You also have the option to change the name that is displayed on your NetID account.

  1. Open a web browser (e.g., Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari) and navigate to the following URL:

FDU Identity Web Portal

  1. Click on “Account Maintenance” on the top right hand of the web page
  1. You will be redirected to the FDU Single-Sign-On login page. Enter your FDU NetID email and password in the corresponding text boxes and click “Sign In.” Complete the FDU 2fa Duo push notification to proceed
  1. Under Sign-In and Security, select “Change Display Name
    • Enter your New Display Name
    • Click on “Change Display Name
  1. Display Name successfully changed” will be displayed if your Display Name was successfully changed
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How to Reserve a Computer Lab

Resources for:
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Reserving a Computer Lab for an Entire Semester

Before reserving a Computing Services lab please contact Enrollment Services by emailing:

Florham –

Metropolitan –

Lab reservation requests for the entire semester, (i.e. January through May or September through December are processed by the Office of Enrollment Services. To make a lab reservation request for the Summer, Winter, Fall, or Spring semesters, please contact the Scheduling Officers in Enrollment Services for the Florham and Metropolitan campuses. The phone and fax numbers are listed below:

Metropolitan Campus
Ph. (201)-692-2217 / 2517

Florham Campus
Ph. (973)-443-8600

Reserving a Computer Lab for Specific Dates within a Semester

  1. Access the reservation system by visiting
  1. Once logged into the support website, locate ‘Forms for Faculty & Staff’ and click on the “Computing Services – Lab Reservation & Lab Software Request (Faculty & Staff NJ Only)” option.
  2. You will be directed to a reservation request form. Please provide the necessary details, such as the desired date, time, and location of the lab reservation. Additionally, please include any specific requirements or equipment you may need for your session.
  3. After completing the form, you can submit your request by locating and clicking the submit button.
  4. Once your request has been submitted, the Lab & Operations Manager will review and confirm the details of your request. You will receive written confirmation of your request.

Should you require any further assistance, please feel free to reach out to the Lab & Operations Manager, Denzel W. James (

Any changes including cancellations to your request should be submitted by using the SAMI support link to locate the ‘My SAMI Support Request’ tile and browse for your lab related request ticket. All updates can be entered directly into the ticket.

Thank you for choosing Computing Services for your lab reservation needs. We look forward to providing you with a seamless and efficient experience.

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How to Use the FDU XMedius Fax Service

Resources for:
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XMedius Fax is an electronic fax (eFax) cloud-based solution that allows users to send and receive faxes. The XMedius Fax service is available as an on-campus resource only. Access to the site is restricted to on-campus networks and FDU VPN users.

To Request a New eFax Line

Please visit SAMI Support and submit a ticket.

SAMI Support

To Request Access, Additions, Deletions to an eFAX Line

Please visit SAMI Support and submit a ticket.

SAMI Support

Please include the EFAX number in the request.


This document provides instructions on how to use of the FDU Xmedius Fax Service. It describes notifications and navigation of the website in detail to facilitate the proper use of this resource.


Each user given access to view incoming faxes will receive an email notification from the FDU Xmedius Fax Service

The email will look as follows:

Within each email will be a “Click here to access your fax” web link to the Xmedius Fax Server for quick access.

Logging In

To access the FDU Xmedius Fax server you can visit or click the “Click here to access your fax” link provided in the fax notification email (The efax website is only accessible if you are located on-campus or connected to the FDU VPN). Once loaded in your web browser you will be prompted for a username and password. Please enter your full FDU NetID and password.

Accessing Faxes

Once authenticated you will see all of your incoming faxes (Unread faxes will appear in bold type).


If you receive faxes on more than one campus they will all be shown in your Inbound History.

  1. To view a fax simply move your mouse to the fax you want to view. The fax will turn yellow as your mouse hovers over it, click it
  1. The fax will automatically open to the Fax tab showing the incoming fax
Printing Faxes

Users can print a fax to a local or networked printer, and can send a document to Perceptive Content by printing to the Perceptive Content printer. Below are the steps necessary to print a fax.

  1. First, find the fax to be printed by scrolling over it with your cursor until the fax is highlighted yellow, then click on it
  2. Once the fax is opened, locate the Download icon on the top left side of the screen, and click to download


This will not actually download the file to your computer.

  1. A new browser screen will open and the fax to be printed will appear
  1. Right-click your mouse from anywhere on the page, and a second panel will be presented. Hover your cursor over the word Print, and left-click your mouse
  1. Next to Destination, select the printer you wish to send the fax to, or the Perceptive Content Driver if you wish to move the fax to Perceptive Content. Then click on the Print icon at the bottom of the screen
Managing Faxes through Notes

Faxes can be stored in both the current Folder view and the Deleted Folder view. You can move faxes between the folders by clicking the Delete button from the Current view or the Restore button from the Delete view. To delete a fax from the portal, click on the Delete button while the fax is in the Delete view.

If faxes need to be stored and retrieved over a period of time, the number of faxes that might appear in either the Current or Deleted view could build up, and retrieving a fax could prove difficult. Using the Notes capability will make searching for archived faxes much easier. The Notes and search functions work in both the Current View and Deleted view.

  1. In the portal, open the fax you wish to Note
  1. Then click on the Note button
  1. Start typing your note. You will notice a warning appear immediately letting you know the Note has not been saved yet. You can use multiple lines, and best practice would be to put a unique data point on each line. In the example below, Student Name, Datatel ID, the purpose of the fax, and the document type appear on separate lines
  1. When done adding the Note, click Save at the bottom of the screen
  1. To search for a particular fax, or series of faxes, from the Current or Deleted view of the portal, type in the search criteria in the bar to the left of the search button, and then click the Search button. All faxes that meet that criteria will then appear


From the example above, that if the search was for W-2’s, all faxes that contain W-2 would appear. If the search was for a Datatel ID, all documents received with that Datatel ID would appear. It is strongly suggested that departments standardize on how to use the Note area prior to implementing the eFax solution.

Managing Faxes through the Event Log

From time to time, it might be important to know more details about a particular fax, like who received it, who viewed it, who printed it or notated it. All that information, for each fax, can be found in the Event Log.

To view the event log from within a fax, simply click the Event Log tab.

The event log will provide details of every action taken upon that Fax. Those actions include:

  • Routed to User – The Fax appears in that person’s Portal
  • Email Notification – An auto-generated email was sent to that person
  • Fax Viewed – The fax was opened by a specific user (if several people are assigned to retrieve faxes, you can see who viewed the fax and at what date and time)
  • Fax Downloaded – who downloaded the Fax for Printing
  • Fax Deleted – Who moved the fax from Current View to Deleted View
  • Note Saved – Who added a Note to the Fax

All this information can be very useful in a department where several individuals are responsible for managing and disseminating faxes.

Composing a Fax

From the eFax portal, users can send faxes with cover sheets and attachments. Below are the steps to compose and send a fax.

  1. First, click on the Compose Fax icon colored blue
  1. Enter in the recipient’s information, including Fax Number starting with a 3. If you are faxing within FDU, you only need to use the four-digit fax extension. If the Fax is going to more than one fax machine, click on More Recipients
  1. Add the additional recipients’ information, and click Add. Type in a Subject for the fax, and any comments needed for the cover sheet. If a document needs to be attached, click on the Choose File icon at the bottom left of the screen, and choose the file you wish to attach. It is recommended that files be converted to .PDF if at all possible
  1. When complete, the file name will appear next to Choose File. You can repeat for as many files as needed. When you are ready, click the Preview button to review the appearance of your fax
  1. From here, you can view all the pages of your fax. If you are not satisfied with your fax, click the back button to go to the Compose screen, and click the Choose File button to either remove or re-attach a file. When ready, click Submit
  1. If successful, a Fax Submitted message will appear. There will be an opportunity to add the recipient to your xFax contact list if they are a frequent user. Click OK
  1. You will then see the fax in your Outbound Queue, in a Sending Status
  1. Finally, the fax information will be moved to the Outbound History File
  • Once the transmission has been completed, an email will be sent to the user confirming the successful receipt of the fax by the receiving fax machine
Deleting Faxes
  • Users can remove faxes from their Inbound History by checking the box next to the fax they want to delete and then clicking the Delete button
  • Once deleted, faxes are visible by clicking the Deleted folder view
  • Users will then have the ability to restore the fax to their Inbound History by clicking the Restore button. Alternately, faxes can be permanently deleted by pressing the Delete button. A final confirmation screen will be shown before permanently deleting fax
Centralize Portal Option

Each member of the Fax group in which you are the owner manages faxes within their own portal. In other words, if there are 5 employees (including yourself) that can access your fax #, each of you receives all the faxes sent to that # individually and manages those faxes independently.

However, if you desire a centralized portal, where there is one view, one fax, and, for example, if you delete a fax, it’s removed from view for all members of that group.

  1. Individually Managed Faxes: Still available to view if necessary
  2. Shared Centralized eFax Box: Users with the option to have the ability to manage the faxes for all individuals set up in the shared option. For Example: When deleting a fax it removes it from all the users set up to have access to this particular fax line.
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