
Computer Tips, Tricks, and Recommendations

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As technology evolves and new features are offered, there may be times when unwanted or unexpected things happen. This page is dedicated to providing some tips, tricks, and recommendations to circumvent these undesired circumstances.

Normalize Sound Levels – Windows

Microsoft Windows 10 automatically adjusts audio levels between different applications. This can affect the level of sounds from various applications depending on what program is currently being used. This feature can be turned off using the instructions below.

  1. From the Sound Icon in your task bar, single right-click
  1. Click “Sounds
  1. Click “Communications” tab.
  1. Select the “Do nothing” radial button
  1. Click “Apply
  2. Click “OK

Adjust Microphone Settings – Windows

To ensure clear and audible audio in virtual meeting applications, such as Zoom, please follow the instructions below.

  1. Right-click the Audio icon in the system tray portion of the task bar
  1. Click “Sounds
  1. Click “Recording


Not all options may be visible.

  1. Right Click on “Microphone Array” and select “Properties
  1. Click the “Advanced” and un-check “Enable Audio Enhancements
  1. Click “Apply
  1. Click “OK

Adjust Power Options – Lenovo Laptops

Default power profiles in Windows 10 are configured to balance performance and battery life. To change these settings, please follow the steps below.

  1. Click on Start, and then click “Settings
  1. Click on “System
  1. Select “Power & Sleep
  1. To modify power settings while the laptop is plugged in or on battery power, modify the below options


Selecting higher times may result in shorter battery life

  1. For additional power settings, such as the laptop lid and power button settings, click Additional power settings


Depending on window size, this option may be located towards the bottom or on the right side of the screen.

  1. Select either “Choose what the power buttons door “Choose what closing the lid does
  1. The options below will allow modifying the effects of pressing the power button and closing the lid


Setting DO NOTHING when closing the lid can lead to drastically less battery life as well as overheating when the laptop is placed inside a bag or briefcase.


Restarting A Computer

Rebooting a device is highly encouraged as it will help keep the system running at peak performance. The benefits of a weekly reboot include:

  • Mitigate vulnerabilities to cyber-attacks by applying critical updates
  • Prevent performance degradation
  • Prevent application memory faults
  • Effectively apply system policies

To restart a device, follow the instruction below.


Make sure any open application is saved and closed before a restart is performed. This includes applications like Outlook, Word, Excel and any other applications that may be opend.

Instructions for Windows
  1. Click the Start bottom on the bottom left hand side of the task bar
  1. Click the “Powerbutton
  1. Click “Restart


Clicking “Shutdown” will not always properly apply updates or produce the desired effect. Clicking “restart” is the recomended option.

Instructions for macOS
  1. Click the “Apple” at the top left-hand side of your screen
  1. Click “Restart
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Connecting a Non-PC Device to Wi-Fi

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This article is intended for students, staff, and faculty who wish to connect their non-PC, IoT, gaming, or streaming devices to the FDU-Wireless network. Devices that require registration include gaming consoles (such as Xbox, PlayStation, Switch) and streaming devices (like Amazon Fire Stick, Apple TV, and Roku).


FDU-Wireless is only for non-PC, IoT, gaming, or streaming devices that do not support WPA2 Enterprise authentication or features a web browser.

Registering a Non-PC Device for use on FDU-Wireless Network

Use the link and directions below to register and manage wireless network access for your non-PC devices.

  1. Sign in into FDU MyDevices portal using the link below using your FDU NetID. Make sure to check “I agree to the terms and conditions” button before clicking “Sign On

FDU MyDevices Portal

  1. Select “Add” to begin registering a device
  1. Enter your device type and your device’s MAC Address into the corresponding text boxes. An optional description may be entered for your device as well. Your device’s MAC Address must be entered to register the device and continue. Refer to your devices manufacture for instructions on how to obtain the devices MAC Address. When finished, select “Submit


Some devices have their MAC Address labeled alongside it’s Serial number.

Your device should now be listed on MyDevices Portal and allowed to connect to the FDU-Wireless network. It may be necessary to select the FDU-Wireless network on your device or restart your device before successfully connecting to the wireless network


Once your device is added, the status will always remain as Pending. However you will be able to connect the device to FDU-Wireless regardless of this status.

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Connecting and Using an All-in-One at Home

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How to Connect an All-in-One for Work-at-Home

Making the Physical Connections

  1. Make the appropriate connections to the back of the all-in-one.
    • Plug in the power cable to the power port on the back of the all-in-one.
    • A physical network connection is only required if you do not want to or can not use wireless.
    • Both the keyboard and mouse can be plugged into any USB port.
  1. Turn the PC on and sign in as normal.

Connecting to Wi-fi (Skip if Using a Physical Network Cable)

  1. Click on the network icon on the bottom-right hand of the Start bar near the system clock.
  1. A list of available networks will populate. Select your home wireless network.
  1. Select your network and click “Connect“.
  1. Enter the network key for your wireless router. This can sometimes be located on the side or bottom of your router and/or modem. Click “Next“.

Connecting to VPN from Home

  1. Click on the arrow on the bottom right hand of the Start bar near the system clock and right-click on the “Cisco VPN Access” icon. On the pop-up menu, click “Connect“.
  1. If this is the first time connecting to VPN service please enter the text below as shown into the VPN field and click “Connect“.
  1. Enter your full NetID information and click “Ok“.
  1. Once a successful connection is made a prompt will appear and the icon for the Cisco VPN Access in the system try will appear with a lock.
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Connecting to FDU-Secure Wi-Fi

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FDU-Secure uses current encryption standards to connect to the FDU network via secure wireless traffic. As a result, FDU-Secure is the preferred method of accessing the on-campus Wireless network if you are Faculty, Student, or Staff member. To connect to the FDU-Secure Wireless Network, you will need an FDU NETID ( or

Below are the necessary steps to connect to the FDU-Secure Wireless Network, specified for various device types:

  1. Select the “Internet Symbol” located at the right-hand side of the “task bar”
  1. Select “FDU-Secure” from the pop-up menu
  1. Enter “FDU Net ID and Password” and press “OK”
  1. When prompted with “Continue connecting?” press “Connect”
  1. Select the “Wi-Fi Symbol” located at the right-hand side of the “menu bar”
  1. Select “FDU-Secure” from the drop-down menu
  1. Enter “FDU Net ID and Password” and press “OK”
  1. When prompted with “Verify Certificate” press “Continue”
  1. Select the “Wi-Fi” tab located in the “Settings” app
  1. Select “FDU-Secure” from the list of available networks
  1. Enter “FDU Net ID and Password” and press “Join”
  1. When prompted with “Certificate” press “Trust”
  1. Select the “Connections” tab located in the “Settings” app
  1. Press “Wi-Fi”
  1. Select “FDU-Secure” from the list of available networks
  1. Enter “FDU Net ID and Password”
  1. Press “CA certificate” then press “Use System Certificates” drop the drop down menu
  1. Input “” in the domain field and press “Connect”
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Connecting to FDU’s Wireless Networks

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The following guides provide an overview of connecting to Fairleigh Dickinson University’s wireless network. Whether you’re a guest, staff, or student, using FDU-owned or personal devices, these articles provide essential steps for secure and efficient connectivity across various equipment, including non-PC and mobile devices.

Connect to FDU-Secure Wi-Fi

Follow these steps to connect to the FDU-Secure wireless network, which adheres to the latest encryption standards.

Connecting to FDU-Secure Wi-Fi

Connect a Non-PC Device to Wi-Fi

Follow these steps to connect various non-PC devices, including IoT, gaming, and streaming gadgets, to FDU’s wireless network.

FDU-Wireless for Non-PC Devices

Connect to FDU Wireless as a Guest

Follow these steps to create a guest wireless account, ensuring secure and convenient access for your campus visitors.

FDU-Wireless for Guests

Click the link below to view where our Wireless networks are available on our NJ Campuses:

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CrashPlan Backup Email Alert

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Backup Alert Email Notifications

CrashPlan Backup will send users an email alert notifying them of any incomplete backups of their devices.

  • The CrashPlan Backup email alert will be sent from “CrashPlan <>
  • The Subject line of the email will be labeled with: “[External]Critical: [Name of Device] not backed up

Backup Alert

You will receive an alert when your computer hasn’t backed up to CrashPlan for 5 calendar days. The email will look like the example below:

CrashPlan Backup Alert Email Notification

What to do if you get a backup alert

After receiving a CrashPlan Backup alert email, you should locate the device the email specifies in need of backup. The CrashPlan Backup device name will be listed in the Subject: line and Computer Name: line of the CrashPlan backup alert email.

For Windows Devices

To locate the name of a CrashPlan Backup device:

  1. Click the CrashPlan Backup icon in the Windows System Tray, also referred to as the notification area.

CrashPlan Backup icon

  1. Click “Run Backup now


The Windows System Tray or notification area is usually located on the bottom right of the Windows taskbar, next to the displayed digital clock.

Ensure the CrashPlan backup application displays the same name as the CrashPlan Backup alert email you received.

For macOS Devices

After locating the correct specified device stated in the CrashPlan backup alert email, force a backup of the device by performing the following:

  1. Click the “CrashPlan Backup” System Tray or macOS menu bar Icon

CrashPlan Backup Icon

  1. Click “Run Backup now


The backup may take some time to complete. This depends on the length of time since CrashPlan Backup’s last completed backup and the amount of new data that needs to be backed up.

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Create and Share Office 365 Documents through OneDrive

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Whether you’re working at home or the office, OneDrive makes it easy to create new documents and share your files. You can even collaborate with others on a document.

In the following external article, you’ll learn how to create documents and folders. It will go over how to share your files with different groups of people, as well as the various collaboration tools available in Office 365.

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Deleting Web Browser Cookies

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Select your browser below to learn how to delete your web browser cookies.

  • Click on the three dots and select Settings.Select Advanced to show the advanced settings. Select Content settings.Select Cookies.Click the garbage can icon to delete the cookies.

  • Click on the three lines and select OptionsSelect the Privacy & Security tab and click Manage Data found under Cookies and Site Data.Select and select Remove Selected, select Save Changes when finished.

  • Open Safari Preferences and select the Privacy tab.Select Manage Website DataSelect and click Remove.

  • Click on the Settings “Gear” located on the top right of the browser, select Internet OptionsDelete in the Browser History sectionUncheck all boxes listed, except Cookies and website data, click Delete when finished

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DUO Device Management Portal Guide

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This guide is designed to assist you in mastering both the classic and updated versions of the DUO Device Management Portal. It simplifies the process of modifying existing devices and integrating new ones into your multi-factor authentication setup.

Legacy DUO Device Management Portal

Accessing the legacy DUO Management Portal
  1. In a Desktop or Laptop browser visit the “DUO Management Portal“. You will be prompted to authenticate through SSO and complete the Multi-factor Authentication process

DUO Management Portal

  1. After authenticating you’ll see the DUO Management Portal. This is where you can enroll new devices, reactivate, edit, or delete your existing devices
Default Authentication Options

If you authenticate with more than one device, you can specify which you would like to be the default.

  1. Click the “Default Device” drop-down menu and pick your default device for authentication. Click “Save” if you’re done making changes
  1. You can choose which authentication method you prefer to use when logging in by clicking on the “When I log in” drop-down menu
    • Ask me to choose an authentication method: it will prompt you to select an option every time you log in
    • Automatically send this device a DUO Push: it will automatically send a DUO Push to your default device
Reactivate Duo Mobile
  1. Click on “Reactivate DUO Mobile” if you need to get DUO Push working on your phone, for example, if you replaced your phone with a new model but kept the same phone number.
  1. After answering some questions about your device, you’ll receive a new QR code to scan with your phone, which will complete the DUO Mobile activation process
Change Device Name
  1. Click on “Change Device Name” to open up an interface to change the display name of your phone
  1. Type in the new name and click “Save
Remove Device
  1. Click the “trash” icon button to delete a device
  1. Confirm that you want to remove the device by clicking on “Remove“. The device will be deleted. It will no longer be able to approve DUO authentication requests.


You may not remove your last device. If you wish to remove it, first add another, then delete the original. If you are unable to delete a device, contact your administrator to have it removed.

Add New Device

To add a new authentication device, click “Add another device” link on the right side of the DUO Prompt. You’ll be taken to the new device enrollment prompt

You can use the DUO Quick Start Guide for instructions on how to enroll a new device


Updated DUO Device Management Portal

Accessing Updated Device Management in the DUO Universal Prompt

You can add additional verification methods, manage your existing devices, or reactivate DUO Mobile for DUO Push from the DUO Universal Prompt.

  1. When logging in to an application with the Universal Prompt Click the “Other Options” link on the authentication page to view your list of available methods
  1. Click on “Manage devices” at the end of the list to enter the device management portal
  1. You will be prompted to verify your identity by completing the DUO Multifactor Authentication process. Select your preferred authentication method from the listed options to continue
  • After approving a DUO authentication request you can see the Device Management Portal with all your registered devices.
Add New Device

To add a new method of verifying your identity in DUO, click “Add a device” and follow the enrollment process described in the DUO Quick Start Guide, starting on Step 3.

The difference between adding a new device from the Device Management Portal and during first-time enrollment is that when you have finished enrolling the new device you return to the Device Management Portal to view all your registered devices, including the new one, instead of continuing to log into an application.

Rename or Remove a Device
  1. Click the “Edit” button on the device you would like to rename or remove to view the drop down menu
    • Then click either “Rename” or “Delete
  1. When renaming a device, type the new name for your device, then click on “Rename” to save your changes
  1. When Deleting a device, confirm your selection to delete
Reactivate DUO Mobile for an Existing Device

If you have replaced the phone you activated for DUO Push, you can reactivate DUO Push if you have the same phone number.

  1. Click on “I have a new phone” for the device you want to reactivate
  1. Click “Get Started” to continue
  1. Click on “Send me a passcode” or “Call my phone” then proceed to follow the instructions prompted to complete the reactivation process
Reactivate DUO Mobile outside of the Device Management Portal
  1. Let the DUO Push authentication time out
  1. Click on the “I got a new phone” link shown in the Universal Prompt
  • If you still use the same phone number as you did when you first set up the phone to use DUO Push, then click or tap the “Text me a link” button
  • When the text message with the link arrives on your phone, tap it to automatically reactivate DUO Mobile on your phone to use DUO Push again. If you don’t have DUO Mobile installed be sure to install it before you try to open the activation link in the text message.
  • If you are using a different phone number than the one you first set up, then press on “I got a new number
  1. Press “Continue” to proceed to the DUO Device Management Portal, where you can complete the steps to “Adding a New Device and set up DUO Push on the new phone


You will need to verify your identity with a different DUO verification method, so if you don’t have one available you will need to contact the Fairleigh Dickinson University Technical Assistance Center for help.

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DUO Quick Start Guide for Faculty and Staff

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DUO two-factor authentication adds a second layer of security to your FDU NetID. It requires two factors to verify identity. These factors include something you know – your FDU NetID and password, and something you have – a phone or passcode, to authenticate and gain access to your account on FDU services. Passwords alone no longer provide adequate protection against cyber hacking. DUO is required for all current FDU students.

Install DUO Mobile App

The DUO app is available for mobile phones and tablets. You can directly access the DUO Mobile Security App using these links:

Activate your DUO Account

Self-Service Portal Initiated DUO Activation


This step requires a Desktop or Laptop browser.

  1. In a Desktop or Laptop browser visit the DUO Management Portal to begin the activation process by enrolling your device. Activation requires scanning a QR code with the DUO app’s built-in scanner

DUO Management Portal

  1. Duo prompts you to enroll the first time you visit the DUO Management Portal using a browser or a client application that shows the interactive Duo web-based prompt

Supported Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Opera, and Internet Explorer 8 or later. Some browsers do not support all of DUO’s authentication devices (for example, Security Keys won’t work with Internet Explorer). For the widest compatibility with DUO’s authentication methods, we recommend recent versions of Chrome and Firefox.

  1. Click “Start setup” to begin enrolling your device
  1. Select the type of device you’d like to enroll and click “Continue“. We recommend using a smartphone for the best experience, but you can also enroll iPadOS and Android tablets
Duo - Choose Your Authentication Device Type
  1. Select your country from the drop-down list and type your phone number. Use the number of your smartphone or cell phone that you installed the DUO Mobile Security App on in the Step 1
  1. Double-check that you entered it correctly, check the box, and click “Continue
Duo - Type Your Phone Number


If you’re enrolling a tablet you aren’t prompted to enter a phone number.

  1. Choose your device’s operating system and click “Continue
Duo - Choose Platform
  1. Click “I have DUO Mobile installed”
  • If you have not completed installing the DUO Mobile App in Step 1 please complete now by following the platform-specific instructions on the screen. After installing the app return to the enrollment window
  1. Activating the app links it to your account so you can use it for authentication
  1. On iPhone or Android, activate DUO Mobile by scanning the barcode with the app’s built-in barcode scanner. Follow the platform specific instructions for your device:
  1. The “Continue” button is clickable after you scan the barcode successfully
  • Can’t scan the barcode? Click “Or, have an activation link emailed to you instead” and follow the instructions
  1. Once activated click “Continue” to complete registration

Configure Device Options (Optional)

  1. You can use Device Options to give your phone a more descriptive name, or you can click “Add another device” to start the enrollment process again and add a second phone or another authenticator
  • If this is the device you’ll use most often with DUO then you may want to enable automatic push requests by changing the “When I log in:” option and changing the setting from “Ask me to choose an authentication method” to “Automatically send this device a DUO Push” and click “Save“. With one of the automatic options enabled DUO automatically sends an authentication request via push notification to the DUO Mobile app on your smartphone.
  1. Your device is ready to approve DUO push authentication requests. Click “Send me a Push” to give it a try. All you need to do is tap “Approve” on the DUO login request received at your phone

With DUO activated on your account, and with your device enrolled, you are ready to use DUO. When logging in, you will have two authentication options. Review the options below to determine what works best for you.


We recommend the push notification to your smartphone, it’s the easiest. You can also check the box “Remember Me for 60 Days” to only perform the authentication once every two months on that device.

OKTA Initiated DUO Activation


This step requires a Desktop or Laptop browser.

FDU NetID users who are logging into OKTA for the first time will be prompted to enroll using a browser or a client application that shows the interactive Duo web-based prompt.

  1. Click on “Enroll” to continue
  1. You will be redirected to verify with DUO MFA. Click on “Set up” then “Next” to continue

Supported Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Opera, and Internet Explorer 8 or later. Some browsers do not support all of DUO’s authentication devices. For the widest compatibility with Duo’s authentication methods, we recommend recent versions of Chrome and Firefox.

  1. Choose “DUO Mobile” as your verification method
  1. Select your country from the drop-down list and type your mobile phone number. Use the number of your smartphone or cell phone that you installed the DUO Mobile Security App. Click on “Add phone number” to continue


If you’re enrolling a tablet, don’t enter a phone number and click on “I have a tablet” instead

  1. Double-check that you entered your information correctly. Click on “Yes, it’s correct” to continue if the information is correct
  1. Click “Next” if you downloaded the DUO app as instructed in the first step
  • If you have not completed installing the DUO Mobile App please complete now by following the platform-specific instructions on the screen. After installing the app return to the enrollment window
  1. Open the DUO Mobile app on your phone or tablet and add this account by scanning the QR code shown on-screen
  1. When you receive confirmation that DUO Mobile was added click “Continue


If you aren’t able to scan the QR code, click on “Get an activation link instead” and then enter your email address to send the activation link to yourself. Open your email address on your Mobile device where you installed DUO Mobile. Follow the instructions in the email to activate the new account in DUO Mobile.

  1. Once the setup is completed, click on “Log in with DUO

Authentication Options

With DUO activated on your account, and with your device enrolled, you are ready to use DUO. When logging in, you will automatically receive a DUO Push but will also have the choice to select from “Other Options“. Review the options below to determine what works best for you.


We recommend the push notification to your smartphone, it’s the easiest form of authentication.

These are the different ways in which you can use DUO:

Duo Push

Once you have activated DUO Authentication, Duo will automatically send a DUO Push to your registered device. Open the notification on your device, and you’ll see a green checkmark and a Red “x“. Simply tap the “Green Checkmark” to approve the authentication request and gain access to your account.

VPN users select the number corresponding to Push or type “push“. Users with multiple devices will need to include a number indicating desired device i.e. push2.

DUO Mobile Passcode

Once you have activated Duo Authentication, you can use the DUO mobile app to generate passcodes. This option does not require wifi or data, so this is a great option if you’re traveling or if you have limited or no cell/Internet service. Open your DUO mobile app, tap the FDU logo and it will reveal a passcode. During login, choose the enter a passcode option, enter the code and you’re in.

Text Message Passcode (Faculty/Staff)

You can receive a one-time use code via text message. To get your one-time code click on “Text message passcode“. When you land on the text message page, it will show that a text message was just sent to you with a passcode.

VPN users select the number corresponding to SMS passcode or type “SMS“. Users with multiple devices will need to include a number indicating desired device i.e. sms2.


These text message passcodes do not expire, and they are valid until used. You do not have to have a smartphone for this option.

Phone Call (Faculty/Staff)

Click the “Phone call” option and DUO will call your phone. Answer the phone call from DUO and follow the voice instructions to log in to the application.

VPN users select the number corresponding to Phone Call or type “phone“. Users with multiple devices will need to include a number indicating desired device i.e. phone2.

Bypass Code

If you do not have your device with you, don’t worry. You can contact the Fairleigh Dickinson University Technical Assistance Center (UTAC) for a temporary passcode. These passcodes can be entered in the DUO prompt on your computer.


How Do I Change Settings or Enroll Another Device?

You can use the DUO Management Portal to easily edit and add new devices. For instructions on how to access the DUO Management Portal, follow the steps using the link below:

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