Author: usanadmin

Setting up and Accessing the FDU VPN Client

Resources for:

FDU’s VPN Client Software, is also known as the “Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client”. Chrome Firefox Safari The browser will open a new window asking for permission to download the applet, click on “Allow”. When finished downloading, double click on the file to open the installation package and start the installation process. The following instructions…

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Shared Mailbox in Outlook

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A shared mailbox makes it easy for a group of people to read and send emails from one public email address, like When a person in the group replies to a message sent to the shared mailbox, the email appears to be from the shared address, not from the individual user. Shared mailboxes can…

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Sharing a Calendar and Delegating Administrative Rights

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Single Number Reach Feature

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The Single Number Reach (SNR) feature allows users to answer incoming calls to their extension on either their desktop IP phone or at a remote destination, such as a mobile phone. Users can pick up active calls on either the desktop phone or the remote phone without losing the connection. This enables callers to dial…

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Software Compliance & Distribution Policy

Resources for:

Employees of Fairleigh Dickinson University must comply with all software regulations imposed by the University and by US Copyright Law.

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Software Request Guidelines for University Computers and Computer Labs

Resources for:

Departments wishing to obtain software, whether it is for use by the department or to be installed in the FDU computer labs and/or FDU Anywhere, should plan appropriately to provide adequate time to acquire the software and make it available to users. The following steps should be used as a guide when planning to obtain…

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Spot a Phishing Scam

Resources for:

What is a phishing scam? Phishing refers to the act of using a fraudulent identity and scenario to extract personal information or something else of value. Although phishing scams can occur over various mediums including text messages, phone calls, and social media, they are most frequently carried out via email. Scammers have many means of…

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Student Technology Resources

Resources for:

Fairleigh Dickinson University provides an extensive array of technological resources and services tailored for our students. This guide is designed to assist students in navigating and utilizing these tools effectively, ensuring they can easily set up, access, and manage their accounts, while also offering comprehensive information on each service. ID and Email Your FDU NetID…

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