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Accept a New Certificate for FDU-Secure Wireless Network

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FDU-Secure uses current encryption standards to connect to the FDU wireless network via secure wireless traffic. This is an evolving technology and occasionally, one of the changes made by FDU IT requires us to issue a new certificate. When this occurs, you will need to accept the certificate using the process below.


Your process may vary slightly based on the version of the Operating System that your device is using.

SAMI Support

If you have any questions or concerns, please visit SAMI Support, where you can request additional information from UTAC or search our extensive IT knowledge base. While SAMISupport provides the quickest and easiest access for IT support, you can always contact UTAC by phone (973)-443-8822 or email at

How to Accept the New Certificate for FDU-Secure Wireless

  1. Login to your Windows computer
  2. Go to the bottom right taskbar > Click on the “Networks” icon:
    • From the Networks list, select: “FDU-Secure
    • Click “Connect
  3. At the “Continue connection?” prompt, click “Connect
  1. Open your browser and test your Internet connection
  1. Login to your Mac computer
  2. Go to top right menu bar > Click “Wi-Fi” icon:
    • From the Wi-Fi list, select: “FDU-Secure
    • Click “Join
  3. At the “Authenticating to network FDU-Secure” prompt, click “Continue
  1. Click “OK
  2. Open your browser and test your Internet connection
  1. Login your iOS device (eg. iPhone)
  2. Go to your device’s Settings App > Select “Wi-Fi” > Select “FDU-Secure” > Click “Forget This Network
  3. Tap the “Back” button and select “Wi-Fi “once again to reload the available Wi-Fi networks:
    • From the Wi-Fi list, select: “FDU-Secure
    • Enter your complete FDU NetID as in the examples below: “,,”
    • Enter your FDU NetID Password
    • Click Join
  1. At the “Certificate” prompt, tap “Trust
  1. Open your browser and test your Internet connection
  1. Login to your Android Device
  2. Open the “Settings” Application > Select “Wi-Fi” > Select the Gear icon next to FDU-Secure
  1. Select “Forget This Network
  1. Select FDU-Secure from the Wi-Fi menu
  1. Select “EAP method” and select “PEAP” from the dropdown menu
  2. Enter your complete FDU NetID and password
  3. In the “CA Certificate” field, select “Use System Certificates
  4. In the Domain field, enter
  5. Enable “Auto Reconnect
  6. Tap “Connect
  1. Open your browser and test your Internet connection
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Acceptable Use Policy for Computer Usage

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Original Effective Date: 02/17/2013
Revised Date: 04/20/2023

The computing and electronic communications facilities at Fairleigh Dickinson University support the instructional, research, and administrative activities of the University. Users of these facilities may have access to University resources, sensitive data, and external networks. Consequently, it is imperative for all users to behave in a responsible, ethical, and legal manner. This document presents specific guidelines for appropriate behavior and use of FDU computing resources.


These guidelines apply to all users of FDU computing resources. Users include all students, faculty, staff, visiting faculty, volunteers, guests of the administration, and external individuals or organizations.

Computing resources include, but are not limited to, desktop and laptop computers, file servers, smart phones, email and electronic communications, software, University-assigned email accounts, data storage, and networking equipment used to link these components together and to the Internet, whether owned, leased, or licensed by FDU. In addition, computing resources include use of the University network via a physical or wireless connection, regardless of the ownership of the computer or device connected to the network. Moreover, this policy applies to all usage of university computing resources, whether that usage occurs through a university owned device or personal device.

University property, including computing resources, are provided to you for University business. Although security protocols have been put in place to restrict access to computing resources to protect them against unauthorized access by external parties, it is important that all members of the University community take appropriate measures to safeguard these resources.

Users – and not the University — are responsible for the materials that users prepare, receive, or transmit through computing resources. Thus, as a condition of using the University’s computer system, all users represent that they are in compliance with applicable laws and University policies, including l federal, state, and international copyright and other intellectual property laws and laws regarding defamation.


Those who make use of the FDU computing resources are required to behave in a manner consistent with FDU’s codes of conduct. As a user of this network, you agree to the following usage guidelines:

  1. You will not use an account that does not belong to you. You will use only the computers, computer accounts, and computer files for which you have authorization. You may not share accounts, files, or access to computer resources with any unauthorized person.
  2. You are responsible for any computer account you have been given. You will set a password on the account that is in compliance with university password policies, and you may not share this password with any other person. If you discover that someone has made unauthorized use of your account, you should change your password immediately and immediately report the event to one of the individuals listed in Appendix 1.
  3. You agree not to intentionally seek out information about, copy, or modify password files, other users’ files, or disks and tapes belonging to other people, unless specifically authorized by those persons, whether at FDU or other facilities.
  4. You should not attempt to decrypt material to which you are not entitled or attempt to gain rights you have not been specifically granted by the owner. If you observe or discover a gap in system or network security, you agree to inform one of the individuals listed in Appendix 1 and not to exploit the gap.
  5. You agree to refrain from any activity that interferes with a computer’s operating system or its logging and security systems, or that may cause such effects. Additionally, users are not authorized to remove any security software installed on FDU equipment by FDU Systems personnel.
  6. You must be sensitive to the public nature of computing resources and agree not to transmit, post, or otherwise display material that is threatening, obscene, harassing, or defamatory. The use of University computing resources to libel, slander, or harass any other person is not allowed and could lead to University discipline as well as legal action by those who are the recipients of these actions.
  7. You agree not to make copies of or distribute software the University owns or uses under license, unless the owner of the software or the owner of the license has specifically granted permission to copy. If in doubt as to whether you have permission to copy software, assume you don’t.
  8. Messages, statements, and declarations sent as electronic mail or public postings should be treated as if they were tangible documents. From electronic identifiers used in the transmission of messages, addressees can see the University is the source of the message or its system is being used to transmit it, similar to how letterhead or return addresses on a tangible document would identify the University. Therefore, as a representative of the FDU community, you are expected to respect the University’s good name in your electronic dealings with those both within and outside the University. Moreover, in so far as employees make use of FDU computing resources to relay personal opinions, it is their obligation to make sure that no addressee can infer that their personal opinions are necessarily shared or authorized by the University, and they are obligated to clearly identify their opinions as their own and not those of the University.
  9. You agree not to create, alter, or delete any electronic information contained in any system that is not your own work, unless specifically authorized by the owner of that information.
  10. You agree not to create, send, or forward electronic chain mail letters. You agree not to attempt to alter or forge the “From” line or any other attribution of origin contained in electronic mail or postings. You agree not to use any of the University systems for sending what is commonly referred to as “SPAM” mail (unsolicited bulk email).
  11. You may not use FDU computing resources as a means of obtaining unauthorized access to any other computing systems.  
  12. FDU’s data storage on University servers, hosted servers, third party storage, or hosted storage, is an FDU computing resource with costs attached and should be used with care and discretion. It is primarily meant for current class work, research and development projects, business files, and temporary storage of other files. Users are expected to keep their disk usage reasonably minimized, in keeping with their University role.
  13. Network addresses such as TCP/IP addresses and machine addresses are assigned by University Systems and Networking staff and may not be altered or otherwise assigned without the explicit permission of the Associate Vice President of Systems and Networking (or other designee). In addition, no equipment may be attached to the network without the explicit permission of the Associate Vice President of Systems and Networking (or other designee). This applies to all staff as well as academic departments.
  14. FDU’s computing resources are not to be used for the transmission of commercial or personal advertisements, solicitations, and promotions or for extended reproduction of political, ideological or commercial material originated by a person or organization. This includes but is not limited to the execution of revenue-generating advertising programs which pay users when the programs are run. The Associate Vice President of Systems and Networking (or other designee) may suspend this rule when it is in FDU’s best interest to permit such activity.
  15. Users may not contract with external Internet services, service providers, or the like without the explicit written approval of the Associate Vice President of Systems (or designee) and Networking and compliance with Finance and Office of General Counsel policies.
  16. Without the explicit written permission of the Associate Vice President of Systems and Networking (or designee) you agree not to run any of the following protocols or services:
    • Port scanners, network monitors or other types of utilities that probe any other computer, be they inside or outside FDU’s network.
    • Routing or network serving protocols such as RIP, IGRP, OOTP or DHCP on the network.
    • Daemons, processes or programs that accept incoming connections, as a server would.
    • Streaming media servers or any other server that broadcasts continuous data streams.
  1. FDU’s computing resources, including equipment, network, services, and wiring may not be modified or extended beyond the areas of their intended use.
  2. Network connections may not be used to provide network access to anyone outside the University community or for any purposes other than those that are in direct support of the academic mission of the University.
  3. All computers connected to FDU’s network must run an operating system and configuration that is supported by its vendor with regard to security patches and updates, as well as antivirus software with current virus definitions. It is the user’s responsibility to keep their virus definitions up to date and to apply all critical operating system updates. More information is available at or submit questions through the SAMI Support portal or by emailing
  4. Users may not alter the operating system or configuration of University owned computers without the explicit written authorization of the Associate Vice President of Systems and Networking (or designee).


Computing resources are created to support the instructional, research, and administrative activities of the University, and are the property of the University. Personal use of the University’s computing resources, except for students enrolled at the University, should be incidental and kept to a minimum. Use of such resources by an employee for other than work-related matters should be reasonable and limited so that it does not prevent the employee from attending to and completing work effectively and efficiently, does not incur additional cost to the University, and does not preclude others with work-related needs from using the resources, including the shared campus and Internet bandwidth.

Department Heads and other administrators may enact additional restrictions to further limit employees’ personal use of University computing resources. These restrictions may include but are not limited to: limiting time spent reading or writing personal email or visiting web pages, and limitations on acceptable content due to the possible exposure of screens to other individuals. Human Resources must be consulted, in advance, about any proposed restrictions.


Users should use reasonable available methods to safeguard their data, including regular changes of passwords, and encrypting sensitive data. In the event that files have been corrupted as a result of intrusion, you should notify a system administrator immediately. Please note that FDU’s computing resources are not completely secure. It is possible that others will be able to access files by exploiting shortcomings in system security. For this and other reasons, FDU cannot assure confidentiality of files and other transmissions.

The Office of Information Resources and Technology (“OIRT”) and each of its departments attempt to provide reasonable security against damage to files stored on FDU’s computing resources by filtering all outgoing and incoming electronic mail for viruses and junk mail and making regular backups of systems.

In connection with the University’s migration to Office 365, the University adopted a policy of retaining copy of each email for three (3) years. This means, regardless of individual user action, the University will maintain a copy of all email traffic for a period of 3 years.

In the event of lost or damaged files, a reasonable attempt will be made to recover the information; however, the University and the University Information Technology staff cannot guarantee recovery of the data or loss of data due to media failure, floods, fires, etc.

OIRT and each of its departments will make reasonable attempts to provide error-free hardware and software on our computing resources, however, it is not possible to guarantee this, and information provided by staff members is not guaranteed to be correct.


Users should exercise caution when storing any confidential information in electronic format, because the privacy of such information cannot be guaranteed. User(s) must be aware that any personal files, including e-mail, maintained on University computing resources are University property and are subject to University storage, retrieval, and review. Individuals using FDU computing resources should have no expectation that any information transmitted through or stored on FDU computing resources, whether the information is contained on a computer hard drive, computer disks, University or third party server or in any other manner, will be private. By using FDU computing resources, the user consents to the University’s (and its designees’, both internal and external) access to their electronic files, documents, and materials stored, transmitted, or otherwise accessible on those resources.

Examples of where the University might access a user’s electronic files include system backups, which access all files in a user’s account; software upgrades which may require editing startup files in a user’s account; diagnostic and trouble-shooting activities, which may, for example, require viewing the address headers of e-mail messages to determine the cause of problems; keystroke monitoring of sessions to determine inappropriate use of the computing facilities; searches in connection with a litigation, threatened litigation, governmental proceeding or investigation; investigation of a possible data breach; investigation of possible breach of University policy, rules, handbooks, or protocols; and other measures to safeguard the University’s systems and compliance with laws. These examples are not intended to limit the University’s right to access a user’s electronic files under circumstances deemed appropriate by the University. In such situation(s), University computer resources in the possession of a user, or otherwise assigned to an individual, may be accessed, reviewed, duplicated, stored, and forwarded by appropriate personnel without the user’s permission or knowledge.

Without limitation, because employees are granted access to and use of FDU computing resources to conduct University business, the University reserves the right to access electronic mail messages left on or transmitted through the University’s computing resources. Employees should not assume that such messages are private and confidential or that the University or its designated representatives will not have a need to access and review this information.

The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) binds all users who have access to student data and this policy is subject to FERPA requirements. In general, FERPA gives students more control over their educational records, and it prohibits educational institutions from disclosing “personally identifiable information in education records” without the written consent of the student (subject to specified exceptions). To find out specifically what information you may or may not give out and to whom, contact the office of the Vice President for Student Affairs.


Policy violations should be reported immediately to any one of the individuals listed in Appendix 1.

Violations of this policy will be addressed as described in the Student, Faculty and/or Employee Handbooks, any relevant contracts, and, if applicable, State and Federal law or regulations. University students and employees who violate this Policy will be met with appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal, expulsion, or termination from the University. Third parties who violate this Policy may have their relationship with the University terminated and their access to campus restricted. In addition, a user’s system privileges can be suspended for a specified time period or revoked and/or a monetary fine may be imposed on those in violation to reimburse the University for the staff time and other costs of investigating and rectifying the violation.

The University reserves the right to suspend computing resource privileges while investigating a complaint or troubleshooting a system or network problem.

This policy is subject to revision. Comments and suggestions are welcome and should be sent to Stuart Alper, Associate Vice President of Systems and Networking, mailstop T-BH1-01, or

It is the user’s responsibility to remain informed about the contents of this document.


Stuart Alper
Associate Vice President of Systems and Networking
Mailstop T-BH1-01

Saul Kleinman
Associate Vice President of Management Information Systems
Mailstop T-BH2-03

Last Modified:

Accessing an FDU Email Account on a Mobile Device Using the Outlook App

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The easiest way to access your FDU email account on your mobile device is to install the Outlook app from either the App Store (Apple) or the Play Store (Android). We support and advise using this method due to the program’s robustness and integration of all Office365 features. Follow the steps below to install and set up the Outlook app on your phone.

Outlook App on Apple iOS and Android Mobile Devices
  1. Use the links below to install the Outlook app onto your mobile device.
Android Play Store
Apple App Store
  1. Launch the app and press on “Add Account” if on an Android device. It will then prompt you to input your FDU email address. On iOS, the app will launch and immediately ask you for your FDU email address. Once filled out press “Continue” on Android. On iOS press “Add Account”
  1. You will be routed to the FDU Single Sign On Page, from here input your FDU email address and password and press “Sign In
  1. For security purposes, all applications which use FDU’s Single Sign On (NetID) require Duo two-factor authentication. After inputting your FDU NetID login information, Duo requires you to complete a method of second-factor authentication
  1. Your FDU email account has now been added to your device successfully. Ensure the email account is listed on your Outlook application.
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ADA Compliance

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Regulatory Law

Any videos distributed on various platforms by FDU must comply with federal regulations concerning accessibility for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. It’s essential to ensure that our content is accessible to all members of our community, in line with these important guidelines.

To read the Americans with Disabilities Act rules and regulations, visit the link below:

Americans with Disabilities Act

Transcription and Closed Captioning

All video projects produced by Multimedia Services must be closed captioned and transcribed. Captions appear onscreen simultaneously with the audio and video and follows the same timing. It exists within the video player. A transcript is the same word-for-word content as captions, but presented in a separate document, whether it is a text file, word processing document, PDF, or web page.

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Adding a FDU Email Account to a Mobile Device’s Native ‘Mail’ App

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These instructions demonstrate adding an FDU email account to an Apple mobile device’s native Apple “Mail” app. Unfortunately, adding an FDU email account on an Android OS mobile device’s native “Mail” app is currently unsupported by FDU IT support. Information regarding adding an FDU email account to an Android OS mobile device via the Outlook App can be found below for Android OS mobile device users.


The easiest way to access your FDU email account on your mobile device is to install the Outlook app from either the App Store (Apple) or the Play Store (Android). FDU IT supports and advises using this method due to the program’s robustness and integration of all Microsoft 365 features. A link with instructions for the Outlook app on mobile devices can be found at the bottom of this page.

Setting up your FDU Email Account in the Mail app on iOS
  1. Go to the “Settings” app
  1. Tap “Mail
  1. Tap “Accounts
  1. Tap “Add Account” and then select or tap “Microsoft Exchange
  1. Enter your FDU email address and a description of your email account in the corresponding text boxes. Please note that the default description name for the account will be ‘Exchange’ if left unchanged. Tap “Next” to continue
  1. Tap “Sign In
  1. Enter your FDU email address and password. Tap “Sign In” to continue
  1. For security purposes, all applications which use FDU’s Single Sign-On require Duo Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). After entering your FDU NetID login credentials, Duo requires you to complete a method of second-factor authentication
  1. Choose the FDU NetID account information you want to synchronize or access on your iOS mobile device by toggling the choices on/off. Tap “Save” to continue
  1. Your FDU email account has successfully been added to your iOS mobile device
Setting up your FDU Email Account on Android OS

Due to the multiple Android OS mobile device manufacturers (Samsung, Google, or LG) each having their own native ‘Mail’ app, email setup and features differ depending on the manufacturer of the Android OS devices. For this reason, it is best practice to use the Microsoft ‘Outlook’ app found in the Google Play Store. Follow the instructions below to set up Outlook on Android OS.

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Authorization, Authentication and Access Management Policy

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Revision Date: New Policy
Effective Date: 11/1/2023

Section A – University Systems and Applications

I. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to establish information security standards for individuals receiving credentials to Fairleigh Dickinson University (“FDU” or “University”) resources and how those resources are accessed.

II. Scope and Applicability

This policy applies to all university system resources. All Users are responsible for adhering to this policy.

III. Definitions

Capitalized terms shall have the meaning ascribed to them herein and shall have the same meaning when used in the singular or plural form or any appropriate tense.

  1. Account: An established relationship between a User and a computer, network, or Information System which is assigned a credential such as a username and password.
  2. System Administrative Account: An Account with elevated privileges intended to be used only when performing management tasks, such as installing updates and application software, managing user accounts, and modifying operating system and application settings.
  3. Entitled Account: A user who has met the minimum requirement to be granted authorization to access electronic Fairleigh Dickinson University Resources.
  4. Authorized User: A User who has been granted authorization to access electronic Fairleigh Dickinson University Resources and is current and active in their privileges.
  5. Contractor or Vendor: A person or a company that undertakes a contract to provide materials or labor to perform a service.
  6. Employee: University staff faculty and adjunct, including nonexempt, exempt, and overseas staff and collegiate faculty.
  7. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Authentication using two or more different factors to achieve authentication. Factors include something you know (e.g., PIN, password); something you have (e.g., cryptographic identification device, token); or something you are (e.g., biometric).
  8. Privileged Account: An Account that is authorized to perform security-relevant functions that an ordinary Account is not authorized to perform.
  9. Single Sign-On (SSO): An authentication process that allows an Authorized User to access multiple applications with one set of login credentials. SSO is a common procedure in enterprises, where a client accesses multiple resources connected to a local area network (LAN).
  10. User: A member of the University community, including but not limited to Staff and Faculty, and other individuals performing services on behalf of University, including Contractors, volunteers and other individuals who may have a need to access, use or control University Data.

IV. Authentication

  1. Any service, application or Information System, whether on-premise or in the cloud, that contains WISP protected information, especially PI or PHI; OR is accessed by a large group of employees (20 or more), must use Single Sign-on authentication.
    • If the service or application is being provisioned by a business unit, the unit must engage University Systems to work with the provider to enable SSO.
    • If SSO is not supported by the service or application, it will not be approved for use by the university.
    • See Section V for exceptions.
  2. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) must be used to access University resources.
  3. Passwords must be constructed in accordance with the minimum requirements as listed below:
    • Authorized User Account passwords must meet a minimum length of 8 characters.
    • Administrative and Privileged Account passwords must meet a minimum of 10 characters.
    • Passwords must contain a mix of alphanumeric characters. Passwords must not consist of all digits, all special characters, or all alphabetic characters.
    • Automated controls must ensure that passwords are changed at 90-day intervals for both general users and administrative-level accounts.
    • NetIDs associated with a password must be disabled for a period of time after 10 consecutive failed login attempts. A minimum of 30 minutes is required for the reset period.
    • Passwords must not be the same as the NetID.
    • Passwords must not be displayed on screens.
    • Users must not share passwords.
    • Initial passwords and password resets must be issued pre-expired forcing the user to change the password upon first use.
    • Password reuse must be limited by not allowing the last 10 passwords to be reused. In addition, the password must be at least 2 days old in order to be voluntarily changed.
    • Access will be disabled 90 days past the date that a password expired if not changed.
    • Access will be disabled after 30 days of creation if NetID is not claimed.
    • Expired passwords must be changed before any other system activity is allowed.
  4. Server Password Protocol
    • If, at any time, a member of the Community is granted permission to install a server, and access to that server is restricted via Login, and if that process is granted SSO exception through section VII., that system can not hold passwords in clear text. That system must use an approved irreversible cryptographic transform to protect its users’ passwords.

VI. Enforcement

  • This policy will be enforced by technical controls wherever feasible; otherwise, this policy will be enforced by OIRT under the direction of the CIO. All members of FDU’s faculty and staff have a responsibility to promptly report any known instances of noncompliance to AVP of University Systems and Networking or the Director of Systems.
  • Failure to comply with this policy can result in disciplinary action. Any such discipline shall be in accordance with processes and procedures of Human Resources and subject to any protections afforded under the University’s agreement with “Office & Professional Employees International Union”, the “Faculty Handbook”, and similar documents. Third parties who violate this Policy may have their relationship with the University terminated and their access to campus restricted.

VII. Exceptions

  • Exceptions to this policy should be submitted to the AVP, USAN for review. Approval of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) or Data Security Incident Response Team (DSIRT) may be required.

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Availability and Use of Google Apps

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Effective Date: April 1st, 2021

I. Objective

Fairleigh Dickinson University (FDU) has adopted and standardized use of the Microsoft Office 365 Suite of products for University business. Some external entities, however, that conduct business with University employees utilize the Google Suite of products. This policy stipulates which Google applications will be made available to faculty and staff (not students) to enable collaboration with these external entities to conduct University business.

II. Purpose

Fairleigh Dickinson University (FDU) has adopted and standardized use of the Microsoft Office 365 Suite of products for University business. However, it is recognized that not all entities use Microsoft Office 365 as their platform and, from time to time, FDU faculty and staff may need the ability to collaborate with external entities that may be using the Google Suite of products. This policy stipulates which Google applications will be made available to faculty and staff to enable collaboration with these external entities.

  • Faculty and staff are reminded that in accordance with the University’s WISP policy, WISP protected data must not be stored or transmitted through any service, without the prior written authorization from the University Chief Information Security Officer.
  • As stated in the “Policy for Acceptable Use for Email”, Google Gmail is not available for use. All University business must be conducted through an FDU email account on Microsoft Office 365.
  • Faculty and staff may not use, or attempt to use, Google apps as a method of collaboration with students, faculty or staff. This FDU Policy on the Availability and use of Google Apps is expressly for the use with external entities only.
  • This Policy on the Availability and use of Google Apps applies only to use of Google applications by faculty and staff, and not FDU students.
  • Microsoft Office 365 is the only FDU supported platform for email and collaboration.
  • Google Apps are not supported by FDU IT personnel.

III. Scope

This policy applies to all FDU faculty and staff, wherever located throughout the world. Students will NOT have access to the Google Apps suite of products.

IV. Data Security Coordinator

The University has designated the Chief Information Security Officer, working together with the Data Security Information Response Team (DSIRT) and the USAN Director of Systems, to implement, supervise and maintain this Policy.

V. Internal Risks

To combat internal risks to the security, confidentiality, and integrity of any electronic, paper or other records, adherence to this Policy and the WISP will be strictly enforced.

VI. External Risks

To combat external internal risks to the security, confidentiality, and integrity of any electronic, paper or other records, adherence to this policy and the WISP will be strictly enforced.

VII. In Case of Questions

Questions regarding the availability of Google Apps can be directed to the Fairleigh Dickinson University Technical Assistance Center (UTAC). The UTAC is available 24×7.


Please note that the UTAC is not able to provide application support on the Google suite of products.

VIII. Other Applicable Policies

IX. Exceptions

Requests for exceptions to this Policy should be directed in writing to the Chief Information Security Officer via the Fairleigh Dickinson University Technical Assistance Center (UTAC).

X. Appendix

X1.1 Google Apps Available to Faculty and Staff


These applications may only be used in collaboration with outside entities who use Google applications as their sole source of collaboration and request the use of any one of these application for official FDU business use. Any other use of these applications by FDU faculty and staff is a violation of this Policy.

Services Descriptions
AssignmentsAssignments brings together the capabilities of Google Docs, Drive and Search into a tool for collecting and grading student work.
CalendarGoogle Calendar is a web-based tool for personal scheduling and calendar sharing. It can be accessed through either a Web browser or through a third-party calendar client.
ClassroomGoogle Classroom enables teachers to create an online classroom area in which they can manage all the documents that their students need.
Drive and DocsGoogle Docs is an online word processor that lets you create and format text documents and collaborate with other people in real time. Google Drive on the web lets you store, access, and edit your files anywhere — on the web, on your hard drive, or on the go.
Google MeetGoogle Meet enables conversations with photos, emoji, group video calls for free. You can connect across computers, Android and Apple devices.
Google VaultVault is an information governance and eDiscovery tool for Google Workspace. With Vault, you can retain, hold, search, and export users’ Google Workspace data.
Groups for BusinessGoogle Groups for Business is an extended service available for G Suite users that allows you and other members in your organization to access the main Google Groups interface located at
JamboardGoogle Jamboard is an online, collaborative whiteboarding application that lets you create, edit, and collaborate with other people in real time. Google Jamboard applications can be accessed on the Web, Android, and iOS.
KeepGoogle Keep is a note-taking service included as part of the free, web-based Google Docs Editors suite offered by Google
TasksGoogle Tasks is a simple to-do list—but with lists, subtasks, and mobile notifications, it has the basics you need to stay productive and keep track of the most important things you need to do.
Applied Digital SkillsApplied Digital Skills is a free, flexible video-based curriculum that prepares students for the growing number of jobs that require basic digital skills, such as email and spreadsheets.
Google Ad ManagerGoogle Ad Manager is an ad exchange platform introduced by Google on June 27, 2018. It combines the features of two former services from Google’s DoubleClick subsidiary, DoubleClick for Publishers and DoubleClick Ad Exchange.
Google AdsGoogle Ads is Google’s online advertising program. Through Google Ads, you can create online ads to reach people exactly when they’re interested in the products and services that you offer
Google AdSenseGoogle AdSense is an advertising program launched by Google in 2003 that allows website publishers to display targeted text, video, or image advertisements on website pages.
Google AlertsGoogle Alerts is a tool that allows you to track your chosen keywords and phrases so that you never miss another important conversation.
Google AnalyticsGoogle Analytics generates detailed statistics about a website’s traffic and traffic sources and measures conversions and sales
Google Cloud PlatformGoogle Cloud Platform is a suite of public cloud computing services offered by Google. The platform includes a range of hosted services for compute, storage and application development that run on Google hardware.
Google Cloud PrintGoogle Cloud Print is a web service offered by Google. Users associate printers with their Google Account.
Google Data StudioData Studio is Google’s reporting solution for power users who want to go beyond the data and dashboards of Google Analytics.
Google EarthGoogle Earth is the most photorealistic, digital version of our planet.
Google My MapsGoogle My Maps is your way to keep track of the places that matter to you.
Google PaymentsGoogle Pay (stylized as G Pay; formerly Pay with Google and Android Pay) is a digital wallet platform and online payment system developed by Google to power in-app and tap-to-pay purchases on mobile devices, enabling users to make payments with Android phones, tablets or watches.
Google PlayIn Google Play, the app description is split into two fields: Short Description, a limited 80 characters preview field and. the Full Description field, giving you space for an up to 4000 characters long app description.
Google Play ConsoleGoogle App Store
Google Search ConsoleThe Search Console lets you, as a webmaster, check on the status of the indexing Google does on your site, helping you to optimize your page visibility in Google search results. Get data, tools and diagnostics for a healthy, Google-friendly site.
Google TakeoutGoogle Takeout is a service that allows users of Google products, such as YouTube, Gmail, etc., to export their data to a downloadable ZIP file.
Managed Google PlayManaged Google Play Managed Google Play is a version of Google Play that’s optimized for enterprises.
Material GalleryMaterial Gallery is a collaborative tool for uploading design work, getting feedback, and tracking revisions – quickly and efficiently.
Partner DashPartner Dash is a service that hosts several applications used by Google’s partners to manage their relationships with us. Some of these applications are invite-only, while others are publicly available to anyone logged in with a Google Account.
Scholar ProfilesThe Google Scholar Profile search pane in Publish or Perish allows you to look up a Google Scholar profile and analyze the associated publication metrics.
Search And AssistantGoogle Assistant is Google’s artificial intelligence-powered voice assistant, which grew out of Google Now.
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B-ROLL Acquisition

Resources for:
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What is B-ROLL?

B-ROLL is supplemental footage inserted as a cutaway under narration or interview that helps tell the story. It can be used to introduce a segment or to cover a speaker’s audio or video miscues.

Acquiring B-ROLL

Multimedia Services has a significant amount of B-ROLL, however, there are projects that are so specific that we will not have the exact material required. In these situations, the producer will need to schedule a day(s) to acquire the footage. In some cases, scenarios may need to be created. If B-ROLL needs to be recorded off campus, permits may be required.

Requesting Access to B-ROLL Previously Captured

We currently grant access to existing B-ROLL via direct request. Our B-ROLL catalog is currently hosted on OneDrive and can be shared with anyone in and outside of FDU upon request. For access to our B-ROLL, please email


Multimedia Services is diligently organizing and labeling our extensive collection of B-ROLL footage in preparation for the launch of a new cloud-based video library, set to become available in Summer 2024. This initiative aims to enhance accessibility and search-ability, ensuring efficient use of our valuable video resources.

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Best Practices for Securing Your Zoom Virtual Classroom

Resources for:
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Zoom comes pre-stocked with numerous security features designed to control online classrooms, prevent disruption, and help educators effectively teach remotely. Here are some best practices for securing your virtual classroom using Zoom.

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Blocking Peer to Peer Applications

Resources for:
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FDU’s Acceptable Use Policy prohibits running software that accepts incoming connections from other computers. Programs such as BitTorrent or other P2P file sharing hosting program all contain server components that allow others to connect to your computer and retrieve files off of your system. In addition to the legal implications of sharing copyrighted materials, file sharing software creates a security concern. Improper use of these programs could result in the compromise of your private files and may leave your system open to attacks from other computers.

To view FDU’s stance on this issue in its entirety, please view the document below.

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Budget Transfers and Invoicing

Resources for:
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Project Quotes

Upon request, we are able to provide an initial quote for your video project, giving you an estimated cost. For a more accurate estimate, please provide as many details as possible about the project. To initiate your video project and request a quote, please email


Quoted prices serves as an estimate and the final price may exceed the initially quoted amount, depending on the actual hours worked to complete the project.

Invoicing After Project Completion

Once a project is completed, an invoice will be generated that accurately reflects the predetermined cost associated with the production. An e-mail will be sent to the initial contractor of the production, and a GL account number will be requested to be added to the invoice and sent to Finance to complete the transfer.


Prior to the processing of any budget transfers, it’s mandatory for the invoice to receive written approval from the either the supervisor in charge of the GL budget code, or the project leader. This step ensures proper authorization and accountability.

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Campus Closure Information

Resources for:
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NJ Campuses

Dial the University Switchboard

Florham Campus (973)-443-8500
Metropolitan Campus (201)-692-2000

Dial the Campus Voicemail System

Florham Campus (973)-443-8100
Metropolitan Campus (201)-692-7600

Dial 411, you will hear a recorded message regarding campus closures.

Vancouver Campuses

An email message will be issued regarding campus closures.

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Cellular Services

Resources for:
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FDU offers cellular phones to Faculty and Staff members when approved by a Vice President or Officer of the University.

Mobile Communication Device Request Form

To place an order for a cellular phone (new or for an existing phone upgrade), please fill out the form below:

Mobile Communication Device Request Form

Approved accessories, such as a case, screen protector, charging cable and plug, will be provided with the purchase of a new phone.


The form can be used to request a replacement for these accessories. Additionally, the form can be used to request the addition of an international plan, process the return of a cellular device, or report a lost or stolen cellular device.

Fairleigh Dickinson University’s Cellular Policy can be reviewed below:

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Change and Sync NETID Password on Mac via Jamf Connect

Resources for:
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This article offers a detailed, step-by-step guide, on how to change your NETID password directly from your Mac using the Jamf Connect and how to synchronize this updated NETID password with your Mac’s user account password.

Changing and Syncing your NET ID Password on your Mac

  1. Click on the “FDU shield icon” located in the top right of your screen’s menu bar
  1. Select “Change Password at FDU Identity
  1. Sign in to the “FDU Identity Portal” that opens up
  1. Scroll to “Change My Password” section and enter your old password and new password in the appropriate fields. Then click the “Change My Password” button
  1. You will see the password successfully changed in the red bar when successful. Click “Done
  1. Enter your “FDU NetID” and “Password” in the corresponding fields. Click “Sign In”
  1. Enter your old password in the “Local Password” prompt and click “Sync” to synchronize the new password with your Mac’s login password


You will need to reauthenticate your Office 365 apps and FDU-Secure.

Synchronizing NETID Password with your Mac Password

If you changed your NETID password outside of your FDU Mac, you will be prompted automatically to sync your password to your Mac’s password the next time you are connected to the internet. You will first need to log in to the machine using your old password and then proceed with the synchronization following the steps below.

  1. The following dialog box will appear once you are connected to the internet automatically. Enter your “FDU NetID” and “Password” and click “Sign In
  1. Enter your old password in the “Local Password” prompt and click the “Sync” button to synchronize the new password with your Mac’s login password


You will need to re-authenticate to your Office 365 apps and FDU-Secure.

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Cisco Unified Communications Call Forward

Resources for:
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With Cisco Unified Communications call forwarding, you have the ability to forward all of your incoming calls to another phone number. This can be useful in the event that you need to work from home or temporarily work from a different office.

Enabling Call Forwarding On-site
  1. To activate call forwarding, press “Forward All” while the phone is still on the hook
  2. To forward off campus, enter 3 then 1 and the 10-digit number.
    Example: (3 1 201 555 1212)
  3. To forward on campus, enter the 4-digit campus extension
    Example: (5555)
  4. A message will briefly appear on your phone’s screen to let you know that calls are now being forwarded
  5. With forwarding enabled, the onscreen “Forward All” button will now read as “Forward Off


To Disable Call Forwarding simply press this “Forward Off” button when you are ready to deactivate the feature.

The call forwarding process is also explained in your phone’s Quick Reference Guide.

This short and easy to use document explains many essential UC features including conference calls, call transferring and voicemail.

Enabling Call Forwarding Offsite

If you are unable to be by your FDU phone, and you need to set up Call Forwarding, you can do this through our Self-Service portal.

  1. You must have an NWN Cloud Self-Service account in order to modify your preferences. If you have one already, proceed to step 3 otherwise continue to step 2
  2. Visit SAMI Support to open a ticket and gain access to your NWN Cloud Self-Service Portal for the first time. While SAMI Support offers the quickest and easiest way to get IT support, you can also reach out to UTAC by phone at (973)-443-8822 or via email at The Voice Services team will handle your request, and once it’s processed, you can proceed to step 3
  3. Visit the self-service portal at
  4. Enter your full in the login field. Example: (
  5. Enter your NWN Cloud account password and click “Enter
  6. Next click on your Name on the top right of the screen. Hover over the drop-down menu and click “My Account
  • Under “Web Password” un-click the checkbox to set a custom password. When done, click “Apply” in the top right corner
  1. Once logged in, click “My Call Forwards
  1. Input the phone number you wish to forward to then click “Apply
    • To forward off campus, enter 3 then 1 and the 10-digit number.
      Example: (3 1 201 555 1212)
    • To forward on campus, enter the 4-digit campus extension
      Example: (5555)


If you have more than one internal number, click on the extension you wish to forward.


If you need to use your personal cell phone to make a call from a remote site, and you do not wish to reveal your Caller ID, simply prepend the phone number to be dialed with *67.  Example: *672015551212.  Your phone number will not appear to the phone of the person dialed.

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Cisco Unified Communications Headset Selection and Pricing

Resources for:
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As a staff or faculty member, you can request a Headset for the new Cisco IP Unified Communications system.

Use the link below to access the “CDW Premium Page” for Fairleigh Dickinson University Voice Services.

This site will provide information, product offerings, and contract pricing regarding headsets that are compatible with Cisco 8000 Series phones (Models 8811 and 8851). Follow the steps as noted on the web page to select a suitable headset.

After you obtain a quote for the specified equipment, you will need to complete the purchase process as usual.

CDW Premium Page

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Cisco Unified Communications Phone System Manuals

Resources for:
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Below you can download the manuals for the FDU Unified Communications Phone Systems from Cisco. The manuals provide information on how to use and access the voicemail features.

Florham and Metro



For users utilizing Model 8845 Video Phones in conjunction with the Helios Door Entry system, please refer to the documentation for Model 8851 for information on basic features. The Video Phones enable users to see who is requesting entry when notified by the Helios System.

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Cisco Unified Communications Voice Mail Features

Resources for:
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Initial Voice Mail Set-Up from Your Own Campus Extension

From your desk phone:

  1. Press the message button on your phone instrument.
  2. Enter your Mailbox ID, this is your 4 digit extension.
  3. Enter the temporary PIN 13579 followed by the # sign.
  4. Listen to the prompts to set-up your voicemail greeting.

Initial Voice Mail Set-Up from Off Campus

When off campus, you can setup your voicemail system by dialing your campus’ assigned voicemail number:

  • Florham Campus: (973)-443-8100
  • Metropolitan Campus: (201)-692-7600
  • Vancouver Campus: (604)-648-4485

Follow these instructions to log into and setup your voicemail:

  1. Press 1 to access the voicemail system.
  2. When prompted enter your ID, this is your 4 digit extension.
  3. Enter the temporary PIN 13579 followed by the # sign.
  4. Listen to the prompts to set-up your voicemail greeting.

Accessing Voicemail On Campus

  • Press the message button on your phone instrument.
  • Enter your Mailbox ID, this is your 4 digit extension.
  • Enter your 5 digit PIN followed by the # sign.

Accessing Voicemail Off Campus

You can access your voicemail when off campus by dialing your campus’ assigned voicemail phone number:

  • Florham Campus: (973)-443-8100
  • Metropolitan Campus: (201)-692-7600
  • Vancouver Campus: (604)-648-4485

Follow these instructions to log into your voicemail:

  1. Press 1 to access the voicemail system.
  2. When prompted enter your ID, this is your 4 digit extension.
  3. Enter your 5 digit PIN followed by the # sign.

Accessing Your Voicemail from Another Extension

Dial the voicemail extension 8100, 7600 or 4485.

  1. Press 1 to access the voicemail system.
  2. When prompted enter your ID, this is your 4 digit extension.
  3. Enter your 5 digit PIN followed by the # sign.

Changing Voicemail Messages & Passcodes

When you first set up your mailbox, you record a greeting, your name and select a passcode. The set-up options allows you to change these at any time. You should update your greeting(s) regularly to let callers know whether you’re in or out of the office. Your voicemail message should always be appropriate, so callers will feel confident in leaving messages. And, of course, boxes should be emptied daily, if not more frequently.

When the University or your department closes you should always redo your voicemail message making the caller aware that the University or your department is closed.

The voicemail system will prompt you as to how to make changes. When you are in doubt about what to do next, you can download the manuals for the new FDU Unified Communications Phone Systems from Cisco. The manuals provide information on how to use and access the voicemail features.

If you are NOT forwarding your office phone, you should create a new voice message similar to the messages below and establish a pattern and practice of checking your voicemail regularly.

Please update your outgoing message to reflect an appropriate out of office message.

Voicemail Forwarding Suggested Message

Below is a recommended Voicemail Message:

“You’ve reached the voicemail of [NAME, TITLE/DEPT]. I am out of the office today  but will be checking my voicemail periodically.  You can also reach me via email  at [YOUR EMAIL] Thank you.”

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Claim or Create an FDU NetID Account

Resources for:
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Welcome to Fairleigh Dickinson University. As a new campus community member, one of your priorities will be gaining access to FDU NetID. With an FDU NetID, you can access various IT resources, including Microsoft 365. Depending on your role within the University, you will either be creating an account or claiming an account that has already been created for you. Please follow the process below which applies to you.

New Student through Welcome Email (US Students)

If you are a new student of our New Jersey campuses and you have received a Welcome email from, please visit the link below:

New Student

If you are a new student at FDU Vancouver or if you are a New Jersey-based student who has not received a Welcome Email, please visit the link below:

New Faculty, Staff Member Temporary Employee, or On-Campus Contractor

If you are a new Faculty, adjunct Faculty, Staff member, temporary employee, or contractor who works on campus and requires a NetID, please visit the link below:

All Others

If you are entitled to an FDU NetID account and either do not fall under any of the categories above or attempted to claim their NetID and received a message that your NetID has not been created, please visit the link below:

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Classroom Technology

Resources for:
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FDU has a number of technology enhanced classrooms that are capable of video/computer projection. To find out if your classroom is on this list please review the charts below for your campus:

Metropolitan Campus Technology Chart


Scroll left to right on the chart if viewing on a Mobile device or in Desktop preview mode. To view the full chart, rotate your Mobile device into landscape mode. On Desktop, press the full screen button (icon with expanding arrows inside of a circle) on the top right of the article header.

Building NameProjector Enabled RoomsDVD/VCR Combo RoomsSpeaker EnabledHDMI JackSmartboard
Becton Hall202YesYesLaser
Becton Hall205Yes YesLaser
Becton Hall208YesYesLaser
Becton Hall302Only DVD YesYesYes
Becton Hall304Only DVD YesYesYes
Becton Hall305 YesYes
Becton Hall306 YesYes
Becton Hall402 YesLaser
Becton Hall403/404 (LED Screen)Yes YesYesYes
Becton Hall405 YesLaser
Becton Hall406 YesLaser
Becton Hall407 YesLaser
Becton Hall408 YesLaser
Becton Hall Conference Room307
Dickinson Hall1104YesYesLaser
Dickinson Hall1128YesYesYes
Dickinson Hall1129YesYesYes
Dickinson Hall1142YesYesLaser
Dickinson Hall1143Yes YesYes
Dickinson Hall1144Yes YesLaser
Dickinson Hall1148 Yes
Dickinson Hall1149YesYesYes
Dickinson Hall1150YesYesYes
Dickinson Hall1151YesYesLaser
Dickinson Hall1152 (LED Television)YesYesYes
Dickinson Hall1153 (LED Televison)YesYesYes
Dickinson Hall1165 (LED Televison)YesYesYes
Dickinson Hall1170 (LED Television)YesYesYes
Dickinson Hall2135YesYesLaser
Dickinson Hall2137Yes YesYes
Dickinson Hall2177YesYesLaser
Dickinson Hall2178YesYesLaserYes
Dickinson Hall2230Yes YesLaser
Dickinson Hall2249 YesYesYes
Dickinson Hall2262Individual DVD & VCR Yes
Dickinson Hall2263 YesLaser
Dickinson Hall4468YesLaser
Dickinson Hall4469YesYesLaser
Dickinson Hall4473YesYesLaser
Dickinson Hall4475Yes YesLaser
Dickinson Hall5504YesYesLaser
Dickinson Hall5506YesYesLaser
Dickinson Hall5509 Laser
Dickinson Hall5520 YesLaser
Dickinson Hall5523 YesYes
Dickinson Hall5529YesYesLaser
Dickinson Hall5534YesYesLaser
Dickinson Hall – Conference Room1191 Laser
Dickinson Hall – Conference Room2245 YesLaser
Dickinson Hall – Continuing Education1127YesYesLaser
Dickinson Hall (Lab A)2163 YesLaser
Dickinson Hall (Lab B)2164 YesLaser
Edward Williams Building201 YesYes
Edward Williams Building202 YesYes
Edward Williams Building203 Yes
Edward Williams Building204 YesYesYes
Edward Williams Building205 YesLaser
Edward Williams Building206 YesLaser
Edward Williams Building207 YesYes
Edward Williams Building209 YesLaser
Edward Williams Building301 YesLaser
Edward Williams Building302 YesLaser
Edward Williams Building303 YesLaser
Edward Williams Building304 YesLaser
Edward Williams Building305 YesLaser
Edward Williams Building306YesLaser
Edward Williams Building308 YesLaser
Edward Williams Building309 YesLaser
Edward Williams BuildingCommons 1YesYesLaser
Edward Williams BuildingCommons 2YesYesLaser
Edward Williams BuildingAuditoriumYesYesLaser
Giovatto LibraryWriting Lab YesLaser
Giovatto LibraryWLB 3YesYesLaser
Giovatto LibraryWLB 4YesYesLaser
Giovatto LibraryAuditoriumYesYes
Giovatto LibraryWLB 1 (LED Screen)YesYes (TV Speakers)
Giovatto LibraryWLB2 (LED Screen)YesYes (TV Speakers)
Multipurpose RoomYesYesYesLaser
Muscarelle105Yes YesLaser
Muscarelle203Yes YesLaser
Muscarelle204 YesLaser
Muscarelle206Yes Yes Yes
Muscarelle207L YesLaser
Muscarelle207RYesYes Yes
Robison Annex100Yes YesLaser
Robison Annex101YesYesLaser
Robison Annex203Yes YesYes
Robison Annex204YesYesYes
Robison Annex205Yes YesLaser
Robison Annex300 YesLaser
Robison Annex301 YesYes
Robison Annex303 YesLaser
Robison Annex304YesYesLaser
Robison Annex305 YesLaser
Robison Hall23BYesYesLaser
Robison Hall501
Robison Hall503 Laser
Rutherford RoomYesYesYesLaser
University Hall TheatreLED ScreenYes
University HallFront Lab YesLaser
University HallBack Lab YesLaser
University HallMultimedia Lab YesYes Laser
Williams Hall Yes
Williams Hall102YesYesLaser
Williams Hall107YesYesLaser
Williams Hall201 YesLaser
Williams Hall202 YesLaser
Williams Hall203 YesLaser
Williams Hall206 YesLaser
Williams Hall207 YesYes
Wilson AuditoriumYesYesYesLaser
Florham Campus Technology Chart


Scroll left to right on the chart if viewing on a Mobile device or in Desktop preview mode. To view the full chart, rotate your Mobile device into landscape mode. On Desktop, press the full screen button (icon with expanding arrows inside of a circle) on the top right of the article header.

Building NameProjector Enabled RoomsDVD/VCR Combo RoomsSpeaker EnabledHDMI JackSmartboard
Dreyfuss Building102YesYesLaser
Dreyfuss Building103YesYesLaser
Dreyfuss Building104YesYesLaser
Dreyfuss Building105YesYesLaser
Dreyfuss Building106YesYesLaser
Dreyfuss Building107YesYesLaser
Dreyfuss Building121Yes Laser
Dreyfuss Building125YesYes Laser
Dreyfuss Building206 YesYes
Dreyfuss Building207 YesYes
Dreyfuss Building208 YesYes
Dreyfuss Building209YesLaser
Dreyfuss Building210 YesYes
Dreyfuss Building211
Dreyfuss Building212
Dreyfuss Building213
Dreyfuss BuildingTheater
Hennessey Room 1Yes Yes Yes
Hennessey Room 2Yes Yes Yes
LibraryLibrary ClassroomYes Yes Laser
Mansion12Yes YesLaser
Mansion17Yes YesLaser
Mansion30Yes YesLaser
Mansion33Yes YesYes
Mansion35Yes YesLaser
Moninger 105 Just DVDYesYesYes
Moninger 106 Just DVDYesYesYes
Moninger 107YesJust DVDYesLaser
Moninger 113Yes YesYes
Moninger 118 Just DVDYesLCD ScreenYes
Moninger 119 Just DVDYesLCD ScreenYes
Moninger 205 Yes
Moninger 206 Yes
Moninger 210 Yes
Moninger 228YesYesLaser
OrangerieYes YesYes
Science Building1 YesYes
Science Building3 Yes
Science Building6 Yes
Science Building7Yes YesYes
Science Building9 YesYes
Science Building11Yes YesLaser
Science Building15A YesYes
Science Building17YesYesYes
Science Building18 YesYes
Science Building19 YesLaser
Student CenterSammartino RoomYes YesYes
Student CenterFlorham RoomYes YesYes
Student CenterWroxton RoomYesYes
Student CenterBottle Hill Room
Twombly LoungeYesYesYesLaser
Zen Building102YesYesLaser
Zen Building103YesYesLaser
Zen Building104YesYesLCD Panel
Zen Building105YesYes
Zen Building106YesYes
Zen Building107YesYesYes
Zen Building108YesYesYes
Zen Building109YesYesLaser
Zen Building110DVD onlyYesLCD PanelYes
Zen Building202YesYesYes
Zen Building203YesYesYes
Zen Building204Yes YesYes
Zen Building205YesYesYes
Zen Building206YesYesLCD Panel
Zen Building207Yes YesYes
Zen Building208DVD onlyYesLCD PanelYes
Zen Building209YesYesYes
Zen Building210 Laser
Zen Building211 YesYesYes
Zen Building212 YesYesYes
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Computer Lab Mission Statement

Resources for:
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The FDU computer labs provide a safe and welcoming study space for our users. The computer labs provide access to technological resources such as: current specialty software applications for a variety of majors, access to online libraries for research, internet access, and print services. Our labs are also available to faculty for instruction in both technology-intensive and non-intensive majors. The computer labs are also used as a venue for various workshops and university programs. The lab hours are flexible to meet the needs of both resident students and commuter students. The lab operations also provide on-campus work opportunities for our students to develop their skills and offer customer service and technical support to our campus community.

FDU Computer Labs Provide:

  • A conducive learning space that enables students to develop the skills necessary for collaboration and teamwork.
  • Hands on experience with current hardware and software applications used for a variety of majors.
  • Students access to the same technology resources for the purposes of research, printing, and producing professional work.
  • Customer service and on-site technical support from our student staff.
  • Access and opportunities for students to develop their computer skills.
  • Interactive learning opportunities between faculty and students; theory and application in one setting under the supervision of faculty with the support of student staff.

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Computer Lab Reservation Policy

Resources for:
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Due to the increasing demand of the academic computer facilities, a general document detailing the policies for computer lab reservations has been outlined. The purpose of the computer lab reservation policy is to provide faculty, staff and students with equitable access to campus computing lab resources. Most computer labs are used as classrooms and they are available for open-access use when there are no classes in session.

There are currently four Computing Services computer labs which can be used for classroom instruction on each campus. They are: D206, D207, D208, and D209 located in the Dreyfuss Building on the Florham Campus. The computer labs located on the Metropolitan Campus are: DH2163 and DH2164 in Dickinson Hall and UH Front Lab (UH22) and UH Back Lab (UH28) in University Hall. Also, there are three multimedia labs; two on the Florham campus and one on the Metropolitan campus. The multimedia labs for the Florham Campus are: D211-Animation Lab and ZEN110 – Graphic Design Lab) located in the Dreyfuss and ZEN Buildings. On the Metropolitan campus, the multimedia lab (MML) is located in Becton Hall Room 403. The multimedia labs are primarily used for courses offered by the FDU School of Arts. All labs used for classroom instruction and general use are equipped with a LaserJet printer and data projector. The Animation Lab is equipped with 3-D printers. All multimedia labs are equipped with ZOOM capability to support hybrid instruction.

If you have any questions regarding the lab reservation policy, please contact Denzel James via email at:

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Computer Tips, Tricks, and Recommendations

Resources for:
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As technology evolves and new features are offered, there may be times when unwanted or unexpected things happen. This page is dedicated to providing some tips, tricks, and recommendations to circumvent these undesired circumstances.

Normalize Sound Levels – Windows

Microsoft Windows 10 automatically adjusts audio levels between different applications. This can affect the level of sounds from various applications depending on what program is currently being used. This feature can be turned off using the instructions below.

  1. From the Sound Icon in your task bar, single right-click
  1. Click “Sounds
  1. Click “Communications” tab.
  1. Select the “Do nothing” radial button
  1. Click “Apply
  2. Click “OK

Adjust Microphone Settings – Windows

To ensure clear and audible audio in virtual meeting applications, such as Zoom, please follow the instructions below.

  1. Right-click the Audio icon in the system tray portion of the task bar
  1. Click “Sounds
  1. Click “Recording


Not all options may be visible.

  1. Right Click on “Microphone Array” and select “Properties
  1. Click the “Advanced” and un-check “Enable Audio Enhancements
  1. Click “Apply
  1. Click “OK

Adjust Power Options – Lenovo Laptops

Default power profiles in Windows 10 are configured to balance performance and battery life. To change these settings, please follow the steps below.

  1. Click on Start, and then click “Settings
  1. Click on “System
  1. Select “Power & Sleep
  1. To modify power settings while the laptop is plugged in or on battery power, modify the below options


Selecting higher times may result in shorter battery life

  1. For additional power settings, such as the laptop lid and power button settings, click Additional power settings


Depending on window size, this option may be located towards the bottom or on the right side of the screen.

  1. Select either “Choose what the power buttons door “Choose what closing the lid does
  1. The options below will allow modifying the effects of pressing the power button and closing the lid


Setting DO NOTHING when closing the lid can lead to drastically less battery life as well as overheating when the laptop is placed inside a bag or briefcase.


Restarting A Computer

Rebooting a device is highly encouraged as it will help keep the system running at peak performance. The benefits of a weekly reboot include:

  • Mitigate vulnerabilities to cyber-attacks by applying critical updates
  • Prevent performance degradation
  • Prevent application memory faults
  • Effectively apply system policies

To restart a device, follow the instruction below.


Make sure any open application is saved and closed before a restart is performed. This includes applications like Outlook, Word, Excel and any other applications that may be opend.

Instructions for Windows
  1. Click the Start bottom on the bottom left hand side of the task bar
  1. Click the “Powerbutton
  1. Click “Restart


Clicking “Shutdown” will not always properly apply updates or produce the desired effect. Clicking “restart” is the recomended option.

Instructions for macOS
  1. Click the “Apple” at the top left-hand side of your screen
  1. Click “Restart
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Computing Services Computer Labs

Resources for:
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Fall Semester 2024 Computer Labs Hours

August 26th, 2024 to December 18th, 2024

Computing Services has multiple computer labs in our
New Jersey Campuses for classroom instruction and student use.

Florham Campus

Dreyfuss Building
211, 212, 213


  • D206
  • D207
  • D208

  • D209
  • D211
  • D212
  • D213




Metropolitan Campus

Dickinson Hall – Hackensack


  • Lab A (DH2163)
  • Lab B (DH2164)
  • Lab C (DH2165)



University Hall – Teaneck
University Hall8AM-


  • Front Lab (UH 22)
  • Back Lab (UH 28)
  • UH Side Lab



Student Union Building – Teaneck


  • Multipurpose Room 135




The Student Union Building Multipurpose Room will be locked at all times. To gain access to the Student Union Building computer lab, you will need to contact Public Safety at (201)-692-2222.



Computer Lab hours of operation are subject to change based on utilization throughout the semester. Lab computers are available on a first-come-first-serve basis unless reserved for classes. Class reservations are posted at the lab entrances.

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Confidentiality Agreement and Security Policy

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Effective Date: 11/07/2023
Last Revision: 11/01/2013

Select employees of Fairleigh Dickinson University may be required to engage with confidential University data. The FDU Confidentiality Agreement and Security Policy defines your obligations under Federal and State guidelines to preserve the security and confidentiality of this information.

Confidentiality Agreement and Security Policy

Fairleigh Dickinson University regards the security and confidentiality of data and information to be of utmost importance. Each individual granted access to electronic and/or hard copy data holds a position of trust and must preserve the security and confidentiality of the information to which he/she is granted access to. Therefore, it is the intent of this policy to ensure that University data, in any format, is not divulged outside of Fairleigh Dickinson University without explicit approval to do so by an Associate Vice-President of the University or higher who has responsibility for the data in question. As such, the University requires all users of data to follow the procedures outlined below:

Policy on Confidential Information

Users of University data are required to abide by all applicable Federal and State guidelines and University policies regarding confidentiality of data, including the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”) and, as applicable, The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (“HIPAA”). For more information, see: FDU’s General Confidentiality Policy, FERPA and HIPAA

Confidential Information shall be defined as:

  • regarding student, faculty or staff: any personally-identifiable records, financial records (including social security and credit card numbers), health records; contracts, research data; alumni and donor records; personnel records other than an individual’s own personnel record; 
  • regarding the University: University financial data; computer and system passwords, University issued PINS, University proprietary information/data; and 
  • any other information for which access, use, or disclosure is not authorized by: 1) federal, state, or local law; or 2) University policy.

The individual receiving the Confidential Information shall have no obligation under this Policy with respect to Confidential Information which:

  • is or becomes publicly available without breach of this Policy by the recipient;
  • is rightfully received by the recipient without obligations of confidentiality; or
  • is developed by the recipient without breach of this Policy; provided, however, such Confidential Information shall not be disclosed until thirty (30) days after written notice of intent to disclose is given to the University officer who has responsibility for the data in question, along with the asserted grounds for disclosure;
  • is disclosed in accordance with any “whistle blower” action as provided in the U.S. False Claims Act, the New Jersey Conscientious Employee Protection Act (“NJCEPA”), or similar legislation.  (Brief overview of the NJCEPA is available here.

Any individual with authorized access to the Confidential Information is given access solely for the business of the University and must not divulge the Confidential Information outside of the University except for University business requirements approved by the President of the University or the division head responsible for the data in question. Specifically, with respect to Confidential Information, individuals must:

  1. Access Confidential Information solely in order to perform his/her job responsibilities.
  2. Not seek personal benefit or permit others to benefit personally from any Confidential Information that has come to them throughout their work assignments.
  3. Not make or permit unauthorized use of any Confidential Information in the University’s information system or other records.
  4. Not enter, change, delete or add data to any information system or files outside of the scope of their job responsibilities.
  5. Not include or cause to be included in any record or report, a false, inaccurate or misleading entry known to the user as such.
  6. Not alter or delete or cause to be altered or deleted from any records, report or information system, a true and correct entry.
  7. Not release Confidential Information other than what is required in completion of job responsibilities which is consistent with this Policy.
  8. Not exhibit or divulge the contents of any record, file or information system to any person unless it is necessary for the completion of their job responsibilities.

It is the individual’s responsibility to immediately report, as outlined under “Information Security Breach and Violation Reporting” at the end of this Policy, if the individual has violated this Policy. Additionally, given the potential harm that the University may suffer with the release of any Confidential Information, all employees are strongly encouraged to report any suspected violation of this policy or any other action, which violates confidentiality of data, as outlined at the end of this policy.

Security Measures and Procedures

All users of University information systems, including Datatel, MS File shares and FDU Office 365 email accounts, are supplied with an individual user account to access the data or systems necessary for the completion of their job responsibilities. Users of the University information systems are required to follow the procedures outlined below:

  1. All transactions, processed by a user ID and password, or PIN, are the responsibility of the person to whom the user ID was assigned. The user’s ID, password, and PIN must remain confidential and must not be shared with anyone.
    • Using someone else’s user ID, password or PIN is a violation of policy, no matter how it was obtained.
    • Your user ID, password or PIN provides access to information that has been granted specifically to you.  To reduce the risk of shared passwords – remember not to post your password or PIN on or near your workstation or share your password or PIN with anyone.
    • It is your responsibility to change your password immediately if you believe someone else has obtained it.

NOTE: If you need your Password or PIN changed, please contact the Fairleigh Dickinson University Technical Assistance Center (UTAC) immediately.

  1. Access to any student or employee information (in any format) is to be determined based on specific job requirements. The appropriate Department Chair, School Director, Department Director/Manager, Dean, Provost, and/or Vice President is responsible for ensuring that access is granted only to authorized individuals, based on their job responsibilities. Written authorization must be received by the Computer Center prior to granting system access.
    • You are prohibited from viewing or accessing additional information (in any format) unless you have been authorized to do so.  Any access obtained without written authorization is considered unauthorized access.
    • In order to prevent unauthorized use, the user shall log off of all applications that provide access to confidential information, or lock their computer when leaving their workstation. This is especially important during breaks and lunch. Unless there is a specific business need, all workstations should be shut down at the end of the workday.

NOTE:  If you require assistance in establishing your workstation password, please access the screensaver documentation or contact the Fairleigh Dickinson University Technical Assistance Center (UTAC).

  1. If you have any reason to believe your password or PIN has been compromised or revealed inadvertently, you should change your password and immediately notify one of the individuals as outlined under “Information Security Breach and Violation Reporting” at the end of this policy.

NOTE: All University’s computer system will periodically prompt you to change your password.

  1. Upon termination or transfer of an employee, Human Resources will notify University Systems and Security, who in turn will notify the appropriate areas in the Computer Center.
  1. Generally, students, temporary employees and consultants should not have access to the University record system. Written approval by the Department Chair, School Director, Department Director/Manager, Dean, Provost, and/or Vice President in charge of the respective area is required if it is determined that access is required. The student, temporary employee or consultant is to be held to the same standards as all University employees, and must be made aware of their responsibilities to protect student and employee privacy rights and data integrity. Written authorization must be received by the Computer Center prior to granting system access.
  1. You agree to properly secure and dispose of any outputs or files you create in a manner that fully protects the Confidential Information.

Additionally, I understand that if granted access to process transactions via Datatel data entry screens, any information I enter or change will be effective immediately. Accordingly, I understand that I am responsible for any changes made using my ID.

I understand that my access to University data is for the sole purpose of carrying out my job responsibilities and Confidential Information is not to be divulged outside of The University, except as previously stated. Breach of confidentiality, including aiding, abetting, or acting in conspiracy with any other person to violate any part of this policy, may result in sanctions, civil or criminal prosecution and penalties, employment and/or University disciplinary action, and could lead to dismissal, suspension or revocation of all access privileges. I understand that misuse of University data and any violation of this policy or the FERPA, HIPAA or GLB policies are grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal. This Agreement shall not abridge nor supersede any rights afforded faculty members under the Faculty Handbook.

Information Security Breach and/or Policy Violation Reporting

If you suspect an Information Security Data Breach or a violation of this policy, report such an event to your department chair or staff supervisor and send an immediate email to If you do not have immediate access to email, contact the Fairleigh Dickinson University Technical Assistance Center (UTAC); do not provide details but request a ticket be opened with University Systems & Security due to an information security data breach or policy violation requesting an immediate callback. When practical, also send an email to

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Connecting a Non-PC Device to Wi-Fi

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This article is intended for students, staff, and faculty who wish to connect their non-PC, IoT, gaming, or streaming devices to the FDU-Wireless network. Devices that require registration include gaming consoles (such as Xbox, PlayStation, Switch) and streaming devices (like Amazon Fire Stick, Apple TV, and Roku).


FDU-Wireless is only for non-PC, IoT, gaming, or streaming devices that do not support WPA2 Enterprise authentication or features a web browser.

Registering a Non-PC Device for use on FDU-Wireless Network

Use the link and directions below to register and manage wireless network access for your non-PC devices.

  1. Sign in into FDU MyDevices portal using the link below using your FDU NetID. Make sure to check “I agree to the terms and conditions” button before clicking “Sign On

FDU MyDevices Portal

  1. Select “Add” to begin registering a device
  1. Enter your device type and your device’s MAC Address into the corresponding text boxes. An optional description may be entered for your device as well. Your device’s MAC Address must be entered to register the device and continue. Refer to your devices manufacture for instructions on how to obtain the devices MAC Address. When finished, select “Submit


Some devices have their MAC Address labeled alongside it’s Serial number.

Your device should now be listed on MyDevices Portal and allowed to connect to the FDU-Wireless network. It may be necessary to select the FDU-Wireless network on your device or restart your device before successfully connecting to the wireless network


Once your device is added, the status will always remain as Pending. However you will be able to connect the device to FDU-Wireless regardless of this status.

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Connecting and Using an All-in-One at Home

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How to Connect an All-in-One for Work-at-Home

Making the Physical Connections

  1. Make the appropriate connections to the back of the all-in-one.
    • Plug in the power cable to the power port on the back of the all-in-one.
    • A physical network connection is only required if you do not want to or can not use wireless.
    • Both the keyboard and mouse can be plugged into any USB port.
  1. Turn the PC on and sign in as normal.

Connecting to Wi-fi (Skip if Using a Physical Network Cable)

  1. Click on the network icon on the bottom-right hand of the Start bar near the system clock.
  1. A list of available networks will populate. Select your home wireless network.
  1. Select your network and click “Connect“.
  1. Enter the network key for your wireless router. This can sometimes be located on the side or bottom of your router and/or modem. Click “Next“.

Connecting to VPN from Home

  1. Click on the arrow on the bottom right hand of the Start bar near the system clock and right-click on the “Cisco VPN Access” icon. On the pop-up menu, click “Connect“.
  1. If this is the first time connecting to VPN service please enter the text below as shown into the VPN field and click “Connect“.
  1. Enter your full NetID information and click “Ok“.
  1. Once a successful connection is made a prompt will appear and the icon for the Cisco VPN Access in the system try will appear with a lock.
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Connecting to FDU-Secure Wi-Fi

Resources for:
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FDU-Secure uses current encryption standards to connect to the FDU network via secure wireless traffic. As a result, FDU-Secure is the preferred method of accessing the on-campus Wireless network if you are Faculty, Student, or Staff member. To connect to the FDU-Secure Wireless Network, you will need an FDU NETID ( or

Below are the necessary steps to connect to the FDU-Secure Wireless Network, specified for various device types:

  1. Select the “Internet Symbol” located at the right-hand side of the “task bar”
  1. Select “FDU-Secure” from the pop-up menu
  1. Enter “FDU Net ID and Password” and press “OK”
  1. When prompted with “Continue connecting?” press “Connect”
  1. Select the “Wi-Fi Symbol” located at the right-hand side of the “menu bar”
  1. Select “FDU-Secure” from the drop-down menu
  1. Enter “FDU Net ID and Password” and press “OK”
  1. When prompted with “Verify Certificate” press “Continue”
  1. Select the “Wi-Fi” tab located in the “Settings” app
  1. Select “FDU-Secure” from the list of available networks
  1. Enter “FDU Net ID and Password” and press “Join”
  1. When prompted with “Certificate” press “Trust”
  1. Select the “Connections” tab located in the “Settings” app
  1. Press “Wi-Fi”
  1. Select “FDU-Secure” from the list of available networks
  1. Enter “FDU Net ID and Password”
  1. Press “CA certificate” then press “Use System Certificates” drop the drop down menu
  1. Input “” in the domain field and press “Connect”
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Connecting to FDU’s Wireless Networks

Resources for:
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The following guides provide an overview of connecting to Fairleigh Dickinson University’s wireless network. Whether you’re a guest, staff, or student, using FDU-owned or personal devices, these articles provide essential steps for secure and efficient connectivity across various equipment, including non-PC and mobile devices.

Connect to FDU-Secure Wi-Fi

Follow these steps to connect to the FDU-Secure wireless network, which adheres to the latest encryption standards.

Connecting to FDU-Secure Wi-Fi

Connect a Non-PC Device to Wi-Fi

Follow these steps to connect various non-PC devices, including IoT, gaming, and streaming gadgets, to FDU’s wireless network.

FDU-Wireless for Non-PC Devices

Connect to FDU Wireless as a Guest

Follow these steps to create a guest wireless account, ensuring secure and convenient access for your campus visitors.

FDU-Wireless for Guests

Click the link below to view where our Wireless networks are available on our NJ Campuses:

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Copyright Enforcement Policy

Resources for:
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Fairleigh Dickinson University vigorously enforces United States copyright law. When utilizing the FDU Local Area Network or FDU provided Internet Access, you are required to adhere to all existing US copyright laws.

To view the full statement of law, please visit:

Failure to comply with this document can result in FDU disciplinary action as well as civil and criminal penalties.

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Cost Associated with Production and Post Production

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Production Services

Multimedia Services operates as a cost recovery center, ensuring our pricing remains competitive and significantly lower than external video production studios, without compromising on production value.

Our pricing structure is straightforward: video production services are offered at a flat rate of $150.00 per hour, making high-quality production accessible and affordable.

Post Production

When it comes to post-production, our rates are equally transparent, set at a flat rate of $50.00 per hour. The total time required for editing a project can vary, but on average, it ranges between 20 to 30 hours, depending on the complexity of the project, its duration, and the number of revisions needed during the preview stages.

ADA Captioning

In line with ensuring all online distributed videos are ADA compliant, our services include closed captioning and transcription. While platforms like YouTube automatically generate captions, they might not always be perfectly accurate. For videos requiring 100% accuracy in transcription, or for content hosted on platforms other than YouTube, we offer professional transcription services at an additional cost to meet all accessibility standards.

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CrashPlan Backup Email Alert

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Backup Alert Email Notifications

CrashPlan Backup will send users an email alert notifying them of any incomplete backups of their devices.

  • The CrashPlan Backup email alert will be sent from “CrashPlan <>
  • The Subject line of the email will be labeled with: “[External]Critical: [Name of Device] not backed up

Backup Alert

You will receive an alert when your computer hasn’t backed up to CrashPlan for 5 calendar days. The email will look like the example below:

CrashPlan Backup Alert Email Notification

What to do if you get a backup alert

After receiving a CrashPlan Backup alert email, you should locate the device the email specifies in need of backup. The CrashPlan Backup device name will be listed in the Subject: line and Computer Name: line of the CrashPlan backup alert email.

For Windows Devices

To locate the name of a CrashPlan Backup device:

  1. Click the CrashPlan Backup icon in the Windows System Tray, also referred to as the notification area.

CrashPlan Backup icon

  1. Click “Run Backup now


The Windows System Tray or notification area is usually located on the bottom right of the Windows taskbar, next to the displayed digital clock.

Ensure the CrashPlan backup application displays the same name as the CrashPlan Backup alert email you received.

For macOS Devices

After locating the correct specified device stated in the CrashPlan backup alert email, force a backup of the device by performing the following:

  1. Click the “CrashPlan Backup” System Tray or macOS menu bar Icon

CrashPlan Backup Icon

  1. Click “Run Backup now


The backup may take some time to complete. This depends on the length of time since CrashPlan Backup’s last completed backup and the amount of new data that needs to be backed up.

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CrashPlan Tutorial

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CrashPlan is a backup agent that will back up all data on a university device under the primary owner’s profile. The backup sets can be used for restoring data to a machine, whether it has been reformatted, replaced, or compromised. This document will outline the steps needed to install, activate, and restore data to a new or existing device.



About CrashPlan

CrashPlan Policy

CrashPlan is required on all University provided desktops and laptops to backup all University Business data to prevent data loss.

Who Can use CrashPlan?

CrashPlan is presently licensed for full-time faculty and full-time staff only. The University mandates CrashPlan for proper data security practices. If a user has personal data that they wish to exclude from being backed up, a folder labeled “Personal Documents” can be found and utilized in your “Documents” folder. This folder and its contents will be ignored by CrashPlan when your system is being backed up.

Personal Documents folder locations:

Windows PCC:\users\username\Documents\Personal Documents\
macOS/users/username/documents/Personal Documents/


If the Personal Documents folder does not exist in your Documents folder, you can manually create it and the folder will be automatically ignored by CrashPlan.

Is My Data Secure?

CrashPlan uses AES-256 encryption is used when storing your backups and can only be accessed by the CrashPlan account owner and administrators.

What is Backed Up?

All data found in a user profile will be backed up by CrashPlan.

Location of User Profile:

Windows PCC:\users\UserName\

Warning Warning

Any data not stored in the user profile will NOT be backed up by CrashPlan. It is highly encouraged to store university business data within your user profile.

How to Install on a Windows PC

To install CrashPlan on your Windows PC, please follow the instructions below.


CrashPlan is being automatically deployed to all systems owned by Faileigh Dickinson University.

Before Installing CrashPlan, you must be logged in as the owner of the machine using your NetID Credentials.

  1. Open FDU Self Service Portal for Software on your University PC
  2. Click on CrashPlan Backup and then click “Install” on the right-hand side


It could take several minutes for the client to make the first connection and start the first backup.

The entire process will take approximately 5-7 minutes, depending on your internet speed. Once CrashPlan is installed, your account is automatically provisioned in the CrashPlan system, and your backup will begin shortly.

How to Install on macOS

To install CrashPlan on your macOS device, please follow the instructions below.


CrashPlan is being automatically deployed to all systems owned by Faileigh Dickinson University.

  1. Locate the FDU Self Service Portal in your applications folder or locating the icon on your dock
  2. Locate CrashPlan Backup and click “Enroll”
  1. After the package installs, you will be prompted to enter your FDU email address and then click “OK


It could take several minutes for the client to make the first connection and start the first backup.

The entire process will take approximately 5-7 minutes, depending on your internet speed. Once CrashPlan is installed, your account is automatically provisioned in the CrashPlan system, and your backup will begin shortly.

How to Replace or Add a Second Device

This process is used when someone will be assigned a second device and wishes to have it backed up or if the CrashPlan needs to be re-installed on the same device. Because an account already exists, it cannot be provisioned automatically. It must be manually setup either to replace an existing device or create a new backup set on the second computer.


In order to proceed, CrashPlan must be installed prior to continuing, please refer back to the Install instructions for your operating system from the CrashPlan User Guide. A link is found at the bottom of this page.


A backup set is CrashPlan’s way of describing the backup configuration and what files are being backed up.

  1. Click on the CrashPlan app in the system tray (PC) or Menu bar (macOS) and then click “Setup Device
  1. If prompted, log in to the FDU NetID Portal and proceed through the FDU single sign-on process
  2. Click “Replace Existing
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Code42-How-to-Add-a-Second-Device-or-Replace-an-Exisiting-Device-Figure-2.png
  1. Click “Start” to continue with the replace existing device process
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Code42-How-to-Add-a-Second-Device-or-Replace-an-Exisiting-Device-Figure-3.png
  1. Select the device from the list you are replacing and click “Continue
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Code42-How-to-Add-a-Second-Device-or-Replace-an-Exisiting-Device-Figure-4.png
  1. Click “Select Files” on the following window
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Code42-How-to-Add-a-Second-Device-or-Replace-an-Exisiting-Device-Figure-5.png
  1. Select and Choose which files you wish to replace by placing a checkmark next to each. When finished, click “Restore Files
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Code42-How-to-Add-a-Second-Device-or-Replace-an-Exisiting-Device-Figure-6.png
  1. The next window will allow you to select how you wish to restore your files. Make your selections and click “Go
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Code42-How-to-Add-a-Second-Device-or-Replace-an-Exisiting-Device-Figure-7.png
  1. The next window will display download progress for the restore process. You can continue forward by clicking “Continue” at the bottom
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Code42-How-to-Add-a-Second-Device-or-Replace-an-Exisiting-Device-Figure-8.png
  1. The next window Downloads the Files to your device. When the transfer is completed, click “Next
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Code42-How-to-Add-a-Second-Device-or-Replace-an-Exisiting-Device-Figure-9.png


You can close this window and continue working or you can click transfer more files and repeat the steps for additional files. This will extend the time it needs to restore.

  1. Your Transfer is now complete, click “Finish
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Code42-How-to-Add-a-Second-Device-or-Replace-an-Exisiting-Device-Figure-10.png

Verifying a Backup Instructions

If you are unsure if you have CrashPlan installed and backing up your system, this quick guide will help give you some comfort.

  1. Click on the CrashPlan icon from the system tray on Windows and the menu bar on macOS

CrashPlan Icon

  1. The Progress will be displayed like in the Figure below
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Code42-Verifying-Backup-Progress-Figure-2.png


Depending on your backup size, this could take anywhere from a few minutes to a few days. CrashPlan will continue to run and backup in the background. After the first successful backup, incremental backups will occur.

How to Manage Backups

CrashPlan allows you to manage your backup sets. If you want to review your backup set or request assistance, please contact the Fairleigh Dickinson University Technical Assistance Center (UTAC) to initiate a service request.

How to Restore Files

Accidentally deleted or unable to find a file? CrashPlan can help. Please follow the following guidelines in restoring lost or previous versions of files.

  1. Click the CrashPlan System Tray or macOS menu bar Icon

CrashPlan Icon

  1. Left-click on the gear symbol and left-click on “Open CrashPlan….
  1. If prompted, log in to the FDU Single sign-on Portal and proceed through the FDU DUO Multifactor authentication procedures
  2. Click “Restore Files
  3. Select the device you wish to restore from
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Code42-How-to-Restore-Files-Figure-2.png


If you have more than one backup device, please select the device from where you want to restore the file from.

  1. You can select a date range from when you wish to restore from on the right-hand side
  2. Navigate to the folder(s) and/or file(s) you wish to restore and place a check next to each one
  3. Click “Restore Files
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Code42-How-to-Restore-Files-Figure-3.png
  1. Select how CrashPlan will restore your files. Click “Go” when finished
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Code42-How-to-Restore-Files-Figure-4.png


Above are the recommended options for restoring files, this will help you find them more easily.

The time it takes to restore your files will depend on how much data is being restored, available system resources, and available bandwidth.

How to Add Backup Sets

Using CrashPlan you can create backup sets that will back up your data to additional devices utilizing a schedule. This is useful to have immediate access to critical files in the event of data loss.

This guide is only needed if you wish to have a local backup of your data.


If you schedule multiple backup sets to run at specific times and the backup sets go to the same destination, ensure that these times do not overlap. This ensures good backup performance.

  1. Click the CrashPlan System Tray or macOS menu bar Icon

CrashPlan Icon

  1. Left-click on the gear symbol and left-click on “Open CrashPlan….
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Code-42-How-to-Add-Backup-Sets-Figure-1.png
  1. If prompted, log in to the FDU Single Sign-on Portal and proceed through the FDU DUO Multi-factor authentication procedures
  2. From the CrashPlan console window, click the “Dropdown Arrow” symbol next to your device name to drop down a menu, then click “Add Backup Set…
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Code42-How-to-Add-Backup-Sets-Figure-2.png
  • The next window will be the Add Backup Set configuration window.
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Code42-How-to-Add-Backup-Sets-Figure-3.png


The “Add Set” button will be un-clickable until it is completely configured.

  1. Click “Rename” to label your backup set
  2. Changing Selected Files, click “Change”, and select the files and folders you wish to backup to a local destination
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Code42-How-to-Add-Backup-Sets-Figure-4.png
  1. When finished click “Save
  2. Click “Change” to set your destination for your backup
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Code42-How-to-Add-Backup-Sets-Figure-5.png
  1. Select your destination by clicking “Add Local Destination (usually an external hard drive) and click “Save
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Code42-How-to-Add-Backup-Sets-Figure-6.png
  1. Click “Add Set” to finalize the setup and start backing up to a local location
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Code42-How-to-Add-Backup-Sets-Figure-7.png

Your new back upset is finished and will begin backing up as configured.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Code42-How-to-Add-Backup-Sets-Figure-8.png

Backup Alert Email Notifications

CrashPlan will send users an email alert notifying of any incomplete backups of their devices.

  • The CrashPlan email alert will be sent from CrashPlan for Enterprise <>
  • The Subject line of the email will be labeled with: Critical: [Name of Device] not backed up

Backup Alert

You will receive an alert when your computer hasn’t backed up to CrashPlan for 5 calendar days. The email will look like the example below:

CrashPlan Backup Alert Email Notification

What to do if you get a backup alert

After receiving a CrashPlan backup alert email, you should locate the device the email specifies in need of backup. The CrashPlan device name will be listed in the Subject: line and Computer Name: line of the CrashPlan backup alert email. To locate the name of a CrashPlan device, left-click the CrashPlan “C” symbol icon in the Windows System Tray, also referred to as the notification area.


The Windows System Tray or notification area is usually located on the bottom right of the Windows taskbar, next to the displayed digital clock.

For macOS users left-click CrashPlan symbol icon on the macOS icon menu bar. The CrashPlan device name will be displayed in the console. Ensure the CrashPlan application displays the same name as the CrashPlan backup alert email you received.

CrashPlan Symbol Icon

CrashPlan Device Name

After locating the correct specified device stated in the CrashPlan backup alert email, force a backup of the device by performing the following:

  1. Left-click the “CrashPlan” System Tray or macOS menu bar Icon

CrashPlan Icon

  1. Left-click “Run backup now


The backup may take some time to complete. This depends on the length of time since CrashPlan’s last complete backup and the amount of new data needed to be backed up.

Getting Support

For additional support, contact the Fairleigh Dickinson University Technical Assistance Center (UTAC) to initiate a service request.

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Create and Share Office 365 Documents through OneDrive

Resources for:
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Whether you’re working at home or the office, OneDrive makes it easy to create new documents and share your files. You can even collaborate with others on a document.

In the following external article, you’ll learn how to create documents and folders. It will go over how to share your files with different groups of people, as well as the various collaboration tools available in Office 365.

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Deleting Web Browser Cookies

Resources for:
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Select your browser below to learn how to delete your web browser cookies.

  • Click on the three dots and select Settings.Select Advanced to show the advanced settings. Select Content settings.Select Cookies.Click the garbage can icon to delete the cookies.

  • Click on the three lines and select OptionsSelect the Privacy & Security tab and click Manage Data found under Cookies and Site Data.Select and select Remove Selected, select Save Changes when finished.

  • Open Safari Preferences and select the Privacy tab.Select Manage Website DataSelect and click Remove.

  • Click on the Settings “Gear” located on the top right of the browser, select Internet OptionsDelete in the Browser History sectionUncheck all boxes listed, except Cookies and website data, click Delete when finished

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Domain Registration

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Last Revision: 02/07/2020


In an effort to maintain the reputation, security, continuity, and technical oversight of university assets considered part of our overall catalog of services, the Office of Information and Resource Technology is issuing a new policy concerning domain names affiliated with Fairleigh Dickinson University. Affiliation with FDU is determined by OIRT in conjunction with the Offices of General Counsel and Communications and Marketing.


All domain registrations that have an affiliation with the University must be registered through OIRT. An affiliation is defined as a domain that identifies the University as part of its naming nomenclature and houses content specific to the University or any function, whether administrative, academic, or student related to the University. To request a new domain, please complete the following:

Domain Transfer or Registration Request

You may also try emailing your questions to

In addition to the domain registration, ongoing certification renewals and any backend technical configurations will be managed by OIRT. All costs associated with the domain will be charged back to the department.

Any department that today independently manages/operates a University domain as defined above or has obtained a domain with any affiliation with FDU must notify OIRT of the existence of that domain so ownership can be moved over to OIRT management. Please contact OIRT by sending all available information to A member of OIRT will work with the department to move the ownership over properly. All content of any domain, as well as plug-ins or any other functionality of the domain, will be reviewed by OIRT but are the responsibility of the individual departments.


All questions relating to the Domain Registration Policy can be addressed to the VP & CIO of Fairleigh Dickinson University.

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DUO Device Management Portal Guide

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This guide is designed to assist you in mastering both the classic and updated versions of the DUO Device Management Portal. It simplifies the process of modifying existing devices and integrating new ones into your multi-factor authentication setup.

Legacy DUO Device Management Portal

Accessing the legacy DUO Management Portal
  1. In a Desktop or Laptop browser visit the “DUO Management Portal“. You will be prompted to authenticate through SSO and complete the Multi-factor Authentication process

DUO Management Portal

  1. After authenticating you’ll see the DUO Management Portal. This is where you can enroll new devices, reactivate, edit, or delete your existing devices
Default Authentication Options

If you authenticate with more than one device, you can specify which you would like to be the default.

  1. Click the “Default Device” drop-down menu and pick your default device for authentication. Click “Save” if you’re done making changes
  1. You can choose which authentication method you prefer to use when logging in by clicking on the “When I log in” drop-down menu
    • Ask me to choose an authentication method: it will prompt you to select an option every time you log in
    • Automatically send this device a DUO Push: it will automatically send a DUO Push to your default device
Reactivate Duo Mobile
  1. Click on “Reactivate DUO Mobile” if you need to get DUO Push working on your phone, for example, if you replaced your phone with a new model but kept the same phone number.
  1. After answering some questions about your device, you’ll receive a new QR code to scan with your phone, which will complete the DUO Mobile activation process
Change Device Name
  1. Click on “Change Device Name” to open up an interface to change the display name of your phone
  1. Type in the new name and click “Save
Remove Device
  1. Click the “trash” icon button to delete a device
  1. Confirm that you want to remove the device by clicking on “Remove“. The device will be deleted. It will no longer be able to approve DUO authentication requests.


You may not remove your last device. If you wish to remove it, first add another, then delete the original. If you are unable to delete a device, contact your administrator to have it removed.

Add New Device

To add a new authentication device, click “Add another device” link on the right side of the DUO Prompt. You’ll be taken to the new device enrollment prompt

You can use the DUO Quick Start Guide for instructions on how to enroll a new device


Updated DUO Device Management Portal

Accessing Updated Device Management in the DUO Universal Prompt

You can add additional verification methods, manage your existing devices, or reactivate DUO Mobile for DUO Push from the DUO Universal Prompt.

  1. When logging in to an application with the Universal Prompt Click the “Other Options” link on the authentication page to view your list of available methods
  1. Click on “Manage devices” at the end of the list to enter the device management portal
  1. You will be prompted to verify your identity by completing the DUO Multifactor Authentication process. Select your preferred authentication method from the listed options to continue
  • After approving a DUO authentication request you can see the Device Management Portal with all your registered devices.
Add New Device

To add a new method of verifying your identity in DUO, click “Add a device” and follow the enrollment process described in the DUO Quick Start Guide, starting on Step 3.

The difference between adding a new device from the Device Management Portal and during first-time enrollment is that when you have finished enrolling the new device you return to the Device Management Portal to view all your registered devices, including the new one, instead of continuing to log into an application.

Rename or Remove a Device
  1. Click the “Edit” button on the device you would like to rename or remove to view the drop down menu
    • Then click either “Rename” or “Delete
  1. When renaming a device, type the new name for your device, then click on “Rename” to save your changes
  1. When Deleting a device, confirm your selection to delete
Reactivate DUO Mobile for an Existing Device

If you have replaced the phone you activated for DUO Push, you can reactivate DUO Push if you have the same phone number.

  1. Click on “I have a new phone” for the device you want to reactivate
  1. Click “Get Started” to continue
  1. Click on “Send me a passcode” or “Call my phone” then proceed to follow the instructions prompted to complete the reactivation process
Reactivate DUO Mobile outside of the Device Management Portal
  1. Let the DUO Push authentication time out
  1. Click on the “I got a new phone” link shown in the Universal Prompt
  • If you still use the same phone number as you did when you first set up the phone to use DUO Push, then click or tap the “Text me a link” button
  • When the text message with the link arrives on your phone, tap it to automatically reactivate DUO Mobile on your phone to use DUO Push again. If you don’t have DUO Mobile installed be sure to install it before you try to open the activation link in the text message.
  • If you are using a different phone number than the one you first set up, then press on “I got a new number
  1. Press “Continue” to proceed to the DUO Device Management Portal, where you can complete the steps to “Adding a New Device and set up DUO Push on the new phone


You will need to verify your identity with a different DUO verification method, so if you don’t have one available you will need to contact the Fairleigh Dickinson University Technical Assistance Center for help.

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Two-factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication also referred to as multi-factor authentication, provides an additional layer of security when logging in to a website. Two-factor authentication is becoming the standard in cybersecurity. Google, Apple, and other services all have their two-factor authentication methods. In short, passwords are no longer sufficient in protecting our sensitive data; we’ve got to add another layer of security to our accounts.

FAQ’s for DUO Authentication

    • DUO Push – if you have the DUO Mobile App installed on your smartphone or tablet, you can receive a push notification. From the app, you can approve or deny the login attempt.
    • Passcodes via DUO Mobile App – If you have the DUO Mobile app installed, you can receive a single passcode by tapping the FDU logo in the mobile app. This code must be used immediately.
    • Passcodes via SMS (Faculty/Staff Only) – users can receive a one-time use code via text message. To get you a one-time code, click Enter Passcode, then click on the blue button “Text me new codes.”  These codes do not expire, and they are valid until used.    You do not have to have a smartphone for this option.
    • Phone Call (Faculty/Staff Only) – you can receive a phone call on your mobile phone or landline phone. The call will give instructions on approving or denying the login attempt.
  • DUO is required for all FDU Staff, Faculty, and Students.

  • If you opt-out of the DUO Mobile Application push notifications, there are a variety of passcode options to utilize as your second verification method.

    • Passcodes via DUO Mobile App – If you have the DUO Mobile app installed, you can receive a single passcode by tapping the FDU logo in the mobile app. This code must be used immediately.


    • Passcodes via SMS (Faculty/Staff Only) – users can receive a one-time use code via text message. To get you one-time code click Enter Passcode, then click on the blue button “Text me new codes.”These codes do not expire, and they are valid until used. You do not have to have a smartphone for this option.


  • Selecting this option will allow you to bypass DUO authentication for the next 60 days. This only works if cookies are enabled, and you are logging in from the same computer and browser. You will still be prompted to verify once – with your username and password. You will not be able to access your settings on that particular browser during the 60 days. Please note that if you have tools or policies running that regularly delete or clean cookies, the remember me feature will not work. If you do need to access your settings (perhaps to add another device), just try another browser or visit the FDU Self-Service Portal. Remember me will not work if your browser is set to private browsing mode.

  • The remember me feature relies on browser cookies. For remember me to work, your Internet browser must allow cookies to be stored. Visit your browser content settings to ensure cookies are being stored. Some departments on campus do not allow cookies to be stored. If the remember me feature does not work on your browser, check with desktop support in your area.

  • If you do not have your device with you, you can obtain a batch of temporary passcodes. To obtain a temporary passcode, call the Fairleigh Dickinson University Technical Assistance Center (UTAC).  Each of the passcodes can only be used once and will expire in 7 days.

    NOTE: If you have lost your device, please report it to the Fairleigh Dickinson University Technical Assistance Center (UTAC).  We want to ensure someone else does not maliciously authenticate your account with your device.

  • DUO is available to all faculty,staff, and Students. At this time, DUO is not available to FDU retirees, past employees, or alumni.

  • Yes, the passcode option on the DUO app does not require WiFi or cellular connectivity, it even works on airplane mode. To use this option, visit the DUO app on your smartphone, and tap the key icon to obtain a passcode. Enter the passcode into the DUO prompt when logging into any website that requires DUO authentication.

  • DUO Authentication is required by any application the utilizes the university Single Sign-On (SSO) service.  Examples of some websites that require DUO authentication are listed below.

    • WebAdvisior
    • WebCampus
    • Office365 (
    • Blackboard
    • Zoom
  • You may have trouble receiving push requests if there are network issues between your phone and Duo’s service. Many phones have difficulty determining whether to use the Wi-Fi or cellular data channel when checking for push requests and simply turning the phone to airplane mode and back to normal operating mode again often resolves these types of issues, if there is a reliable internet connection available. Similarly, the issue may be resolved by turning off the Wi-Fi connection on your device and using the cellular data connection.

    Check the time and date on your phone and make sure they are correct. If the date and time on your phone are manually set, try changing your device’s configuration to sync date and time automatically with the network.

    iOS users can run a troubleshooting tool from within Duo Mobile version 3.32.0 or later. To run the tool:

    1. Open the Duo Mobile app on your iOS device and tap the Edit button in the top left of the accounts list screen, then tap the name of the account for you aren’t receiving push requests.
    2. Next, tap the Get Started button in the “Missing Notifications?” section of the “Account Details” screen.
    3. Duo Mobile performs the test. If any step fails, you’ll receive further troubleshooting suggestions. After taking the suggested actions, press “Run test again” to retry.

    The steps that Push Troubleshooting performs automatically are as follows:

    • Check device settings.
    • Check internet connectivity.
    • Check that the device can contact Duo’s cloud service.
    • Attempts to send a test Duo Push notification.

    Should none of these actions help, see the Duo Knowledge Base for additional iOS and Android troubleshooting steps.

    If you can’t get Duo Push working on your own, you can log in with a passcode generated by the Duo Mobile app and send a new activation link to your phone.

    If you’ve tried the suggestions here but can’t get Duo Push working or reactivate your device yourself, please contact the Fairleigh Dickinson University Technical Assistance Center (UTAC).

  • Press the red “X to deny access to your account, then promptly change your FDU NetID password.

  • Yes! Visit the app store on your smartphone to download DUO Mobile.

    DUO for iOS >

    DUO for Android >

    NOTE: Google Play Services are required to receive push notifications on Android. Users without Google Play Services installed will have to “fetch” by swiping down in the DUO Mobile app.

    1. If your phone number has not changed, login to FDU Self-Service Portal then choose the “Call my Phone” option.
    2. Choose your device from the list, and then click “Device Options” next to your phone.
    3. Next click the “Reactivate Duo Mobile” button (you will need to install the Duo app on your phone to proceed). Then follow the instructions to activate DUO Mobile on your new device.

    If you have a new phone number, you will first need to obtain a temporary passcode (see the ‘What are Passcodes?’ section above).

    1. Login to FDU Self-Service Portal and enter the temporary passcode.
    2. Click on “Add a new device.”
    3. Once you complete adding your new device, please delete the device you are replacing.
  • Yes, you can add devices by visiting your DUO settings. When you see the DUO prompt with the three notification options, click “Settings” at the top right.

    NOTE: If you are using the Remember Me for 60 days feature, you will need to visit FDU Self-Service Portal access your settings.)

    After you click Settings, click “Add a New Device“. You can register smartphones, cell phones, tablets, and landline phones.

  • The DUO smartphone application serves only to provide two-factor authentication. It does not access any personal information on your device, nor does it track your location. Learn more about DUO’s commitment to privacy on its website.

  •  A “bypass code” is a temporary passcode created by an administrator for a specific user to access a Duo-protected application. These are generally, used as “backup codes,” so that enrolled users who are having problems with their mobile devices (e.g., mobile service is disrupted, the device is lost or stolen, etc.) or who temporarily cannot use their enrolled devices (on a plane without mobile data services) can still access their Duo-protected systems.

    A user must have a valid Duo authentication device enrolled (like a phone or iPad) to use a bypass code to authenticate. Bypass codes are not intended as a user’s only 2FA method.

    Bypass codes expire after being used the allowed number of times, or after an administrator-defined amount of time. Once a bypass code is created, the timeout and allowed uses cannot be extended.

    If you need a Bypass code please visit SAMI Support, where you can request additional information from UTAC or search our extensive IT knowledge base. While SAMI Support provides the quickest and easiest access for IT support, you can always contact UTAC by phone at (973) 443-8822 or email at

  • For additional support, please visit the Fairleigh Dickinson University Technical Assistance Center (UTAC).

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DUO Quick Start Guide for Faculty and Staff

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DUO two-factor authentication adds a second layer of security to your FDU NetID. It requires two factors to verify identity. These factors include something you know – your FDU NetID and password, and something you have – a phone or passcode, to authenticate and gain access to your account on FDU services. Passwords alone no longer provide adequate protection against cyber hacking. DUO is required for all current FDU students.

Install DUO Mobile App

The DUO app is available for mobile phones and tablets. You can directly access the DUO Mobile Security App using these links:

Activate your DUO Account

Self-Service Portal Initiated DUO Activation


This step requires a Desktop or Laptop browser.

  1. In a Desktop or Laptop browser visit the DUO Management Portal to begin the activation process by enrolling your device. Activation requires scanning a QR code with the DUO app’s built-in scanner

DUO Management Portal

  1. Duo prompts you to enroll the first time you visit the DUO Management Portal using a browser or a client application that shows the interactive Duo web-based prompt

Supported Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Opera, and Internet Explorer 8 or later. Some browsers do not support all of DUO’s authentication devices (for example, Security Keys won’t work with Internet Explorer). For the widest compatibility with DUO’s authentication methods, we recommend recent versions of Chrome and Firefox.

  1. Click “Start setup” to begin enrolling your device
  1. Select the type of device you’d like to enroll and click “Continue“. We recommend using a smartphone for the best experience, but you can also enroll iPadOS and Android tablets
Duo - Choose Your Authentication Device Type
  1. Select your country from the drop-down list and type your phone number. Use the number of your smartphone or cell phone that you installed the DUO Mobile Security App on in the Step 1
  1. Double-check that you entered it correctly, check the box, and click “Continue
Duo - Type Your Phone Number


If you’re enrolling a tablet you aren’t prompted to enter a phone number.

  1. Choose your device’s operating system and click “Continue
Duo - Choose Platform
  1. Click “I have DUO Mobile installed”
  • If you have not completed installing the DUO Mobile App in Step 1 please complete now by following the platform-specific instructions on the screen. After installing the app return to the enrollment window
  1. Activating the app links it to your account so you can use it for authentication
  1. On iPhone or Android, activate DUO Mobile by scanning the barcode with the app’s built-in barcode scanner. Follow the platform specific instructions for your device:
  1. The “Continue” button is clickable after you scan the barcode successfully
  • Can’t scan the barcode? Click “Or, have an activation link emailed to you instead” and follow the instructions
  1. Once activated click “Continue” to complete registration

Configure Device Options (Optional)

  1. You can use Device Options to give your phone a more descriptive name, or you can click “Add another device” to start the enrollment process again and add a second phone or another authenticator
  • If this is the device you’ll use most often with DUO then you may want to enable automatic push requests by changing the “When I log in:” option and changing the setting from “Ask me to choose an authentication method” to “Automatically send this device a DUO Push” and click “Save“. With one of the automatic options enabled DUO automatically sends an authentication request via push notification to the DUO Mobile app on your smartphone.
  1. Your device is ready to approve DUO push authentication requests. Click “Send me a Push” to give it a try. All you need to do is tap “Approve” on the DUO login request received at your phone

With DUO activated on your account, and with your device enrolled, you are ready to use DUO. When logging in, you will have two authentication options. Review the options below to determine what works best for you.


We recommend the push notification to your smartphone, it’s the easiest. You can also check the box “Remember Me for 60 Days” to only perform the authentication once every two months on that device.

OKTA Initiated DUO Activation


This step requires a Desktop or Laptop browser.

FDU NetID users who are logging into OKTA for the first time will be prompted to enroll using a browser or a client application that shows the interactive Duo web-based prompt.

  1. Click on “Enroll” to continue
  1. You will be redirected to verify with DUO MFA. Click on “Set up” then “Next” to continue

Supported Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Opera, and Internet Explorer 8 or later. Some browsers do not support all of DUO’s authentication devices. For the widest compatibility with Duo’s authentication methods, we recommend recent versions of Chrome and Firefox.

  1. Choose “DUO Mobile” as your verification method
  1. Select your country from the drop-down list and type your mobile phone number. Use the number of your smartphone or cell phone that you installed the DUO Mobile Security App. Click on “Add phone number” to continue


If you’re enrolling a tablet, don’t enter a phone number and click on “I have a tablet” instead

  1. Double-check that you entered your information correctly. Click on “Yes, it’s correct” to continue if the information is correct
  1. Click “Next” if you downloaded the DUO app as instructed in the first step
  • If you have not completed installing the DUO Mobile App please complete now by following the platform-specific instructions on the screen. After installing the app return to the enrollment window
  1. Open the DUO Mobile app on your phone or tablet and add this account by scanning the QR code shown on-screen
  1. When you receive confirmation that DUO Mobile was added click “Continue


If you aren’t able to scan the QR code, click on “Get an activation link instead” and then enter your email address to send the activation link to yourself. Open your email address on your Mobile device where you installed DUO Mobile. Follow the instructions in the email to activate the new account in DUO Mobile.

  1. Once the setup is completed, click on “Log in with DUO

Authentication Options

With DUO activated on your account, and with your device enrolled, you are ready to use DUO. When logging in, you will automatically receive a DUO Push but will also have the choice to select from “Other Options“. Review the options below to determine what works best for you.


We recommend the push notification to your smartphone, it’s the easiest form of authentication.

These are the different ways in which you can use DUO:

Duo Push

Once you have activated DUO Authentication, Duo will automatically send a DUO Push to your registered device. Open the notification on your device, and you’ll see a green checkmark and a Red “x“. Simply tap the “Green Checkmark” to approve the authentication request and gain access to your account.

VPN users select the number corresponding to Push or type “push“. Users with multiple devices will need to include a number indicating desired device i.e. push2.

DUO Mobile Passcode

Once you have activated Duo Authentication, you can use the DUO mobile app to generate passcodes. This option does not require wifi or data, so this is a great option if you’re traveling or if you have limited or no cell/Internet service. Open your DUO mobile app, tap the FDU logo and it will reveal a passcode. During login, choose the enter a passcode option, enter the code and you’re in.

Text Message Passcode (Faculty/Staff)

You can receive a one-time use code via text message. To get your one-time code click on “Text message passcode“. When you land on the text message page, it will show that a text message was just sent to you with a passcode.

VPN users select the number corresponding to SMS passcode or type “SMS“. Users with multiple devices will need to include a number indicating desired device i.e. sms2.


These text message passcodes do not expire, and they are valid until used. You do not have to have a smartphone for this option.

Phone Call (Faculty/Staff)

Click the “Phone call” option and DUO will call your phone. Answer the phone call from DUO and follow the voice instructions to log in to the application.

VPN users select the number corresponding to Phone Call or type “phone“. Users with multiple devices will need to include a number indicating desired device i.e. phone2.

Bypass Code

If you do not have your device with you, don’t worry. You can contact the Fairleigh Dickinson University Technical Assistance Center (UTAC) for a temporary passcode. These passcodes can be entered in the DUO prompt on your computer.


How Do I Change Settings or Enroll Another Device?

You can use the DUO Management Portal to easily edit and add new devices. For instructions on how to access the DUO Management Portal, follow the steps using the link below:

Last Modified:

DUO Quick Start Guide for Students

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DUO two-factor authentication adds a second layer of security to your FDU NetID. It requires two factors to verify identity. These factors include something you know – your FDU NetID and password, and something you have – a phone or passcode, to authenticate and gain access to your account on FDU services. Passwords alone no longer provide adequate protection against cyber hacking. DUO is required for all current FDU students. Please follow the steps below.

Install DUO Mobile App

The DUO app is available for Android, iOS and iPadOS. Use the links below to install DUO on your mobile device.

DUO Mobile App Setup

Activate your DUO Account


This step requires a Desktop or Laptop browser.

  1. In a Desktop or Laptop browser visit the DUO Management Portal to begin the activation process by enrolling your device.  Activation requires scanning a QR code with the DUO app’s built-in scanner

DUO Management Portal

  1. Duo prompts you to enroll the first time you visit the DUO Management Portal using a browser or a client application that shows the interactive DUO web-based prompt

Supported Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Opera, and Internet Explorer 8 or later. Some browsers do not support all of DUO’s authentication devices (for example, Security Keys won’t work with Internet Explorer). For the widest compatibility with DUO’s authentication methods, we recommend recent versions of Chrome and Firefox.

  1. Click “Start setup” to begin enrolling your device
  1. Select the type of device you’d like to enroll and click “Continue“. We recommend using a smartphone for the best experience, but you can also enroll iOS/Android tablets
Duo - Choose Your Authentication Device Type
  1. Select your country from the drop-down list and type your phone number. Use the number of your smartphone or cell phone that you installed the DUO Mobile Security App on in the Step 1
  1. Double-check that you entered it correctly, check the box, and click “Continue
Duo - Type Your Phone Number


If you’re enrolling a tablet you aren’t prompted to enter a phone number.

  1. Choose your device’s operating system and click “Continue“.
Duo - Choose Platform
  1. Click “I have DUO Mobile installed”
  • If you have not completed installing the DUO Mobile App in Step 1 please complete now by following the platform-specific instructions on the screen. After installing the app return to the enrollment window
  1. Activating the app links it to your account so you can use it for authentication
  1. On iPhone, Android, and Windows Phone activate DUO Mobile by scanning the barcode with the app’s built-in barcode scanner. Follow the platform specific instructions for your device:
  1. The “Continue” button is clickable after you scan the barcode successfully
  • Can’t scan the barcode? Click “Or, have an activation link emailed to you instead” and follow the instructions
  1. Once activated click “Continue” to complete registration
Configure Device Options (Optional)
  1. You can use Device Options to give your phone a more descriptive name, or you can click “Add another device” to start the enrollment process again and add a second phone or another authenticator
  • If this is the device you’ll use most often with DUO then you may want to enable automatic push requests by changing the “When I log in:” option and changing the setting from “Ask me to choose an authentication method” to “Automatically send this device a DUO Push” and click “Save“. With one of the automatic options enabled DUO automatically sends an authentication request via push notification to the DUO Mobile app on your smartphone.
  1. Your device is ready to approve DUO push authentication requests. Click “Send me a Push” to give it a try. All you need to do is tap “Approve” on the DUO login request received at your phone

With DUO activated on your account, and with your device enrolled, you are ready to use DUO. When logging in, you will have two authentication options. Review the options below to determine what works best for you.


We recommend the push notification to your smartphone, it’s the easiest. You can also check the box “Remember Me for 60 Days” to only perform the authentication once every two months on that device.

Authentication Options

There are two ways you can use DUO:

Push Notification

Once the DUO mobile app is installed, you can select to receive a DUO notification on your smartphone. Open the notification, and you’ll see a green checkmark, and a red X. Simply tap the “Green Checkmark” to gain access.


You can use the DUO mobile app to generate passcodes. This option does not require wifi or data, so this is a great option if you’re traveling or if you have limited or no cell/internet service. Open your DUO mobile app, tap the FDU logo and it will reveal a passcode. During login, choose the enter a passcode option, enter the code and you’re in.

If you do not have your device with you, don’t worry. You can contact the Fairleigh Dickinson University Technical Assistance Center (UTAC) for a temporary passcode. These passcodes can be entered in the DUO prompt on your computer.

How Do I Change Settings or Enroll Another Device?

To change settings or enroll another device, visit DUO Management Portal or any DUO-supported application. When you get to the DUO prompt, click the “Settings” button and choose to add a new device or access your settings.

DUO Management Portal


For commonly asked questions on using DUO, please visit the link below:

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DUO Remember Me

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The “remember me” option is displayed by Duo when you sign in with FDU NetID on the web. After providing your second factor for authentication, Duo will present you with a prompt asking if you would like to have this device remembered for future logins. Selecting “Yes, this is my device” sets the “remember me” status for Duo.

Use the “remember me” option to reduce how often you have to sign in with two-factor authentication (2FA) on the same web browser. It’s safe to use on trusted computers and lasts for 30 days.

Refer to our Duo Quick Start Guide below for instructions on using the “remember me” option within the context of the overall sign-in experience.

Use “remember me” on trusted computers

The “remember me” option is safe to use on computers and devices that you can trust to protect your browser. Examples include managed workstations at work, lab computers that require you to sign in, and personal computers, laptops, tablets, and mobile devices that protect your browser from use by others.

Do not use “remember me” on public or shared computers Do not use “remember me” on public or shared computers

The “remember me” option shouldn’t be used on computers and devices that don’t protect your browser, such as public or shared computers, and computers you don’t sign in to and cannot lock to protect your browser.


What is the “remember me” option?

The “remember me” option is a feature of Duo that tells your browser to remember that you have confirmed your identity using your 2FA device. If you confirm that “Yes, this is my device” when authenticating with Duo, you won’t have to use your 2FA device as often on that browser. For example, if you use it on your computer at work, it reduces how often you have to sign in with 2FA at work; but your laptop at home will still ask you to sign in with 2FA.

Why would I want to use it?

The “remember me” option saves you time and reduces distraction by reducing how often you have to use your 2FA device. If you routinely use the Duo callback method, it also saves the FDU money in telephony costs.

Is “Remember Me” safe? Doesn’t it defeat the purpose of 2FA?

The “remember me” option is safe to use on computers and devices that you can trust to protect your browser. It doesn’t defeat the purpose of 2FA because the convenience it provides is limited to each computer and browser that you choose to use it on. If you or anyone else tries to sign in with your FDU NetID on a different computer or browser, 2FA will be required.

How long does it last?

The “remember me” option lasts 30 days. It saves a secure cookie on your browser to track the time until you need to use your 2FA device again. If your browser clears cookies this will remove “remember me” until you re-select it.

Why is the “remember me” duration 30 days?

30 days is the current “remember me” duration because it is often enough to remind you that 2FA is turned on, but not so often to be annoying. While some institutions use shorter or longer durations, 30 days is a common duration at peer institutions.

How do I clear it on my current browser?

If the “remember me” option is enabled on the browser you’re using right now, clear your cookies for To clear it on other browsers, repeat this process on each of them.

How do I reset it on a browser I no longer control?

If you enabled the “remember me” option on a browser you no longer control, Please open a support ticket by clicking Support at the top of the page, or visiting


When FDU IT resets your “remember me”, it will clear it on all your browsers, including those you no longer control. Once it has been reset, you can enable it again on your current browser(s).


I’m using the “remember me” option, and I still have to use my 2FA device more often than every 30 days. Why is that?

Some system owners require you to reauthenticate with 2FA every time you access their systems for security, regardless of using the “remember me” option (workday for example). This can increase how often you have to sign in with 2FA. If you find you are regularly asked for 2FA on some sites despite the “remember me” option, but not other websites this is likely the cause. Other contributing factors include how many different computers you use, how many different browsers you use on these computers, whether or not you use the “remember me” option on all of them, how your browsers are configured to use cookies, and how often you clear your browser cookies.

Why do some system owners override the “remember me” option and reauthenticate me every time I sign in?

System owners decide to reauthenticate you based on what institutional and personal data they need to protect, and what threats and risks they need to guard against. Some of them reauthenticate you because they are concerned about unauthorized access from unattended browser sessions, and forcing you to reauthenticate is one way to re-establish that it’s you.

Why isn’t the “remember me” option working for me? Are there things that prevent it from working correctly?

The “remember me” option requires the use of browser cookies, so it may not work as expected in these circumstances:

  • You are accessing a site that overrides the “remember me” option
  • You cleared your browser cookies
  • You started using a different browser
  • You started using a different computer or device
  • You are using a private browsing mode
  • You disabled the use of browser cookies
  • Your browser doesn’t allow cookies to be saved
  • You use a browser extension that blocks cookies

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DUO TLS Support

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Warning Warning

After June 30, 2023, Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.0 and 1.1 connection requests to Duo will not receive a response, resulting in blocked multi-factor authentication.

Who will be affected?

This may affect FDU community users using Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Android Devices with Android OS version 9 or lower, and Apple devices with iOS versions that don’t support TLS 1.2.

Check if you are using the supported endpoints by reading the information below:


Supported Windows operating system (OS) versions will support TLS 1.2 by default. If you are running a supported Windows OS, no action is required.

Unsupported Versions for Windows Operating Systems


If your operating system was manually changed to disable TLS 1.2 for some reason, connection requests will fail. Verify your system is properly configured for TLS 1.2 with the suggested steps below.

Verifying TLS 1.2 on your Operating System

Check OS Version

  • Open the Windows Search box and type “About your PC” and click on “Open
  • Under Windows Specifications, check which edition and version of Windows your device is running

Enabling TLS 1.2 on your Operating System

If your operating system was manually changed to disable TLS 1.2 for some reason, you can verify or configure your system for TLS 1.2.

Before making any changes, create a backup of the registry:

  1. In the Windows Registry Editor, locate and click the “Protocols registry key” or “subkey
    that needs to be backed up
  2. Click “File”, then “Export”
  3. In the Export Registry File dialog box, select the filename and location of where to save the backup
  4. Click “Save”

After creating a backup of the registry, follow the steps below to enable TLS 1.2 on your system:

  1. Click the Start menu, type “regedit” and press the Enter key. The Registry Editor window should be opened.
  2. Navigate to follow the registry path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols
  3. Check if the subkey of TLS v1.2 is enabled for both the server and the client. Each protocol’s state is controlled by two keys: Enabled and DisabledByDefault
  4. Make sure the Enabled value is 1 and the DisabledByDefault value is 0 or missing, the protocol is enabled.
  5. If the Enabled value is 1 but the DisabledByDefault value is 1, the protocol is disabled by default – it will not be used unless another host explicitly requests it during negotiation.
  6. If the Enabled value is 0, the protocol is disabled
  7. Restart the system to ensure the new settings take effect

DUO Mobile

Supported Duo Mobile applications running on supported OS versions will support TLS 1.2+ by default. If you are running a supported Duo Mobile application on a supported OS, no action is required.

  • Supported Android OS versions: Android 10.0 and greater
  • Supported iOS versions: iOS 14.0 and greater


Using a mobile device with unsupported versions can still receive DUO push or generate one-time passcode as before, but it will prevent you from logging in to any systems that are accessed through our FDU Single Sign On Login Page.

Web Browsers

Common web browsers like Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, etc. with their latest version are supporting TLS 1.2.


If your browser was manually changed to disable TLS 1.2 for some reason, connection requests will fail. Please verify your browser is properly configured for TLS 1.2 with the suggested steps below.

Check TLS Support on a Web Browser

Chrome and Microsoft Edge

  1. In the Windows menu search box, type “Internet Options”
  2. In the Internet Properties window, on the Advanced tab, scroll down to the Security section
  3. Make sure the “User TLS 1.2” checkbox is checked
  1. Click “OK” and restart the browser

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Open the Mozilla Firefox Browser
  2. In the address bar, type “about:config” and press “Enter
  3. In the Search Field type “tls”. Find and double-click the entry for “security.tls. version. min”
  4. Make sure the integer value is 3 to force a minimum protocol of TLS 1.2
  1. Click “OK” and restart the browser

We understand that upgrading your device is not always an option. In these instances, you can still use Duo Passcodes to perform multi-factor authentication.

  1. To use this method, select “Enter a passcode” upon receiving your browser’s Duo security prompt
  1. Next, open the Duo app and click “Show”. This will provide a six-digit passcode which you can enter into the browser prompt
  1. Enter the six-digit passcode from the DUO app and click “Log in”
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