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FDU-Secure uses current encryption standards to connect to the FDU wireless network via secure wireless traffic. This is an evolving technology and occasionally, one of the changes made by FDU IT requires us to issue a new certificate. When this occurs, you will need to accept the certificate using the process below.
Your process may vary slightly based on the version of the Operating System that your device is using.
SAMI Support
If you have any questions or concerns, please visit SAMI Support, where you can request additional information from UTAC or search our extensive IT knowledge base. While SAMISupport provides the quickest and easiest access for IT support, you can always contact UTAC by phone (973)-443-8822 or email at fdutac@fdu.edu.
The computing and electronic communications facilities at Fairleigh Dickinson University support the instructional, research, and administrative activities of the University. Users of these facilities may have access to University resources, sensitive data, and external networks. Consequently, it is imperative for all users to behave in a responsible, ethical, and legal manner. This document presents specific guidelines for appropriate behavior and use of FDU computing resources.
These guidelines apply to all users of FDU computing resources. Users include all students, faculty, staff, visiting faculty, volunteers, guests of the administration, and external individuals or organizations.
Computing resources include, but are not limited to, desktop and laptop computers, file servers, smart phones, email and electronic communications, software, University-assigned email accounts, data storage, and networking equipment used to link these components together and to the Internet, whether owned, leased, or licensed by FDU. In addition, computing resources include use of the University network via a physical or wireless connection, regardless of the ownership of the computer or device connected to the network. Moreover, this policy applies to all usage of university computing resources, whether that usage occurs through a university owned device or personal device.
University property, including computing resources, are provided to you for University business. Although security protocols have been put in place to restrict access to computing resources to protect them against unauthorized access by external parties, it is important that all members of the University community take appropriate measures to safeguard these resources.
Users – and not the University — are responsible for the materials that users prepare, receive, or transmit through computing resources. Thus, as a condition of using the University’s computer system, all users represent that they are in compliance with applicable laws and University policies, including l federal, state, and international copyright and other intellectual property laws and laws regarding defamation.
Those who make use of the FDU computing resources are required to behave in a manner consistent with FDU’s codes of conduct. As a user of this network, you agree to the following usage guidelines:
You will not use an account that does not belong to you. You will use only the computers, computer accounts, and computer files for which you have authorization. You may not share accounts, files, or access to computer resources with any unauthorized person.
You are responsible for any computer account you have been given. You will set a password on the account that is in compliance with university password policies, and you may not share this password with any other person. If you discover that someone has made unauthorized use of your account, you should change your password immediately and immediately report the event to one of the individuals listed in Appendix 1.
You agree not to intentionally seek out information about, copy, or modify password files, other users’ files, or disks and tapes belonging to other people, unless specifically authorized by those persons, whether at FDU or other facilities.
You should not attempt to decrypt material to which you are not entitled or attempt to gain rights you have not been specifically granted by the owner. If you observe or discover a gap in system or network security, you agree to inform one of the individuals listed in Appendix 1 and not to exploit the gap.
You agree to refrain from any activity that interferes with a computer’s operating system or its logging and security systems, or that may cause such effects. Additionally, users are not authorized to remove any security software installed on FDU equipment by FDU Systems personnel.
You must be sensitive to the public nature of computing resources and agree not to transmit, post, or otherwise display material that is threatening, obscene, harassing, or defamatory. The use of University computing resources to libel, slander, or harass any other person is not allowed and could lead to University discipline as well as legal action by those who are the recipients of these actions.
You agree not to make copies of or distribute software the University owns or uses under license, unless the owner of the software or the owner of the license has specifically granted permission to copy. If in doubt as to whether you have permission to copy software, assume you don’t.
Messages, statements, and declarations sent as electronic mail or public postings should be treated as if they were tangible documents. From electronic identifiers used in the transmission of messages, addressees can see the University is the source of the message or its system is being used to transmit it, similar to how letterhead or return addresses on a tangible document would identify the University. Therefore, as a representative of the FDU community, you are expected to respect the University’s good name in your electronic dealings with those both within and outside the University. Moreover, in so far as employees make use of FDU computing resources to relay personal opinions, it is their obligation to make sure that no addressee can infer that their personal opinions are necessarily shared or authorized by the University, and they are obligated to clearly identify their opinions as their own and not those of the University.
You agree not to create, alter, or delete any electronic information contained in any system that is not your own work, unless specifically authorized by the owner of that information.
You agree not to create, send, or forward electronic chain mail letters. You agree not to attempt to alter or forge the “From” line or any other attribution of origin contained in electronic mail or postings. You agree not to use any of the University systems for sending what is commonly referred to as “SPAM” mail (unsolicited bulk email).
You may not use FDU computing resources as a means of obtaining unauthorized access to any other computing systems.
FDU’s data storage on University servers, hosted servers, third party storage, or hosted storage, is an FDU computing resource with costs attached and should be used with care and discretion. It is primarily meant for current class work, research and development projects, business files, and temporary storage of other files. Users are expected to keep their disk usage reasonably minimized, in keeping with their University role.
Network addresses such as TCP/IP addresses and machine addresses are assigned by University Systems and Networking staff and may not be altered or otherwise assigned without the explicit permission of the Associate Vice President of Systems and Networking (or other designee). In addition, no equipment may be attached to the network without the explicit permission of the Associate Vice President of Systems and Networking (or other designee). This applies to all staff as well as academic departments.
FDU’s computing resources are not to be used for the transmission of commercial or personal advertisements, solicitations, and promotions or for extended reproduction of political, ideological or commercial material originated by a person or organization. This includes but is not limited to the execution of revenue-generating advertising programs which pay users when the programs are run. The Associate Vice President of Systems and Networking (or other designee) may suspend this rule when it is in FDU’s best interest to permit such activity.
Users may not contract with external Internet services, service providers, or the like without the explicit written approval of the Associate Vice President of Systems (or designee) and Networking and compliance with Finance and Office of General Counsel policies.
Without the explicit written permission of the Associate Vice President of Systems and Networking (or designee) you agree not to run any of the following protocols or services:
Port scanners, network monitors or other types of utilities that probe any other computer, be they inside or outside FDU’s network.
Routing or network serving protocols such as RIP, IGRP, OOTP or DHCP on the network.
Daemons, processes or programs that accept incoming connections, as a server would.
Streaming media servers or any other server that broadcasts continuous data streams.
FDU’s computing resources, including equipment, network, services, and wiring may not be modified or extended beyond the areas of their intended use.
Network connections may not be used to provide network access to anyone outside the University community or for any purposes other than those that are in direct support of the academic mission of the University.
All computers connected to FDU’s network must run an operating system and configuration that is supported by its vendor with regard to security patches and updates, as well as antivirus software with current virus definitions. It is the user’s responsibility to keep their virus definitions up to date and to apply all critical operating system updates. More information is available at https://it.fdu.edu or submit questions through the SAMI Support portal or by emailing fdutac@fdu.edu.
Users may not alter the operating system or configuration of University owned computers without the explicit written authorization of the Associate Vice President of Systems and Networking (or designee).
Computing resources are created to support the instructional, research, and administrative activities of the University, and are the property of the University. Personal use of the University’s computing resources, except for students enrolled at the University, should be incidental and kept to a minimum. Use of such resources by an employee for other than work-related matters should be reasonable and limited so that it does not prevent the employee from attending to and completing work effectively and efficiently, does not incur additional cost to the University, and does not preclude others with work-related needs from using the resources, including the shared campus and Internet bandwidth.
Department Heads and other administrators may enact additional restrictions to further limit employees’ personal use of University computing resources. These restrictions may include but are not limited to: limiting time spent reading or writing personal email or visiting web pages, and limitations on acceptable content due to the possible exposure of screens to other individuals. Human Resources must be consulted, in advance, about any proposed restrictions.
Users should use reasonable available methods to safeguard their data, including regular changes of passwords, and encrypting sensitive data. In the event that files have been corrupted as a result of intrusion, you should notify a system administrator immediately. Please note that FDU’s computing resources are not completely secure. It is possible that others will be able to access files by exploiting shortcomings in system security. For this and other reasons, FDU cannot assure confidentiality of files and other transmissions.
The Office of Information Resources and Technology (“OIRT”) and each of its departments attempt to provide reasonable security against damage to files stored on FDU’s computing resources by filtering all outgoing and incoming electronic mail for viruses and junk mail and making regular backups of systems.
In connection with the University’s migration to Office 365, the University adopted a policy of retaining copy of each fdu.edu email for three (3) years. This means, regardless of individual user action, the University will maintain a copy of all email traffic for a period of 3 years.
In the event of lost or damaged files, a reasonable attempt will be made to recover the information; however, the University and the University Information Technology staff cannot guarantee recovery of the data or loss of data due to media failure, floods, fires, etc.
OIRT and each of its departments will make reasonable attempts to provide error-free hardware and software on our computing resources, however, it is not possible to guarantee this, and information provided by staff members is not guaranteed to be correct.
Users should exercise caution when storing any confidential information in electronic format, because the privacy of such information cannot be guaranteed. User(s) must be aware that any personal files, including e-mail, maintained on University computing resources are University property and are subject to University storage, retrieval, and review. Individuals using FDU computing resources should have no expectation that any information transmitted through or stored on FDU computing resources, whether the information is contained on a computer hard drive, computer disks, University or third party server or in any other manner, will be private. By using FDU computing resources, the user consents to the University’s (and its designees’, both internal and external) access to their electronic files, documents, and materials stored, transmitted, or otherwise accessible on those resources.
Examples of where the University might access a user’s electronic files include system backups, which access all files in a user’s account; software upgrades which may require editing startup files in a user’s account; diagnostic and trouble-shooting activities, which may, for example, require viewing the address headers of e-mail messages to determine the cause of problems; keystroke monitoring of sessions to determine inappropriate use of the computing facilities; searches in connection with a litigation, threatened litigation, governmental proceeding or investigation; investigation of a possible data breach; investigation of possible breach of University policy, rules, handbooks, or protocols; and other measures to safeguard the University’s systems and compliance with laws. These examples are not intended to limit the University’s right to access a user’s electronic files under circumstances deemed appropriate by the University. In such situation(s), University computer resources in the possession of a user, or otherwise assigned to an individual, may be accessed, reviewed, duplicated, stored, and forwarded by appropriate personnel without the user’s permission or knowledge.
Without limitation, because employees are granted access to and use of FDU computing resources to conduct University business, the University reserves the right to access electronic mail messages left on or transmitted through the University’s computing resources. Employees should not assume that such messages are private and confidential or that the University or its designated representatives will not have a need to access and review this information.
The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) binds all users who have access to student data and this policy is subject to FERPA requirements. In general, FERPA gives students more control over their educational records, and it prohibits educational institutions from disclosing “personally identifiable information in education records” without the written consent of the student (subject to specified exceptions). To find out specifically what information you may or may not give out and to whom, contact the office of the Vice President for Student Affairs.
Policy violations should be reported immediately to any one of the individuals listed in Appendix 1.
Violations of this policy will be addressed as described in the Student, Faculty and/or Employee Handbooks, any relevant contracts, and, if applicable, State and Federal law or regulations. University students and employees who violate this Policy will be met with appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal, expulsion, or termination from the University. Third parties who violate this Policy may have their relationship with the University terminated and their access to campus restricted. In addition, a user’s system privileges can be suspended for a specified time period or revoked and/or a monetary fine may be imposed on those in violation to reimburse the University for the staff time and other costs of investigating and rectifying the violation.
The University reserves the right to suspend computing resource privileges while investigating a complaint or troubleshooting a system or network problem.
This policy is subject to revision. Comments and suggestions are welcome and should be sent to Stuart Alper, Associate Vice President of Systems and Networking, mailstop T-BH1-01, or stuper@fdu.edu.
It is the user’s responsibility to remain informed about the contents of this document.
Stuart Alper Associate Vice President of Systems and Networking Mailstop T-BH1-01 (201)-692-2414 stuper@fdu.edu
Saul Kleinman Associate Vice President of Management Information Systems Mailstop T-BH2-03 (201)-692-2065 saul@fdu.edu
The easiest way to access your FDU email account on your mobile device is to install the Outlook app from either the App Store (Apple) or the Play Store (Android). We support and advise using this method due to the program’s robustness and integration of all Office365 features. Follow the steps below to install and set up the Outlook app on your phone.
Outlook App on Apple iOS and Android Mobile Devices
Use the links below to install the Outlook app onto your mobile device.
Launch the app and press on “Add Account” if on an Android device. It will then prompt you to input your FDU email address. On iOS, the app will launch and immediately ask you for your FDU email address. Once filled out press “Continue” on Android. On iOS press “Add Account”
You will be routed to the FDU Single Sign On Page, from here input your FDU email address and password and press “Sign In”
For security purposes, all applications which use FDU’s Single Sign On (NetID) require Duo two-factor authentication. After inputting your FDU NetID login information, Duo requires you to complete a method of second-factor authentication
Your FDU email account has now been added to your device successfully. Ensure the email account is listed on your Outlook application.
These instructions demonstrate adding an FDU email account to an Apple mobile device’s native Apple “Mail” app. Unfortunately, adding an FDU email account on an Android OS mobile device’s native “Mail” app is currently unsupported by FDU IT support. Information regarding adding an FDU email account to an Android OS mobile device via the Outlook App can be found below for Android OS mobile device users.
The easiest way to access your FDU email account on your mobile device is to install the Outlook app from either the App Store (Apple) or the Play Store (Android). FDU IT supports and advises using this method due to the program’s robustness and integration of all Microsoft 365 features. A link with instructions for the Outlook app on mobile devices can be found at the bottom of this page.
Setting up your FDU Email Account in the Mail app on iOS
Go to the “Settings” app
Tap “Mail”
Tap “Accounts”
Tap “Add Account” and then select or tap “Microsoft Exchange”
Enter your FDU email address and a description of your email account in the corresponding text boxes. Please note that the default description name for the account will be ‘Exchange’ if left unchanged. Tap “Next” to continue
Tap “Sign In”
Enter your FDU email address and password. Tap “Sign In” to continue
For security purposes, all applications which use FDU’s Single Sign-On require DuoTwo-Factor Authentication (2FA). After entering your FDU NetID login credentials, Duo requires you to complete a method of second-factor authentication
Choose the FDU NetID account information you want to synchronize or access on your iOS mobile device by toggling the choices on/off. Tap “Save” to continue
Your FDU email account has successfully been added to your iOS mobile device
Setting up your FDU Email Account on Android OS
Due to the multiple Android OS mobile device manufacturers (Samsung, Google, or LG) each having their own native ‘Mail’ app, email setup and features differ depending on the manufacturer of the Android OS devices. For this reason, it is best practice to use the Microsoft ‘Outlook’ app found in the Google Play Store. Follow the instructions below to set up Outlook on Android OS.
Revision Date: New Policy Effective Date: 11/1/2023
Section A – University Systems and Applications
I. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to establish information security standards for individuals receiving credentials to Fairleigh Dickinson University (“FDU” or “University”) resources and how those resources are accessed.
II. Scope and Applicability
This policy applies to all university system resources. All Users are responsible for adhering to this policy.
III. Definitions
Capitalized terms shall have the meaning ascribed to them herein and shall have the same meaning when used in the singular or plural form or any appropriate tense.
Account: An established relationship between a User and a computer, network, or Information System which is assigned a credential such as a username and password.
System Administrative Account: An Account with elevated privileges intended to be used only when performing management tasks, such as installing updates and application software, managing user accounts, and modifying operating system and application settings.
Entitled Account: A user who has met the minimum requirement to be granted authorization to access electronic Fairleigh Dickinson University Resources.
Authorized User: A User who has been granted authorization to access electronic Fairleigh Dickinson University Resources and is current and active in their privileges.
Contractor or Vendor: A person or a company that undertakes a contract to provide materials or labor to perform a service.
Employee: University staff faculty and adjunct, including nonexempt, exempt, and overseas staff and collegiate faculty.
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Authentication using two or more different factors to achieve authentication. Factors include something you know (e.g., PIN, password); something you have (e.g., cryptographic identification device, token); or something you are (e.g., biometric).
Privileged Account: An Account that is authorized to perform security-relevant functions that an ordinary Account is not authorized to perform.
Single Sign-On (SSO): An authentication process that allows an Authorized User to access multiple applications with one set of login credentials. SSO is a common procedure in enterprises, where a client accesses multiple resources connected to a local area network (LAN).
User: A member of the University community, including but not limited to Staff and Faculty, and other individuals performing services on behalf of University, including Contractors, volunteers and other individuals who may have a need to access, use or control University Data.
IV. Authentication
Any service, application or Information System, whether on-premise or in the cloud, that contains WISP protected information, especially PI or PHI; OR is accessed by a large group of employees (20 or more), must use Single Sign-on authentication.
If the service or application is being provisioned by a business unit, the unit must engage University Systems to work with the provider to enable SSO.
If SSO is not supported by the service or application, it will not be approved for use by the university.
See Section V for exceptions.
Multi-factor authentication (MFA) must be used to access University resources.
Passwords must be constructed in accordance with the minimum requirements as listed below:
Authorized User Account passwords must meet a minimum length of 8 characters.
Administrative and Privileged Account passwords must meet a minimum of 10 characters.
Passwords must contain a mix of alphanumeric characters. Passwords must not consist of all digits, all special characters, or all alphabetic characters.
Automated controls must ensure that passwords are changed at 90-day intervals for both general users and administrative-level accounts.
NetIDs associated with a password must be disabled for a period of time after 10 consecutive failed login attempts. A minimum of 30 minutes is required for the reset period.
Passwords must not be the same as the NetID.
Passwords must not be displayed on screens.
Users must not share passwords.
Initial passwords and password resets must be issued pre-expired forcing the user to change the password upon first use.
Password reuse must be limited by not allowing the last 10 passwords to be reused. In addition, the password must be at least 2 days old in order to be voluntarily changed.
Access will be disabled 90 days past the date that a password expired if not changed.
Access will be disabled after 30 days of creation if NetID is not claimed.
Expired passwords must be changed before any other system activity is allowed.
Server Password Protocol
If, at any time, a member of the Community is granted permission to install a server, and access to that server is restricted via Login, and if that process is granted SSO exception through section VII., that system can not hold passwords in clear text. That system must use an approved irreversible cryptographic transform to protect its users’ passwords.
VI. Enforcement
This policy will be enforced by technical controls wherever feasible; otherwise, this policy will be enforced by OIRT under the direction of the CIO. All members of FDU’s faculty and staff have a responsibility to promptly report any known instances of noncompliance to AVP of University Systems and Networking or the Director of Systems.
Failure to comply with this policy can result in disciplinary action. Any such discipline shall be in accordance with processes and procedures of Human Resources and subject to any protections afforded under the University’s agreement with “Office & Professional Employees International Union”, the “Faculty Handbook”, and similar documents. Third parties who violate this Policy may have their relationship with the University terminated and their access to campus restricted.
VII. Exceptions
Exceptions to this policy should be submitted to the AVP, USAN for review. Approval of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) or Data Security Incident Response Team (DSIRT) may be required.
FDU’s Acceptable Use Policy prohibits running software that accepts incoming connections from other computers. Programs such as BitTorrent or other P2P file sharing hosting program all contain server components that allow others to connect to your computer and retrieve files off of your system. In addition to the legal implications of sharing copyrighted materials, file sharing software creates a security concern. Improper use of these programs could result in the compromise of your private files and may leave your system open to attacks from other computers.
To view FDU’s stance on this issue in its entirety, please view the document below.
This article offers a detailed, step-by-step guide, on how to change your NETID password directly from your Mac using the Jamf Connect and how to synchronize this updated NETID password with your Mac’s user account password.
Changing and Syncing your NET ID Password on your Mac
Click on the “FDU shield icon” located in the top right of your screen’s menu bar
Select “Change Password at FDU Identity“
Sign in to the “FDU Identity Portal” that opens up
Scroll to “Change My Password” section and enter your old password and new password in the appropriate fields. Then click the “Change My Password” button
You will see the password successfully changed in the red bar when successful. Click “Done“
Enter your “FDU NetID” and “Password” in the corresponding fields. Click “Sign In”
Enter your old password in the “Local Password” prompt and click “Sync” to synchronize the new password with your Mac’s login password
You will need to reauthenticate your Office 365 apps and FDU-Secure.
Synchronizing NETID Password with your Mac Password
If you changed your NETID password outside of your FDU Mac, you will be prompted automatically to sync your password to your Mac’s password the next time you are connected to the internet. You will first need to log in to the machine using your old password and then proceed with the synchronization following the steps below.
The following dialog box will appear once you are connected to the internet automatically. Enter your “FDU NetID” and “Password” and click “Sign In”
Enter your old password in the “Local Password” prompt and click the “Sync” button to synchronize the new password with your Mac’s login password
You will need to re-authenticate to your Office 365 apps and FDU-Secure.
Welcome to Fairleigh Dickinson University. As a new campus community member, one of your priorities will be gaining access to FDU NetID. With an FDU NetID, you can access various IT resources, including Microsoft 365. Depending on your role within the University, you will either be creating an account or claiming an account that has already been created for you. Please follow the process below which applies to you.
New Student through Welcome Email (US Students)
If you are a new student of our New Jersey campuses and you have received a Welcome email from fdu-it@fdu.edu, please visit the link below:
New Faculty, Staff Member Temporary Employee, or On-Campus Contractor
If you are a new Faculty, adjunct Faculty, Staff member, temporary employee, or contractor who works on campus and requires a NetID, please visit the link below:
If you are entitled to an FDU NetID account and either do not fall under any of the categories above or attempted to claim their NetID and received a message that your NetID has not been created, please visit the link below:
The FDU computer labs provide a safe and welcoming study space for our users. The computer labs provide access to technological resources such as: current specialty software applications for a variety of majors, access to online libraries for research, internet access, and print services. Our labs are also available to faculty for instruction in both technology-intensive and non-intensive majors. The computer labs are also used as a venue for various workshops and university programs. The lab hours are flexible to meet the needs of both resident students and commuter students. The lab operations also provide on-campus work opportunities for our students to develop their skills and offer customer service and technical support to our campus community.
FDU Computer Labs Provide:
A conducive learning space that enables students to develop the skills necessary for collaboration and teamwork.
Hands on experience with current hardware and software applications used for a variety of majors.
Students access to the same technology resources for the purposes of research, printing, and producing professional work.
Customer service and on-site technical support from our student staff.
Access and opportunities for students to develop their computer skills.
Interactive learning opportunities between faculty and students; theory and application in one setting under the supervision of faculty with the support of student staff.
Computing Services has multiple computer labs in our New Jersey Campuses for classroom instruction and student use.
Florham Campus
Dreyfuss Building
Dreyfuss Building
8AM- 11PM
8AM- 11PM
8AM- 11PM
8AM- 11PM
8AM- 5PM
10AM- 5PM
12PM- 9PM
Dreyfuss 211, 212, 213
8AM- 11PM
8AM- 11PM
8AM- 11PM
8AM- 11PM
8AM- 5PM
10AM- 5PM
12PM- 9PM
Metropolitan Campus
Dickinson Hall – Hackensack
Dickinson Hall
8AM- 11PM
8AM- 11PM
8AM- 11PM
8AM- 11PM
8AM- 5PM
Lab A (DH2163)
Lab B (DH2164)
Lab C (DH2165)
University Hall – Teaneck
University Hall
8AM- 11PM
8AM- 11PM
8AM- 11PM
8AM- 11PM
8AM- 5PM
10AM- 6PM
2PM- 10PM
Front Lab (UH 22)
Back Lab (UH 28)
UH Side Lab
Student Union Building – Teaneck
Multipurpose Room 135
The Student Union Building Multipurpose Room will be locked at all times. To gain access to the Student Union Building computer lab, you will need to contact Public Safety at (201)-692-2222.
Computer Lab hours of operation are subject to change based on utilization throughout the semester. Lab computers are available on a first-come-first-serve basis unless reserved for classes. Class reservations are posted at the lab entrances.
This article is intended for students, staff, and faculty who wish to connect their non-PC, IoT, gaming, or streaming devices to the FDU-Wireless network. Devices that require registration include gaming consoles (such as Xbox, PlayStation, Switch) and streaming devices (like Amazon Fire Stick, Apple TV, and Roku).
FDU-Wireless is only for non-PC, IoT, gaming, or streaming devices that do not support WPA2 Enterprise authentication or features a web browser.
Registering a Non-PC Device for use on FDU-Wireless Network
Use the link and directions below to register and manage wireless network access for your non-PC devices.
Sign in into FDU MyDevices portal using the link below using your FDU NetID. Make sure to check “I agree to the terms and conditions” button before clicking “Sign On“
Enter your device type and your device’s MAC Address into the corresponding text boxes. An optional description may be entered for your device as well. Your device’s MAC Address must be entered to register the device and continue. Refer to your devices manufacture for instructions on how to obtain the devices MAC Address. When finished, select “Submit“
Some devices have their MAC Address labeled alongside it’s Serial number.
Your device should now be listed on MyDevices Portal and allowed to connect to the FDU-Wireless network. It may be necessary to select the FDU-Wireless network on your device or restart your device before successfully connecting to the wireless network
Once your device is added, the status will always remain as Pending. However you will be able to connect the device to FDU-Wireless regardless of this status.
FDU-Secure uses current encryption standards to connect to the FDU network via secure wireless traffic. As a result, FDU-Secure is the preferred method of accessing the on-campus Wireless network if you are Faculty, Student, or Staff member. To connect to the FDU-Secure Wireless Network, you will need an FDU NETID (username@fdu.edu or username@student.fdu.edu).
Below are the necessary steps to connect to the FDU-Secure Wireless Network, specified for various device types:
Select the “Internet Symbol” located at the right-hand side of the “task bar”
Select “FDU-Secure” from the pop-up menu
Enter “FDU Net ID and Password” and press “OK”
When prompted with “Continue connecting?” press “Connect”
Select the “Wi-Fi Symbol” located at the right-hand side of the “menu bar”
Select “FDU-Secure” from the drop-down menu
Enter “FDU Net ID and Password” and press “OK”
When prompted with “Verify Certificate” press “Continue”
Select the “Wi-Fi” tab located in the “Settings” app
Select “FDU-Secure” from the list of available networks
Enter “FDU Net ID and Password” and press “Join”
When prompted with “Certificate” press “Trust”
Select the “Connections” tab located in the “Settings” app
Press “Wi-Fi”
Select “FDU-Secure” from the list of available networks
Enter “FDU Net ID and Password”
Press “CA certificate” then press “Use System Certificates” drop the drop down menu
Input “fdu.edu” in the domain field and press “Connect”
The following guides provide an overview of connecting to Fairleigh Dickinson University’s wireless network. Whether you’re a guest, staff, or student, using FDU-owned or personal devices, these articles provide essential steps for secure and efficient connectivity across various equipment, including non-PC and mobile devices.
Connect to FDU-Secure Wi-Fi
Follow these steps to connect to the FDU-Secure wireless network, which adheres to the latest encryption standards.
Fairleigh Dickinson University vigorously enforces United States copyright law. When utilizing the FDU Local Area Network or FDU provided Internet Access, you are required to adhere to all existing US copyright laws.
Whether you’re working at home or the office, OneDrive makes it easy to create new documents and share your files. You can even collaborate with others on a document.
In the following external article, you’ll learn how to create documents and folders. It will go over how to share your files with different groups of people, as well as the various collaboration tools available in Office 365.
Click on the three dots and select Settings.Select Advanced to show the advanced settings. Select Content settings.Select Cookies.Click the garbage can icon to delete the cookies.
Click on the three lines and select OptionsSelect the Privacy & Security tab and click Manage Data found under Cookies and Site Data.Select fdu.edu and select Remove Selected, select Save Changes when finished.
Click on the Settings “Gear” located on the top right of the browser, select Internet OptionsDelete in the Browser History sectionUncheck all boxes listed, except Cookies and website data, click Delete when finished
This guide is designed to assist you in mastering both the classic and updated versions of the DUO Device Management Portal. It simplifies the process of modifying existing devices and integrating new ones into your multi-factor authentication setup.
Legacy DUO Device Management Portal
Accessing the legacy DUO Management Portal
In a Desktop or Laptop browser visit the “DUO Management Portal“. You will be prompted to authenticate through SSO and complete the Multi-factor Authentication process
After authenticating you’ll see the DUO Management Portal. This is where you can enroll new devices, reactivate, edit, or delete your existing devices
Default Authentication Options
If you authenticate with more than one device, you can specify which you would like to be the default.
Click the “Default Device” drop-down menu and pick your default device for authentication. Click “Save” if you’re done making changes
You can choose which authentication method you prefer to use when logging in by clicking on the “When I log in” drop-down menu
Ask me to choose an authentication method: it will prompt you to select an option every time you log in
Automatically send this device a DUO Push: it will automatically send a DUO Push to your default device
Reactivate Duo Mobile
Click on “Reactivate DUO Mobile” if you need to get DUO Push working on your phone, for example, if you replaced your phone with a new model but kept the same phone number.
After answering some questions about your device, you’ll receive a new QR code to scan with your phone, which will complete the DUO Mobile activation process
Change Device Name
Click on “Change Device Name” to open up an interface to change the display name of your phone
Type in the new name and click “Save“
Remove Device
Click the “trash” icon button to delete a device
Confirm that you want to remove the device by clicking on “Remove“. The device will be deleted. It will no longer be able to approve DUO authentication requests.
You may not remove your last device. If you wish to remove it, first add another, then delete the original. If you are unable to delete a device, contact your administrator to have it removed.
Add New Device
To add a new authentication device, click “Add another device” link on the right side of the DUO Prompt. You’ll be taken to the new device enrollment prompt
You can use the DUO Quick Start Guide for instructions on how to enroll a new device
Accessing Updated Device Management in the DUO Universal Prompt
You can add additional verification methods, manage your existing devices, or reactivate DUO Mobile for DUO Push from the DUO Universal Prompt.
When logging in to an application with the Universal Prompt Click the “Other Options” link on the authentication page to view your list of available methods
Click on “Manage devices” at the end of the list to enter the device management portal
You will be prompted to verify your identity by completing the DUO Multifactor Authentication process. Select your preferred authentication method from the listed options to continue
After approving a DUO authentication request you can see the Device Management Portal with all your registered devices.
Add New Device
To add a new method of verifying your identity in DUO, click “Add a device” and follow the enrollment process described in the DUO Quick Start Guide, starting on Step 3.
The difference between adding a new device from the Device Management Portal and during first-time enrollment is that when you have finished enrolling the new device you return to the Device Management Portal to view all your registered devices, including the new one, instead of continuing to log into an application.
Rename or Remove a Device
Click the “Edit” button on the device you would like to rename or remove to view the drop down menu
Then click either “Rename” or “Delete“
When renaming a device, type the new name for your device, then click on “Rename” to save your changes
When Deleting a device, confirm your selection to delete
Reactivate DUO Mobile for an Existing Device
If you have replaced the phone you activated for DUO Push, you can reactivate DUO Push if you have the same phone number.
Click on “I have a new phone” for the device you want to reactivate
Click “Get Started” to continue
Click on “Send me a passcode” or “Call my phone” then proceed to follow the instructions prompted to complete the reactivation process
Reactivate DUO Mobile outside of the Device Management Portal
Let the DUO Push authentication time out
Click on the “I got a new phone” link shown in the Universal Prompt
If you still use the same phone number as you did when you first set up the phone to use DUO Push, then click or tap the “Text me a link” button
When the text message with the link arrives on your phone, tap it to automatically reactivate DUO Mobile on your phone to use DUO Push again. If you don’t have DUO Mobile installed be sure to install it before you try to open the activation link in the text message.
If you are using a different phone number than the one you first set up, then press on “I got a new number“
Press “Continue” to proceed to the DUO Device Management Portal, where you can complete the steps to “Adding a New Device“and set up DUO Push on the new phone
You will need to verify your identity with a different DUO verification method, so if you don’t have one available you will need to contact the Fairleigh Dickinson University Technical Assistance Center for help.
Two-factor authentication also referred to as multi-factor authentication, provides an additional layer of security when logging in to a website. Two-factor authentication is becoming the standard in cybersecurity. Google, Apple, and other services all have their two-factor authentication methods. In short, passwords are no longer sufficient in protecting our sensitive data; we’ve got to add another layer of security to our accounts.
DUO Push – if you have the DUO Mobile App installed on your smartphone or tablet, you can receive a push notification. From the app, you can approve or deny the login attempt.
Passcodes via DUO Mobile App – If you have the DUO Mobile app installed, you can receive a single passcode by tapping the FDU logo in the mobile app. This code must be used immediately.
Passcodes via SMS (Faculty/Staff Only) – users can receive a one-time use code via text message. To get you a one-time code, click Enter Passcode, then click on the blue button “Text me new codes.” These codes do not expire, and they are valid until used. You do not have to have a smartphone for this option.
Phone Call (Faculty/Staff Only) – you can receive a phone call on your mobile phone or landline phone. The call will give instructions on approving or denying the login attempt.
If you opt-out of the DUO Mobile Application push notifications, there are a variety of passcode options to utilize as your second verification method.
Passcodes via DUO Mobile App – If you have the DUO Mobile app installed, you can receive a single passcode by tapping the FDU logo in the mobile app. This code must be used immediately.
Passcodes via SMS(Faculty/Staff Only) – users can receive a one-time use code via text message. To get you one-time code click Enter Passcode, then click on the blue button “Text me new codes.”These codes do not expire, and they are valid until used. You do not have to have a smartphone for this option.
Selecting this option will allow you to bypass DUO authentication for the next 60 days. This only works if cookies are enabled, and you are logging in from the same computer and browser. You will still be prompted to verify once – with your username and password. You will not be able to access your settings on that particular browser during the 60 days. Please note that if you have tools or policies running that regularly delete or clean cookies, the remember me feature will not work. If you do need to access your settings (perhaps to add another device), just try another browser or visit the FDU Self-Service Portal. Remember me will not work if your browser is set to private browsing mode.
The remember me feature relies on browser cookies. For remember me to work, your Internet browser must allow cookies to be stored. Visit your browser content settings to ensure cookies are being stored. Some departments on campus do not allow cookies to be stored. If the remember me feature does not work on your browser, check with desktop support in your area.
If you do not have your device with you, you can obtain a batch of temporary passcodes. To obtain a temporary passcode, call the Fairleigh Dickinson University Technical Assistance Center (UTAC). Each of the passcodes can only be used once and will expire in 7 days.
Yes, the passcode option on the DUO app does not require WiFi or cellular connectivity, it even works on airplane mode. To use this option, visit the DUO app on your smartphone, and tap the key icon to obtain a passcode. Enter the passcode into the DUO prompt when logging into any website that requires DUO authentication.
DUO Authentication is required by any application the utilizes the university Single Sign-On (SSO) service. Examples of some websites that require DUO authentication are listed below.
You may have trouble receiving push requests if there are network issues between your phone and Duo’s service. Many phones have difficulty determining whether to use the Wi-Fi or cellular data channel when checking for push requests and simply turning the phone to airplane mode and back to normal operating mode again often resolves these types of issues, if there is a reliable internet connection available. Similarly, the issue may be resolved by turning off the Wi-Fi connection on your device and using the cellular data connection.
Check the time and date on your phone and make sure they are correct. If the date and time on your phone are manually set, try changing your device’s configuration to sync date and time automatically with the network.
iOS users can run a troubleshooting tool from within Duo Mobile version 3.32.0 or later. To run the tool:
Open the Duo Mobile app on your iOS device and tap the Edit button in the top left of the accounts list screen, then tap the name of the account for you aren’t receiving push requests.
Next, tap the Get Started button in the “Missing Notifications?” section of the “Account Details” screen.
Duo Mobile performs the test. If any step fails, you’ll receive further troubleshooting suggestions. After taking the suggested actions, press “Run test again” to retry.
The steps that Push Troubleshooting performs automatically are as follows:
Check device settings.
Check internet connectivity.
Check that the device can contact Duo’s cloud service.
Attempts to send a test Duo Push notification.
Should none of these actions help, see the Duo Knowledge Base for additional iOS and Android troubleshooting steps.
If you can’t get Duo Push working on your own, you can log in with a passcode generated by the Duo Mobile app and send a new activation link to your phone.
NOTE: Google Play Services are required to receive push notifications on Android. Users without Google Play Services installed will have to “fetch” by swiping down in the DUO Mobile app.
If your phone number has not changed, login to FDU Self-Service Portal then choose the “Call my Phone” option.
Choose your device from the list, and then click “Device Options” next to your phone.
Next click the “Reactivate Duo Mobile” button (you will need to install the Duo app on your phone to proceed). Then follow the instructions to activate DUO Mobile on your new device.
If you have a new phone number, you will first need to obtain a temporary passcode (see the ‘What are Passcodes?’ section above).
Yes, you can add devices by visiting your DUO settings. When you see the DUO prompt with the three notification options, click “Settings” at the top right.
NOTE: If you are using the Remember Me for 60 days feature, you will need to visit FDU Self-Service Portalaccess your settings.)
After you click Settings, click “Add a New Device“. You can register smartphones, cell phones, tablets, and landline phones.
The DUO smartphone application serves only to provide two-factor authentication. It does not access any personal information on your device, nor does it track your location. Learn more about DUO’s commitment to privacy on its website.
A “bypass code” is a temporary passcode created by an administrator for a specific user to access a Duo-protected application. These are generally, used as “backup codes,” so that enrolled users who are having problems with their mobile devices (e.g., mobile service is disrupted, the device is lost or stolen, etc.) or who temporarily cannot use their enrolled devices (on a plane without mobile data services) can still access their Duo-protected systems.
A user must have a valid Duo authentication device enrolled (like a phone or iPad) to use a bypass code to authenticate. Bypass codes are not intended as a user’s only 2FA method.
Bypass codes expire after being used the allowed number of times, or after an administrator-defined amount of time. Once a bypass code is created, the timeout and allowed uses cannot be extended.
If you need a Bypass code please visit SAMI Support, where you can request additional information from UTAC or search our extensive IT knowledge base. While SAMI Support provides the quickest and easiest access for IT support, you can always contact UTAC by phone at (973) 443-8822 or email at fdutac@fdu.edu.
DUO two-factor authentication adds a second layer of security to your FDU NetID. It requires two factors to verify identity. These factors include something you know – your FDU NetID and password, and something you have – a phone or passcode, to authenticate and gain access to your account on FDU services. Passwords alone no longer provide adequate protection against cyber hacking. DUO is required for all current FDU students. Please follow the steps below.
Install DUO Mobile App
The DUO app is available for Android, iOS and iPadOS. Use the links below to install DUO on your mobile device.
In a Desktop or Laptop browser visit the DUO Management Portal to begin the activation process by enrolling your device. Activation requires scanning a QR code with the DUO app’s built-in scanner
Supported Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Opera, and Internet Explorer 8 or later. Some browsers do not support all of DUO’s authentication devices (for example, Security Keys won’t work with Internet Explorer). For the widest compatibility with DUO’s authentication methods, we recommend recent versions of Chrome and Firefox.
Click “Start setup” to begin enrolling your device
Select the type of device you’d like to enroll and click “Continue“. We recommend using a smartphone for the best experience, but you can also enroll iOS/Android tablets
Select your country from the drop-down list and type your phone number. Use the number of your smartphone or cell phone that you installed the DUO Mobile Security App on in the Step 1
Double-check that you entered it correctly, check the box, and click “Continue“
If you’re enrolling a tablet you aren’t prompted to enter a phone number.
Choose your device’s operating system and click “Continue“.
Click “I have DUO Mobile installed”
If you have not completed installing the DUO Mobile App in Step 1 please complete now by following the platform-specific instructions on the screen. After installing the app return to the enrollment window
Activating the app links it to your account so you can use it for authentication
On iPhone, Android, and Windows Phone activate DUO Mobile by scanning the barcode with the app’s built-in barcode scanner. Follow the platform specific instructions for your device:
The “Continue” button is clickable after you scan the barcode successfully
Can’t scan the barcode? Click “Or, have an activation link emailed to you instead” and follow the instructions
Once activated click “Continue” to complete registration
Configure Device Options (Optional)
You can use Device Options to give your phone a more descriptive name, or you can click “Add another device” to start the enrollment process again and add a second phone or another authenticator
If this is the device you’ll use most often with DUO then you may want to enable automatic push requests by changing the “When I log in:” option and changing the setting from “Ask me to choose an authentication method” to “Automatically send this device a DUO Push” and click “Save“. With one of the automatic options enabled DUO automatically sends an authentication request via push notification to the DUO Mobile app on your smartphone.
Your device is ready to approve DUO push authentication requests. Click “Send me a Push” to give it a try. All you need to do is tap “Approve” on the DUO login request received at your phone
With DUO activated on your account, and with your device enrolled, you are ready to use DUO. When logging in, you will have two authentication options. Review the options below to determine what works best for you.
We recommend the push notification to your smartphone, it’s the easiest. You can also check the box “Remember Me for 60 Days” to only perform the authentication once every two months on that device.
Authentication Options
There are two ways you can use DUO:
Push Notification
Once the DUO mobile app is installed, you can select to receive a DUO notification on your smartphone. Open the notification, and you’ll see a green checkmark, and a red X. Simply tap the “GreenCheckmark” to gain access.
You can use the DUO mobile app to generate passcodes. This option does not require wifi or data, so this is a great option if you’re traveling or if you have limited or no cell/internet service. Open your DUO mobile app, tap the FDU logo and it will reveal a passcode. During login, choose the enter a passcode option, enter the code and you’re in.
How Do I Change Settings or Enroll Another Device?
To change settings or enroll another device, visit DUO Management Portal or any DUO-supported application. When you get to the DUO prompt, click the “Settings” button and choose to add a new device or access your settings.
The “remember me” option is displayed by Duo when you sign in with FDU NetID on the web. After providing your second factor for authentication, Duo will present you with a prompt asking if you would like to have this device remembered for future logins. Selecting “Yes, this is my device” sets the “remember me” status for Duo.
Use the “remember me” option to reduce how often you have to sign in with two-factor authentication (2FA) on the same web browser. It’s safe to use on trusted computers and lasts for 30 days.
Refer to our Duo Quick Start Guide below for instructions on using the “remember me” option within the context of the overall sign-in experience.
The “remember me” option is safe to use on computers and devices that you can trust to protect your browser. Examples include managed workstations at work, lab computers that require you to sign in, and personal computers, laptops, tablets, and mobile devices that protect your browser from use by others.
Do not use “remember me” on public or shared computers
The “remember me” option shouldn’t be used on computers and devices that don’t protect your browser, such as public or shared computers, and computers you don’t sign in to and cannot lock to protect your browser.
What is the “remember me” option?
The “remember me” option is a feature of Duo that tells your browser to remember that you have confirmed your identity using your 2FA device. If you confirm that “Yes, this is my device” when authenticating with Duo, you won’t have to use your 2FA device as often on that browser. For example, if you use it on your computer at work, it reduces how often you have to sign in with 2FA at work; but your laptop at home will still ask you to sign in with 2FA.
Why would I want to use it?
The “remember me” option saves you time and reduces distraction by reducing how often you have to use your 2FA device. If you routinely use the Duo callback method, it also saves the FDU money in telephony costs.
Is “Remember Me” safe? Doesn’t it defeat the purpose of 2FA?
The “remember me” option is safe to use on computers and devices that you can trust to protect your browser. It doesn’t defeat the purpose of 2FA because the convenience it provides is limited to each computer and browser that you choose to use it on. If you or anyone else tries to sign in with your FDU NetID on a different computer or browser, 2FA will be required.
How long does it last?
The “remember me” option lasts 30 days. It saves a secure cookie on your browser to track the time until you need to use your 2FA device again. If your browser clears cookies this will remove “remember me” until you re-select it.
Why is the “remember me” duration 30 days?
30 days is the current “remember me” duration because it is often enough to remind you that 2FA is turned on, but not so often to be annoying. While some institutions use shorter or longer durations, 30 days is a common duration at peer institutions.
How do I clear it on my current browser?
If the “remember me” option is enabled on the browser you’re using right now, clear your cookies for duosecurity.com. To clear it on other browsers, repeat this process on each of them.
How do I reset it on a browser I no longer control?
If you enabled the “remember me” option on a browser you no longer control, Please open a support ticket by clicking Support at the top of the page, or visiting samisupport.fdu.edu.
When FDU IT resets your “remember me”, it will clear it on all your browsers, including those you no longer control. Once it has been reset, you can enable it again on your current browser(s).
I’m using the “remember me” option, and I still have to use my 2FA device more often than every 30 days. Why is that?
Some system owners require you to reauthenticate with 2FA every time you access their systems for security, regardless of using the “remember me” option (workday for example). This can increase how often you have to sign in with 2FA. If you find you are regularly asked for 2FA on some sites despite the “remember me” option, but not other websites this is likely the cause. Other contributing factors include how many different computers you use, how many different browsers you use on these computers, whether or not you use the “remember me” option on all of them, how your browsers are configured to use cookies, and how often you clear your browser cookies.
Why do some system owners override the “remember me” option and reauthenticate me every time I sign in?
System owners decide to reauthenticate you based on what institutional and personal data they need to protect, and what threats and risks they need to guard against. Some of them reauthenticate you because they are concerned about unauthorized access from unattended browser sessions, and forcing you to reauthenticate is one way to re-establish that it’s you.
Why isn’t the “remember me” option working for me? Are there things that prevent it from working correctly?
The “remember me” option requires the use of browser cookies, so it may not work as expected in these circumstances:
You are accessing a site that overrides the “remember me” option
After June 30, 2023, Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.0 and 1.1 connection requests to Duo will not receive a response, resulting in blocked multi-factor authentication.
Who will be affected?
This may affect FDU community users using Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Android Devices with Android OS version 9 or lower, and Apple devices with iOS versions that don’t support TLS 1.2.
Check if you are using the supported endpoints by reading the information below:
Supported Windows operating system (OS) versions will support TLS 1.2 by default. If you are running a supported Windows OS, no action is required.
If your operating system was manually changed to disable TLS 1.2 for some reason, connection requests will fail. Verify your system is properly configured for TLS 1.2 with the suggested steps below.
Verifying TLS 1.2 on your Operating System
Check OS Version
Open the Windows Search box and type “About your PC” and click on “Open“
Under Windows Specifications, check which edition and version of Windows your device is running
Enabling TLS 1.2 on your Operating System
If your operating system was manually changed to disable TLS 1.2 for some reason, you can verify or configure your system for TLS 1.2.
Before making any changes, create a backup of the registry:
In the Windows Registry Editor, locate and click the “Protocols registry key” or “subkey“ that needs to be backed up
Click “File”, then “Export”
In the Export Registry File dialog box, select the filename and location of where to save the backup
Click “Save”
After creating a backup of the registry, follow the steps below to enable TLS 1.2 on your system:
Click the Start menu, type “regedit” and press the Enter key. The Registry Editor window should be opened.
Navigate to follow the registry path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols
Check if the subkey of TLS v1.2 is enabled for both the server and the client. Each protocol’s state is controlled by two keys: Enabled and DisabledByDefault
Make sure the Enabled value is 1 and the DisabledByDefault value is 0 or missing, the protocol is enabled.
If the Enabled value is 1 but the DisabledByDefault value is 1, the protocol is disabled by default – it will not be used unless another host explicitly requests it during negotiation.
If the Enabled value is 0, the protocol is disabled
Restart the system to ensure the new settings take effect
DUO Mobile
Supported Duo Mobile applications running on supported OS versions will support TLS 1.2+ by default. If you are running a supported Duo Mobile application on a supported OS, no action is required.
Supported Android OS versions: Android 10.0 and greater
Supported iOS versions: iOS 14.0 and greater
Using a mobile device with unsupported versions can still receive DUO push or generate one-time passcode as before, but it will prevent you from logging in to any systems that are accessed through our FDU Single Sign On Login Page.
Web Browsers
Common web browsers like Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, etc. with their latest version are supporting TLS 1.2.
If your browser was manually changed to disable TLS 1.2 for some reason, connection requests will fail. Please verify your browser is properly configured for TLS 1.2 with the suggested steps below.
Check TLS Support on a Web Browser
Chrome and Microsoft Edge
In the Windows menu search box, type “Internet Options”
In the Internet Properties window, on the Advanced tab, scroll down to the Security section
Make sure the “User TLS 1.2” checkbox is checked
Click “OK” and restart the browser
Mozilla Firefox
Open the Mozilla Firefox Browser
In the address bar, type “about:config” and press “Enter“
In the Search Field type “tls”. Find and double-click the entry for “security.tls. version. min”
Make sure the integer value is 3 to force a minimum protocol of TLS 1.2
Click “OK” and restart the browser
We understand that upgrading your device is not always an option. In these instances, you can still use Duo Passcodes to perform multi-factor authentication.
To use this method, select “Enter a passcode” upon receiving your browser’s Duo security prompt
Next, open the Duo app and click “Show”. This will provide a six-digit passcode which you can enter into the browser prompt
Enter the six-digit passcode from the DUO app and click “Log in”
COLLEAGUE uses single sign-on protocol for users to login. The login or user ID consists of the first part of the FDU NetID up until the @ sign in the NetID.
For instance, if your NetID webmail address is john.q.public@fdu.edu your COLLEAGUE login ID would be “john.q.public“
The password would be the exact same one that you use with your FDU NetID.
Revised: April 2, 2019 Last Revised: June 1, 2017 Prior Revision: August 1, 2016
FDU has implemented the FDU Alert system to expand and enhance its emergency notification methods. In the event of an emergency, FDU Alert may be used to provide pertinent information and instructions to FDU students, faculty and staff through voice, text messaging and/or E-mail. FDU Alert uses the a mass notification system that sends emergency messages instantly and simultaneously to registered mobile phones, wireless devices and E-mail addresses.
Reason For Policy
This policy establishes the proper use and testing of the FDU Alert Emergency Notification System (FDU Alert).
Who Should Read This Policy
Members of the University Community including Students, Faculty, Staff, as well as all other individuals who have been registered to receive FDU Alert emergency notifications.
Website Address For This Policy
The website for this policy as well as other related FDU Alert information can be found at the following URL or by clicking on Web Shortcuts on the top right of the FDU Homepage.
These definitions apply to these terms as they are used in this policy.
A sudden unforeseen crisis, usually involving danger, which requires immediate action.
FDU Alert System
The University’s emergency notification system is designed to alert, warn and inform registered members of the University Community of what to do in case of an emergency, a disaster, a crisis or any other situation that affects the FDU community. For example, receiving these alerts and messages could keep you from driving to campus only to find that a power failure has closed the campus.
FDU Alert Authorizer
Individual who has the authority to assess an emergency and activate the FDU Alert Emergency Notification System; this individual is authorized to contact an authorized Sender.
FDU Alert Sender
Individual who has been trained and is authorized to facilitate the actual sending of an Emergency Notification message.
An unstable event or situation of extreme danger or difficulty, which is often sudden or unexpected, that disrupts the normal operations of the institution or its educational mission and threatens the well-being of personnel, property, financial resources and/or the reputation of the institution.
Timely Warning
Refers to the need to provide timely notification to the University Community after it is determined there is a credible threat to campus persons or property or when information is considered vital to the University community.
Refers to the Text Messaging method of FDU Alert delivery.
FDU Alert Spokesperson
An individual may be identified to respond to, and act as University spokesperson, to inquiries by students, faculty, staff, parents and others about an FDU Alert. Inquiries may be forwarded to the FDU Alert Spokesperson via the special call forwarding alert hotline.
Any time that an emergency situation arises, either on campus or in the immediate area of the campus, that in the judgment of an FDU Alert Authorizer poses an ongoing or continuing threat to the campus community, a campus “Timely Warning” will be issued. This warning may be issued through the FDU Alert system by one, all, or a combination of the following delivery methods.
Voice mail or telephone notification
Posted on the University website
Posted notices
Public address announcements
Direct contact with individuals
Whenever possible, the FDU Alert Authorizer will consult with the Campus Director of Public Safety, the Campus Executive, or another Authorizer prior to using FDU Alert messaging capabilities.
In an emergency, and upon activation by Authorizers and Senders, FDU Alert will send notifications to registered individuals at one, some, or all of the following registered points of delivery.
Work Phone
FDU E-mail
Cell Phone
SMS (Text Message)
Alternate E-mail
Home Phone
Parent/Significant Other E-mail
Parent/Significant Other Phone
Parent/Significant Other SMS (Text Message)
Parent/Significant Other Cell Phone
To provide the safest possible environment for students, faculty, staff, and visitors to FDU campuses, the University will strive to provide timely, reliable notifications by all possible means in the event of emergency. Generally, an emergency is any incident that involves the possibility of death, serious injury, or the threat of death or serious injury to people, or to University facilities, materials or property.
Fairleigh Dickinson University uses a variety of methods to provide emergency and safety information, including mass notification systems, web pages, door-to-door assistance from on-site staff and Residence Hall assistants, over-the-air broadcasts, and a consolidated communications system. Collectively, these capabilities are called “FDU-Alert”. (1)
The communication system permits broadcast messages to be sent quickly as voice calls to office, local home, or cell phones, and as text messages to cell phones or University and external E-mail accounts. This system will be used to announce and provide guidance in an emergency or crisis and to communicate relevant critical updates.
If an emergency occurs near but not on an FDU campus, and in other situations in which emergency responders determine and report that no apparent or imminent threat to that campus exists, an advisory may be posted on informational web sites, E-mails, or text messages only. In these cases, you may not receive an emergency notification directly to your phone.
University administration or individual campuses may, as an authorizer deems appropriate, use the communications system for other urgent messages related to administration or operation, such as campus closings due to adverse weather, unusual situations, or utility outages.
(1) More information about these services, as well as current emergency status or preparedness information for FDU, is planned for availability on the University’s emergency preparedness website once established.
Proper Use of FDU Alert
FDU Alert is offered not to replace but to augment existing emergency notification methods, which include: University-wide broadcast E-mails, online updates via web and coordinated use of public media outlets, fire alarms, public address systems, and signs.
Any time that a serious situation arises either on campus or in the immediate area of the campus that in the judgment of the campus Director of Public Safety, and whenever possible, in consultation with the Campus Executive poses an ongoing or continuing threat to the campus community, a campus “Timely Warning” will be issued. This warning may be issued through the FDU Alert system, voice mail or telephone notification, E-mail, posted on the University website, posted notices, public address announcements, and direct contact with individuals.
If, in the opinion of the local law enforcement authority, a message would hinder the police response or investigation and the local law enforcement authority has requested that we not send out a message, no message may be sent without the specific authorization of the President, University Provost, Sr. V.P. for Finance & Administration, or FDU legal counsel.
Limited Use of FDU Alert
Although the use of other emergency notification method(s) will be determined on a case-by-case basis, FDU Alert should only be used in the following situations:
(1) an imminent threat of physical danger to the campus community;
(2) a campus closure; and
(3) certain Campus Crime Alerts as determined by Public Safety;
(4) off-campus events that could impact health, safety, life or access to a campus.
The above situations can include but are not limited to ongoing criminal incidents, fires, chemical leaks, pandemics, campus-wide utility failures (such as gas, electrical, or water), and extreme weather conditions that result in a campus closure (e.g. snow/ice storms) or pose an imminent threat of physical danger to the campus community (e.g. tornado within close proximity to campus).
FDU Alert Authorizers
Only the people in the following positions have the authority to activate the FDU Alert emergency message system and author an appropriate message:
President of the University
University Provost & Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Senior Vice President for Finance & Administration
Campus Executives
Deputy Campus Executive, Metropolitan Campus
Associate Vice President for Communications
Executive Director of Communications and News
Director of Public Safety, Florham Campus
Assistant Director, Public Safety, Florham Campus
Director of Public Safety, Metropolitan Campus
Campus Investigator, Public Safety, Metropolitan Campus
Campus Executive, Vancouver Campus
Business Manager, Vancouver Campus
FDU Alert Authorizers (“Authorizers”) have the authority to activate the system without consulting other Authorizers; however, when circumstances permit, an Authorizer should consult with at least one other Authorizer before sending a message.
FDU Alert Authorizer Responsibilities
Responsibility of Creating FDU Alert Messages
Authorizers have the responsibility to write and disseminate the appropriate message to be sent by Sender. For consistency, simplicity, and to minimize confusion, whenever possible, the Authorizer should base the message on one of the sample alert messages included in the Standard Operating Procedures manual.
This responsibility carries forward to writing and disseminating subsequent messages that must be sent to keep the recipients apprised of the status of the emergency event through to the conclusion of the emergency event with the transmission of an “All Clear-Resume Normal Schedule” message.
In the event more than thirty (30) minutes has passed while an emergency event is in progress, and there is no new information to communicate, the Authorizer should write a message(s) stating that the status of the emergency event remains the same, e.g., “Investigation continues, will communicate updates as new information becomes available.”
Messages should be written to support text to speech. Minimum or preferably no use of abbreviations and acronyms should be used. All messages must include an appropriate lead-in, for example, “!!FDU Florham Emergency Alert!!,” which includes where appropriate, the campus affected. Examples of these lead-in statements are included with the sample messages in the FDU Alert Confidential Operations Manual.
Responsibility of Authorizer to Prepare Additional Information
Alert Notifications and Updates Published via the FDU Website
Text Messaging (SMS) capability has a message character limit that precludes long and detailed messages. Detailed messages and updates regarding the FDU Alert can be made available on the University Website. Should it be necessary or appropriate to post additional information on the FDU website, it is the responsibility of the Authorizer to work with the Associate Vice President for Communications & Marketing or designee, to prepare and post the information on the University website in a timely manner. As this information will have wide and general exposure, it is critical to ensure that the information is current, correct, adequate, and consistent with the University messaging strategy.
It is the responsibility of the Authorizer, or designee as assigned by the Authorizer and the Associate Vice President for Communications & Marketing or designee, to keep vigil over the messaging to ensure accuracy and timeliness and message removal upon event termination.
FDU Alert Voicemail Box (Answer Only Voicemail Box)
Two FDU Alert Voicemail Boxes (one for each primary New Jersey campus) are available in order to provide the community with detailed information via a pre-recorded announcement regarding the FDU Alert. Should it be necessary or appropriate to post an additional information announcement on the FDU Alert Voicemail Box, it is the responsibility of the Authorizer to work with the Associate Vice President for Communications & Marketing or designee, to prepare, record, and post the announcement in the FDU Alert Voicemail Box in a timely manner. Because this information will have wide and general exposure, it is critical to ensure that the information is current, correct, adequate, and consistent with the University messaging strategy.
Requests for information or updates regarding the FDU Alert should be directed to the affected campus FDU Alert Voicemail Box.
Metropolitan Campus: 201-692-7000
Florham Campus: 973-443-8000
No voice mails can be left on the FDU Alert Voicemail Box. It is answer only.
The default message in the FDU Alert Voicemail Boxes will be “All University Operations Are Normal”
General telephone inquiries to the switchboard regarding the FDU Alert should be transferred to the appropriate FDU Alert Voicemail Box. Caller expectations can be managed by using phraseology such as “The latest and most current information regarding the FDU Alert is available on the FDU Alert Voicemail Box. Please hold while I connect you to this important informational announcement” in advance of the transfer.
It is the responsibility of the Authorizer, or designee as assigned by the Authorizer and the Associate Vice President for Communications & Marketing, to keep vigil over the messaging to ensure accuracy and timeliness and message removal upon event termination.
FDU Alert Spokesperson to Other Inquiries
FDU Alerts will stimulate telephone inquiries to the switchboard, Residence Life, Public Safety, Enrollment Services & other key offices. Callers should be directed to the University mailbox for announcements and updates. In the unusual event where it is determined to be necessary to have a Spokesperson available for call handling, callers will be directed to a special hotline with ultra-call forwarding setup to transfer to the FDU Alert Spokesperson.
The FDU Alert Spokesperson is an individual identified by the FDU emergency response teams to respond to inquiries by students, faculty, staff, parents, and others about an FDU Alert. Inquiries will be forwarded via the special call forwarding alert hotline.
The following are attributes for The FDU Alert Spokesperson:
Must provide contact information (and back up) to the switchboard and emergency management teams
Must be available to take calls continuously throughout the emergency (2)
Must be aware of the event and current activities and commentable actions
Must be media aware
Must have the power to speak to the event with autonomy and authority
Emergency Event Status Reports on the FDU Website
The FDU Website Homepage provides an FDU Alert Icon under Web Shortcuts that links to a dedicated webpage containing information on the current status of the University’s operations. As referenced above in Section, in the event there is an emergency, the Authorizer will work with the Associate Vice President for Communications and Marketing or designee to prepare and post a message providing current information concerning the emergency event and the status of the University’s operations, which will be posted on the operations status page.
FDU Alert Senders
FDU Alert Senders (“Senders”), upon the request of Authorizer(s), have the authority to activate the system, enter messages under the direction of the FDU Alert Authorizer(s), and initiate the send message process. All FDU Alert Senders are provided with appropriate access to the secured FDU Alert emergency notification system and necessary training.
Sender names and contact information are included in the FDU Alert Operations Manual.
FDU Alert Sender Responsibilities
Senders are required to respond to Authorizer requests to facilitate the timely activation of the FDU Alert System. Senders acknowledge that time may be of the essence and will fulfill the request or immediately notify another Sender to fulfill the request. The transfer of such transfer of control requires Authorizer and/or emergency response team acknowledgment.
FDU Alert Senders will advise the FDU Alert Authorizer(s) when the message send process has been initiated and the sender can confirm delivery of such messaging.
(2) A special phone number with Remote Call Forwarding will be utilized for this purpose.
Message Content
Any message sent using FDU Alert should be as brief as possible and should, if appropriate, typically contain the following information:
The reason for the message;
Any response required;
Location (campus) of event;
The duration of the emergency and any relevant dates and times;
Methods to obtain further information; and
When circumstances permit, before sending a message, Authorized Senders should consult with the relevant University administrator(s) regarding message content.
Because text messages may have a single message size limitation depending on the recipient’s device, they should be limited to 160 characters. While brevity and abbreviations will reduce a message size, care must be taken to ensure that all messages are brief, concise, accurate, and understandable. Sample messages are included in the FDU Alert Confidential Operations Manual.
After Message Review
After a message is sent using FDU ALERT, the Authorized Senders and the Campus Emergency Management Team will meet as appropriate to discuss the emergency, the results of the alert, and compliance with the FDU Alert Policy.
FDU Alert System Testing
System Wide Delivery Testing
Once every Fall and Spring semester, a live test of the FDU Alert system will be conducted. During the test, one or more messages will be transmitted to every individual registered in the system using every delivery method for each point of contact (phone, e-mail, SMS, etc.) The FDU Alert message(s) sent during the test will clearly state “THIS IS A TEST,” so that it is clear that there is no actual emergency.
FDU Alert Senders
At least once per calendar month, FDU Alert senders will test the FDU Alert system by sending themselves a test message. The message sent during this test will clearly state “THIS IS A TEST BY AUTHORIZED SENDER,” so that it is clear that there is no actual emergency.
Service Provisioning
Regular Reminders to University Community to Register/Update FDU Alert Individual Database Record
The effectiveness of any alert system depends upon the accuracy of the contact information in its database. All students, faculty, and staff will therefore receive notices/reminders prior to the semester’s scheduled test to review/update their emergency contact information. Emergency contact information can be modified at any time by logging onto Webadvisor.
The following are three levels of emergencies and suggested methods of communications and notifications for each. No other use of this FDU Alert System is permitted.
Level 1 Emergency – Informational
incident has occurred
incident is contained and/or well defined
continuing activity/investigation
caution conditions exists
timely follow up communications required
Examples include:
natural disaster
aircraft crash, or similar event, near campus
major structural collapse
snow closings
elevator accident
must know information – (e.g. “Because of bad weather the University will close at…” and “An electrical cable to the SUB has been damaged and electrical power will not be restored until…”)
The “Authorizer” should use the following formats: E-mail/WWW/Text Messaging/Posted Notices/Public Address Announcements. Based on the event and any unusual circumstances, voice messaging may be used at the “Authorizer’s” discretion…
Level 2 Emergency – Life and Safety Alert
incident has occurred and/or is continuing
incident is contained but may be extensive
cautions exist
continuing/on-going activity/investigation
timely follow up communications required
Examples include:
bomb threat
contained/small scale explosion/fire
act of violence on campus
fire confined to an area
contained/small hazardous material spill or release
buildings without electricity, heat or water
major building flooding
The “Authorizer” should use the following formats: E-mail/WWW/Text Messaging/Posted Notices/Public Address Announcements/Direct Contact with Individuals as necessary. During extended business hours (7 a.m. to 7 p.m.) voice messaging will also be used. The Authorizer will have the discretion to utilize voice messaging after extended business hours if it is deemed appropriate.
Level 3 Emergency – Imminent life or safety alert – Immediate Action Required
incident has occurred and/or is continuing
scope of incident may be undefined
alert action required
cautions exist
continuing/On-going activity/investigation
time is of the essence follow up communications
Examples include:
on-going violent campus demonstrations
intruder alerts
radiological incident
contained or uncontained hazmat/hazardous material spill or release
large explosion/fire
aircraft crash, or similar event, on campus
acts of terrorism
confirmed explosives devices
The “Authorizer” should use all available formats: Voice Message/Voice Mail/E-mail/WWW/Text Messaging/Posted Notices/Public Address Announcements/Direct Contact with Individuals as necessary.
No other use of this FDU Alert System is permitted.
FDU provides remote access to many software applications typically found in university computer labs. This new Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) gives users access to a Windows desktop environment along with many General Lab Software, without requiring downloading and installing programs on a user’s personal equipment. The service, called FDU Anywhere, is powered by University Systems and Networking (USAN) and can be found at anywhere.fdu.edu.
Using FDU Anywhere is like walking into one of FDU’s computer labs. Upon logging in with your FDU NetID and password, you will have access to the virtual platform. To find a list of currently available software on FDU Anywhere, use the FDU Software Catalog. A listing of available Free and Open Source software can also be found by visiting the FDU Software Catalog.
The FDU Software Catalog provides an up-to-date catalog of software available to Faculty, Staff, and Students at the university:
FDU Anywhere is a powerful resource with a lightweight footprint. In order to utilize FDU Anywhere, you must have the following:
Any device with a browser that supports HTML 5 will work. HTML 5 is supported by almost all desktop and mobile browsers including Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox
An internet connection
FDU NetID credentials
Your system hardware specifications may impact the performance of FDU Anywhere, such as systems with less than 8GB of memory.
Network Requirements
For the best experience, while using FDU Anywhere, your network should:
Have a download speed of at least 5Mb/s or more
If your download speed falls below 5Mb/s, the connection could become unstable and cause issues with your stream
Have an upload speed of 5Mb/s or higher
An upload speed of 5Mb/s is enough to use a basic mouse, keyboard, and controller. More bandwidth-heavy devices such as webcams, microphones, and external storage devices can use up to 100Mb/s
Wired network connections are preferred over Wi-Fi network connections whenever possible
Wired network connections are more stable and offer more bandwidth over Wi-Fi
For graphics-intensive applications, like Adobe Creative Cloud and Autodesk, we recommend using a wired network connection instead of Wi-Fi, ideally with a bandwidth of 5 Mbp/s.
Wi-Fi networks with 5Ghz rated wireless connections are preferred over 2.4Ghz wireless routers and provide better performance.
VPN Applications and Connections
The use of any VPN Software within FDU Anywhere is not allowed. Using a VPN client in FDU Anywhere may interrupt your session and disable your access for approximately 15 minutes.
Testing your Connection
Your experience with FDU Anywhere greatly depends on your internet connection. Testing your connection can help you identify and correct most issues.
To test your Internet connection speed, click the link below:
For the best overall experience using FDU Anywhere, Google Chrome is the browser of choice.
Use your FDU Credentials (NetID and associated password) to complete the login to the FDU Anywhere
General Lab
When you login to the General Lab experience, it may take about 60 seconds to get to the desktop. This is because your profile is being created or loaded.
The selected app or desktop opens in a new browser tab
Depending on your screen resolution, your desktop experience view may differ from the picture above.
Log Out of FDU Anywhere
Logging out is a critical step in making sure others continue to be able to easily accessFDU Anywhere services. To log out of FDU Anywhere, follow these steps:
Click the Windows “Start” button
Click your “Name“
Click “Sign Out“
On the upper left-hand side, click the “Hamburger” menu icon
Click “Log Out“
Click “OK” to confirm Logout
Automatic Session Logout Policy
To help make FDU Anywhere as available as possible to all students, accounts that have been inactive (or idle) for 15 minutes will automatically be logged out.
There are many ways in which you can access and save files within FDU Anywhere. Fairleigh Dickinson University highly recommends saving all files on your FDU Microsoft 365 OneDrive which is accessible within FDU Anywhere. There will be a first-time setup and initialization process required to use OneDrive within FDU Anywhere.
Setup and Initialization Process
Accessing your Microsoft 365 OneDrive account is done easily by following these instructions:
From the FDU Anywhere General Lab, single click on the “OneDrive” icon found on the Windows desktop
Enter your FDU NetID and click “Next”
Follow the FDU standard single sign-on prompts to complete the login process
Your FDU NetID may already be filled in, just click Sign in.
You have successfully logged into OneDrive, click “Next“
Microsoft OneDrive may prompt you to backup your folders, click “Next” to skip this step
A brief overview will be given on OneDrive, to begin, click “Next“
When the tutorial is finished, click “Later“
OneDrive setup is complete and ready to use. Click the “X” to close the window or “Open My OneDrive Folder” to access files
Using OneDrive
Using Microsoft OneDrive within FDU Anywhere is very similar to accessing, saving, and opening files on a computer. Just open up File Explorer and look for OneDrive – Fairleigh Dickinson University.
if you need to zip files to submit them to Webcampus, please follow these instructions:
Click the file or folder
For macOS users, you can use the “Two Finger” click method on the trackpad in order to initiate the right click. For additional information, please see the link below for “FDU Anywhere – Keyboard Shortcuts”.
Click on 7-zip then click “Add to Archive“
Change Archive Format to “zip” like in the picture below, then click “OK” to zip your files
The zip archiving process could take some time depending on the size of the file. Once completed, the file will be in the same location as the folder. You can then email or upload your file to your professor.
Alternate Way to Zip Files
Click “Start” on the taskbar on the left-hand side
Type “7zip” and click on 7-zip File Manager that appears
Navigate to the location of your saved file/folder and click to highlight, then click the “Add” button at the top
Change “Archive Format” to “zip” and then click “OK” to zip your files
The file will now be zipped and you will find your file in the same folder as the project folder or file you wanted to zip.
The zip archive could take some time depending on the size of the file. Once completed, the file will be in the same location as the folder is. You can then email or upload your file to your professor.
Submitting Files to WebCampus
To successfully submit your coursework to WebCampus, it is best to use the Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Microsoft Edge web browser located on the desktop of FDU Anywhere.
To submit your coursework to Webcampus, you can log on from within FDU Anywhere. For more information on Webcampus visit:
Sometimes you may want to copy and paste content from your own computer to an FDU Anywhere desktop or application. You can do this using the copy-and-paste menus or keyboard shortcuts, for example, “Ctrl+C” and “Ctrl+V“.
FDU Anywhere only allows copying from your personal computer into the FDU Anywhere desktop.
If you cannot copy and paste for any reason, we recommend using our FDU OneDrive service to access any files not found in FDU Anywhere.
Copy files from Windows OS Devices
Windows OS to FDU Anywhere
Highlight the text you want to copy from your computer
Press “CTRL+C” to copy the selected text
Move the cursor to the paste location in FDU Anywhere
Press “CTRL+V” to paste the text
Copy Files from Apple OS Devices
Your macOS to FDU Anywhere
Highlight the text you want to copy from your computer
Press “COMMAND+C “to copy the selected text
macOS also supports “CTRL+C“
You may find it easier to use CTRL + C when copying content to FDU Anywhere, so you don’t have to switch back and forth between COMMAND + CTRL.
Move the cursor to the paste location in “FDU Anywhere“
Press “CTRL+V” to paste the text
The copy and paste functions DO NOT work across all applications and browsers, including the copying and pasting of images. This is a limitation inherent in browser clipboards. We recommend the Google Chrome web browser for optimal clipboard capabilities.
If you are experiencing issues while using FDU Anywhere, please use the following tips as guidelines to help improve your experience.
Power-cycle your Modem/Router
Power cycling your modem and router allows them to reset and re-establish a connection to your Internet Service Provider (ISP). Shut down your computer and unplug your modem/router. Plug them back in after 60 seconds and watch the lights on your modem/router. Once the lights are on and steady, start your computer.
Keep all your Local Components Up-to-date
Check that your modem/router and your local computer are totally up to date. This includes the operating system, driver, and browser updates.
Disconnect/Turn off any Devices that are not in use
Some devices could be using bandwidth while on standby. Gaming consoles, for example, might download and install updates. Turn off these devices to keep your bandwidth free.
Use an Ethernet Cable
Using a wired Ethernet connection will make your connection more stable and eliminate additional latency compared to a wireless connection.
Change your Wi-Fi Configuration
If a wired Ethernet connection is not possible or your device requires a wireless connection:
Connect to a 5GHz wireless network. Some routers offer both 2.4GHz connections and 5GHz
Place your devices (such as a computer or smartphone) and your router closer to each other
You may need to contact your internet service provider for help with rebooting your router and/or to configure your wireless settings correctly.
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on utilizing the FDU Jamf Connect for login and NETID credential synchronization on macOS. This article is tailored for the staff, faculty, and students at FDU, providing a detailed walkthrough of the Jamf Connect login interface.
Connecting to FDU-Secure is not supported on this login screen. Please use a wired connection while on campus.
Jamf Connect Interface Walkthrough
The Jamf Connect login screen consists of three sections: The login fields, the function buttons, and language and Wi-Fi.
The login fields are used to enter the NetID and password while the login button initiates the login. The username can be entered in any form that is recognized by Okta.
Shut down: Powers the machine off
Restart: Reboot the machine
Help: Opens a mini browser to the FDU IT site
Language Selection: Changes language
Wi-Fi: Allows selection of wireless network
Logging into Jamf Connect
Enter your “FDU NetID” and “Password” and click the “Login” button
You will see the message “Creating your account on this Mac” while the account is being created on the Mac
If you are using a non-standard account name that does not match your FDU NetID, you will be able to select this account at login and link it to your NetID
Locate the account and click “Connect” to link it to your NetID. If you do not wish to link the existing, account click “Create Account” to proceed with a new account
Any data stored under the old account will not be accessible if choose not to link it.
You will be prompted to enter the “existing password” for the local account. Click “Connect” to complete the link.
Synchronize NETID Password via Jamf Connect App
The Jamf Connect app is used to synchronize domain credentials with the local machine credentials.
Enter your “FDU NETID” and “Password” and click the “Sign In” button
If your NETID password is out-of-sync, you will be prompted to sync them by entering the Local Password you use to sign into the machine. Click “Sync” to sync the new NETID password
FDU’s Single Sign-On (SSO) experience has been improved and OKTA is the primary Single Sign-On provider. OKTA will replace our “Legacy” SSO login page for all applications over time.
OKTA SSO Login Page
New and existing FDU NetID users who are logging into OKTA for the first time will need to finish setting up their multifactor authentication with DUO.
Enter your FDU NetID and click “Next“
Enter your FDU NetID Password and click “Sign In”
For existing users with DUO configured please skip to step 4. For new users please click “Setup” then “Enroll” to continue the process
For instructions on setting up DUO for the first time, refer to our “Quick Start Guide“
The maps below highlight the buildings at Fairleigh Dickinson University with wireless networking on the Metropolitan Campus, and College at Florham.
Metropolitan Campus
Click or Tap Image to Enlarge
1. Bancroft Hall – General Coverage 2. Williams Hall -– General Coverage 3. Fitness Center – General Coverage 4. Northpointe Residence Hall – General Coverage 5. Robison Hall – General Coverage 6. Robison Hall Annex – General Coverage 7. Muscarelle Center – General Coverage 8. Kron Administration Building – General Coverage 9. University Hall – General Coverage 10. Alumni Hall – General Coverage 11. Metropolitan Campus Library – General Coverage 12. Becton Hall – General Coverage 13. to 22. University Court Residence Halls 1 to 10 – General Coverage 23. Public Safety Office – General Coverage 24. Interfaith Chapel – General Coverage 25. International Student Services – General Coverage 26. EOF Office – General Coverage 27. 840 River Road – No Coverage 28. Housekeeping – No Coverage 29. 835 SUB Lane – General Coverage 30. 839 SUB Lane – No Coverage 31. Dean of Students – General Coverage 32. Greg Olsen Student Union – General Coverage 33. to 40. Linden Court Residence Halls – General Coverage 41. Knight Spot – General Coverage 42. Residence Life – General Coverage 43. Banta Coe House – No Coverage 44. River House – General Coverage 45. Student Counseling and Psychological Services – General Coverage 46. University Mail Services (10 Woodridge Ave) –General Coverage 47. External Building (1 Woodridge Ave) – No Coverage 48. Center for Psychological Services(131 Temple Ave) – General Coverage 49. Center for Psychological Services(139 Temple Ave) – General Coverage 50. Rothman Center – General Coverage 51. Dickinson Hall – General Coverage 52. Softball Field – No Coverage 53. Edward Williams Hall – General Coverage 54. Field House – General Coverage 54b. Naimoli Family Baseball Complex – No Coverage 54b. Soccer Field – General Coverage 54b. Tennis Courts – No Coverage 55. 1154 River Rd. – General Coverage
College at Florham
Click or Tap Image to Enlarge
1. Hennessy Hall(Mansion) – General Coverage 2. Reuter’s Rock – No Coverage 3. Science Building – General Coverage 4. East Cottage – General Coverage 5. West Cottage – General Coverage 6. Zen Building(Stadler-Zenner-Hoffmann La Roche) – General Coverage 7. Ferguson Recreation Center – General Coverage 8. Dreyfuss Building – General Coverage 9. Rothman Building(Admissions Office) – General Coverage 10. Black Box Theater – General Coverage 11. The Barn(Public Safety, Campus Facilities) – General Coverage 12. Chaine House – General Coverage 15. Monninger Center (Library) – General Coverage 16. Orangerie – General Coverage 17. Public Relations – General Coverage 18. Frank Santoloci Student Center – General Coverage 19. Twombly Residence Halls – General Coverage 20. Village Residence Halls – General Coverage 21. Park Avenue Residence Halls – General Coverage 23. Rutherford Residence Hall – General Coverage 24. Wellness Center – General Coverage 25. Gatehouse – General Coverage 25b. Baseball Field – General Coverage 25b. Soccer Field – No Coverage 25b. Football Field – General Coverage
Oracle is a multi-model relational database management system, mainly designed for enterprise grid-computing and data warehousing. It is one of the first choices for enterprises for cost-effective solutions for their applications and data management. It supports SQL as a query language to interact with the database.
Now let’s discuss how to use Oracle in the FDU environment.
Accessing Oracle
FDU provides Oracle access to students and faculty on the Opus server. The Oracle environment is provided to support coursework and skill development.
Opus users are automatically granted access to Oracle after first successfullogin (It may take up to six hours before access is available).
If you do not already have Opus access you will need to request access by completing the Form:
Access to the Opus server is restricted to FDU networks only. If you are off campus and would like to access Opus for your Oracle work you will need to use FDU’s Virtual Private Network (VPN).
The Oracle Database is accessed using the SQL Plus utility, which has a command-line interface. To start using SQL Plus simply type “sqlplus /” on the Opus command line.
Interactive use can then start by entering a SQL statement (terminated by a semicolon), a PL/SQL block, or another command. For example:
SQL> select 'Hello world' as example from dual;
Hello world
Click “App launcher” (icon located at top left corner ) which should show list of applications available to you and then click the “OneDrive” icon. This should open your OneDrive page either in new tab in your browser or in a new browser window.
Please look for the pop-up blocker in case you don’t see OneDrive window after clicking this icon.
Accessing OneDrive in Mobile Devices
You can access OneDrive in your iOS or Android devices.
Sign-in with your FDU NetID and password. Please select “OneDrive for Business” or “OneDrive for School” if given a choice to select type of account. DO NOT select personal OneDrive option if it is available. You’ll be presented with FDU’s Single Sign-On screen where you’ll be required to enter your NetID and password
Accessing OneDrive in Windows
If you are using Windows 10 computer, then OneDrive should already have been installed. If not, please follow steps below to download and install it in your computer
Click “App launcher” (icon located at top left corner ) which should show list of applications available to you and then click the “OneDrive” icon. This should open your OneDrive page either in new tab in your browser or in a new browser window
Please look for the pop-up blocker in case you don’t see OneDrive window after clicking this icon.
Click “Get the OneDrive apps” located at lower left corner which should download installation file for OneDrive
Execute this newly downloaded installation file which should install OneDrive in your computer
Start “OneDrive” and enter your NetID and click “Sign In”
Select “Work or School” option which should take you to FDU’s Single Sign-On screen
Enter your NetID and password
Accessing OneDrive on a macOS
Click below to install OneDrive from the Mac App Store
The Fairleigh Dickinson University Technical Assistance Center (UTAC) serves as the primary help desk for all university technology-related support. Students, Faculty, and Staff can easily reach out to UTAC through the SAMI Support portal, email, or phone for assistance with application software, desktop setups, peripheral devices, network issues, password management (such as for Microsoft 365), and configuration support for hardware and software. UTAC also addresses inquiries related to Blackboard and classroom projector troubleshooting.
There are four ways to create a ticket and get support:
Create SAMI Support requests by filling out a quick form
Access the most updated status of your SAMI support request
Interact with the technician currently assigned to resolve your SAMI support request
Review all your open and closed SAMI support request history
Access our knowledge base to view information about our current systems
Access solutions for the most frequently asked questions
SAMI Support Public Form
You can submit a request for support by filling out the form below
The form below is not compatible with Dark Mode. For an optimal experience, disable dark mode either in your device’s system settings or directly from the FDU IT website menu bar.
Call Center
Our Technical Assistance Center is available 24 hours a day for you to log a support ticket
The center can be reached at (973)-443-8822
Users can log tickets by sending an email to our technical assistance Center
There are a few different ways to change your University NetID password. However, Computing Services strongly urges everyone to change their FDU NetID password using a provided Apple or Windows university computer.
The process for changing your FDU NetID password on a macOS device differs from a Windows device, so please follow the instructions provided for macOS computers below.
If you do not have a university-owned Apple or Windows laptop/desktop and cannot use a University lab computer, please follow the procedures described in “Using identity.fdu.edu Web Portal to Change your FDU NetID Password” below.
Please click on one of the links below for instructions on how to change your FDU NetID password:
Changing a FDU NetID Password on a FDU-owned Windows Computer
You must already be logged into the machine when performing the password change process.
On FDU-issued laptops, desktops, and lab machines, the FDU NetID password can be changed by pressing the “Ctrl+Alt+Del” button combination on the keyboard from any screen and selecting “Change a Password”
Now enter the following:
Your old or current password
Type in a new password
Retype the new password to confirm
Press the “Right Arrow” button to continue
The newly created FDU NetID password must meet the complexity requirements.
Use 8 to 16 characters for your new password. Passwords must include all of the following 4 character types: Upper case letters, lower case letters, numbers, and special characters. Allowed special characters are: ! # $ @ _ + , ? [ ] . – ) ( ` ~ % ^ & * = { } | : ? , / and a dot. Please refrain from using portions of your name or email address within the password. Please refrain from using a password that you have already used.
Once this has been done, you must lock and unlock the machine once to complete updating your password:
Press the “Ctrl+Alt+Del” keys combination again
Click “Lock”
Then log back in with your new password
Your FDU NetID password was changed successfully!
Your new password will need to be updated in all web browsers with saved passwords and email clients across all devices. Examples include faculty and staff e-mail accounts synched to their iPad, iPhone, and or Android device. FDU-Secure Wi-Fi network access is also attached to your FDU NetID username and password and will need to be updated on devices that use it.
Changing and Syncronizing your FDU NetID Password on a FDU-owned Apple Computer
To change and/or synchronize your FDU NetID password with your FDU Issued Apple computer, please follow the directions provided in the following article:
Using “identity.fdu.edu” Web Portal to Change your FDU NetID Password
Adjunct professors, students, and anyone with a personal laptop/desktop/tablet device will use the FDU Identity Web Portal to change their NetID password.
If the user has an FDU issued or owned Microsoft Windows-based machine, they should always follow the procedures in “Changinga NetID Password while ON CAMPUS (Preferred Method) or “Changing a NetID Password while OFF-CAMPUS.” Changing your FDU NetID password through the identity.fdu.edu Web Portal while having an FDU-issued or owned Microsoft Windows-based machine could cause temporary account lockouts and should only be used as a last resort. If lockout issues occur, please open up a service request with the Fairleigh Dickinson University Technical Assistance Center (UTAC), and they will be dealt with promptly.
Open a web browser (e.g., Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari) and navigate to the following URL:
Click on “Account Maintenance” on the top right hand of the web page
You will be redirected to the FDU Single-Sign-On login page. Enter your FDU NetID email and password in the corresponding text boxes and click “Sign In.” Complete the FDU 2fa Duo push notification to proceed
Under Sign-In and Security, select “Change My Password”
Enter your current password
Enter a new password
Retype your new password to confirm
When finished, select “Change My Password”
The newly created FDU NetID password must meet the complexity requirements.
Use 8 to 16 characters for your new password. Passwords must include all of the following 4 character types: Upper case letters, lower case letters, numbers, and special characters. Allowed special characters are: ! # $ @ _ + , ? [ ] . – ) ( ` ~ % ^ & * = { } | : ? , / and a dot. Please refrain from using portions of your name or email address within the password. Please refrain from using password that you have already used.
“Password successfully changed” will be displayed if your FDU NetID password was successfully changed
Your new password will need to be updated in all web browsers with saved passwords and email clients across all devices. Examples include faculty and staff e-mail accounts synched to their iPad, iPhone, and or Android device. FDU-Secure Wi-Fi network access is also attached to your FDU NetID username and password and will need to be updated on devices that use it.
Using “identity.fdu.edu” Web Portal to Change your FDU NetID Display Name
You also have the option to change the name that is displayed on your NetID account.
Open a web browser (e.g., Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari) and navigate to the following URL:
Click on “Account Maintenance” on the top right hand of the web page
You will be redirected to the FDU Single-Sign-On login page. Enter your FDU NetID email and password in the corresponding text boxes and click “Sign In.” Complete the FDU 2fa Duo push notification to proceed
Under Sign-In and Security, select “Change Display Name”
Enter your New Display Name
Click on “Change Display Name“
“Display Name successfully changed” will be displayed if your Display Name was successfully changed
When preparing for a Zoom class, the 15 minutes before it begins are crucial for setting yourself up for success. In these final moments, finding a quiet, well-lit space with a strong internet connection is key. Ensuring your camera, microphone, and environment are ready will help you avoid any distractions or technical difficulties during class. With everything in place, you can focus on fully engaging in the session, confident that you’re ready to participate seamlessly.
15 Minutes Before Class Starts
15 minutes before class starts, find a quiet place with strong internet that is free of distractions. Remember that everyone in the class will be able to see you! Find an appropriate background and make sure the room is well-lit. Make sure that you have your device plugged in so you don’t need to worry about battery issues mid-class
Open Zoom. You can open Zoom by clicking the link your professor sends you or downloading the Zoom app or program on your device. If you have headphones, plug them in now
Test your microphone and camera
To test your microphone, click “Test Computer Mic & Speakers” in the pop-up window that appears when first opening a test meeting or beginning your scheduled meeting
To test your camera, just look at the Zoom window to see that you are visible, non-pixellated, and can move and speak without noticeable delays
You may need to permit Zoom to access your camera and microphone beforehand. Typically, the request for permission will appear in a pop-up window the first time you open a Zoom Meeting, and will carry over to future meetings. If you declined permissions in the past, you will need to go into your PC or Mac’s settings to allow Zoom to access your camera and microphone
Close any windows or programs open on your device that are unrelated to class.
During Class
Click Start Video to begin broadcasting from your webcam
Use the Chat bubble as appropriate. You can chat with everyone in the meeting, the professor, or a specific person
Find out who else is in the meeting by clicking Participants. This is also where you can “raise your hand” to ask or respond to a question
Be prepared to share your screen with the class (If you do so, we will see all tabs you have open. We could also see your email, messages, etc. Please ensure that anything you would like to keep private is closed before class begins)
The Zoom Menu
The Zoom menu contains several features that can be used during class meetings. For laptops, PCs, and Macs the menu can be found by hovering over the bottom of the Zoom window. In the Zoom app, the menu can be accessed by tapping the bottom of the app window. Here is a picture of the menu bar.
Mute: Silences and unsilences your microphone. Your professor will “Mute” the whole class to reduce background noises, but if you’d like to speak, you need to click “Unmute” first
Share Screen: Allows you to share a variety of windows and applications. Participants can share views of their desktops and specific windows currently open on their computer, write on a digital whiteboard, and even share a screen directly from their iPhone or iPad
Chat: You can send messages to everyone, just the professor, or a specific person
General Zoom Etiquette
Getting a clear video is a lot like taking a good selfie. Light your face more brightly than the background to make it easier to see you
Remember that everyone else can see you
Be yourself, move physically, and make facial expressions
Microphones pick up all ambient noise, so keep your mic muted until it’s your time to speak.
Remember that when on camera, other activities such as eating, drinking, shuffling papers, etc are extremely distracting
If you’re having trouble joining a Zoom meeting or class, refer to the article below for troubleshooting tips.
This document outlines how the help desk should handle issues regarding supporting personal hardware.
All support tickets for personal hardware will need to be created and supported by the help desk. Limited support will be provided by completing basic troubleshooting and diagnostics.
This includes:
Laptops and Desktops
iMacs and MacBooks
Docking Stations, Monitors, and Peripherals
Mobile phones and Tablets
The help desk should communicate directly to the users that limited support can be provided for personally owned devices, the Help Desk will assist by providing the below troubleshooting steps. Escalation of the request to Computing Services can be performed. If additional support is needed Computing Services will direct the user to contact their hardware manufacturer for additional support directly if needed.
The following basic troubleshooting steps can and should be performed when any of the above hardware is having issues:
The device should be power cycled and/or rebooted to ensure all device resources have been refreshed.
If the machine or device is frozen locate and hold the power button for a minimum of 60 seconds until the device has powered down and then have the user power on the device and attempt to use the equipment.
The help desk can check and confirm if any updates have recently been loaded on the workstation that may be pending a machine reboot to complete the installation.
The following should not be performed on any personal machines:
Upgrading or downgrading of any Microsoft or Apple operating system.
Removing and/or reinstalling any licensed software such as but not limited to Microsoft Office, Microsoft Visio, Microsoft Project, Adobe Creative Cloud, etc.
Other software such as antivirus, games, or manufacturer-issued diagnostic utilities.
Regarding the troubleshooting of issues related to personal docking stations, monitors, peripherals, mobile phones and tablets. The basic functions of unplugging the power cable and/or power cycling the equipment will be the acceptable troubleshooting necessary.
We do not want to perform any updates for devices operating systems such as mobile phones or tablets. The steps involved in completing these kinds of updates require a more extensive timeframe to be available to successfully be completed.
If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact the FDU Director of Computing Services Peter Mannarino via email p.mannarino@fdu.edu
Microsoft has implemented a new feature to its mail client called Clutter. Clutter acts as a filter that separates e-mails that it Deems low priority. The e-mails are placed in a folder and are out of sight, with no notifications visible to the user. The problem with Clutter is that it is a learning program that tries to guess what emails are important or low priority and might filter out emails that you need.
Disabling Clutter rules in Outlook
If you wish to disable clutter, log in to Office 365 using our portal office365.fdu.edu with your NetID credentials.
Look for the settings icon on the upper right corner of your window and click on it
Click on the “Mail” option under “Your app settings”
Drill down to “Mail > Automatic processing > Clutter”
Unused Teams and Groups can accumulate and become a burden to resources over time. To prevent this from happening, Fairleigh Dickinson University has implemented an expiration policy for Teams and Groups. This article will explain the expiration policy and provide you with information regarding renewal.
What is the FDU expiration policy for Teams and Groups
Any Team or Group inactive for 365 days or more will expire
Team and Group owners will be notified 30 days, 15 days, and 1 day before the team’s expiration date. If the Team or Group is not renewed before expiration, it will be deleted.
Expiration notices for groups used in Teams appear in the Teams Owners feed.
The expiration period of 365 days begins at the creation of the Team or Group, or the date it was last renewed
When the policy goes into effect, all groups that have already passed the 365 days period will expire. Affected group owners will be notified to renew.
How to renew a Team or Group
There are two methods to prevent the Microsoft 365 group from being deleted.
The group owner can manually renew the group by clicking the button in the warning message
A member of the group can perform a monitored user activity:
SharePoint: view, edit, download, move, share, or upload files (viewing a SharePoint page does not count as an action for automatic renewal)
Outlook: join or edit group, read or write group messages from the group, and like a message (Outlook on the web)
Teams: visit a teams channel
Yammer: view a post within a Yammer community or an interactive email in Outlook
Forms: view, create, or edit forms, or submit a response to a form
When the team owner receives the expiration notification, go to the Team’s group “Manage team” option and click on Renew now as shown below
Whenever the Microsoft 365 group is renewed by any of the methods mentioned, the group’s lifetime will be extended for another period of 365 days.
What are Microsoft 365 Groups
Microsoft 365 groups are created from a variety of tools including Outlook, SharePoint, Planner, and Teams. Microsoft 365 groups allow you to choose a set of people to collaborate with. You can use Microsoft 365 groups to communicate with others, share files, and apply permissions to shared resources.
Who are Group Owners
When a Microsoft 365 group is created, the person creating the group is designated as the owner. After adding members to the group, the primary owner can also promote other members to owner status. We suggest that when practical, Microsoft 365 groups have at least 2 owners. This can be important as only the group owner will receive the warning messages. In some cases, the group owner may have removed themselves from the group or left the university entirely. If you find yourself a member of a Microsoft 365 group without an owner, please contact support by creating a SAMI Support Request.
Groups without Owners
Ownerless or orphaned Groups may be deleted by USAN. USAN will notify Group members prior to deletion, but if they receive no response, the Group will be deleted. If USAN deletes a Group, all the records associated with the Group’s shared space will be deleted as well
Automatic Renewal
Groups that are actively in use are renewed automatically setting the days to zero. Any of the following actions will auto-renew a group:
SharePoint – view, edit, download, move, share, or upload files. (Viewing a SharePoint page does not count as an action for automatic renewal.)
Outlook – join the group, read or write group messages from the group, and like a message (Outlook on the web).
Teams – visiting the Teams channel.
Recover Deleted Teams or Groups
When the 365 days limit hits, the Microsoft 365 group will expire and be put into a “Soft-deleted” state. Which means it can still be recovered for up to 30 days. To have the Microsoft 365 group recovered please contact support by creating a SAMI Support Request and include the Microsoft 365 group or Team name to be recovered.
Where to Get Help
For assistance with Microsoft 365 groups, please contact support by creating a SAMI Support Request. We can answer questions about the expiration policy, renewing groups, and updating group owners.
Microsoft 365 email has filters to protect users from spam and malicious emails like phishing scams.
Messages caught by the filters are placed in quarantine for Fairleigh Dickinson University and its users’ protection. Users will receive a Spam Notification message once a day, notifying them of any messages placed in quarantine. Any legitimate mail caught by mistake can be released directly from this message or from the quarantine portal.
Mail left in quarantine will automatically be deleted after 15 days.
Handling Quarantined Email
Legitimate messages placed in quarantine may be released into your inbox in one of two ways:
From the daily spam notification email message
If you receive mail that has been placed in quarantine, you’ll receive an email message from quarantine@messaging.microsoft.com. The message will look like the one below:
You will only receive an email if you have items in quarantine.
The following options will be available to you by clicking the respective links in the email notification or you can choose to do nothing.
Review Message – go to the Microsoft 365 Security & Compliance Center to review it
Release – the message is removed from quarantine and placed in your inbox
Block Sender – add the sender to the Blocked Senders list in your mailbox
From the Microsoft 365 Security & Compliance Center
Quarantined email can also be handled in the Microsoft 365 Security & Compliance Center.
Microsoft has released a new version of Outlook that will eventually replace the classic version. The new Outlook for Windows brings the latest features, intelligent assisted capabilities, and a new modern and simplified design to your Outlook app. The New Outlook has many features and is vastly different visually from the classic version of outlook presently installed on all university owned computers.
The New Outlook is compatible fully with all Office365 functions but because there are some features missing that presently exist in the classic Outlook, FDU IT highly recommends NOT switching to the new Outlook currently, especially since not all features are present and Microsoft is still developing the new Outlook.
Some of the features not available in the New Outlook are:
Existing Offline Outlook files called PST files stored locally on your computer
Virtru Email Encryption Client: While the Add-on is not supported, you can still send and receive encrypted email using the “#secure# tag in the subject line of the email
Adobe Acrobat and/or Foxit PDF Professional Outlook using the COM-Add-ins platform
Zoom Outlook Plugin or any other Meeting platform using the COM-Add-ins platform
Any other third-party COM-Add-in
Custom Macros or Custom Visual Basic functions manually added
Many Rule templates and options are not available
The New Outlook has already been deployed to university owned macOS devices, due to the number of enhancements it provides, and that COM-Add-in platform was a Windows only feature.
Turn on the toggle “Try the new Outlook” which will begin downloading the New Outlook
From the Success window, select “Switch”. This will close the current version of Outlook and New Outlook will sign you in automatically. Select “Next” to accept the privacy settings
Select an option about sending optional data, and then select “Accept”. Review the privacy information about connected experiences, and then select “Continue”
Select “Import Settings” to bring over your settings from classic Outlook. New Outlook will begin adding your accounts
The new Outlook for Windows will open once the setup is complete, and you can start reading and sending emails immediately.
New Look
This is the new Outlook mail icon. It might also include the word NEW.
When you open new Outlook, you’ll see the following tabs on the ribbon: Home, View, and Help. This version includes Settings which is available in the navigation header. Settings is where you can customize your Outlook experience.
If you are using the new outlook and never created an account using the Classic Outlook, you will have to create a ticket using FDU SAMI Support by clicking the Support button at the bottom of this page.
If you switched from the classic Outlook for Windows, you’ll have the option to migrate some of your settings, which you can learn more about on following the link below:
The top bar of the app should be familiar if you’ve used any apps like Word or Excel before, including the classic Outlook for Windows.
Known as the ribbon, it is the place to find the commands you need to manage your inbox or format emails. You can make the ribbon larger (the classic experience) or smaller (the simplified experience) using the dropdown arrow on the right side of the bar. If you want to personalize the commands you see in the simplified ribbon, select Customize.
On the left side you’ll see the navigation bar, which makes it simple to switch to Calendar, Contacts, or any other app you frequently use. For quick access to your calendar or tasks without leaving the inbox, you can use My Day by selecting the icon in the upper right.
Do you ever have trouble tracking down that key email thread you’re actively responding to? Or is there an email with key information you frequently refer to? Now, simply right-click any message and choose. Pin and that email will appear at the top of your inbox, saving you time from having to go back and search for it.
Snooze an Email
Sometimes email is very important, but not yet. With the Snooze feature, you can schedule a time for the email to be re-delivered to your inbox, appearing at the time you want it to, so you can handle it when it’s the right time for you. Just right-click any message and choose Snooze, or select Snooze from the ribbon. Then choose the time you want it to be delivered.
Scheduling Poll (Formerly Find Time)
Schedule an Email
In today’s hybrid work world, your day might be someone else’s night, so you don’t want to send an email to someone in the middle of the night. With the new Outlook, it’s simple to send an email when you want to. Just select the dropdown arrow next to Send and choose Schedule send.
You might be familiar with categories, but they’ve been significantly upgraded. See the category names and colors directly on your messages in your inbox. Want to see everything you’ve tagged with that category? Just click it right on your message. You can even add a category to your Favorites.
In Outlook, go to the navigation bar and select “More Apps > Add apps”
You can also access the Store from the Apps button to install an add-in directly from a message or appointment.
Only Approved Addons will be allowed to be installed. To request an Addon, Open a Sami Support Ticket.
For guidance on how to locate the Apps button to access add-ins while reading or composing a mail item, see Use an add-in in Outlook following the link below:
In the “Apps” page, search for the add-in you want from the available list. Alternatively, if you’re after a specific add-in, enter its name in the search box. When you find the add-in you want to install, select it to learn more about the add-in and review its privacy policy
When you’re ready to install the add-in, select “Add”
Add-ins Installed by your IT Admin
If you’re part of an organization and a new add-in is installed for you by your IT admin, the add-in will be available on the read or compose surface where it’s designed to work. For guidance on how to access an add-in, follow the link below:
The location of where an Add-in is installed depends on whether you’re reading or composing a mail item.
If you moved from classic Outlook for Windows to the new Outlook for Windows, note that the location of add-ins is different. While add-ins are accessed from the ribbon or app bar in classic Outlook, access to add-ins in new Outlook for Windows depends on whether you’re reading or composing a mail item.
For guidance on how to use Add-ins in classic Outlook, visit the link below:
Select a message in the Reading Pane or open a message in a separate window
From the action bar of the message, select “Apps”
Select the “Add-in” you want to use
Customize your action bar to quickly access your add-ins. In the message action bar, select the ellipsis button (•••), then choose Customize actions. In the Addins section, check the boxes for the add-ins you want to see in the action bar.
Use an Add-in While Composing a Message
Create a new message or reply to an existing one
From the ribbon, select the “Message” tab, then choose the Add-in you want to use. If the Add-in doesn’t appear in the ribbon, select “Apps” to view your installed add-ins
Use an Add-in While Viewing or Scheduling a Meeting or Appointment
Open an existing appointment or create a new one
If you want to use an add-in on an existing meeting or appointment, you must open the meeting or appointment in a pop-up window to view the ribbon.
From the ribbon, select the “Add-in” you want to use
Delete an Add-in
Go to the navigation bar and select “More Apps” then “Add Apps”
On the “Apps” page select “Manage your Apps”
Under “Manage your Apps” find the app you want to delete and select “More options” then “Remove”
As of November 2023, the Microsoft 365 Groups experience in Outlook is generally available for Outlook on the web and new Outlook for Windows. Access new Groups by selecting Groups on the navigation bar.
New Groups in classic Outlook is available in Build Version 16.0.16714.10000 or later. To access new Groups in classic Outlook, from the navigation bar select More Apps > Groups.
New Outlook Groups
Groups in Microsoft 365 let you choose a set of people that you wish to collaborate with and easily set up a collection of resources for those people to share. Resources such as a shared Outlook inbox, shared calendar or a document library for collaborating on files.
Outlook now has a new home for Microsoft 365 Groups - one place to connect, communicate, and collaborate with your team. Groups Home provides a central destination to get critical information from all the different groups you may be part of.
Benefits of the new Groups experience include:
Group Home landing page – Stay updated on your groups, including recent files across all your groups. From Home, you can access frequently used groups and find new ones based on your interests.
Recent groups and Recent files – Find recent active groups and quick links to get to files, emails, events, and member management from the Groups Home landing page.
Revamped individual Groups experience – Create, consume, and share information related to a particular group, as well as manage events and members efficiently in fewer clicks.
Accessing New Groups
In the New Outlook, from the navigation bar select “Groups”. This takes you to Groups Home.
In the Classic Outlook, from the navigation bar select “More apps” then “Groups”.
To pin, right-click Groups and select Pin.
From Groups Home you can see all your groups at once. Or, when you select an individual group, you can:
Send an email to the group, access and edit your group settings and preferences, and manage group membership as needed.
Access the group email, files, events, and members by selecting the respective tab.
Access connected apps like Teams, SharePoint, OneNote, and Planner.
Conversations in Microsoft 365 Groups in Outlook happen in the shared inbox for the group. Users can read and reply to messages, and members can easily search or scroll back through the message history to get caught up on what’s been discussed before. The shared inbox looks a lot like the personal inbox that Outlook users are familiar with. Each conversation appears separately in the message list at the left and clicking on one will open it in the reading pane. If a user marks a message, or conversation, as read it doesn’t affect how the messages appear for other members of the group so you don’t have to worry that other members may miss an important message.
The shared inbox for your Office 365 group is where conversations occur.
A recent change in the way messages are displayed, and counted, in Outlook may have reset the number you see next to your group name in the Outlook navigation pane. If you want to reset t